diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_de.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_de.arb index e547d98c..9767ae19 100644 --- a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_de.arb +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_de.arb @@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "labelAppScale": "App-Skalierung", + "labelAppScale": "Größe der Bedienelemente", "@labelAppScale": { "description": "Label for the setting which controls the UI scale of the overall app", "type": "text", @@ -1276,5 +1276,220 @@ "description": "Generic prompt to go home, usually will go back to a main menu, or similar", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "Berechtigungen", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "Berechtigungen", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "Admin", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "Moderator", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "Raummitglied", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": "Kinder verwalten", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to manage children", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "Nachrichten senden", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "Reaktionen zu Nachrichten hinzufügen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "Raumavatar festlegen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "Raumname ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "Raumthema ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "Berechtigungen ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "Benutzer sperren", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "Nachrichten löschen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "Reaktionen hinzufügen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": "Verlaufssichtbarkeit", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user} {emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": "Ermöglicht dem Benutzer die Verwaltung der Räume, die zu diesem Raum gehören", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to manage child rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": "rmöglicht es dem Benutzer, von anderen gesendete Nachrichten zu löschen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": "Ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, die Sichtbarkeit des Chatverlaufs in diesem Raum zu ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": "Ermöglicht es einem Benutzer, Nachrichten in diesem Raum zu senden", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": "Avatarbild des Raums ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "Ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, den Namen des Raums zu ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "Ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, das Thema des Raums zu ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "Ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, die Berechtigungseinstellungen zu ändern", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "Benutzer rauswerfen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "Andere Benutzer aus dem Raum werfen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "Andere Benutzer aus dem Raum verbannen", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeAmoled": "AMOLED", + "@labelThemeAmoled": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreview": "URL-Vorschau in verschlüsselten Chats (experimentell)", + "@labelEncryptedPreview": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling encrypted url preview", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelStickerCompatibility": "Kompatibilität von Stickern", + "@labelStickerCompatibility": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable sticker compatibility mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeInvitationBody": "hat dich zu einem Raum eingeladen", + "@labelHomeInvitationBody": { + "description": "Displays a short description explaining that an invitation to a room was received. Does not need to contain the name of the room or inviter", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cantSentMessagePrompt": "Es fehlt die Berechtigung, um eine Nachricht in diesen Raum zu senden", + "@cantSentMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Text that explains the user cannot send a message in this room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": "Aktiviere die Verwendung eines Proxy-Servers ({proxyUrl}), um eine URL-Vorschau in einem verschlüsselten Chat zu erhalten. Der Inhalt dieser Anfragen wird mit Hilfe von Commets 'verschlüsselter URL-Vorschau' vor deinem Homeserver verborgen.\nMehr erfahren: https://github.com/commetchat/encrypted_url_preview", + "@labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": { + "description": "Explains briefly how encrypted url preview works", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": "In einigen Matrix-Clients führt das Senden eines Stickers als „m.sticker“ dazu, dass der Sticker nicht korrekt geladen wird. Wenn du diese Einstellung aktivierst, werden die Sticker als „m.image“ gesendet, so dass sie korrekt gerendert werden können", + "@labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what sticker compatibility mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_es.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_es.arb index afc5796f..11efedcd 100644 --- a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_es.arb +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_es.arb @@ -1294,5 +1294,208 @@ "description": "Text that is placed between two or more options: [button1] or [button2]", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user} {emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "labelThemeAmoled": "Amoled", + "@labelThemeAmoled": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreview": "Vista previa de la URL en chats cifrados (experimental)", + "@labelEncryptedPreview": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling gif search", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": "Habilitar el uso de un servidor proxy ({proxyUrl}) para obtener una vista previa de url en un chat cifrado. El contenido de estas peticiones será ocultado de su servidor personal usando la 'vista previa de url cifrada' de Commet\nMás información: https://github.com/commetchat/encrypted_url_preview", + "@labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": { + "description": "Explains that gifs will be fetched via proxy", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": "En algunos clientes de matrix, enviar una etiqueta como 'm.sticker' hará que la etiqueta no se cargue correctamente. Al habilitar esta configuración, se enviarán pegatinas como 'm.image', lo que permitirá que se representen correctamente", + "@labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what sticker compatibility mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelStickerCompatibility": "Compatibilidad con Sticker", + "@labelStickerCompatibility": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable sticker compatibility mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "Permisos", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "Permisos", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "Admin", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "Moderador", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "Miembro", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": "Administrar niños", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to manage children", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": "Permite al usuario eliminar mensajes enviados por otros", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": "Permite al usuario gestionar qué salas forman parte de este espacio", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to manage child rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "Eliminar mensajes", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "Enviar mensajes", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "Añadir reacciones a los mensajes", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": "Permitir a un usuario enviar mensajes en esta sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "Añadir reacciones", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": "Visualizar el historial", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": "Permite al usuario cambiar la visibilidad del historial del chat en esta sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "Establecer avatar de la sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": "Cambiar el avatar de la sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "Permitir al usuario cambiar la configuración de permisos", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "Cambiar nombre de sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "Permite al usuario cambiar el nombre de esta sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "Cambiar tema de sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "Permitir al usuario cambiar el tema de esta sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "Cambiar permisos", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "Expulsar a otros usuarios de la sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "Banear usuarios", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "Banear a otros usuarios de la sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "Expulsar a los usuarios", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_et.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_et.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b335e669 --- /dev/null +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_et.arb @@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@ +{ + "labelRoomsList": "Jututoad", + "@labelRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserCreatedRoom": "{user} lõi jututoa!", + "@messagePlaceholderUserCreatedRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user created the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserLeftRoom": "{user} lahkus jututoast", + "@messagePlaceholderUserLeftRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user leaves the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": "{user} lükkas kutse tagasi", + "@messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": { + "description": "Message body for when a user rejected an invitation to a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user} {emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "labelHomeInvitationBody": "Kutse jututuppa", + "@labelHomeInvitationBody": { + "description": "Displays a short description explaining that an invitation to a room was received. Does not need to contain the name of the room or inviter", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageEditedMarker": "(muudetud)", + "@messageEditedMarker": { + "description": "Short text to mark that a message has been edited", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": "Emotikon", + "@labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": { + "description": "Label for the emoji tab in emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": "Kleeps", + "@labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": { + "description": "Label for the sticker tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerGifTab": "Gif", + "@labelEmojiPickerGifTab": { + "description": "Label for the gif search tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cantSentMessagePrompt": "Sul pole õigusi siin jututoas sõnumeid saata", + "@cantSentMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Text that explains the user cannot send a message in this room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLarge": "Fail on üleslaadimiseks liiga suur!", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLarge": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": "Faili suurim lubatud maht on ületatud", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": { + "description": "Title for the dialog that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRecentActivity": "Hiljutised sündmused", + "@labelHomeRecentActivity": { + "description": "Short label for header of recent room activity", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeAlerts": "Hoiatused", + "@labelHomeAlerts": { + "description": "Short label for header of alerts", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSpace": "Lisa kogukond", + "@promptAddSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to add a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipSpaceSettings": "Kogukonna seadistused", + "@tooltipSpaceSettings": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that opens space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipAddRoom": "Lisa jututuba", + "@tooltipAddRoom": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that adds a new room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceRoomsList": "Jututoad", + "@labelSpaceRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": "Privaatne kogukond", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceGettingText": "Tere tulemast meie kogukonda \n\n # {spaceName}", + "@labelSpaceGettingText": { + "description": "Greeting to the space, supports markdown formatting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "promptOpenDirectMessage": "Sõnum", + "@promptOpenDirectMessage": { + "description": "Prompt on the button to open a direct message with another user", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderMobile": "Otsevestlused", + "@directMessagesListHeaderMobile": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": "Otsevestlused", + "@directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPush": "Kasuta Unified Push teenuseid", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPush": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to enable Unified Push", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": "Lõpppunkt", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": { + "description": "Label for the Unified Push endpoint", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": "Midagi läks nüüd viltu, lõpppunkti ei leidu :(", + "@labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": { + "description": "Message for when a unified push endpoint could not be registered", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": "Üldist", + "@labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": "Välimus", + "@labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": { + "description": "Label for space appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": "Emotikonid", + "@labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": { + "description": "Label for space emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "Õigused", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": "Arendaja", + "@labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": { + "description": "Label for space developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategorySpace": "Kogukonna seadistused", + "@labelSettingsCategorySpace": { + "description": "Label for the overall space settings category", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": "Mainimised ja märksõnad", + "@labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies only for keywords and mentions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNone": "Summuta", + "@labelPushRuleNone": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which sends no notifications", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsNotifications": "Teavitused", + "@labelRoomSettingsNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the notifications section in room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": "Kasuta krüptimist", + "@promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": "Kui krüptimine on kord kasutusel, siis teda ei saa hiljem välja lülitada", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateEmoticonPack": "Loo lisapakk", + "@promptCreateEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new emoticon pack, for emoji or stickers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": "Kas sa soovid kustutada lisapaki **{packName}**?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the pack name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "packName": {} + } + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid kustutada **{emoticon}** emotikoni?