diff --git a/doc/logistics.md b/doc/logistics.md index e69de29..898214e 100644 --- a/doc/logistics.md +++ b/doc/logistics.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# Logistics +## Wifi +To connect to the eduroam network : you can use your uclouvain address as identification and your UCLouvain password. +## Getting your UCLouvain email address (for external grants) +If you are not directly paid by the university or a grant associated to it (eg. FNRS), so for instance if you are a WBI grant holder, you might need to set up your UCLouvain email adress yourself. To do so you first need to be registered as an invited researcher by the [GECO](https://uclouvain.be/fr/repertoires/entites/geco). You can contact Santina Bongiovanni santina.bongiovanni@uclouvain.be . They should give you your FGS number (“n° de matricule FGS” in French). You can then enter your FGS number as well as your birth date at this link https://sites.uclouvain.be/sgsi-apps/newaccount/prod/index.php?main=depart&stvl=en and that will give you your email address ! + +## Printer setup +## Keys + access card +## Book a room at UcL +Follow this link: https://sites.uclouvain.be/reservation-psp/week_all.php?area=4 +For a room, select “Salles de réunions” in the left panel. +For audiovisual equipment, select “Audiovisuel & informatique” in the left panel. +Then click on the day and time you want to book, confirm the booking. You will receive a confirmation by email. +[code of rooms](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1noz9ahlZZbodrDXmA0WsKUirx_jSje9D/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108196860902997612702&rtpof=true&sd=true) + + +## Connect to UCLouvain network with a VPN +This is useful if you are not working inside UCLouvain internet network and you need to e.g. access not open access articles and/or ssh to a computer of the lab or the CECI clusters. +https://intranet.uclouvain.be/fr/myucl/services-informatiques/vpn.html + +## Matlab license for experimental computers +If you are working with an experimental computer to provide stimulation and you need a matlab license (there are no “alternatives” as for le Poulpe’s computer), there are several options. +1. Use the online matlab license provided by IPSY - through the UDS platform. +2. Matlab license from other Olivier's affiliation ask Olivier +3. Buy a Matlab license from UCLouvain - 100€/year/license. +To introduce a request, follow this link and connect with UCLouvain credentials : +https://uclouvain.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/create/65