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virtcontainers 1.0 API

The virtcontainers 1.0 API operates on two high level objects: Pods and containers:


The virtcontainers 1.0 pod API manages hardware virtualized pod lifecycles. The virtcontainers pod semantics strictly follow the Kubernetes ones.

The pod API allows callers to create, delete, start, stop, run, pause, resume and list VM (Virtual Machine) based pods.

To initially create a pod, the API caller must prepare a PodConfig and pass it to either CreatePod or RunPod. Upon successful pod creation, the virtcontainers API will return a VCPod interface back to the caller.

The VCPod interface is a pod abstraction hiding the internal and private virtcontainers pod structure. It is a handle for API callers to manage the pod lifecycle through the rest of the pod API.

Pod Structures


// PodConfig is a Pod configuration.
type PodConfig struct {
	ID string

	Hostname string

	// Field specific to OCI specs, needed to setup all the hooks
	Hooks Hooks

	// VMConfig is the VM configuration to set for this pod.
	VMConfig Resources

	HypervisorType   HypervisorType
	HypervisorConfig HypervisorConfig

	AgentType   AgentType
	AgentConfig interface{}

	ProxyType   ProxyType
	ProxyConfig ProxyConfig

	ShimType   ShimType
	ShimConfig interface{}

	NetworkModel  NetworkModel
	NetworkConfig NetworkConfig

	// Volumes is a list of shared volumes between the host and the Pod.
	Volumes []Volume

	// Containers describe the list of containers within a Pod.
	// This list can be empty and populated by adding containers
	// to the Pod a posteriori.
	Containers []ContainerConfig

	// Annotations keys must be unique strings and must be name-spaced
	// with e.g. reverse domain notation (org.clearlinux.key).
	Annotations map[string]string
// Resources describes VM resources configuration.
type Resources struct {
	// VCPUs is the number of available virtual CPUs.
	VCPUs uint

	// Memory is the amount of available memory in MiB.
	Memory uint
// HypervisorType describes an hypervisor type.
type HypervisorType string

const (
	// QemuHypervisor is the QEMU hypervisor.
	QemuHypervisor HypervisorType = "qemu"

	// MockHypervisor is a mock hypervisor for testing purposes
	MockHypervisor HypervisorType = "mock"
// HypervisorConfig is the hypervisor configuration.
type HypervisorConfig struct {
	// KernelPath is the guest kernel host path.
	KernelPath string

	// ImagePath is the guest image host path.
	ImagePath string

	// FirmwarePath is the bios host path
	FirmwarePath string

	// MachineAccelerators are machine specific accelerators
	MachineAccelerators string

	// HypervisorPath is the hypervisor executable host path.
	HypervisorPath string

	// DisableBlockDeviceUse disallows a block device from being used.
	DisableBlockDeviceUse bool

	// KernelParams are additional guest kernel parameters.
	KernelParams []Param

	// HypervisorParams are additional hypervisor parameters.
	HypervisorParams []Param

	// HypervisorMachineType specifies the type of machine being
	// emulated.
	HypervisorMachineType string

	// Debug changes the default hypervisor and kernel parameters to
	// enable debug output where available.
	Debug bool

	// DefaultVCPUs specifies default number of vCPUs for the VM.
	// Pod configuration VMConfig.VCPUs overwrites this.
	DefaultVCPUs uint32

	// DefaultMem specifies default memory size in MiB for the VM.
	// Pod configuration VMConfig.Memory overwrites this.
	DefaultMemSz uint32

	// DefaultBridges specifies default number of bridges for the VM.
	// Bridges can be used to hot plug devices
	DefaultBridges uint32

	// MemPrealloc specifies if the memory should be pre-allocated
	MemPrealloc bool

	// HugePages specifies if the memory should be pre-allocated from huge pages
	HugePages bool

	// Realtime Used to enable/disable realtime
	Realtime bool

	// Mlock is used to control memory locking when Realtime is enabled
	// Realtime=true and Mlock=false, allows for swapping out of VM memory
	// enabling higher density
	Mlock bool

