diff --git a/scripts/test_doc/test_documentation.md b/scripts/test_doc/test_documentation.md
index 9115809718..1bdbaee73d 100644
--- a/scripts/test_doc/test_documentation.md
+++ b/scripts/test_doc/test_documentation.md
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
[TestSlashPacketAcknowledgement](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L185) | TestSlashPacketAcknowledgement tests the handling of a slash packet acknowledgement.Details
* Set up a provider and consumer chain, with channel initialization between them performed.
* Send a slash packet with randomized fields from the consumer to the provider.
* The provider processes the packet |
[TestHandleSlashPacketDowntime](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L236) | TestHandleSlashPacketDowntime tests the handling of a downtime related slash packet, with integration tests.Details
* Retrieve a validator from provider chain's validators and checks if it's bonded.
* Set tThe signing information for the validator.
* The provider processes the downtime slashing packet from the consumer.
* Check that the validator has been jailed as a result of the downtime slashing packet being processed.
* Verify that the validator’s signing information is updated and that the jailing duration is set correctly.
Note that only downtime slash packets are processed by HandleSlashPacket. |
[TestOnRecvSlashPacketErrors](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L283) | TestOnRecvSlashPacketErrors tests errors for the OnRecvSlashPacket method in an integration testing setting.Details
* Set up all CCV channels and expect panic if the channel is not established via dest channel of packet.
* After the correct channelID is added to the packet, a panic shouldn't occur anymore.
* Create an instance of SlashPacketData and then verify correct processing and error handling
for slashing packets received by the provider chain.
TODO: Move to unit tests. |
- [TestValidatorDowntime](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L401) | TestValidatorDowntime tests if a slash packet is sent and if the outstanding slashing flag is switched when a validator has downtime on the slashing module.Details
* Set up all CCV channel and send an empty VSC packet, then retrieve the address of a validator.
* Validator signs blocks for the duration of the signedBlocksWindow and a slash packet is constructed to be sent and committed.
* Simulate the validator missing blocks and then verify that the validator is jailed and the jailed time is correctly updated.
* Ensure that the missed block counters are reset.
* Check that there is a pending slash packet in the queue, and then send the pending packets.
* Check if slash record is created and verify that the consumer queue still contains the packet since no
acknowledgment has been received from the provider.
* Verify that the slash packet was sent and check that the outstanding slashing flag prevents the jailed validator to keep missing block. |
- [TestQueueAndSendSlashPacket](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L522) | TestQueueAndSendSlashPacket tests the integration of QueueSlashPacket with SendPackets. In normal operation slash packets are queued in BeginBlock and sent in EndBlock.Details
* Set up all CCV channels and then queue slash packets for both downtime and double-signing infractions.
* Check that the correct number of slash requests are stored in the queue, including duplicates for downtime infractions.
* Prepare the CCV channel for sending actual slash packets.
* Send the slash packets and check that the outstanding downtime flags are correctly set for validators that were slashed
for downtime infractions.
* Ensure that the pending data packets queue is empty.
TODO: Move to unit tests. |
- [TestCISBeforeCCVEstablished](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L607) | TestCISBeforeCCVEstablished tests that the consumer chain doesn't panic or have any undesired behavior when a slash packet is queued before the CCV channel is established. Then once the CCV channel is established, the slash packet should be sent soon after.Details
* Check that no pending packets exist and that there's no slash record found.
* Triggers a slashing event which queues a slash packet.
* The slash packet should be queued but not sent, and it should stay like that until the CCV channel is established and the packet is sent.
*Verify that a slashing record now exists, indicating that the slashing packet has been successfully sent. |
+ [TestValidatorDowntime](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L412) | TestValidatorDowntime tests if a slash packet is sent and if the outstanding slashing flag is switched when a validator has downtime on the slashing module.Details
* Set up all CCV channel and send an empty VSC packet, then retrieve the address of a validator.
* Validator signs blocks for the duration of the signedBlocksWindow and a slash packet is constructed to be sent and committed.
* Simulate the validator missing blocks and then verify that the validator is jailed and the jailed time is correctly updated.
* Ensure that the missed block counters are reset.
* Check that there is a pending slash packet in the queue, and then send the pending packets.
* Check if slash record is created and verify that the consumer queue still contains the packet since no
acknowledgment has been received from the provider.
* Verify that the slash packet was sent and check that the outstanding slashing flag prevents the jailed validator to keep missing block. |
+ [TestQueueAndSendSlashPacket](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L533) | TestQueueAndSendSlashPacket tests the integration of QueueSlashPacket with SendPackets. In normal operation slash packets are queued in BeginBlock and sent in EndBlock.Details
* Set up all CCV channels and then queue slash packets for both downtime and double-signing infractions.
