ALT + N: open new canvas
ALT + D: close current canvas
ALT + M: change canvas layout
ALT + E: hide/show left panel
ALT + R: hide/show right panel
ALT + B: hide/show bottom panel
ALT + I: set isometric view
ALT + J: reajust canvas layout left
ALT + K: reajust canvas layout right
ALT + H: reajust canvas layout up
ALT + L: reajust canvas layout down
CTRL + PAGE UP: scale up texture of selected objects
CTRL + PAGE DOWN: scale down texture of selected objects
CTRL + L: rearrange texture coordinates
CTRL + E: extrude face
CTRL + M: set model edit mode
CTRL + T: set texture edit mode
CTRL + A: select all
CTRL + J: join selected objects
CTRL + C: copy
CTRL + X: cut
CTRL + V: paste
CTRL + Z: undo
CTRL + Y: redo
CTRL + O: switch to orthographic mode
CTRL + U: add animation
ALT + CTRL + C: add cube
ALT + CTRL + P: add plane
ALT + CTRL + N: new project
ALT + CTRL + O: open project
ALT + CTRL + S: save project as
CTRL + S: save project
ALT + CTRL + I: import model
ALT + CTRL + E: export model
SHIFT + V: hide/set visible all selected objects
SHIFT + M: new colored material
1: set object selection
2: set face selction
3: set edge selection
4: set vertex selection
T: set traslate mode
R: set rotate mode
S: set scale mode
F: center camera in selection
SPACE: play/stop animation
- F1: reload styles
- F2: change performace pie colors
- F3: performance pie
- F5 show debug boxes
- F7: print selected gui component