Releases: cpmech/russell
Releases · cpmech/russell
New functionality:
- Check module
- Improve NaN and Inf detection
- Implement second derivative checking
- FFTW (warning: not thread-safe; will replace with something else in the future)
- Math module
- Bessel functions (J0, J1, Jn, Y0, Y1, Yn, I0, I1, In, K0, K1, Kn)
- beta, ln_beta, gamma, ln_gamma, erf, erfc, erf_inv, erfc_inv functions
- Elliptic integral functions (F, E, and PI)
- Composition functions (aka modf, frexp, ldexp, and others)
- Additional functions such as Chebyshev Tn
- Algorithms module
- Interpolation using Lagrange formula and Chebyshev points
- Bracketing of local minima
- Solution of local minima problems
- Root finding using Brent's method
- Numerical Jacobian
- Quadrature (integration)
- Matrix and Vector
- Add more functions