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the emote name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "emoticon": {} + } + }, + "promptEmoticonPackName": "Lisapaki nimi", + "@promptEmoticonPackName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoticon pack", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiName": "Emotikoni nimi", + "@promptEmojiName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoji", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptStickerName": "Kleepsu nimi", + "@promptStickerName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": "Tee valmis!", + "@promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm the creation of an Emoticon Pack, Emoji, or Sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsSecurity": "Turvalisus", + "@labelRoomSettingsSecurity": { + "description": "Label for room security settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": "Emotikonid", + "@labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for room Emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": "Arendaja", + "@labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for room developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsCategory": "Jututoa seadistused", + "@labelRoomSettingsCategory": { + "description": "Label for the overall settings category of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "Õigused", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "Moderaator", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "Jututoa liige", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "Sõnumite kustutamine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": "Kasutaja saab kustutada teiste kasutajate saadetud sõnumeid", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "Reaktsioonide lisamine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "Kasutaja saab sõnumitele reageerida", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": "Kasutaja saab muuta jututoa sõnumite nähtavust", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "Jututoa tunnuspildi muutmine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": "Kasutaja saab muuta jututoa tunnuspilti ehk avatari", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "Kasutaja saab muuta jututoa nime", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "Jututoa teema muutmine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "Kasutaja saab muuta õigusi jututoas", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "Kasutava võib määrata teistele kasutajatele jututoa keelu", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabProfile": "Profiil", + "@labelSettingsTabProfile": { + "description": "Label for the Profile settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryAccount": "Kasutajakonto", + "@labelSettingsCategoryAccount": { + "description": "Label for the settings category Account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLogoutSingleAccount": "Logi välja", + "@promptLogoutSingleAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to log out of an account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": "Appike, ei!", + "@promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button which aborts wiping matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": "Loo taastevõti", + "@promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": { + "description": "Button text to generate a recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetMatrixPassphrase": "Lisa turvafraas", + "@promptSetMatrixPassphrase": { + "description": "Button text to set a passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": "Ei, pigem loo uued krüptovõtmed", + "@promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to create new keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": "Kasuta olemasolevaid krüptovõtmeid", + "@promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to use existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixBackup": "Kustuta varukoopia", + "@promptWipeMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to wipe the matrix message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableMatrixBackup": "Võta kasutusele sõnumite varundus", + "@promptEnableMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to enable to encrypted message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmWipingCrossSigningKeys": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid kustutada kõik oma risttunnustamise krüptovõtmed?", + "@promptConfirmWipingCrossSigningKeys": { + "description": "Asks the user if they are sure they want to wipe the keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainUpperAndLowercase": "Turvafraasis peab olema vähemalt 1 suurtäht ja 1 väiketäht", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainUpperAndLowercase": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainNumber": "Turvafraasis peab olema vähemalt 1 number", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainNumber": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainSymbol": "Turvafraasis peab olema vähemalt 1 sümbol", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainSymbol": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "erroMatrixPassphraseMustBeLonger": "Turvafraas peab olema vähemalt 10 tähemärki pikk", + "@erroMatrixPassphraseMustBeLonger": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": "Korda turvafraasi", + "@placeholderMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the confirm passphrase text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPromptPassphrase": "Turvafraas:", + "@labelMatrixPromptPassphrase": { + "description": "Prompt the user to enter passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAskEnableMessageBackup": "Kas sa soovid võtta kasutusele krüptovõtmete võrgupõhise varundamise?", + "@labelMatrixAskEnableMessageBackup": { + "description": "Asks the user if they want to enable online backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "fileDragDropPrompt": "Sikuta siia üleslaaditav fail...", + "@fileDragDropPrompt": { + "description": "Text that is shown when a user is dragging a file", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderSticker": "{user} saatis kleepsu", + "@messagePlaceholderSticker": { + "description": "Message body for when a user sends a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messageFailedToDecrypt": "Sündmuse dekrüptimine ei õnnestunud", + "@messageFailedToDecrypt": { + "description": "Placeholde text for when a message fails to decrypt", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserJoinedRoom": "{user} liitus jututoaga!", + "@messagePlaceholderUserJoinedRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user joins the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": "{user} uuendas oma tunnuspilti", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their avatar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": "{user} uuendas oma kuvatavat nime", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their display name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserInvited": "{sender} saatis kutse kasutajale {invitedUser}", + "@messagePlaceholderUserInvited": { + "description": "Message body for when a user invites another user to the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "sender": {}, + "invitedUser": {} + } + }, + "errorMessageFailedToSend": "Saatmine ei õnnestunud", + "@errorMessageFailedToSend": { + "description": "Text that is placed below a message when the message fails to send", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelJumpToLatest": "Hüppa viimase sõnumi juurde", + "@labelJumpToLatest": { + "description": "Label for the button which jumps the room timeline view to the latest message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "typingUsers": "{howMany,plural, =1{{user1} kirjutab...}=2{{user1} ja {user2} kirjutavad...}few{{user1}, {user2} ja {user3} kirjutavad...}other{Mitu osalejat parasjagu kirjutavad...}}", + "@typingUsers": { + "description": "Text to display which users are currently typing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": {}, + "user1": {}, + "user2": {}, + "user3": {} + } + }, + "sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": "Saada krüptitud sõnum", + "@sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an encrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": "Saada sõnum", + "@sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an unencrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeInvitations": "Kutsed", + "@labelHomeInvitations": { + "description": "Short label for header of invitations list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRoomsList": "Jututoad", + "@labelHomeRoomsList": { + "description": "Short label for header of rooms list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": "Saadavalolevad jututoad", + "@labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space, which the user has not yet joined but are available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": "Avalik kogukond", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is publically available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "unifiedPushExplainer": "# Unified Push\nSee Commeti versioon on kompileeritud ilma Google Play Services toeta. Tõuketeavituste jaoks pead sa kasutama [Unified Push](https://unifiedpush.org/) teenuseid. \n\nKui sul juba on Unified Push teenustega ühilduv haldusrakendus paigaldatud, siis saad teda alljärgnevalt seadistada\n", + "@unifiedPushExplainer": { + "description": "Explains the need for unified push. Supports markdown", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "createEmoticonDialogTitle": "Loo emotikon", + "@createEmoticonDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of a dialog that pops up when choosing to create a new emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "setupPageBeforeYouBegin": "Enne kui sa alustad...", + "@setupPageBeforeYouBegin": { + "description": "Title for first time setup page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRenameEmoticon": "Muuda emotikoni nime", + "@promptRenameEmoticon": { + "description": "Tooltip for button to rename emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppLogs": "Logid", + "@labelSettingsAppLogs": { + "description": "Label for the logs settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsGeneral": "Üldist", + "@labelRoomSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNotifyAll": "Kõik sõnumid", + "@labelPushRuleNotifyAll": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies for all received messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsAppearance": "Välimus", + "@labelRoomSettingsAppearance": { + "description": "Label for room appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "Peakasutaja", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": "Kogukonna osiste haldus", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to manage children", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": "Kasutaja saab hallata, mis jututoad kuuluvad kogukonda", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to manage child rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "Sõnumite saatmine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": "Kasutaja saab siia jututuppa sõnumeid saata", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": "Ajaloo nähtavus", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "Jututoa nime muutmine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "Kasutaja saab muuta jututoa teemat", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "Õiguste muutmine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "Kasutajate müksamine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "Kasutaja saab teisi kasutajaid jututoast välja müksata", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "Suhtluskeelu seadmine", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": "Halda kasutajakontosid", + "@labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": { + "description": "Label for the Manage Accounts settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabSecurity": "Turvalisus", + "@labelSettingsTabSecurity": { + "description": "Label for the Security settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabEmoticons": "Emotikonid", + "@labelSettingsTabEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for the Emoticons settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabDeveloper": "Arendaja", + "@labelSettingsTabDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for the Developer settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddAccount": "Lisa kasutajakonto", + "@promptAddAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to add another account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCurrentAccountsHeader": "Hetkel kasutatavad kontod", + "@labelCurrentAccountsHeader": { + "description": "Label for header of accounts list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixKeys": "Kustuta krüptovõtmed", + "@promptWipeMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button to wipe matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": "Korda turvafraasi:", + "@labelMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": { + "description": "Prompts the user to input their passphrase again", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": "Me peame looma krüptovõtme, mis annab ligipääsu sõnumite ajaloole. Me kas tekitame ta automaatselt või sa saad selle ise kirjutada", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the matrix recovery key does, and that it can be generated or user input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": "Aga me leidsime olemasolevad krüptovõtmed!", + "@labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": "See on sinu taastevõti. Kui sa peaksid kaotama ligipääsu kõikidele oma Matrixi sessioonidele, siis sa saad seda oma sessiooni verifitseerimiseks kasutada. Hoia teda turvaliselt kas vana kooli seifis või digitaalses turvalaekas!", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": { + "description": "Gives a brief description about the function on the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": "Kas sa sooviksid kasutada olemasolevaid krüptovõtmeid?", + "@labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys and asks the user if they would like to use those keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyPromptExplanation": "Vanade sõnumite lugemiseks palun siseta oma varasemas sessioonis loodud taastevõti. Taastamiseks mõeldud krüptovõti EI OLE sinu salasõna.", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyPromptExplanation": { + "description": "Shown when a user is attempting to recover their old messages, explains that they need the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptMatrixRecoveryKeyInput": "Taastevõti", + "@promptMatrixRecoveryKeyInput": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the recovery key input box", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixSecurityPhraseShouldNotBePassword": "Sinu turvafraas peaks olema erinev kasutajakonto salasõnast", + "@labelMatrixSecurityPhraseShouldNotBePassword": { + "description": "Tells the user to not use their password as their security phrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphrasesDontMatch": "Turvafraasid ei klapi omavahel", + "@errorMatrixPassphrasesDontMatch": { + "description": "Error when the user enters passphrase twice and the two dont match", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderMatrixEnterSecutiyPhrase": "Turvafraas", + "@placeholderMatrixEnterSecutiyPhrase": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the passphrase text box", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixExistingMessageBackupFound": "Leidsime olemasoleva varukoopia!", + "@labelMatrixExistingMessageBackupFound": { + "description": "Message to explain that existing backup has been found", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAskWipeBackupToContinue": "Kui sa muudad oma risttunnustamise võtmeid, siis sa pead kustutama olemasoleva võtmete varukoopia... Kas jätkame?", + "@labelMatrixAskWipeBackupToContinue": { + "description": "Asks the user if they want to wipe their existing backup to continue changing their cross signing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixWarnResetKeysIsPermanent": "Võtmete lähtestamine on lõplik tegevus ja sa kaotad ligipääsu oma vestluste ajaloole. On üsna kindel, et sa tegelikult ei taha seda teha!", + "@labelMatrixWarnResetKeysIsPermanent": { + "description": "Explains that resetting keys is permanent, should emphasize that this isnt really a great idea", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixExplainOnlineKeyBackup": "Võrgupõhine krüptovõtmete varundus võimaldab sul lugeda oma vanu sõnumeid ka siis, kui sul kaob ligipääs kõikidele oma Matrixi sessioonidele", + "@labelMatrixExplainOnlineKeyBackup": { + "description": "Explains what the message backup does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigning": "Risttunnustamine", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigning": { + "description": "Title