Naming is often a topic when dealing with Azure resources. Many resources have different naming limitations, so having the naming topic solved out of the box is a good thing.
can be instantiated via its factory method naming.New()
. Check the code docs on the explanation of the
parameters. Multiple instance of the naming service are supported.
Basic usage will look something like this:
environmentTag := viper.GetString(cli_flags.KeyEnvironmentTag)
region := viper.GetString(config_file_keys.KeyRegion)
namingService, err := naming.New("myproject", region, environmentTag, "myservice")
... do something about the error
resourceGroupName, err := namingService.GenerateResourceName(resources.ResourceGroup, "")
... do something about the error
You can check the tests for ideas about more advanced usage.
It is not a bad idea to wrap the naming service setup and calls in your own object, and expose only methods for your application specific resources (e.g. GetCoreResourceGroup(), GetBackupStorageAccountName() etc.)
The naming service comes with a default naming pattern, but you can change this to support any naming schema you want.