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MongoDB Kafka Connector




  • KAFKA-344 Added connector name to JMX metrics
  • KAFKA-348 Added support for SSL via configuration options
  • KAFKA-322 Ensure configs from config providers are always parsed before validation


Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-349 Further improvements to schema inference for documents nested in arrays.



  • KAFKA-331 Report all exceptions to the DLQ when mongo.errors.tolerance is "all"
  • KAFKA-308 Add the new config property
  • KAFKA-330 Introduced startup.mode = timestamp that by default corresponds to the default source connector behavior and actuates the new configuration property that allows users to configure startAtOperationTime on the change stream. Deprecated the copy.existing property; deprecated properties are overridden by normal ones if there is a conflict. startup.mode = copy_existing and startup.mode.copy.existing.* properties should be used instead of copy.existing = true and copy.existing.* properties.
  • KAFKA-312 Add the new publish.full.document.only.tombstone.on.delete config
  • KAFKA-343 Improve schema inference for documents nested in arrays

Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-337 Fix case sensitive suggestions for enum recommender.
  • KAFKA-301 ByteArrayRecordConverter now returns mutable documents, so post processing can occur.


Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-335 Use type Attribute for attributes in JMX mbeans



  • KAFKA-304 Monitoring and troubleshooting Kafka Connector improvements including JMX support. Documentation
  • KAFKA-300 Support DBZ change stream events in the CDC.
  • KAFKA-329 Update java driver dependency to 4.7.0+
  • KAFKA-328 Fix SLF4J usage issues



  • KAFKA-279 Updated MongoDB Java driver dependency to 4.5.0.
  • KAFKA-257 Improved reporting to sink connector's DLQ; see the documentation of the errors.deadletterqueue.context.headers.enable configuration property for more details. Started to rely on retries in the MongoDB Java driver and stopped supporting the configuration properties max.num.retries, retries.defer.timeout. If you have retryWrites=false specified in the connection.uri configuration property, then retries are disabled for the sink connector; remove retryWrites=false from connection.uri if you want to enable retries.
  • KAFKA-253 Added support for unordered bulk writes via the new bulk.write.ordered configuration property.
  • KAFKA-265 Added support for allowDiskUse when copying existing data via the new copy.existing.allow.disk.use configuration property.


Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-238 Fix connection validator user privilege check
  • KAFKA-245 Fix UuidProvidedIn[Key|Value]Strategy classes.
  • KAFKA-244 Update java driver dependency to 4.3.1 in the combined jars]



  • KAFKA-237 Improved error logging for bulk write exceptions.
  • KAFKA-181 Added support for serverApi.
  • KAFKA-228 Added support for automatic timeseries collection creation for 5.0
  • KAFKA-215 Added mongo specific override options for error handling properties
  • KAFKA-222 Added a new jar mongo-kafka-connect-<version>-confluent.jar which just contains the dependencies needed for running the connector with confluent. mongo-kafka-connect-<version>-all.jar now also includes Avro dependencies for ease of deployment for alternative Kafka connect runtimes.

Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-218 Fixed bug in LazyBsonDocument#clone ignoring any changes made once unwrapped.
  • KAFKA-220 Fixed bug with timestamp integer overflow.
  • KAFKA-219 Fixed Source Connector unable to recover from broken change stream due to event > 16MB
  • KAFKA-230 Fixed Source Connector recovery during getMore call


Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-227 Fixed wrapping nullable value returned from WriteModelStrategy
  • KAFKA-217 Fixed using ns field in copy.existing pipeline bug



  • KAFKA-213 Updated MongoDB Java Driver to 4.2.
  • KAFKA-168 Added DeleteOneBusinessKeyStrategy for topics containing records to removed from MongoDB.
  • KAFKA-183 Added support for the errant record reporter if available.
  • KAFKA-205 Updated Source connector to use RawBsonDocuments.
  • KAFKA-201 Improved copy.existing namespace handling.
  • KAFKA-207 Improved efficiency of heartbeats by making them tombstone messages.
  • KAFKA-174 Improved error messages when using invalid pipeline operators.
  • KAFKA-194 Added support for Qlik Replicate CDC.

Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-195 Fixed topics.regex sink validation issue for synthetic config property
  • KAFKA-203 Fixed sink NPE issue when using with confluent connect 6.1.0
  • KAFKA-209 Fixed _id always being projected even if not explicitly allowed or blocked. Log a warning message when there the _id value and the id strategy is configured not to overwrite the _id.
  • KAFKA-210 Fix inferred schema naming convention and ensure schemas can be backwards compatible.
  • KAFKA-212 Ensure closing the change stream cursor doesn't leak any errors.