label for matrix cross signing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAccountSessions": "Sessioonid", + "@labelMatrixAccountSessions": { + "description": "Title label for account sessions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixResetCrossSigningTitle": "Lähtesta risttunnustamine", + "@labelMatrixResetCrossSigningTitle": { + "description": "Title for the popup dialog when resetting cross signing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixMessageBackup": "Sõnumite varundus", + "@labelMatrixMessageBackup": { + "description": "TItle label for matrix message backup settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetupMatrixMessageBackup": "Seadista varundus", + "@promptSetupMatrixMessageBackup": { + "description": "Text on the button to begin the setup process for message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRestoreMatrixBackupTitle": "Taasta varundusest", + "@labelRestoreMatrixBackupTitle": { + "description": "Title of the popup dialog for restoring message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptMatrixVerifySession": "Verifitseeri", + "@promptMatrixVerifySession": { + "description": "Text on the button to verify a session", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppGeneral": "Üldist", + "@labelSettingsAppGeneral": { + "description": "Label for the App General settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppAppearance": "Välimus", + "@labelSettingsAppAppearance": { + "description": "Label for the App Appearance settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigningAndBackup": "Risttunnustamine ja varundus", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigningAndBackup": { + "description": "Header label for matrix cross signing and message backup section", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppAdvanced": "Täiendavad seadistused", + "@labelSettingsAppAdvanced": { + "description": "Label for the App Advanced settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigningExplanation": "Pea arvet kõikide oma sessioonide üle ja verifitseeri neid", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigningExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what matrix cross signing does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixMessageBackupExplanation": "Juhul, kui sa kaotad ligipääsu kõikidele oma Matrixi sessioonidele, on sul olemas varunduse kasutamisel olemas nende koopia. Enne üleslaadimist kõik sõnumid krüptitakse", + "@labelMatrixMessageBackupExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what matrix message backup does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsWindowBehaviour": "Akende käitumine", + "@labelSettingsWindowBehaviour": { + "description": "Label for the Window Behaviour settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppNotifications": "Teavitused", + "@labelSettingsAppNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the App notifications settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppDeveloperUtils": "Tarvikud arendajatele", + "@labelSettingsAppDeveloperUtils": { + "description": "Label for the developer utils settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppTheme": "Kujundus", + "@labelSettingsAppTheme": { + "description": "Label for theme section of app appearance", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeDark": "Tume kujundus", + "@labelThemeDark": { + "description": "Label for the dark theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeLight": "Hele kujundus", + "@labelThemeLight": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeAmoled": "Amoled", + "@labelThemeAmoled": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryApp": "Rakenduse seadistused", + "@labelSettingsCategoryApp": { + "description": "Label for the settings category of the overall App settings/", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThirdPartyServicesTitle": "Kolmandate osapoolte teenused", + "@labelThirdPartyServicesTitle": { + "description": "Header for the third party services section in settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelGifSearchToggle": "Gif-piltide otsing", + "@labelGifSearchToggle": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling gif search", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreview": "Urlide eelvaade krüptitud vestlustes (katseline)", + "@labelEncryptedPreview": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling encrypted url preview", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsDeveloperMode": "Arendaja režiim", + "@labelSettingsDeveloperMode": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable developer mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsDeveloperModeExplanation": "Selles töörežiimis näitame arendajatele vajalikku lisateavet", + "@labelSettingsDeveloperModeExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what developer mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelStickerCompatibility": "Kleepsude ühilduvus", + "@labelStickerCompatibility": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable sticker compatibility mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsWindowBehaviourTitle": "Akende käitumine", + "@labelSettingsWindowBehaviourTitle": { + "description": "Header for the window behaviour section of settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseToggle": "Sulgemisel minimeeri ja ära sulge", + "@labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseToggle": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to turn on and off minimize on close", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseExplanation": "Rakenduse akna sulgemisel rakendus ei sulgu vaid lülitub tegumiribale minimeeritud vaatesse", + "@labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the 'minimize on close' setting does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "notificationSettingsNotSupported": "Tõuketeavitused pole selles seadmes toetatud", + "@notificationSettingsNotSupported": { + "description": "Message to display when push notifications are not supported", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveRoom": "Lahku jututoast", + "@promptLeaveRoom": { + "description": "Text on a button to leave a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveRoomConfirmation": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid {roomName} jututoast lahkuda?", + "@promptLeaveRoomConfirmation": { + "description": "Text for the popup dialog confirming the intent to leave", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "roomName": {} + } + }, + "promptLeaveSpace": "Lahku kogukonnast", + "@promptLeaveSpace": { + "description": "Text on a button to leave a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageLoginFailed": "Sisselogimine ei õnnestunud...", + "@messageLoginFailed": { + "description": "Generic text to show that an attempted login has failed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageLoginError": "Tekkis viga", + "@messageLoginError": { + "description": "A generic error message to convey that an error occured when attempting to login", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptPassword": "Salasõna", + "@promptPassword": { + "description": "Placeholder text for password field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSubmitLogin": "Logi sisse", + "@promptSubmitLogin": { + "description": "Prompt to submit the username and password, and attempt to login", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRoomName": "Jututoa nimi", + "@promptRoomName": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a room name, placeholder text for text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSpaceName": "Kogukonna nimi", + "@promptSpaceName": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a space name, placeholder text for text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "roomVisibilityPrivateExplanation": "Siia jututuppa pääseb vaid kutse alusel", + "@roomVisibilityPrivateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'private' room visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "roomVisibilityPublicExplanation": "Siia avalikku jututuppa pääsevad internetist kõik huvilised", + "@roomVisibilityPublicExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'public' visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "spaceVisibilityPrivateExplanation": "Siia kogukonda pääseb vaid kutse alusel", + "@spaceVisibilityPrivateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'private' space visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelVisibilityPrivate": "Privaatne", + "@labelVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Short label for room visibility private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelVisibilityPublic": "Avalik", + "@labelVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Short label for room visibility public", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryption": "Kasuta krüptimist", + "@promptEnableEncryption": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanation": "Kui krüptimine on kord kasutusel, siis teda ei saa hiljem välja lülitada", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanation": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmRoomCreation": "Loo jututuba!", + "@promptConfirmRoomCreation": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the creation of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmSpaceCreation": "Loo kogukond!", + "@promptConfirmSpaceCreation": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the creation of a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmRoomJoin": "Liitu jututoaga!", + "@promptConfirmRoomJoin": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the joining of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmSpaceJoin": "Liitu kogukonnaga!", + "@promptConfirmSpaceJoin": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the joining of a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRoomAddress": "Jututoa aadress:", + "@promptRoomAddress": { + "description": "Short label to prompt for the input of a room address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSpaceAddress": "Kogukonna aadress:", + "@promptSpaceAddress": { + "description": "Short label to prompt for the input of a space address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderRoomAddress": "#vahva-jututuba:domeen.tld", + "@placeholderRoomAddress": { + "description": "Placeholder / Example for a room address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSelectedRooms": "Lisa valitud jututoad kogukonda", + "@promptAddSelectedRooms": { + "description": "Prompt to add the selected rooms to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewSpace": "Loo uus kogukond", + "@promptCreateNewSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAppScale": "Kasutajaliidese mõõtkava", + "@labelAppScale": { + "description": "Label for the setting which controls the UI scale of the overall app", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelGifSearchDescription": "Gif-piltide otsinguks kasuta teenust Tenor. Otsingupäringud suuname läbi {proxyUrl} proksiserveri", + "@labelGifSearchDescription": { + "description": "Explains that gifs will be fetched via proxy", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": "Urlide eelvaate laadimiseks krüptitud vestlustes võta kasutusele proksiserver ({proxyUrl}). Selliste päringute sisu saab olema sinu koduserveri eest peidetud Commeti „krüptitud urlide eelvaate“ abil\nLisateavet leiad siit: https://github.com/commetchat/encrypted_url_preview", + "@labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": { + "description": "Explains briefly how encrypted url preview works", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": "Mõned Matrixi kliendid ei kuva kleepse korralikult, kui kasutusel on „m.sticker“ meetod. Kui see seadistus on aktiivne, siis kasutame „m.image“ meetodit ja siis kuvatakse nad alati korrektselt", + "@labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what sticker compatibility mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveSpaceConfirmation": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid {spaceName} kogukonnast lahkuda?", + "@promptLeaveSpaceConfirmation": { + "description": "Text for the popup dialog confirming the intent to leave a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "messageAlreadyLoggedIn": "Sa juba oled selle kasutajakontoga sisse loginud", + "@messageAlreadyLoggedIn": { + "description": "An error message displayed when the user attempts to add an account which has already been logged in to on this device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptHomeserver": "Koduserver", + "@promptHomeserver": { + "description": "Placeholder text for homeserver field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUsername": "Kasutajanimi", + "@promptUsername": { + "description": "Placeholder text for username field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptTopic": "Teema (kui soovid lisada)", + "@promptTopic": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a topic for room or space, specifying that doing so is optional", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "spaceVisibilityPublicExplanation": "Siia avalikku kogukonda pääsevad internetist kõik huvilised", + "@spaceVisibilityPublicExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'public' space visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderSpaceAddress": "#vahva-kogukond:domeen.tld", + "@placeholderSpaceAddress": { + "description": "Placeholder / Example for a space address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCouldNotLoadRoomPreview": "Jututoa eelvaate laadimine ei õnnestunud", + "@labelCouldNotLoadRoomPreview": { + "description": "Error message for when a room preview was not able to be loaded", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoinExistingSpace": "Liitu olemasoleva kogukonnaga", + "@promptJoinExistingSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to join a space which already exists", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewRoom": "Loo uus jututuba", + "@promptCreateNewRoom": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoinExistingRoom": "Liitu olemasoleva jututoaga", + "@promptJoinExistingRoom": { + "description": "Prompt to join a room which already exists", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingRoom": "Kasuta olemasolevat jututuba", + "@promptUseExistingRoom": { + "description": "Button text to choose to use an existing room when adding a room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageWaitingOtherDeviceToAccept": "Ootame, et teine seade vastaks verifitseerimispäringule", + "@messageWaitingOtherDeviceToAccept": { + "description": "Message to show while waiting for another device to accept a matrix session verification request", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageSasEmojiVerificationPrompt": "Palun kontrolli, et samad emotikonid oleks teises seadmes samas järjekorras", + "@messageSasEmojiVerificationPrompt": { + "description": "Explains what to look for when verifying using emoji. Needs to portray that the emoji MUST be the same AND in the same order", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmEmojiMatches": "Nad klapivad omavahel!", + "@promptConfirmEmojiMatches": { + "description": "Button text to confirm that the emoji matches", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiDoNotMatch": "Nad EI klapi omavahel", + "@promptEmojiDoNotMatch": { + "description": "Button text to confirm that the emoji do NOT match", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageVerificationComplete": "Verifitseerimine on valmis!", + "@messageVerificationComplete": { + "description": "Message to show when verification was completed successfully, and the session has been verified", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "matrixClientEncryptionWarningTitle": "Hoiatus krüptimise kohta", + "@matrixClientEncryptionWarningTitle": { + "description": "Title of a warning about encryption", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddReaction": "Reageeri", + "@promptAddReaction": { + "description": "Generic prompt to add reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEdit": "Muuda", + "@promptEdit": { + "description": "Generic prompt to edit something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptOptions": "Valikud", + "@promptOptions": { + "description": "Generic prompt for options, generally would be used to open a settings menu, extra details or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSettings": "Seadistused", + "@promptSettings": { + "description": "Generic prompt for settings, usually will open a settings menu or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptHome": "Avavaade", + "@promptHome": { + "description": "Generic prompt to go home, usually will go back to a main menu, or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAccept": "Nõustu", + "@promptAccept": { + "description": "Generic prompt to accept something, probably a request of some kind", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoin": "Liitu", + "@promptJoin": { + "description": "Generic prompt to join a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptContinue": "Jätka", + "@promptContinue": { + "description": "Generic prompt to continue with some action", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnable": "Võta kasutusele", + "@promptEnable": { + "description": "Generic prompt to enable something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRestore": "Taasta", + "@promptRestore": { + "description": "Generic prompt to restore something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptBack": "Tagasi", + "@promptBack": { + "description": "Prompt text to go backwards, probably for navigation", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCopy": "Kopeeri", + "@promptCopy": { + "description": "Prompt to copy text", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelOr": "või", + "@labelOr": { + "description": "Text that is placed between two or more options: [button1] or [button2]", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageMatrixSessionVerificationRequest": "**{username}** on palunud sinu sessiooni verifitseerimist", + "@messageMatrixSessionVerificationRequest": { + "description": "Message to show when another user has requested to verify your matrix session. Supports markdown to emphasise the user name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "username": {} + } + }, + "notificationModifiersPrivacyEnhanced": "Saadetud sõnum", + "@notificationModifiersPrivacyEnhanced": { + "description": "Placeholder text to put in a notification when the user has privacy enhanced notifications enabled.