	// DisableNestingChecks is used to override customizations performed
	// when running on top of another VMM.
	DisableNestingChecks bool
// AgentType describes the type of guest agent a Pod should run.
type AgentType string

const (
	// NoopAgentType is the No-Op agent.
	NoopAgentType AgentType = "noop"

	// HyperstartAgent is the Hyper hyperstart agent.
	HyperstartAgent AgentType = "hyperstart"

	// KataContainersAgent is the Kata Containers agent.
	KataContainersAgent AgentType = "kata"

	// SocketTypeVSOCK is a VSOCK socket type for talking to an agent.
	SocketTypeVSOCK = "vsock"

	// SocketTypeUNIX is a UNIX socket type for talking to an agent.
	// It typically means the agent is living behind a host proxy.
	SocketTypeUNIX = "unix"
// ProxyType describes a proxy type.
type ProxyType string

const (
	// NoopProxyType is the noopProxy.
	NoopProxyType ProxyType = "noopProxy"

	// NoProxyType is the noProxy.
	NoProxyType ProxyType = "noProxy"

	// CCProxyType is the ccProxy.
	CCProxyType ProxyType = "ccProxy"

	// KataProxyType is the kataProxy.
	KataProxyType ProxyType = "kataProxy"
// ProxyConfig is a structure storing information needed from any
// proxy in order to be properly initialized.
type ProxyConfig struct {
	Path  string
	Debug bool
// ShimType describes a shim type.
type ShimType string

const (
	// CCShimType is the ccShim.
	CCShimType ShimType = "ccShim"

	// NoopShimType is the noopShim.
	NoopShimType ShimType = "noopShim"

	// KataShimType is the Kata Containers shim type.
	KataShimType ShimType = "kataShim"
// NetworkModel describes the type of network specification.
type NetworkModel string

const (
	// NoopNetworkModel is the No-Op network.
	NoopNetworkModel NetworkModel = "noop"

	// CNINetworkModel is the CNI network.
	CNINetworkModel NetworkModel = "CNI"

	// CNMNetworkModel is the CNM network.
	CNMNetworkModel NetworkModel = "CNM"
// NetworkConfig is the network configuration related to a network.
type NetworkConfig struct {
	NetNSPath         string
	NumInterfaces     int
	InterworkingModel NetInterworkingModel
// NetInterworkingModel defines the network model connecting
// the network interface to the virtual machine.
type NetInterworkingModel int

const (
	// NetXConnectDefaultModel Ask to use DefaultNetInterworkingModel
	NetXConnectDefaultModel NetInterworkingModel = iota

	// NetXConnectBridgedModel uses a linux bridge to interconnect
	// the container interface to the VM. This is the
	// safe default that works for most cases except
	// macvlan and ipvlan

	// NetXConnectMacVtapModel can be used when the Container network
	// interface can be bridged using macvtap

	// NetXConnectEnlightenedModel can be used when the Network plugins
	// are enlightened to create VM native interfaces
	// when requested by the runtime
	// This will be used for vethtap, macvtap, ipvtap

	// NetXConnectInvalidModel is the last item to check valid values by IsValid()
// Volume is a shared volume between the host and the VM,
// defined by its mount tag and its host path.
type Volume struct {
	// MountTag is a label used as a hint to the guest.
	MountTag string

	// HostPath is the host filesystem path for this volume.
	HostPath string
// ContainerConfig describes one container runtime configuration.
type ContainerConfig struct {
	ID string

	// RootFs is the container workload image on the host.
	RootFs string

	// ReadOnlyRootfs indicates if the rootfs should be mounted readonly
	ReadonlyRootfs bool

	// Cmd specifies the command to run on a container
	Cmd Cmd

	// Annotations allow clients to store arbitrary values,
	// for example to add additional status values required
	// to support particular specifications.
	Annotations map[string]string

	Mounts []Mount

	// Device configuration for devices that must be available within the container.
	DeviceInfos []DeviceInfo
// Cmd represents a command to execute in a running container.
type Cmd struct {
	Args    []string
	Envs    []EnvVar
	WorkDir string

