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File metadata and controls

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Writing Plugins for Atomic Reactor

For more information about plugins, see plugins document.

Let's create a plugin, which sends the build log to a provided URL.

Clone Atomic Reactor

We'll use Atomic Reactor from git (you can also get it from your distribution, once it's there):

git clone
cd atomic-reactor

Python should know where it can find our local copy of Atomic Reactor:

export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd):${PYTHONPATH}"


Time to create the plugin itself. Let's setup the directory first:

mkdir atomic-reactor-plugin-logs-submitter
cd atomic-reactor-plugin-logs-submitter

Plugin code:

from atomic_reactor.plugin import PostBuildPlugin

import requests

class LogSubmitter(PostBuildPlugin):

    # unique plugin identification
    # output of this plugin can be found in results specified with this key,
    # same thing goes for input: use this key to run the plugin
    key = "logs_submitter"

    # tasker and workflow are required arguments
    def __init__(self, tasker, workflow, url):

        :param tasker: DockerTasker instance
        :param workflow: DockerBuildWorkflow instance
        :param url: str, URL where the logs should be posted
        # call parent constructor: initialize tasker and workflow
        super(LogSubmitter, self).__init__(tasker, workflow)
        self.url = url

    def run(self):
        Each plugin has to implement this method — it is used to run the
        plugin actually.

        Response from this method is stored in
        json_data = {"logs":}
        return, json=json_data).content

There are two objects which enable you access to all the Atomic Reactor's magic:

  1. self.tasker: (instance of atomic_reactor.core.DockerTasker) A thin wrapper on top of docker-py — this is your access to docker
  2. self.workflow: (instance of atomic_reactor.inner.DockerBuildWorkflow) Also contains a link, self.workflow.builder, to instance of — these instances contain whole configuration, go ahead and change it however you want

Neat! Let's try our plugin. We'll have a webserver in terminal 1

terminal1 $ ncat -kl localhost 9099

We also need an input json for the build itself (let's use my "Hello, world" dockerfile), the name of the file will be build.json:

  "image": "test-image",
  "git_url": "",
  "postbuild_plugins": [{
     "name": "logs_submitter",
     "args": {
       "url": "http://localhost:9099"

Time to run the build (we'll build an image, test-image, in current environment (not inside a build container), getting data from ./build.json and finally, we'll tell Atomic Reactor to load our plugin):

terminal2 $ atomic-reactor -v build json --method here ./build.json \
                --load-plugin ./
2015-02-19 13:26:05,450 - atomic_reactor.plugin - DEBUG - running plugin 'logs_submitter' with args: '{u'url': u'http://localhost:9099'}'

What's in terminal 1?

terminal1 $ ncat -kl localhost 9099

Host: localhost:9099
Content-Length: 547
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
User-Agent: python-requests/2.5.0 CPython/2.7.8 Linux/3.18.6-200.fc21.x86_64
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json

{"logs": ["{\"stream\":\"Step 0 : FROM fedora:latest\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\" ---\\u003e 834629358fe2\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\"Step 1 : RUN uname -a\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\" ---\\u003e Running in b9207945f6fd\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\"Linux c4e263145f81 3.18.6-200.fc21.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Feb 6 22:59:42 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\" ---\\u003e 48c3bcd190b1\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\"Removing intermediate container b9207945f6fd\\n\"}\r\n", "{\"stream\":\"Successfully built 48c3bcd190b1\\n\"}\r\n"]}

As you can see, Atomic Reactor posted the json to the provided URL. Sweet! ncat's waiting with response — it may actually look stuck. Just hit ENTER or ctrl+c.

And that's it.