Twitter: @l_rish
I am the team lead and founding member of Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory (ABiL), a public-private partnership between Georgia Tech and IHRC Inc. My current research focus is on the development of computational tools for the investigation of genomic variants of clinical importance. Specifically, I am interested in bringing together and harnessing the power genomics, molecular evolution and machine learning algorithms to develop methods that can help in translating genomics from bench-side to bed-side.
The areas that drive my imagniations are:
Human genomics: genotype-phenotype associations, population genomics, ancestry analysis & molecular anthropology Bacterial Genomics and Comparative analysis: Computational genomics analysis of bacterial genomes for addressing public health issues and development of predictive tools for accurate identification of bacteria I am passionate about science and technology and this has led me to acquire experience in working with multitude of *-seq data. I also occasionally do freelancing, development/maintenance of websites/web-tools and graphics designing.
I'm good a things and stuff