	// Note that these fields *MUST* remain as strings.
	// The reason being that we want runtimes to be able to support CLI
	// operations like "exec --user=". That option allows the
	// specification of a user (either as a string username or a numeric
	// UID), and may optionally also include a group (groupame or GID).
	// Since this type is the interface to allow the runtime to specify
	// the user and group the workload can run as, these user and group
	// fields cannot be encoded as integer values since that would imply
	// the runtime itself would need to perform a UID/GID lookup on the
	// user-specified username/groupname. But that isn't practically
	// possible given that to do so would require the runtime to access
	// the image to allow it to interrogate the appropriate databases to
	// convert the username/groupnames to UID/GID values.
	// Note that this argument applies solely to the _runtime_ supporting
	// a "--user=" option when running in a "standalone mode" - there is
	// no issue when the runtime is called by a container manager since
	// all the user and group mapping is handled by the container manager
	// and specified to the runtime in terms of UID/GID's in the
	// configuration file generated by the container manager.
	User                string
	PrimaryGroup        string
	SupplementaryGroups []string

	Interactive     bool
	Console         string
	Detach          bool
	NoNewPrivileges bool
	Capabilities    LinuxCapabilities
// Mount describes a container mount.
type Mount struct {
	Source      string
	Destination string

	// Type specifies the type of filesystem to mount.
	Type string

	// Options list all the mount options of the filesystem.
	Options []string

	// HostPath used to store host side bind mount path
	HostPath string

	// ReadOnly specifies if the mount should be read only or not
	ReadOnly bool
// DeviceInfo is an embedded type that contains device data common to all types of devices.
type DeviceInfo struct {
	// Device path on host
	HostPath string

	// Device path inside the container
	ContainerPath string

	// Type of device: c, b, u or p
	// c , u - character(unbuffered)
	// p - FIFO
	// b - block(buffered) special file
	// More info in mknod(1).
	DevType string

	// Major, minor numbers for device.
	Major int64
	Minor int64

	// FileMode permission bits for the device.
	FileMode os.FileMode

	// id of the device owner.
	UID uint32

	// id of the device group.
	GID uint32

	// Hotplugged is used to store device state indicating if the
	// device was hotplugged.
	Hotplugged bool

	// ID for the device that is passed to the hypervisor.
	ID string


// VCPod is the Pod interface
// (required since virtcontainers.Pod only contains private fields)
type VCPod interface {
	Annotations(key string) (string, error)
	GetAllContainers() []VCContainer
	GetAnnotations() map[string]string
	GetContainer(containerID string) VCContainer
	ID() string
	SetAnnotations(annotations map[string]string) error

Pod Functions


// CreatePod is the virtcontainers pod creation entry point.
// CreatePod creates a pod and its containers. It does not start them.
func CreatePod(podConfig PodConfig) (VCPod, error)


// DeletePod is the virtcontainers pod deletion entry point.
// DeletePod will stop an already running container and then delete it.
func DeletePod(podID string) (VCPod, error)


// StartPod is the virtcontainers pod starting entry point.
// StartPod will talk to the given hypervisor to start an existing
// pod and all its containers.
func StartPod(podID string) (VCPod, error)


// StopPod is the virtcontainers pod stopping entry point.
// StopPod will talk to the given agent to stop an existing pod
// and destroy all containers within that pod.
func StopPod(podID string) (VCPod, error)


// RunPod is the virtcontainers pod running entry point.
// RunPod creates a pod and its containers and then it starts them.
func RunPod(podConfig PodConfig) (VCPod, error)


// ListPod is the virtcontainers pod listing entry point.
func ListPod() ([]PodStatus, error)


// StatusPod is the virtcontainers pod status entry point.
func StatusPod(podID string) (PodStatus, error)


// PausePod is the virtcontainers pausing entry point which pauses an
// already running pod.
func PausePod(podID string) (VCPod, error)


// ResumePod is the virtcontainers resuming entry point which resumes
// (or unpauses) and already paused pod.
func ResumePod(podID string) (VCPod, error)

Container API

The virtcontainers 1.0 container API manages pod container lifecycles.

A virtcontainers container is process running inside a containerized environment, as part of a hardware virtualized context. In other words, a virtcontainers container is just a regular container running inside a virtual machine's guest OS.

