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File metadata and controls

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Views Overview

Views are the presentation layer of you code, and the Compound framework lets you choose the templating engine that will drive your views. For the sake of this guide, we will be using ejs and jade, two of the most popular templating engines around.

You can choose to use any view/templating engine that you want, and if you ever want to change it, it's as as easy as changing one line in you app's environment file.

Ex. ./config/environment.js

app.configure(function() {
  app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

View Locations and Conventions

Views are stored under the apps directory, and by convention, should be located inside directories named after the controller that will be calling them, and they should be named after the action they perform:

Ex. posts_controller:


Views used/shared in partials should be named with an underscore _, like _form.jade. See the Partials section below for more information.

Rendering a View

Views are rendered from the controller. In the Express framework, views are rendered in the following way:

res.render(view, locals, callback)

...where view is the name of the view, locals is an object containing data you are sending to the view, and the callback, of course, is the callback method you would like to call upon error, etc.

In keeping things simple, views in Compound can be rendered as easy as this:

action(function index() {
  this.title = 'Users index';
  User.all(function (err, users) {
    render('index', { users: users });

In Compound, the convention is to omit the 'view' parameter, since the action that invokes it can call it for us:

render('index', { users: users });

And, for even more convenience, anything attached to this in the render context will be available to your view, so you can simplify the view above like so:

// Will render the "index" action, with "users" available to the view

Tip: Keep it simple, let the action's name determine the name of your view. Tip: Don't add the extension to the your view when you are rendering it - Compound is aware of the templating/view engine, and will know what extension to add.

Inludes - Including a View Inside Another View

Includes, also called partials, are views that are called by other views. Includes are very helpful for forms (edit and add for most resources share most of the form), header files, rendering rows in a table, and more.

Using Partials/Includes

In ejs, we can include a view inside of another view by following this pattern:

<%- include _form %>  

... and in jade by the following pattern:

include _form

As you can see, the two templating engines are nearly identical in how they call includes.

Partials share the following conventions in both ejs and jade:

  • Neither ejs nor jade require the use of the file's extension (.ejs, .jade).
  • Both call the included file by looking for it relative to the calling file. So if you don't specify a path, it will look in the same directory. If you want the directory above use "../", and so on.
  • In Compound, as in Express, neither templating engine requires "locals", so that means that any variable/array/object available to the parent are fully accessible to the partial, and that goes for partials calling partials as well.

Views Best Practices

Sometimes we find that we have a ton of information that we need to show in our views, and we find that our views are doing a lot of the work for us, and performing logic. While views can do a lot to make our app do more, if you find that views are doing the logic for you, then chances are that you need to refactor.

Rule #1 - Views are for Presentation - Not Logic

As a rule of thumb, if your view does not look like rendering <html> markup is its main function, then you might have too much logic in your view.

forEach loops can save you, but make sure that you are looping for presentation, and not logic.

Ex. Good View Logic

<h1>Listing Users</h1>
  <% users.forEach(function(user) { %>
    <li><%- %></li>
  <% }); %>

Ex. Bad View Logic

<% var players = []; %>
<% users.forEach(function(user) { %>
  <% if (user.status === 'uninjured') { %>
    <% players.push(user); %>
  <% } %>
<% }); %>

<h1>Tonight's Starting Players</h1>
<% players.forEach(function(player) { %>
  <li><%- %></li>
<% }); %>

Rule #2 - Views are NOT Asynchronous, and Cannot Perform Asynchronous Actions

Fetching model data, and looping through data that requires asynchronous calls or error-handling, should be left your controller and models.

Remember to ask yourself, is this data available to my view? If not, then most likely you will need to go back to your controller/model and refactor.

##Authors Daniel Lochrie