The Mentorship platform facilitates a structured remote learning environment to new open source developers. Experienced project maintainers and contributors use the platform to mentor aspiring individuals and help them become contributors to the open source community.
To Get started:
- Navigate to the Mentorship platform dashboard:
- Mentorships tab includes the mentorships programs enrolled on the platform, categorized by programs accepting mentee applications, in progress and completed.
- Mentors tab includes profiles all the participating mentors.
- Mentees tab includes profiles of currently participating and graduated mentees.
- To view more information about the program click on the program name to:
{% hint style="danger" %} If you're unable to view My Mentorships, My Tasks, and My Account tabs after you login, please log out and login again directly to
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To participate:
- Administrators – enroll your mentorship program
- Mentees – create a profile and apply to a program
- Mentors – create a profile and request to be added to a program
Each Mentorship Program card contains the following information:
- Project name and logo - click on the project title/logo to navigate to project details page
- Terms - current, future or past mentorship project terms
- Required Skills - technologies needed for mentees to have to apply to the project
- Apply - click on the CTA to apply to the project
- Applications Closed is shown when project no longer accepts mentee applications
- View Projects Statistics - click to donate to a project and view the following additional project details:
- Mentors - current project mentors
- Current Mentees - mentees currently participating in the project
- Graduated Mentees - mentees who successfully completed the mentorship program
- Funding To Date - total project funding received for mentee stipends.
Mentees tab shows mentee profile cards with the following information:
- Mentee name and avatar - Click on the name to navigate to mentee profile page
- Skills - mentee technical skills
- Status - current mentee status of the mentee i.e. Accepted or Graduated
- Mentors - mentors for the project in which mentee is participating
- Projects - mentorship project in which mentee participates or successfully completed
- View Profile - click CTA to navigate to mentee profile page
Mentors tab shows mentor profile cards with the following information :
- Mentor name and avatar - Click on the name to navigate to mentor profile page
- Skills - mentor technical skills
- Current Mentees - current project mentees for which mentor is volunteering
- Graduated Mentees - mentees who completed the program under mentor's guidance.
- Projects - project for which the mentor is volunteering
- View Profile - click CTA to navigate to mentor profile page