* Check that the correct number of slash requests are stored in the queue, including duplicates for downtime infractions.
* Prepare the CCV channel for sending actual slash packets.
* Send the slash packets and check that the outstanding downtime flags are correctly set for validators that were slashed
for downtime infractions.
* Ensure that the pending data packets queue is empty.
TODO: Move to unit tests. |
+ [TestCISBeforeCCVEstablished](../../tests/integration/slashing.go#L618) | TestCISBeforeCCVEstablished tests that the consumer chain doesn't panic or have any undesired behavior when a slash packet is queued before the CCV channel is established. Then once the CCV channel is established, the slash packet should be sent soon after.Details
* Check that no pending packets exist and that there's no slash record found.
* Triggers a slashing event which queues a slash packet.
* The slash packet should be queued but not sent, and it should stay like that until the CCV channel is established and the packet is sent.
*Verify that a slashing record now exists, indicating that the slashing packet has been successfully sent. |
# [stop_consumer.go](../../tests/integration/stop_consumer.go)
diff --git a/tests/integration/slashing.go b/tests/integration/slashing.go
index ad3da52284..840821b12c 100644
--- a/tests/integration/slashing.go
+++ b/tests/integration/slashing.go
@@ -356,16 +356,27 @@ func (suite *CCVTestSuite) TestOnRecvSlashPacketErrors() {
// Expect the packet to bounce if the slash meter is negative
providerKeeper.SetSlashMeter(ctx, math.NewInt(-1))
- // Only reaches the bouncing code if it fails in the check that chain is launched and the validator is not a consumer validator,
- // so we set the chain as stopped.
- providerKeeper.SetConsumerPhase(suite.providerCtx(), firstBundle.ConsumerId, providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_STOPPED)
+ // Only reaches the bouncing code if it fails in the check that chain is not launched and in the check that
+ // the validator is not a consumer validator.
+ providerKeeper.SetConsumerPhase(suite.providerCtx(), firstBundle.ConsumerId, providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_LAUNCHED)
+ err = providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, firstBundle.ConsumerId, providertypes.ConsensusValidator{
+ ProviderConsAddr: validAddress,
+ })
ackResult, err = providerKeeper.OnRecvSlashPacket(ctx, packet, *slashPacketData)
suite.Require().Equal(ccv.SlashPacketBouncedResult, ackResult, "expected bounced result")
- // Expect packet not to bounce if the chain is launched
+ // Expect packet not to bounce if the chain is stopped
+ providerKeeper.SetSlashMeter(ctx, math.NewInt(-1))
+ providerKeeper.SetConsumerPhase(suite.providerCtx(), firstBundle.ConsumerId, providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_STOPPED)
+ ackResult, err = providerKeeper.OnRecvSlashPacket(ctx, packet, *slashPacketData)
+ suite.Require().NoError(err)
+ suite.Require().Equal(ccv.SlashPacketHandledResult, ackResult, "expected successful ack")
+ // Expect packet not to bounce if the chain is launched but the validator is not a consumer validator
providerKeeper.SetSlashMeter(ctx, math.NewInt(-1))
providerKeeper.SetConsumerPhase(suite.providerCtx(), firstBundle.ConsumerId, providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_LAUNCHED)
+ providerKeeper.DeleteConsumerValidator(ctx, firstBundle.ConsumerId, providertypes.NewProviderConsAddress(sdk.ConsAddress(validAddress)))
ackResult, err = providerKeeper.OnRecvSlashPacket(ctx, packet, *slashPacketData)
suite.Require().Equal(ccv.SlashPacketHandledResult, ackResult, "expected successful ack")
diff --git a/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay.go b/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay.go
index cb251de3ee..f0fcb0f75a 100644
--- a/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay.go
+++ b/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay.go
@@ -343,10 +343,27 @@ func (k Keeper) OnRecvSlashPacket(
return ccv.V1Result, nil
- // Check that chain is launched and the validator belongs to the consumer chain valset
- if k.GetConsumerPhase(ctx, consumerId) == providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_LAUNCHED && !k.IsConsumerValidator(ctx, consumerId, providerConsAddr) {
- k.Logger(ctx).Error("cannot jail validator %s that does not belong to consumer %s valset",
- providerConsAddr.String(), consumerId)
+ // check that the chain is launched
+ if k.GetConsumerPhase(ctx, consumerId) != providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_LAUNCHED {
