FIX API using FIX Protocol 4.4 designed for real-time, custom institutional interface which push up to 250 price update per second (not available on other APIs). It is our fastest and most popular option. You will get full range of trading order types available at FXCM. An FXCM TSII account with a $5,000 minimum balance is required.
- A FXCM TSII account. open account at here
- In order to obtain live access, FXCM requires a live account minimum balance of $5,000 USD. Please contact FXCM client support for requesting FIX credentials and more.
- You can request documentation by signing our EULA
- Sample codes and core concepts, please check our FIX WIKI
- Sample programs in C++/C#/Java are here
- Want to test on demo? please send request to client support
C++ - Windows, Linux, Mac - QuickFix
C# - Windows – QuickFix/N
Java – any OS with Java VM – QuickFix/J