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "matrixClientOlmMissingMessage": "Selles seadmes kas libolm teek on paigaldamata või teda ei õnnestu leida. Kuni see probleem korda ei saa, siis läbivat krüptimist ei saa kasutada", + "@matrixClientOlmMissingMessage": { + "description": "Text that explains to the user that libolm dependency is not found", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReply": "Vasta", + "@promptReply": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reply to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReject": "Keeldu", + "@promptReject": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reject something, probably a request of some kind", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptApply": "Rakenda", + "@promptApply": { + "description": "Generic prompt to apply something, probably a setting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptDelete": "Kustuta", + "@promptDelete": { + "description": "Generic prompt to delete something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSubmit": "Saada", + "@promptSubmit": { + "description": "Generic prompt to submit something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirm": "Kinnita", + "@promptConfirm": { + "description": "Generic prompt to confirm some action", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptDone": "Valmis", + "@promptDone": { + "description": "Generic prompt to confirm that you are done", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReset": "Lähtesta", + "@promptReset": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reset something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptPoliteNo": "Tänan, ei", + "@promptPoliteNo": { + "description": "Generic message to decline something, using nice manners :)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCopyComplete": "Kopeeritud!", + "@promptCopyComplete": { + "description": "Prompt text for after a copy has been completed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + } +} diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_fr.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_fr.arb index a7a484ef..9e3cef97 100644 --- a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_fr.arb +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_fr.arb @@ -1240,5 +1240,256 @@ "description": "Text that explains the user cannot send a message in this room", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": "Gérer les enfants", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to manage children", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": "Permet à l'utilisateur de gérer les salons faisant partie de cet espace", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to manage child rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "Suppression des messages", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": "Permet à un utilisateur d'envoyer des messages dans ce salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "Ajout de réactions", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "Ajouter des réactions aux messages", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": "Changer l'image de l'avatar du salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppNotifications": "Notifications", + "@labelSettingsAppNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the App notifications settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeAmoled": "Amoled", + "@labelThemeAmoled": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreview": "Prévisualisation des URL dans les tchats chiffrés (Expérimental)", + "@labelEncryptedPreview": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling encrypted url preview", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "Changer les permissions", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "Permet à l'utilisateur de changer les paramètres de permissions", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "Expulser des utilisateurs", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "Bannir des utilisateurs", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "Bannir d'autres utilisateurs de ce salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": "Permet l'utilisation d'un serveur de proxy ({proxyUrl}) pour obtenir la prévisualisation d'une URL dans un tchat chiffré. Le contenu de ces requêtes sera caché à votre serveur utilisant la prévisualisation des URL dans les tchats chiffrés de Commet.\nPour en savoir plus : https://github.com/commetchat/encrypted_url_preview", + "@labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": { + "description": "Explains briefly how encrypted url preview works", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelStickerCompatibility": "Compatibilité des autocollants", + "@labelStickerCompatibility": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable sticker compatibility mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": "Dans certains clients matrix, envoyer un autocollant en tant que \"m.sticker\" fera que l'autocollant ne chargera pas correctement. Activer cette option permettra aux autocollants d'être envoyés en tant que \"m.image\", ce qui permettra de les afficher correctement", + "@labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what sticker compatibility mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "notificationSettingsNotSupported": "Les notifications push ne sont pas supportées sur ce système", + "@notificationSettingsNotSupported": { + "description": "Message to display when push notifications are not supported", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "Modérateur", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "Définir l'avatar du salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": "Endpoint", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": { + "description": "Label for the Unified Push endpoint", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "Permissions", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppLogs": "Journaux", + "@labelSettingsAppLogs": { + "description": "Label for the logs settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "Administrateur", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "Membre du salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "Permissions", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": "Permet à l'utilisateur de supprimer des messages envoyés par d'autres personnes", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "Envoyer des messages", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": "Visibilité de l'historique", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "Expulser d'autres utilisateurs de ce salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": "Permet à l'utilisateur de changer la visibilité de l'historique pour ce salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "Changer le thème du salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "Changer le nom du salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "Permet à l'utilisateur de changer le nom de ce salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "Permet à l'utilisateur de changer le thème de ce salon", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user}{emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPush": "Activer Unified Push", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPush": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to enable Unified Push", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "setupPageBeforeYouBegin": "Avant de commencer...", + "@setupPageBeforeYouBegin": { + "description": "Title for first time setup page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "unifiedPushExplainer": "# Unified Push\nCette version de Commet a été compilée sans les Google Play Services. Pour recevoir des notifications push, vous aurez besoin d'utiliser [Unified Push](https://unifiedpush.org/).\n\nSi vous disposez déjà d'une application de distribution de notifications compatible avec Unified Push, vous pouvez l'utiliser dans la configuration ci-dessous\n", + "@unifiedPushExplainer": { + "description": "Explains the need for unified push. Supports markdown", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": "Aucun endpoint trouvé, quelque chose s'est mal déroulé :(", + "@labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": { + "description": "Message for when a unified push endpoint could not be registered", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_ja.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_ja.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a5f6012 --- /dev/null +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_ja.arb @@ -0,0 +1,1439 @@ +{ + "labelRoomsList": "ルーム", + "@labelRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderSticker": "{user}がステッカーを送信しました", + "@messagePlaceholderSticker": { + "description": "Message body for when a user sends a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserCreatedRoom": "{user}がルームを作成しました!", + "@messagePlaceholderUserCreatedRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user created the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserJoinedRoom": "{user}がルームに参加しました!", + "@messagePlaceholderUserJoinedRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user joins the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserLeftRoom": "{user}がルームから退出しました", + "@messagePlaceholderUserLeftRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user leaves the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": "{user}がアバターを変更しました", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their avatar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": "{user}が名前を変更しました", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their display name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserInvited": "{sender}が{invitedUser}を招待しました", + "@messagePlaceholderUserInvited": { + "description": "Message body for when a user invites another user to the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "sender": {}, + "invitedUser": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": "{user}が招待を拒否しました", + "@messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": { + "description": "Message body for when a user rejected an invitation to a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "labelHomeInvitationBody": "ルームに招待されました", + "@labelHomeInvitationBody": { + "description": "Displays a short description explaining that an invitation to a room was received. Does not need to contain the name of the room or inviter", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "typingUsers": "{howMany,plural, =1{{user1}が入力中...}=2{{user1}と{user2}が入力中...}few{{user1}と{user2}と{user3}が入力中...}other{複数の人が入力中...}}", + "@typingUsers": { + "description": "Text to display which users are currently typing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": {}, + "user1": {}, + "user2": {}, + "user3": {} + } + }, + "sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": "暗号化されたメッセージの送信", + "@sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an encrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": "メッセージを送信", + "@sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an unencrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLarge": "ファイルが大きすぎてアップロードできません!", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLarge": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": "最大ファイルサイズを超えました", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": { + "description": "Title for the dialog that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRecentActivity": "最近のアクティビティ", + "@labelHomeRecentActivity": { + "description": "Short label for header of recent room activity", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeAlerts": "アラート", + "@labelHomeAlerts": { + "description": "Short label for header of alerts", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRoomsList": "ルーム", + "@labelHomeRoomsList": { + "description": "Short label for header of rooms list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeInvitations": "招待リスト", + "@labelHomeInvitations": { + "description": "Short label for header of invitations list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSpace": "スペースを追加", + "@promptAddSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to add a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipSpaceSettings": "スペースの設定", + "@tooltipSpaceSettings": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that opens space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipAddRoom": "ルームを追加", + "@tooltipAddRoom": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that adds a new room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceRoomsList": "ルーム", + "@labelSpaceRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": "参加可能なルーム", + "@labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space, which the user has not yet joined but are available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": "公開スペース", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is publically available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": "プライベートスペース", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptOpenDirectMessage": "メッセージ", + "@promptOpenDirectMessage": { + "description": "Prompt on the button to open a direct message with another user", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderMobile": "ダイレクトメッセージ", + "@directMessagesListHeaderMobile": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": "ダイレクトメッセージ", + "@directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceGettingText": "# {spaceName} \n\n へようこそ", + "@labelSpaceGettingText": { + "description": "Greeting to the space, supports markdown formatting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "unifiedPushExplainer": "# Unified Push\nこのバージョンの CommetはGoogle Play Servicesなしで設計されています。 プッシュ通知を受信するには、 [Unified Push](https://unifiedpush.org/)を使用する必要があります。 \n\nすでにUnified Push対応ディストリビューターアプリがインストールされている場合は、以下で設定できます。