In an event/disaster where Master Database Server can't be accessed, down, or deleted we need to promote a Slave Server into a Master Server to minimize down time
In this step by step case, we have 3 Database Server. 1 Master(Server A) and 2 Slave(Server B and Server C). Server A is currently down and we want to promote Server B from Slave Server into Master Server
SSH into Server B
ssh ubuntu@server-b-ip
Login into MySQL
sudo mysql -u root
If you configure root with password, enter this instead
sudo mysql -u root -p
Stop and reset slave replication
stop slave;
reset slave;
By default, slave server still can write. But if you configure read only on slave server, enable write on server by adding/editing this line on /etc/mysql/my.cnf
read-only = 0
Or run this query on mysql
SET read_only false;
Your new master server is now ready
If want other slave server to still run replication, you can point them to your new master server In your new Master Server(Server B), run this
You will get something like this
| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.000001 | 786 | | |
Note down the File
, Position
, and your server IP
SSH into your other Slave Server(Server C)
ssh ubuntu@server-c-ip
Login into MySQL
sudo mysql -u root
If you configure root with password, enter this instead
sudo mysql -u root -p
Stop and reset slave replication
stop slave;
reset slave;
Run this query, change the variable into what you note before
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST = '<your new master server ip>', MASTER_USER = '<replication user>', MASTER_PASSWORD = '<replication password>', MASTER_LOG_FILE = '<your master log file>', MASTER_LOG_POS = <your master log position>;
Run replication with this query
start slave;
Repeat step 6 - 10 for each of your slave server