A virtcontainers container always belong to one and only one virtcontainers pod, again following the Kubernetes logic and semantics.

The container API allows callers to create, delete, start, stop, kill and observe containers. It also allows for running additional processes inside a specific container.

As a virtcontainers container is always linked to a pod, the entire container API always takes a pod ID as its first argument.

To create a container, the API caller must prepare a ContainerConfig and pass it to CreateContainer together with a pod ID. Upon successful container creation, the virtcontainers API will return a VCContainer interface back to the caller.

The VCContainer interface is a container abstraction hiding the internal and private virtcontainers container structure. It is a handle for API callers to manage the container lifecycle through the rest of the container API.

Container Structures


// ContainerConfig describes one container runtime configuration.
type ContainerConfig struct {
	ID string

	// RootFs is the container workload image on the host.
	RootFs string

	// ReadOnlyRootfs indicates if the rootfs should be mounted readonly
	ReadonlyRootfs bool

	// Cmd specifies the command to run on a container
	Cmd Cmd

	// Annotations allow clients to store arbitrary values,
	// for example to add additional status values required
	// to support particular specifications.
	Annotations map[string]string

	Mounts []Mount

	// Device configuration for devices that must be available within the container.
	DeviceInfos []DeviceInfo
// Cmd represents a command to execute in a running container.
type Cmd struct {
	Args    []string
	Envs    []EnvVar
	WorkDir string

	// Note that these fields *MUST* remain as strings.
	// The reason being that we want runtimes to be able to support CLI
	// operations like "exec --user=". That option allows the
	// specification of a user (either as a string username or a numeric
	// UID), and may optionally also include a group (groupame or GID).
	// Since this type is the interface to allow the runtime to specify
	// the user and group the workload can run as, these user and group
	// fields cannot be encoded as integer values since that would imply
	// the runtime itself would need to perform a UID/GID lookup on the
	// user-specified username/groupname. But that isn't practically
	// possible given that to do so would require the runtime to access
	// the image to allow it to interrogate the appropriate databases to
	// convert the username/groupnames to UID/GID values.
	// Note that this argument applies solely to the _runtime_ supporting
	// a "--user=" option when running in a "standalone mode" - there is
	// no issue when the runtime is called by a container manager since
	// all the user and group mapping is handled by the container manager
	// and specified to the runtime in terms of UID/GID's in the
	// configuration file generated by the container manager.
	User                string
	PrimaryGroup        string
	SupplementaryGroups []string

	Interactive     bool
	Console         string
	Detach          bool
	NoNewPrivileges bool
	Capabilities    LinuxCapabilities
// Mount describes a container mount.
type Mount struct {
	Source      string
	Destination string

	// Type specifies the type of filesystem to mount.
	Type string

	// Options list all the mount options of the filesystem.
	Options []string

	// HostPath used to store host side bind mount path
	HostPath string

	// ReadOnly specifies if the mount should be read only or not
	ReadOnly bool
// DeviceInfo is an embedded type that contains device data common to all types of devices.
type DeviceInfo struct {
	// Device path on host
	HostPath string

	// Device path inside the container
	ContainerPath string

	// Type of device: c, b, u or p
	// c , u - character(unbuffered)
	// p - FIFO
	// b - block(buffered) special file
	// More info in mknod(1).
	DevType string

	// Major, minor numbers for device.
	Major int64
	Minor int64

	// FileMode permission bits for the device.
	FileMode os.FileMode

	// id of the device owner.
	UID uint32

	// id of the device group.
	GID uint32

	// Hotplugged is used to store device state indicating if the
	// device was hotplugged.
	Hotplugged bool

	// ID for the device that is passed to the hypervisor.
	ID string


// Process gathers data related to a container process.
type Process struct {
	// Token is the process execution context ID. It must be
	// unique per pod.
	// Token is used to manipulate processes for containers
	// that have not started yet, and later identify them
	// uniquely within a pod.
	Token string

	// Pid is the process ID as seen by the host software
	// stack, e.g. CRI-O, containerd. This is typically the
	// shim PID.
	Pid int