\n", + "@unifiedPushExplainer": { + "description": "Explains the need for unified push. Supports markdown", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPush": "Unified Pushを有効化", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPush": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to enable Unified Push", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": "エンドポイント", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": { + "description": "Label for the Unified Push endpoint", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": "エンドポイントが見つかりません、問題が発生しました:(", + "@labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": { + "description": "Message for when a unified push endpoint could not be registered", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "setupPageBeforeYouBegin": "始める前に…", + "@setupPageBeforeYouBegin": { + "description": "Title for first time setup page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": "一般", + "@labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": "外観", + "@labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": { + "description": "Label for space appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": "絵文字", + "@labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": { + "description": "Label for space emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "権限", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": "開発者", + "@labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": { + "description": "Label for space developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategorySpace": "スペースの設定", + "@labelSettingsCategorySpace": { + "description": "Label for the overall space settings category", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppLogs": "ログ", + "@labelSettingsAppLogs": { + "description": "Label for the logs settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNotifyAll": "すべてのメッセージ", + "@labelPushRuleNotifyAll": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies for all received messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsNotifications": "通知", + "@labelRoomSettingsNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the notifications section in room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": "暗号化を有効化", + "@promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMessageFailedToSend": "送信に失敗しました", + "@errorMessageFailedToSend": { + "description": "Text that is placed below a message when the message fails to send", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelJumpToLatest": "最新のメッセージを表示", + "@labelJumpToLatest": { + "description": "Label for the button which jumps the room timeline view to the latest message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": "ステッカー", + "@labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": { + "description": "Label for the sticker tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageEditedMarker": "(編集済み)", + "@messageEditedMarker": { + "description": "Short text to mark that a message has been edited", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": "絵文字", + "@labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": { + "description": "Label for the emoji tab in emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerGifTab": "Gif", + "@labelEmojiPickerGifTab": { + "description": "Label for the gif search tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cantSentMessagePrompt": "このルームにメッセージを送信する権限がありません", + "@cantSentMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Text that explains the user cannot send a message in this room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": "メンションとキーワード", + "@labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies only for keywords and mentions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNone": "ミュート", + "@labelPushRuleNone": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which sends no notifications", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user} {emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": "一度暗号化を有効にすると、暗号化を無効にすることはできません。", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateEmoticonPack": "パックを作成", + "@promptCreateEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new emoticon pack, for emoji or stickers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": "**{packName}**を削除してもよろしいですか?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the pack name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "packName": {} + } + }, + "createEmoticonDialogTitle": "絵文字を作成", + "@createEmoticonDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of a dialog that pops up when choosing to create a new emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRenameEmoticon": "絵文字の名前を変更", + "@promptRenameEmoticon": { + "description": "Tooltip for button to rename emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmoticonPackName": "パックの名前", + "@promptEmoticonPackName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoticon pack", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiName": "絵文字の名前", + "@promptEmojiName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoji", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptStickerName": "ステッカーの名前", + "@promptStickerName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": "作成しました!", + "@promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm the creation of an Emoticon Pack, Emoji, or Sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsGeneral": "一般", + "@labelRoomSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsAppearance": "外観", + "@labelRoomSettingsAppearance": { + "description": "Label for room appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsSecurity": "セキュリティ", + "@labelRoomSettingsSecurity": { + "description": "Label for room security settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": "絵文字", + "@labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for room Emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": "**{emoticon}**を削除してもよろしいですか?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the emote name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "emoticon": {} + } + }, + "labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": "開発者", + "@labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for room developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsCategory": "ルームの設定", + "@labelRoomSettingsCategory": { + "description": "Label for the overall settings category of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "権限", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "メッセージを削除", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "メッセージを送る", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "リアクションを追加", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "管理者", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "ルームメンバー", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "モデレーター", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "メッセージにリアクションを追加する", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "ルームのアバターを設定", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "ルームの名前を変更", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "ユーザーがルームの名前を変更できるようにする", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "ルームトピックを変更", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "ユーザーが権限の設定を変更できるようにする", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "ユーザーを追放", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "他のユーザーを追放できるようにする", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "ユーザーBAN", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabSecurity": "セキュリティ", + "@labelSettingsTabSecurity": { + "description": "Label for the Security settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabEmoticons": "絵文字", + "@labelSettingsTabEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for the Emoticons settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabDeveloper": "開発者", + "@labelSettingsTabDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for the Developer settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryAccount": "アカウント", + "@labelSettingsCategoryAccount": { + "description": "Label for the settings category Account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddAccount": "アカウントを追加", + "@promptAddAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to add another account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLogoutSingleAccount": "ログアウト", + "@promptLogoutSingleAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to log out of an account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCurrentAccountsHeader": "現在のアカウント", + "@labelCurrentAccountsHeader": { + "description": "Label for header of accounts list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixKeys": "キーを削除", + "@promptWipeMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button to wipe matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": "待って、削除しないで!", + "@promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button which aborts wiping matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "ユーザーがルームトピックを変更できるようにする", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "ルームの権限を変更", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "他のユーザーをBANできるようにする", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": "アカウントの管理", + "@labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": { + "description": "Label for the Manage Accounts settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabProfile": "プロフィール", + "@labelSettingsTabProfile": { + "description": "Label for the Profile settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": "キーを生成", + "@promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": { + "description": "Button text to generate a recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": "既存の署名キーが見つかりました!", + "@labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableMatrixBackup": "バックアップを有効化", + "@promptEnableMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to enable to encrypted message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": "これは回復キーです。他のすべてのセッションにアクセスできなくなった場合に、このキーを使用してセッションを検証できます。安全な場所に保管してください!", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": { + "description": "Gives a brief description about the function on the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": "既存のキーを使用しますか?", + "@labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys and asks the user if they would like to use those keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": "メッセージ履歴にアクセスするために使用できるセキュリティキーを設定する必要があります。キーを生成することも、独自のセキュリティフレーズを選択することもできます。", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the matrix recovery key does, and that it can be generated or user input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "fileDragDropPrompt": "アップロードするファイルをここにドロップ...", + "@fileDragDropPrompt": { + "description": "Text that is shown when a user is dragging a file", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageFailedToDecrypt": "イベントの復号化に失敗しました", + "@messageFailedToDecrypt": { + "description": "Placeholde text for when a message fails to decrypt", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetMatrixPassphrase": "フレーズの設定", + "@promptSetMatrixPassphrase": { + "description": "Button text to set a passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": "既存のキーを使用", + "@promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to use existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": "いいえ、新しいキーを作成", + "@promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to create new keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixBackup": "バックアップを削除", + "@promptWipeMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to wipe the matrix message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPromptPassphrase": "セキュリティフレーズ:", + "@labelMatrixPromptPassphrase": { + "description": "Prompt the user to enter passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderMatrixEnterSecutiyPhrase": "セキュリティフレーズ", + "@placeholderMatrixEnterSecutiyPhrase": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the passphrase text box", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAskWipeBackupToContinue": "クロス署名キーを変更する場合は、既存のバックアップを消去する必要があります... 続行しますか?", + "@labelMatrixAskWipeBackupToContinue": { + "description": "Asks the user if they want to wipe their existing backup to continue changing their cross signing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyPromptExplanation": "古いメッセージのロックを解除するには、以前のセッションで生成された回復キーを入力してください。回復キーはパスワードではありません。", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyPromptExplanation": { + "description": "Shown when a user is attempting to recover their old messages, explains that they need the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptMatrixRecoveryKeyInput": "リカバリーキー", + "@promptMatrixRecoveryKeyInput": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the recovery key input box", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmWipingCrossSigningKeys": "クロス署名キーを消去してもよろしいですか?", + "@promptConfirmWipingCrossSigningKeys": { + "description": "Asks the user if they are sure they want to wipe the keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixSecurityPhraseShouldNotBePassword": "セキュリティフレーズはアカウントのパスワードとは異なる必要があります", + "@labelMatrixSecurityPhraseShouldNotBePassword": { + "description": "Tells the user to not use their password as their security phrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainUpperAndLowercase": "パスフレーズには少なくとも1つの大文字と1つの小文字を含める必要があります", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainUpperAndLowercase": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainNumber": "パスフレーズには少なくとも 1 つの数字を含める必要があります", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainNumber": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainSymbol": "パスフレーズには少なくとも 1つの記号を含める必要があります", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainSymbol": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "erroMatrixPassphraseMustBeLonger": "パスフレーズは10文字以上である必要があります", + "@erroMatrixPassphraseMustBeLonger": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": "セキュリティフレーズを確認してください:", + "@labelMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": { + "description": "Prompts the user to input their passphrase again", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": "セキュリティフレーズを確認してください", + "@placeholderMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the confirm passphrase text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphrasesDontMatch": "パスフレーズが一致しません", + "@errorMatrixPassphrasesDontMatch": { + "description": "Error when the user enters passphrase twice and the two dont match", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixExistingMessageBackupFound": "既存のバックアップが見つかりました!", + "@labelMatrixExistingMessageBackupFound": { + "description": "Message to explain that existing backup has been found", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixWarnResetKeysIsPermanent": "キーをリセットは永久的です、チャット履歴のバックアップが失われます。絶対にこの操作は行わないでください!", + "@labelMatrixWarnResetKeysIsPermanent": { + "description": "Explains that resetting keys is permanent, should emphasize that this isnt really a great idea", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixResetCrossSigningTitle": "クロス署名をリセット", + "@labelMatrixResetCrossSigningTitle": { + "description": "Title for the popup dialog when resetting cross signing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetupMatrixMessageBackup": "バックアップを設定", + "@promptSetupMatrixMessageBackup": { + "description": "Text on the button to begin the setup process for message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppAppearance": "外観", + "@labelSettingsAppAppearance": { + "description": "Label for the App Appearance settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsWindowBehaviour": "ウィンドウの動作", + "@labelSettingsWindowBehaviour": { + "description": "Label for the Window Behaviour settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppNotifications": "通知", + "@labelSettingsAppNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the App notifications settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAppScale": "アプリのスケール", + "@labelAppScale": { + "description": "Label for the setting which controls the UI scale of the overall app", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThirdPartyServicesTitle": "サードパーティサービス", + "@labelThirdPartyServicesTitle": { + "description": "Header for the third party services section in settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsDeveloperModeExplanation": "開発者にとって役立つ追加情報を表示します", + "@labelSettingsDeveloperModeExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what developer mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixExplainOnlineKeyBackup": "オンラインキーバックアップを使用すると、すべてのセッションにアクセスできなくなった場合でも、メッセージ履歴を取得できます。", + "@labelMatrixExplainOnlineKeyBackup": { + "description": "Explains what the message backup does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAskEnableMessageBackup": "オンラインキーバックアップを有効にしますか?", + "@labelMatrixAskEnableMessageBackup": { + "description": "Asks the user if they want to enable online backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigning": "クロス署名", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigning": { + "description": "Title label for matrix cross signing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigningAndBackup": "クロス署名とバックアップ", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigningAndBackup": { + "description": "Header label for matrix cross signing and message backup section", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAccountSessions": "セッション", + "@labelMatrixAccountSessions": { + "description": "Title label for account sessions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixMessageBackup": "メッセージのバックアップ", + "@labelMatrixMessageBackup": { + "description": "TItle label for matrix message backup settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixMessageBackupExplanation": "すべてのセッションが失われた場合に備えて、メッセージ履歴のバックアップを維持します。