+ k.Logger(ctx).Info("cannot jail validator on a chain that is not currently launched",
+ "consumerId", consumerId,
+ "phase", k.GetConsumerPhase(ctx, consumerId),
+ "provider cons addr", providerConsAddr.String(),
+ )
+ // drop packet but return a slash ack
+ k.AppendSlashAck(ctx, consumerId, consumerConsAddr.String())
+ return ccv.SlashPacketHandledResult, nil
+ }
+ // check that the validator belongs to the consumer chain valset
+ if !k.IsConsumerValidator(ctx, consumerId, providerConsAddr) {
+ k.Logger(ctx).Error("cannot jail validator that does not belong on the consumer valset",
+ "consumerId", consumerId,
+ "provider cons addr", providerConsAddr.String(),
+ )
// drop packet but return a slash ack so that the consumer can send another slash packet
k.AppendSlashAck(ctx, consumerId, consumerConsAddr.String())
diff --git a/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay_test.go b/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay_test.go
index 7923056fe0..e63edea760 100644
--- a/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay_test.go
+++ b/x/ccv/provider/keeper/relay_test.go
@@ -152,8 +152,14 @@ func TestOnRecvDowntimeSlashPacket(t *testing.T) {
providerKeeper.SetParams(ctx, providertypes.DefaultParams())
// Set channel to chain (faking multiple established channels)
- providerKeeper.SetChannelToConsumerId(ctx, "channel-1", "chain-1")
- providerKeeper.SetChannelToConsumerId(ctx, "channel-2", "chain-2")
+ consumerId0 := "0"
+ channelId0 := "channel-0"
+ consumerId1 := "1"
+ channelId1 := "channel-1"
+ providerKeeper.SetChannelToConsumerId(ctx, channelId0, consumerId0)
+ providerKeeper.SetChannelToConsumerId(ctx, channelId1, consumerId1)
+ providerKeeper.SetConsumerPhase(ctx, consumerId0, providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_LAUNCHED)
+ providerKeeper.SetConsumerPhase(ctx, consumerId1, providertypes.CONSUMER_PHASE_LAUNCHED)
// Generate a new slash packet data instance with double sign infraction type
packetData := testkeeper.GetNewSlashPacketData()
@@ -163,25 +169,25 @@ func TestOnRecvDowntimeSlashPacket(t *testing.T) {
providerKeeper.SetValsetUpdateBlockHeight(ctx, packetData.ValsetUpdateId, uint64(15))
// Set consumer validator
- err := providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, "chain-1", providertypes.ConsensusValidator{
+ err := providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, consumerId0, providertypes.ConsensusValidator{
ProviderConsAddr: packetData.Validator.Address,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set slash meter to negative value and assert a bounce ack is returned
providerKeeper.SetSlashMeter(ctx, math.NewInt(-5))
- ackResult, err := executeOnRecvSlashPacket(t, &providerKeeper, ctx, "channel-1", 1, packetData)
+ ackResult, err := executeOnRecvSlashPacket(t, &providerKeeper, ctx, channelId0, 1, packetData)
require.Equal(t, ccv.SlashPacketBouncedResult, ackResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set consumer validator
- err = providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, "chain-2", providertypes.ConsensusValidator{
+ err = providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, consumerId1, providertypes.ConsensusValidator{
ProviderConsAddr: packetData.Validator.Address,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Also bounced for chain-2
- ackResult, err = executeOnRecvSlashPacket(t, &providerKeeper, ctx, "channel-2", 2, packetData)
+ ackResult, err = executeOnRecvSlashPacket(t, &providerKeeper, ctx, channelId1, 2, packetData)
require.Equal(t, ccv.SlashPacketBouncedResult, ackResult)
require.NoError(t, err)
@@ -189,7 +195,7 @@ func TestOnRecvDowntimeSlashPacket(t *testing.T) {
providerKeeper.SetSlashMeter(ctx, math.NewInt(5))
// Set the consumer validator
- err = providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, "chain-1", providertypes.ConsensusValidator{ProviderConsAddr: packetData.Validator.Address})
+ err = providerKeeper.SetConsumerValidator(ctx, consumerId0, providertypes.ConsensusValidator{ProviderConsAddr: packetData.Validator.Address})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Mock call to GetEffectiveValPower, so that it returns 2.
@@ -213,7 +219,7 @@ func TestOnRecvDowntimeSlashPacket(t *testing.T) {
// Execute on recv and confirm slash packet handled result is returned
- ackResult, err = executeOnRecvSlashPacket(t, &providerKeeper, ctx, "channel-1", 1, packetData)
+ ackResult, err = executeOnRecvSlashPacket(t, &providerKeeper, ctx, channelId0, 1, packetData)
require.Equal(t, ccv.SlashPacketHandledResult, ackResult)
require.NoError(t, err)