  • KAFKA-167 Updated MongoDB Java Driver to 4.1.
  • KAFKA-51 Added sink support for MongoDB Changestream events.
  • KAFKA-159 Added dynamic namespace mapping for the sink connector.
  • KAFKA-185 Added topic mapping for the source connector.

Bug Fixes

  • KAFKA-171 Fixed bug which made the top level inferred schema optional
  • KAFKA-166 Fixed sink validation issue including synthetic config property
  • KAFKA-180 Fix LazyBsonDocument clone, no need to try and unwrap the values before cloning.
  • KAFKA-188 Fix logging of general exceptions.


  • KAFKA-129 Added support for Bson bytes in the Sink connector.
  • KAFKA-122 Added support for creating Bson bytes data in the Source connector.
  • KAFKA-99 Added support for custom Json formatting.
  • KAFKA-132 Don't try to publish a source record without a topic name.
  • KAFKA-133 Test against the latest Kafka and Confluent versions.
  • KAFKA-136 Fixed 3.6 copy existing issue when collection doesn't exist.
  • KAFKA-124 Added schema support for the source connector.
  • KAFKA-137 Support dotted field lookups when using schemas.
  • KAFKA-128 Sanitized the connection string in the partition map.
  • KAFKA-145 Ensure the fullDocument field is a document.
  • KAFKA-125 Added infer schema value support for the source connector.
  • KAFKA-131 Added copy.existing.pipeline configuration. Note: Allows indexes to be used during the copying process, use when there is any filtering done by the main pipeline.
  • KAFKA-146 Improve error handling and messaging for list configuration options.
  • KAFKA-154 Improve the handling and error messaging for Json array config values.
  • KAFKA-78 Added dead letter queue support for the source connector.
  • KAFKA-157 Improved error message for business key errors.
  • KAFKA-155 Fix business key update strategies to use dot notation for filters
  • KAFKA-105 Improve errors.tolerance=all support in the sink and source connectors.
  • KAFKA-106 Changed max.num.retries default to 1. A safer default especially as the driver now has retryable writes.
  • KAFKA-147 Added copy.existing.namespace.regex configuration, that allows the filtering of namespaces to be copied.
  • KAFKA-158 Added configuration, which allows for custom partitioning naming strategies. Note: This can be used to start a new change stream, when an existing offset contains an invalid resume token.


  • KAFKA-92 Allow the Sink connector to use multiple tasks.
  • KAFKA-116 Ensure the MongoCopyDataManager doesn't fail when the source is a non-existent database.
  • KAFKA-111 Fix Source connector copying existing resumability
  • KAFKA-110 Added configuration. Note: This defaults to false, which is a change of behaviour.
  • KAFKA-118 Made UuidStrategy configurable so can output BsonBinary Uuid values
  • KAFKA-101 Added UuidProvidedInKeyStrategy & UuidProvidedInValueStrategy
  • KAFKA-114 Added UpdateOneBusinessKeyTimestampStrategy write model strategy`
  • KAFKA-112 Added BlockList and AllowList field projector type configurations and BlockListKeyProjector, BlockListValueProjector, AllowListKeyProjectorand AllowListValueProjector Post processors. Deprecated: BlacklistKeyProjector, BlacklistValueProjector, WhitelistKeyProjector and WhitelistValueProjector.
  • KAFKA-75 Added specific configuration for the id strategies: ProvidedInKeyStrategy and ProvidedInValueStrategy. Added,, and
  • KAFKA-91 Improved the error messaging for the missing resume tokens in the source connector.


  • KAFKA-45 Allow the Sink connector to ignore unused source record key or value fields.
  • KAFKA-82 Added support for "topics.regex" in the Sink connector.
  • KAFKA-84 Validate the connection via MongoSìnkConnector.validate or MongoSourceConnector.validate
  • KAFKA-95 Fixed Issue with "Unrecognized field: startAfter" in the Source connector for older MongoDB versions


  • KAFKA-86 Fixed Source connector resumability error.
  • KAFKA-85 Fixed Source connector IllegalStateException: Queue full when copying data.
  • KAFKA-83 Fixed Source connector cursor resumability when filtering operationTypes.


The initial GA release.