メッセージはアップロード前に暗号化されます。", + "@labelMatrixMessageBackupExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what matrix message backup does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRestoreMatrixBackupTitle": "バックアップを復元", + "@labelRestoreMatrixBackupTitle": { + "description": "Title of the popup dialog for restoring message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigningExplanation": "すべてのセッションを検証して追跡するための設定", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigningExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what matrix cross signing does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptMatrixVerifySession": "検証", + "@promptMatrixVerifySession": { + "description": "Text on the button to verify a session", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppGeneral": "一般", + "@labelSettingsAppGeneral": { + "description": "Label for the App General settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppAdvanced": "高度な設定", + "@labelSettingsAppAdvanced": { + "description": "Label for the App Advanced settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppDeveloperUtils": "開発者ユーティリティ", + "@labelSettingsAppDeveloperUtils": { + "description": "Label for the developer utils settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppTheme": "テーマ", + "@labelSettingsAppTheme": { + "description": "Label for theme section of app appearance", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeDark": "ダークテーマ", + "@labelThemeDark": { + "description": "Label for the dark theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeLight": "ライトテーマ", + "@labelThemeLight": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeAmoled": "ピュアブラック", + "@labelThemeAmoled": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryApp": "アプリの設定", + "@labelSettingsCategoryApp": { + "description": "Label for the settings category of the overall App settings/", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelGifSearchToggle": "Gifを検索", + "@labelGifSearchToggle": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling gif search", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreview": "暗号化されたチャットでのURLプレビュー (実験的)", + "@labelEncryptedPreview": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling encrypted url preview", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsDeveloperMode": "開発者モード", + "@labelSettingsDeveloperMode": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable developer mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelGifSearchDescription": "Tenor Gif検索の使用を有効にします。リクエストはプロキシ {proxyUrl} 経由で接続されます。", + "@labelGifSearchDescription": { + "description": "Explains that gifs will be fetched via proxy", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelStickerCompatibility": "ステッカーの互換性", + "@labelStickerCompatibility": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable sticker compatibility mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "roomVisibilityPublicExplanation": "このルームはインターネット上の誰でもアクセス可能になります", + "@roomVisibilityPublicExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'public' visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": "一部のmatrixスクライアントでは、ステッカーを「m.sticker」として送信すると、ステッカーが正しく読み込まれません。この設定を有効にすると、ステッカーは「m.image」として送信され、正しくレンダリングされるようになります。", + "@labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what sticker compatibility mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsWindowBehaviourTitle": "ウィンドウの動作", + "@labelSettingsWindowBehaviourTitle": { + "description": "Header for the window behaviour section of settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseToggle": "閉じるときに最小化", + "@labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseToggle": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to turn on and off minimize on close", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseExplanation": "ウィンドウを閉じると、アプリは終了するのではなく最小化されます。", + "@labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the 'minimize on close' setting does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "notificationSettingsNotSupported": "このシステムではプッシュ通知はサポートされていません", + "@notificationSettingsNotSupported": { + "description": "Message to display when push notifications are not supported", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveRoom": "ルームを退出", + "@promptLeaveRoom": { + "description": "Text on a button to leave a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveRoomConfirmation": "{roomName}から退出してもよろしいですか?", + "@promptLeaveRoomConfirmation": { + "description": "Text for the popup dialog confirming the intent to leave", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "roomName": {} + } + }, + "promptLeaveSpace": "スペースを退出", + "@promptLeaveSpace": { + "description": "Text on a button to leave a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveSpaceConfirmation": "{spaceName}から退出してもよろしいですか?", + "@promptLeaveSpaceConfirmation": { + "description": "Text for the popup dialog confirming the intent to leave a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "messageLoginFailed": "ログインに失敗しました...", + "@messageLoginFailed": { + "description": "Generic text to show that an attempted login has failed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageLoginError": "エラーが発生", + "@messageLoginError": { + "description": "A generic error message to convey that an error occured when attempting to login", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageAlreadyLoggedIn": "このアカウントにはすでにログインしています", + "@messageAlreadyLoggedIn": { + "description": "An error message displayed when the user attempts to add an account which has already been logged in to on this device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptHomeserver": "ホームサーバー", + "@promptHomeserver": { + "description": "Placeholder text for homeserver field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUsername": "ユーザー名", + "@promptUsername": { + "description": "Placeholder text for username field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptPassword": "パスワード", + "@promptPassword": { + "description": "Placeholder text for password field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSubmitLogin": "ログイン", + "@promptSubmitLogin": { + "description": "Prompt to submit the username and password, and attempt to login", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRoomName": "ルーム名", + "@promptRoomName": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a room name, placeholder text for text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSpaceName": "スペース名", + "@promptSpaceName": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a space name, placeholder text for text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptTopic": "トピック(オプション)", + "@promptTopic": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a topic for room or space, specifying that doing so is optional", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "roomVisibilityPrivateExplanation": "このルームは招待された人のみ参加できます", + "@roomVisibilityPrivateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'private' room visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "spaceVisibilityPrivateExplanation": "このルームは招待された人のみ参加できます", + "@spaceVisibilityPrivateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'private' space visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "spaceVisibilityPublicExplanation": "このルームはインターネット上の誰でもアクセス可能になります", + "@spaceVisibilityPublicExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'public' space visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanation": "一度暗号化を有効にすると、暗号化を無効にすることはできません。", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanation": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmRoomCreation": "ルームを作成しました!", + "@promptConfirmRoomCreation": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the creation of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmSpaceCreation": "スペースを作成しました!", + "@promptConfirmSpaceCreation": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the creation of a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmRoomJoin": "ルームに参加しました!", + "@promptConfirmRoomJoin": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the joining of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRoomAddress": "ルームアドレス:", + "@promptRoomAddress": { + "description": "Short label to prompt for the input of a room address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCouldNotLoadRoomPreview": "ルームのプレビューを読み込めませんでした", + "@labelCouldNotLoadRoomPreview": { + "description": "Error message for when a room preview was not able to be loaded", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewSpace": "新しいスペースを作成", + "@promptCreateNewSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSelectedRooms": "選択したルームを追加", + "@promptAddSelectedRooms": { + "description": "Prompt to add the selected rooms to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoinExistingSpace": "既存のスペースに参加する", + "@promptJoinExistingSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to join a space which already exists", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewRoom": "新しいルームを作成", + "@promptCreateNewRoom": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoinExistingRoom": "既存のルームに参加する", + "@promptJoinExistingRoom": { + "description": "Prompt to join a room which already exists", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingRoom": "既存のルームを使用する", + "@promptUseExistingRoom": { + "description": "Button text to choose to use an existing room when adding a room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageWaitingOtherDeviceToAccept": "他のデバイスがリクエストを受け入れるのを待っています", + "@messageWaitingOtherDeviceToAccept": { + "description": "Message to show while waiting for another device to accept a matrix session verification request", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageMatrixSessionVerificationRequest": "**{username}**がセッションの確認をリクエストしました", + "@messageMatrixSessionVerificationRequest": { + "description": "Message to show when another user has requested to verify your matrix session. Supports markdown to emphasise the user name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "username": {} + } + }, + "messageSasEmojiVerificationPrompt": "絵文字が他のデバイスと同じで、同じ順序になっていることを確認します。", + "@messageSasEmojiVerificationPrompt": { + "description": "Explains what to look for when verifying using emoji. Needs to portray that the emoji MUST be the same AND in the same order", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmEmojiMatches": "一致しています!", + "@promptConfirmEmojiMatches": { + "description": "Button text to confirm that the emoji matches", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiDoNotMatch": "一致しません", + "@promptEmojiDoNotMatch": { + "description": "Button text to confirm that the emoji do NOT match", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageVerificationComplete": "検証が完了しました!", + "@messageVerificationComplete": { + "description": "Message to show when verification was completed successfully, and the session has been verified", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "notificationModifiersPrivacyEnhanced": "メッセージを送信", + "@notificationModifiersPrivacyEnhanced": { + "description": "Placeholder text to put in a notification when the user has privacy enhanced notifications enabled.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "matrixClientOlmMissingMessage": "libolmがインストールされていないか、見つかりません。これが解決されるまで、エンドツーエンド暗号化は利用できません。", + "@matrixClientOlmMissingMessage": { + "description": "Text that explains to the user that libolm dependency is not found", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelVisibilityPrivate": "プライベート", + "@labelVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Short label for room visibility private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelVisibilityPublic": "パブリック", + "@labelVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Short label for room visibility public", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryption": "暗号化を有効化", + "@promptEnableEncryption": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderRoomAddress": "#awesome-room:matrix.org", + "@placeholderRoomAddress": { + "description": "Placeholder / Example for a room address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmSpaceJoin": "スペースに参加しました!", + "@promptConfirmSpaceJoin": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the joining of a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSpaceAddress": "スペースアドレス:", + "@promptSpaceAddress": { + "description": "Short label to prompt for the input of a space address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderSpaceAddress": "#awesome-space:matrix.org", + "@placeholderSpaceAddress": { + "description": "Placeholder / Example for a space address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "matrixClientEncryptionWarningTitle": "暗号化の警告", + "@matrixClientEncryptionWarningTitle": { + "description": "Title of a warning about encryption", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReply": "返信", + "@promptReply": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reply to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddReaction": "リアクションを追加", + "@promptAddReaction": { + "description": "Generic prompt to add reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEdit": "編集", + "@promptEdit": { + "description": "Generic prompt to edit something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptOptions": "オプション", + "@promptOptions": { + "description": "Generic prompt for options, generally would be used to open a settings menu, extra details or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSettings": "設定", + "@promptSettings": { + "description": "Generic prompt for settings, usually will open a settings menu or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptHome": "ホーム", + "@promptHome": { + "description": "Generic prompt to go home, usually will go back to a main menu, or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAccept": "受諾", + "@promptAccept": { + "description": "Generic prompt to accept something, probably a request of some kind", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReject": "拒否", + "@promptReject": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reject something, probably a request of some kind", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptApply": "適用", + "@promptApply": { + "description": "Generic prompt to apply something, probably a setting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptDelete": "削除", + "@promptDelete": { + "description": "Generic prompt to delete something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoin": "参加", + "@promptJoin": { + "description": "Generic prompt to join a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptContinue": "続ける", + "@promptContinue": { + "description": "Generic prompt to continue with some action", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirm": "確認", + "@promptConfirm": { + "description": "Generic prompt to confirm some action", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptDone": "完了", + "@promptDone": { + "description": "Generic prompt to confirm that you are done", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReset": "リセット", + "@promptReset": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reset something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnable": "有効化", + "@promptEnable": { + "description": "Generic prompt to enable something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRestore": "復元", + "@promptRestore": { + "description": "Generic prompt to restore something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptPoliteNo": "いいえ、結構です", + "@promptPoliteNo": { + "description": "Generic message to decline something, using nice manners :)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelOr": "または", + "@labelOr": { + "description": "Text that is placed between two or more options: [button1] or [button2]", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptBack": "戻る", + "@promptBack": { + "description": "Prompt text to go backwards, probably for navigation", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCopy": "コピー", + "@promptCopy": { + "description": "Prompt to copy text", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCopyComplete": "コピーしました!", + "@promptCopyComplete": { + "description": "Prompt text for after a copy has been completed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + } +} diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_ko.