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Ory Kratos/Keto - Auth Methods - HTTP API
This is the API documentation for the Vault Ory authentication method.

Ory Auth Method (API)

This is the API documentation for the Vault Ory auth method.

This documentation assumes the plugin method is mounted at the /auth/ory path in Vault. Since it is possible to enable auth methods at any location, please update your API calls accordingly.


Configures the settings required for the plugin to perform API calls to Ory Kratos and Keto. These configs will be used to query Kratos to validate a user session cookie, and Keto to authorise a user against a relation tuple.

Method Path
POST /auth/ory/config


  • ttl_seconds (int: 3600) - A number of seconds, or Go duration string, that determines the TTL of a token.

  • max_ttl_seconds (int: 3600) - A number of seconds, or Go duration string, that determines the max TTL of a token.

  • use_session_expiry_ttl (bool: false) - A flag that determines whether the session expiry is used as the TTL.

  • keto_host (string: "") - A JSON string containing the host address of an Ory Keto instance.

  • kratos_url (string: "") - A JSON string containing the full URL of an Ory Kratos instance.

  • kratos_description (string: "") - A JSON string containing the description of the Ory Kratos instance.

  • kratos_user_agent (string: "") - A JSON string containing the user agent used when making Kratos requests.

  • kratos_default_header (map[string]string: {}) - A JSON object that maps header name strings to header values to be sent with every request

  • kratos_debug (bool: false) - A JSON boolean that determines whether or not Kratos should be debugged.

Sample Payload

  "use_session_expiry_ttl": true,
  "ttl_seconds": 3600,
  "max_ttl_seconds": "1h",
  "keto_host": "localhost:4466",
  "kratos_url": "https://localhost:4433",
  "kratos_description": "Ory Kratos",
  "kratos_user_agent": "Vault Plugin Auth Ory",
  "kratos_default_header": {
    "some_header": "some_value"
  "kratos_debug": true

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request POST \
    --data @config.json \

Read Config

Returns the configuration, if any, including credentials.

Method Path
GET /auth/ory/config

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "use_session_expiry_ttl": true,
    "ttl_seconds": 3600,
    "max_ttl_seconds": 3600,
    "keto_host": "localhost:4466",
    "kratos_url": "https://localhost:4433",
    "kratos_description": "Ory Kratos",
    "kratos_user_agent": "Vault Plugin Auth Ory",
    "kratos_default_header": {
      "some_header": "some_value"
    "kratos_debug": true


Login to retrieve a Vault token. This endpoint takes a Kratos session cookie and a Keto relation tuple (namespace, object, relation) for some resource. It verifies the session cookie with Kratos to authenticate that subject and then authorizes the subject for the given resource with Keto.

Method Path
POST /auth/ory/login

Sample Payload

  • kratos_session_cookie (string: <required>) - The session cookie string provided by Ory Kratos (default: ory_kratos_session=...).

  • namespace (string: <required>) - The namespace of the resource being accessed

  • object (string: <required>) - The object being accessed (often a UUID).

  • relation (string: <required>) - The relation being checked against the object being accessed.

Sample Payload

  "kratos_session_cookie": "ory_kratos_session=MTY3NDQ5...",
  "namespace": "Files",
  "object": "my/protected/file.txt",
  "relation": "view"

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request POST \
    --data @payload.json \

Sample Response

  "auth": {
    "client_token": "f33f8c72-924e-11f8-cb43-ac59d697597c",
    "accessor": "0e9e354a-520f-df04-6867-ee81cae3d42d",
    "policies": ["default", "Files_view"],
    "metadata": {
      "role": "my-role",
    "lease_duration": 2764800,
    "renewable": true


Once a successful auth request is made, the token returned is given a Vault policy that matches the name of [namespace]_[relation] (e.g. Files_view). Policies that match all combinations of namespace/relations can be added to allow access to secrets based on Keto relation tuples. The object is stored in the token alias metadata, and can be used within the policy to grant access to a specific path programmatically.

The following policy will allow access to a secret for a given namespace/object/relation:

path "secret/data/{{identity.entity.aliases.[auth plugin accessor].metadata.namespace}}/{{identity.entity.aliases.[auth plugin accessor].metadata.object}}*" {
  capabilities = ["create", "update", "read"]

path "secret/metadata/{{identity.entity.aliases.[auth plugin accessor].metadata.namespace}}/{{identity.entity.aliases.[auth plugin accessor].metadata.object}}}*" {
  capabilities = ["list"]

Simply replace [auth plugin accessor] with the unique plugin accessor, which can be found by running:

vault auth list -format=json | jq -r '."ory/".accessor' (or make accessor).