	StartTime time.Time


// ContainerStatus describes a container status.
type ContainerStatus struct {
	ID        string
	State     State
	PID       int
	StartTime time.Time
	RootFs    string

	// Annotations allow clients to store arbitrary values,
	// for example to add additional status values required
	// to support particular specifications.
	Annotations map[string]string


// ProcessListOptions contains the options used to list running
// processes inside the container
type ProcessListOptions struct {
	// Format describes the output format to list the running processes.
	// Formats are unrelated to ps(1) formats, only two formats can be specified:
	// "json" and "table"
	Format string

	// Args contains the list of arguments to run ps(1) command.
	// If Args is empty the agent will use "-ef" as options to ps(1).
	Args []string


// VCContainer is the Container interface
// (required since virtcontainers.Container only contains private fields)
type VCContainer interface {
	GetAnnotations() map[string]string
	GetPid() int
	GetToken() string
	ID() string
	Pod() VCPod
	Process() Process
	SetPid(pid int) error

Container Functions


// CreateContainer is the virtcontainers container creation entry point.
// CreateContainer creates a container on a given pod.
func CreateContainer(podID string, containerConfig ContainerConfig) (VCPod, VCContainer, error)


// DeleteContainer is the virtcontainers container deletion entry point.
// DeleteContainer deletes a Container from a Pod. If the container is running,
// it needs to be stopped first.
func DeleteContainer(podID, containerID string) (VCContainer, error)


// StartContainer is the virtcontainers container starting entry point.
// StartContainer starts an already created container.
func StartContainer(podID, containerID string) (VCContainer, error)


// StopContainer is the virtcontainers container stopping entry point.
// StopContainer stops an already running container.
func StopContainer(podID, containerID string) (VCContainer, error)


// EnterContainer is the virtcontainers container command execution entry point.
// EnterContainer enters an already running container and runs a given command.
func EnterContainer(podID, containerID string, cmd Cmd) (VCPod, VCContainer, *Process, error)


// StatusContainer is the virtcontainers container status entry point.
// StatusContainer returns a detailed container status.
func StatusContainer(podID, containerID string) (ContainerStatus, error)


// KillContainer is the virtcontainers entry point to send a signal
// to a container running inside a pod. If all is true, all processes in
// the container will be sent the signal.
func KillContainer(podID, containerID string, signal syscall.Signal, all bool) error


// ProcessListContainer is the virtcontainers entry point to list
// processes running inside a container
func ProcessListContainer(podID, containerID string, options ProcessListOptions) (ProcessList, error)


Preparing and running a pod

// This example creates and starts a single container pod,
// using qemu as the hypervisor and hyperstart as the VM agent.
func Example_createAndStartPod() {
	envs := []vc.EnvVar{
			Var:   "PATH",
			Value: "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin",

	cmd := vc.Cmd{
		Args:    strings.Split("/bin/sh", " "),
		Envs:    envs,
		WorkDir: "/",

	// Define the container command and bundle.
	container := vc.ContainerConfig{
		ID:     "1",
		RootFs: containerRootfs,
		Cmd:    cmd,

	// Sets the hypervisor configuration.
	hypervisorConfig := vc.HypervisorConfig{
		KernelPath:     "/usr/share/clear-containers/vmlinux.container",
		ImagePath:      "/usr/share/clear-containers/clear-containers.img",
		HypervisorPath: "/usr/bin/qemu-lite-system-x86_64",

	// Use hyperstart default values for the agent.
	agConfig := vc.HyperConfig{}

	// VM resources
	vmConfig := vc.Resources{
		VCPUs:  4,
		Memory: 1024,

	// The pod configuration:
	// - One container
	// - Hypervisor is QEMU
	// - Agent is hyperstart
	podConfig := vc.PodConfig{
		VMConfig: vmConfig,

		HypervisorType:   vc.QemuHypervisor,
		HypervisorConfig: hypervisorConfig,

		AgentType:   vc.HyperstartAgent,
		AgentConfig: agConfig,

		Containers: []vc.ContainerConfig{container},

	_, err := vc.RunPod(podConfig)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not run pod: %s", err)