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_ko.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60a59a15 --- /dev/null +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_ko.arb @@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@ +{ + "labelRoomsList": "방", + "@labelRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserCreatedRoom": "{user} 님이 방을 생성했습니다!", + "@messagePlaceholderUserCreatedRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user created the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": "{user}님이 이름을 업데이트했습니다", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their display name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "fileDragDropPrompt": "업로드할 파일을 가져오세요...", + "@fileDragDropPrompt": { + "description": "Text that is shown when a user is dragging a file", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderSticker": "{user} 님이 스티커를 전송했습니다", + "@messagePlaceholderSticker": { + "description": "Message body for when a user sends a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserLeftRoom": "{user} 님이 방을 떠났습니다", + "@messagePlaceholderUserLeftRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user leaves the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": "{user} 님이 아바타를 업데이트했습니다", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their avatar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserInvited": "{sender} 님이 {invitedUser} 님을 초대했습니다", + "@messagePlaceholderUserInvited": { + "description": "Message body for when a user invites another user to the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "sender": {}, + "invitedUser": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": "{user} 님이 초대를 거절했습니다", + "@messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": { + "description": "Message body for when a user rejected an invitation to a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserJoinedRoom": "{user} 님이 방에 참여했습니다!", + "@messagePlaceholderUserJoinedRoom": { + "description": "Message body for when a user joins the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messageFailedToDecrypt": "이벤트 해독에 실패했습니다", + "@messageFailedToDecrypt": { + "description": "Placeholde text for when a message fails to decrypt", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user} {emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "errorMessageFailedToSend": "전송에 실패했습니다", + "@errorMessageFailedToSend": { + "description": "Text that is placed below a message when the message fails to send", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeInvitationBody": "당신을 방에 초대했습니다", + "@labelHomeInvitationBody": { + "description": "Displays a short description explaining that an invitation to a room was received. Does not need to contain the name of the room or inviter", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelJumpToLatest": "최근 메시지로 이동", + "@labelJumpToLatest": { + "description": "Label for the button which jumps the room timeline view to the latest message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageEditedMarker": "(수정됨)", + "@messageEditedMarker": { + "description": "Short text to mark that a message has been edited", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": "스티커", + "@labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": { + "description": "Label for the sticker tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerGifTab": "Gif", + "@labelEmojiPickerGifTab": { + "description": "Label for the gif search tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": "암호화된 메시지 전송", + "@sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an encrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": "메시지 전송", + "@sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an unencrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cantSentMessagePrompt": "이 방에서 메시지를 전송할 권한이 없습니다", + "@cantSentMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Text that explains the user cannot send a message in this room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLarge": "파일이 너무 커서 업로드할 수 없습니다!", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLarge": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": "최대 파일 크기 초과", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": { + "description": "Title for the dialog that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRecentActivity": "최근 활동", + "@labelHomeRecentActivity": { + "description": "Short label for header of recent room activity", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRoomsList": "방 목록", + "@labelHomeRoomsList": { + "description": "Short label for header of rooms list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipSpaceSettings": "공간 설정", + "@tooltipSpaceSettings": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that opens space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": "공개 공간", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is publically available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": "종료 지점", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": { + "description": "Label for the Unified Push endpoint", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": "이모지", + "@labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": { + "description": "Label for the emoji tab in emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "typingUsers": "{howMany,plural, =1{{user1} 입력중...}=2{{user1}, {user2} 입력중...}few{{user1}, {user2}, {user3} 입력중...}other{여러 명 입력중...}}", + "@typingUsers": { + "description": "Text to display which users are currently typing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": {}, + "user1": {}, + "user2": {}, + "user3": {} + } + }, + "labelHomeAlerts": "알림", + "@labelHomeAlerts": { + "description": "Short label for header of alerts", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeInvitations": "초대 목록", + "@labelHomeInvitations": { + "description": "Short label for header of invitations list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSpace": "공간 추가", + "@promptAddSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to add a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipAddRoom": "방 추가", + "@tooltipAddRoom": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that adds a new room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceRoomsList": "방 목록", + "@labelSpaceRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": "이용 가능한 방", + "@labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space, which the user has not yet joined but are available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": "개인 공간", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceGettingText": "# {spaceName} \n\n 에 오신 것을 환영합니다", + "@labelSpaceGettingText": { + "description": "Greeting to the space, supports markdown formatting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "promptOpenDirectMessage": "메시지", + "@promptOpenDirectMessage": { + "description": "Prompt on the button to open a direct message with another user", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderMobile": "메시지", + "@directMessagesListHeaderMobile": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": "메시지", + "@directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "unifiedPushExplainer": "# Unified Push\n이 버전의 Commet은 Google Play 서비스 없이 빌드 되었습니다. 푸시 알림을 받으려면 [Unified Push](https://unifiedpush.org/)를 사용해야 합니다 . \n\nUnified Push compatible distributor 앱이 이미 설치되어 있는 경우 아래에서 구성할 수 있습니다\n", + "@unifiedPushExplainer": { + "description": "Explains the need for unified push. Supports markdown", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPush": "Unified Push 활성화", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPush": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to enable Unified Push", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": "종료 지점을 찾을 수 없음, 문제가 발생했습니다 :(", + "@labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": { + "description": "Message for when a unified push endpoint could not be registered", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "setupPageBeforeYouBegin": "시작하기 전에 ...", + "@setupPageBeforeYouBegin": { + "description": "Title for first time setup page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": "일반", + "@labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": "외관", + "@labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": { + "description": "Label for space appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": "이모티콘", + "@labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": { + "description": "Label for space emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "권한", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": "언급 & 키워드", + "@labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies only for keywords and mentions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNone": "음소거", + "@labelPushRuleNone": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which sends no notifications", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsNotifications": "알림", + "@labelRoomSettingsNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the notifications section in room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": "활성화된 경우 나중에 암호화를 비활성화 할 수 없습니다", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateEmoticonPack": "팩 생성", + "@promptCreateEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new emoticon pack, for emoji or stickers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmoticonPackName": "팩 이름", + "@promptEmoticonPackName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoticon pack", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsAppearance": "외관", + "@labelRoomSettingsAppearance": { + "description": "Label for room appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": "개발자", + "@labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for room developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "관리자", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "방 맴버", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": "사용자가 이 공간에 속하는 방을 관리할 수 있도록 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to manage child rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "메시지 전송", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": "이 방에서 사용자가 메시지를 보낼 수 있도록 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "반응 추가", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": "기록 설정 변경 권한", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "아바타 설정", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": "아바타 이미지 변경", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "방 이름 변경", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "사용자에게 방 이름 변경을 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "사용자에게 권한 설정 변경을 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "차단", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "사용자를 방에서 차단합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": "계정 관리", + "@labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": { + "description": "Label for the Manage Accounts settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabProfile": "프로필", + "@labelSettingsTabProfile": { + "description": "Label for the Profile settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabEmoticons": "이모티콘", + "@labelSettingsTabEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for the Emoticons settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabDeveloper": "개발자", + "@labelSettingsTabDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for the Developer settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryAccount": "계정", + "@labelSettingsCategoryAccount": { + "description": "Label for the settings category Account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddAccount": "계정 추가", + "@promptAddAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to add another account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCurrentAccountsHeader": "현재 계정", + "@labelCurrentAccountsHeader": { + "description": "Label for header of accounts list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixKeys": "키 삭제", + "@promptWipeMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button to wipe matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": "새로운 키 생성", + "@promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to create new keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptMatrixRecoveryKeyInput": "복구 키", + "@promptMatrixRecoveryKeyInput": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the recovery key input box", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmWipingCrossSigningKeys": "크로스 서명 키를 삭제하시겠습니까?", + "@promptConfirmWipingCrossSigningKeys": { + "description": "Asks the user if they are sure they want to wipe the keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainSymbol": "암호 문구에는 최소 1개의 특수 문자가 포함되어야 합니다", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainSymbol": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "erroMatrixPassphraseMustBeLonger": "암호 문구는 최소 10자 이상이어야 합니다", + "@erroMatrixPassphraseMustBeLonger": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPromptPassphrase": "보안 문구:", + "@labelMatrixPromptPassphrase": { + "description": "Prompt the user to enter passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderMatrixEnterSecutiyPhrase": "보안 문구", + "@placeholderMatrixEnterSecutiyPhrase": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the passphrase text box", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixExistingMessageBackupFound": "기존 백업을 찾았습니다!", + "@labelMatrixExistingMessageBackupFound": { + "description": "Message to explain that existing backup has been found", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAskWipeBackupToContinue": "크로스 서명 키를 변경하려면, 기존 백업을 삭제해야 합니다...계속 하시겠습니까?", + "@labelMatrixAskWipeBackupToContinue": { + "description": "Asks the user if they want to wipe their existing backup to continue changing their cross signing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAskEnableMessageBackup": "온라인 키 백업을 활성화 하시겠습니까?", + "@labelMatrixAskEnableMessageBackup": { + "description": "Asks the user if they want to enable online backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixExplainOnlineKeyBackup": "온라인 키 백업을 사용하면 모든 세션에 대한 액세스 권한을 잃은 경우에도 메시지 기록을 되찾을 수 있습니다", + "@labelMatrixExplainOnlineKeyBackup": { + "description": "Explains what the message backup does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixMessageBackup": "메시지 백업", + "@labelMatrixMessageBackup": { + "description": "TItle label for matrix message backup settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixMessageBackupExplanation": "모든 세션을 잃을 경우를 대비해 메시지 기록을 백업합니다. 메시지는 업로드하기 전에 암호화됩니다", + "@labelMatrixMessageBackupExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what matrix message backup does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetupMatrixMessageBackup": "백업 설정", + "@promptSetupMatrixMessageBackup": { + "description": "Text on the button to begin the setup process for message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppGeneral": "일반", + "@labelSettingsAppGeneral": { + "description": "Label for the App General settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppAppearance": "외관", + "@labelSettingsAppAppearance": { + "description": "Label for the App Appearance settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppAdvanced": "고급", + "@labelSettingsAppAdvanced": { + "description": "Label for the App Advanced settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppDeveloperUtils": "개발자 도구", + "@labelSettingsAppDeveloperUtils": { + "description": "Label for the developer utils settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppTheme": "테마", + "@labelSettingsAppTheme": { + "description": "Label for theme section of app appearance", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAppScale": "앱 크기 조정", + "@labelAppScale": { + "description": "Label for the setting which controls the UI scale of the overall app", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelGifSearchToggle": "Gif 검색", + "@labelGifSearchToggle": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling gif search", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreview": "암호화된 채팅에서 URL 미리보기 (테스트 중)", + "@labelEncryptedPreview": { + "description": "Label for the toggle for enabling and disabling encrypted url preview", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsDeveloperMode": "개발자 모드", + "@labelSettingsDeveloperMode": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable developer mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": "**{packName}** 팩을 삭제하시겠습니까?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the pack name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "packName": {} + } + }, + "createEmoticonDialogTitle": "이모티콘 생성", + "@createEmoticonDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of a dialog that pops up when choosing to create a new emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": "개발자", + "@labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": { + "description": "Label for space developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategorySpace": "공간 설정", + "@labelSettingsCategorySpace": { + "description": "Label for the overall space settings category", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppLogs": "로그", + "@labelSettingsAppLogs": { + "description": "Label for the logs settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNotifyAll": "모든 메시지", + "@labelPushRuleNotifyAll": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies for all received messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRenameEmoticon": "이모티콘 이름 변경", + "@promptRenameEmoticon": { + "description": "Tooltip for button to rename emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiName": "이모지 이름", + "@promptEmojiName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoji", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptStickerName": "스티커 이름", + "@promptStickerName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": "이모티콘", + "@labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for room Emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": "생성되었습니다!", + "@promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm the creation of an Emoticon Pack, Emoji, or Sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsSecurity": "보안", + "@labelRoomSettingsSecurity": { + "description": "Label for room security settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": "암호화 활성화", + "@promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsGeneral": "일반", + "@labelRoomSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "어드민", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsCategory": "방 설정", + "@labelRoomSettingsCategory": { + "description": "Label for the overall settings category of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "권한", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "메시지 삭제", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": "자녀 관리", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to manage children", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": "다른 사람이 보낸 메시지를 사용자가 삭제할 수 있도록 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixWarnResetKeysIsPermanent": "키를 재설정하는 것은 영구적으로 저장되며 채팅 기록 백업이 사라집니다. 이런 일은 절대 하고 싶지 않을 겁니다!", + "@labelMatrixWarnResetKeysIsPermanent": { + "description": "Explains that resetting keys is permanent, should emphasize that this isnt really a great idea", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "메시지에 반응 추가", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": "사용자에게 이 방의 기록 설정 권한 변경을 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "사용자에게 방 주제 변경을 허용합니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "방 주제 변경", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "방 권한 변경", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "강퇴", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLogoutSingleAccount": "로그아웃", + "@promptLogoutSingleAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to log out of an account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "사용자를 방에서 내보냅니다", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabSecurity": "보안", + "@labelSettingsTabSecurity": { + "description": "Label for the Security settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": "삭제 중단!", + "@promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button which aborts wiping matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": "키 생성", + "@promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": { + "description": "Button text to generate a recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetMatrixPassphrase": "문구 설정", + "@promptSetMatrixPassphrase": { + "description": "Button text to set a passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixBackup": "백업 삭제", + "@promptWipeMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to wipe the matrix message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": "기존 서명 키가 발견되었습니다!", + "@labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": "메시지 기록에 액세스하는 데 사용할 수 있는 보안 키를 설정해야 합니다. 귀하를 위해 키를 생성하거나 귀하가 직접 보안 문구를 선택할 수 있습니다", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the matrix recovery key does, and that it can be generated or user input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": "기존 키 사용", + "@promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to use existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableMatrixBackup": "백업 활성화", + "@promptEnableMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to enable to encrypted message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": "기존 키를 사용하시겠습니까?", + "@labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys and asks the user if they would like to use those keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": "이것은 복구 키입니다. 다른 모든 세션에 대한 접근 권한을 잃었을 때 세션을 검증하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 안전한 곳에 보관하세요!", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": { + "description": "Gives a brief description about the function on the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainNumber": "암호 문구에는 숫자가 1개 이상이 포함되어야 합니다", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainNumber": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyPromptExplanation": "이전 세션에서 생성된 복구 키를 입력하여 이전 메시지를 잠금 해제하세요. 복구키는 비밀번호가 아닙니다.", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyPromptExplanation": { + "description": "Shown when a user is attempting to recover their old messages, explains that they need the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixSecurityPhraseShouldNotBePassword": "보안 문구는 계정 비밀번호와 달라야 합니다", + "@labelMatrixSecurityPhraseShouldNotBePassword": { + "description": "Tells the user to not use their password as their security phrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainUpperAndLowercase": "암호 문구에는 대문자 1개 이상, 소문자 1개 이상이 포함되어야 합니다", + "@errorMatrixPassphraseMustContainUpperAndLowercase": { + "description": "Explains constraints of recovery passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": "보안 문구 확인:", + "@labelMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": { + "description": "Prompts the user to input their passphrase again", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": "보안 문구 확인", + "@placeholderMatrixConfirmSecurityPhrase": { + "description": "Placeholder text for the confirm passphrase text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMatrixPassphrasesDontMatch": "보안 문구가 일치하지 않습니다", + "@errorMatrixPassphrasesDontMatch": { + "description": "Error when the user enters passphrase twice and the two dont match", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixAccountSessions": "세션", + "@labelMatrixAccountSessions": { + "description": "Title label for account sessions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigning": "크로스 서명", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigning": { + "description": "Title label for matrix cross signing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigningAndBackup": "크로스 서명 & 백업", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigningAndBackup": { + "description": "Header label for matrix cross signing and message backup section", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptMatrixVerifySession": "검증", + "@promptMatrixVerifySession": { + "description": "Text on the button to verify a session", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixCrossSigningExplanation": "모든 세션을 검증하고 추적하기 위한 설정입니다", + "@labelMatrixCrossSigningExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what matrix cross signing does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsWindowBehaviour": "창 동작", + "@labelSettingsWindowBehaviour": { + "description": "Label for the Window Behaviour settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppNotifications": "알림", + "@labelSettingsAppNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the App notifications settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixResetCrossSigningTitle": "크로스 서명 초기화", + "@labelMatrixResetCrossSigningTitle": { + "description": "Title for the popup dialog when resetting cross signing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRestoreMatrixBackupTitle": "백업 복구", + "@labelRestoreMatrixBackupTitle": { + "description": "Title of the popup dialog for restoring message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryApp": "앱 설정", + "@labelSettingsCategoryApp": { + "description": "Label for the settings category of the overall App settings/", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeDark": "어두운 테마", + "@labelThemeDark": { + "description": "Label for the dark theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeLight": "밝은 테마", + "@labelThemeLight": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThemeAmoled": "아몰레드", + "@labelThemeAmoled": { + "description": "Label for the light theme", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelThirdPartyServicesTitle": "외부 서비스", + "@labelThirdPartyServicesTitle": { + "description": "Header for the third party services section in settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelGifSearchDescription": "Tenor GIF 검색 사용을 활성화합니다. 요청은 {proxyUrl}을(를) 통해 프록시됩니다", + "@labelGifSearchDescription": { + "description": "Explains that gifs will be fetched via proxy", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": "**{emoticon}**을(를) 삭제 하시겠습니까?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the emote name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "emoticon": {} + } + }, + "labelSettingsDeveloperModeExplanation": "개발자에게 유용한 추가 정보를 보여줍니다", + "@labelSettingsDeveloperModeExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what developer mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelStickerCompatibility": "스티커 호환", + "@labelStickerCompatibility": { + "description": "Header for the settings to enable sticker compatibility mode", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsWindowBehaviourTitle": "창 동작", + "@labelSettingsWindowBehaviourTitle": { + "description": "Header for the window behaviour section of settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseToggle": "닫기 시 축소", + "@labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseToggle": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to turn on and off minimize on close", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseExplanation": "창을 닫을 시 앱이 종료되지 않고 축소 됩니다", + "@labelSettingsMinimizeOnCloseExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the 'minimize on close' setting does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "notificationSettingsNotSupported": "푸시 알림은 이 시스템에서 지원되지 않습니다", + "@notificationSettingsNotSupported": { + "description": "Message to display when push notifications are not supported", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveRoom": "방 나가기", + "@promptLeaveRoom": { + "description": "Text on a button to leave a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveRoomConfirmation": "{roomName}방을 나가시겠습니까?", + "@promptLeaveRoomConfirmation": { + "description": "Text for the popup dialog confirming the intent to leave", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "roomName": {} + } + }, + "messageLoginError": "오류 발생", + "@messageLoginError": { + "description": "A generic error message to convey that an error occured when attempting to login", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageAlreadyLoggedIn": "이 계정으로 이미 로그인하셨습니다", + "@messageAlreadyLoggedIn": { + "description": "An error message displayed when the user attempts to add an account which has already been logged in to on this device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptHomeserver": "홈 서버", + "@promptHomeserver": { + "description": "Placeholder text for homeserver field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptPassword": "비밀번호", + "@promptPassword": { + "description": "Placeholder text for password field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSubmitLogin": "로그인", + "@promptSubmitLogin": { + "description": "Prompt to submit the username and password, and attempt to login", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUsername": "사용자명", + "@promptUsername": { + "description": "Placeholder text for username field on login form", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRoomName": "방 이름", + "@promptRoomName": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a room name, placeholder text for text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptTopic": "주제 (선택)", + "@promptTopic": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a topic for room or space, specifying that doing so is optional", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "roomVisibilityPrivateExplanation": "이 방은 초대를 통해서만 입장할 수 있습니다", + "@roomVisibilityPrivateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'private' room visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "roomVisibilityPublicExplanation": "이 방은 누구나 입장할 수 있는 공개 방입니다", + "@roomVisibilityPublicExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'public' visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelVisibilityPrivate": "비공개", + "@labelVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Short label for room visibility private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelVisibilityPublic": "공개", + "@labelVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Short label for room visibility public", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmSpaceCreation": "공간 생성!", + "@promptConfirmSpaceCreation": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the creation of a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmRoomJoin": "방 입장!", + "@promptConfirmRoomJoin": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the joining of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmSpaceJoin": "공간 입장!", + "@promptConfirmSpaceJoin": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the joining of a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSpaceAddress": "공간 주소:", + "@promptSpaceAddress": { + "description": "Short label to prompt for the input of a space address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderRoomAddress": "#awesome-room:matrix.org", + "@placeholderRoomAddress": { + "description": "Placeholder / Example for a room address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "placeholderSpaceAddress": "#awesome-space:matrix.org", + "@placeholderSpaceAddress": { + "description": "Placeholder / Example for a space address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCouldNotLoadRoomPreview": "방의 미리보기를 로드 할 수 없습니다", + "@labelCouldNotLoadRoomPreview": { + "description": "Error message for when a room preview was not able to be loaded", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSelectedRooms": "선택한 방 추가", + "@promptAddSelectedRooms": { + "description": "Prompt to add the selected rooms to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewSpace": "새로운 공간 생성", + "@promptCreateNewSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoinExistingSpace": "기존 공간 입장", + "@promptJoinExistingSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to join a space which already exists", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingRoom": "기존 방 사용", + "@promptUseExistingRoom": { + "description": "Button text to choose to use an existing room when adding a room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "notificationModifiersPrivacyEnhanced": "메시지를 전송했습니다", + "@notificationModifiersPrivacyEnhanced": { + "description": "Placeholder text to put in a notification when the user has privacy enhanced notifications enabled.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "matrixClientEncryptionWarningTitle": "암호화 경고", + "@matrixClientEncryptionWarningTitle": { + "description": "Title of a warning about encryption", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReply": "응답", + "@promptReply": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reply to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSettings": "설정", + "@promptSettings": { + "description": "Generic prompt for settings, usually will open a settings menu or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptHome": "홈", + "@promptHome": { + "description": "Generic prompt to go home, usually will go back to a main menu, or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAccept": "승인", + "@promptAccept": { + "description": "Generic prompt to accept something, probably a request of some kind", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReject": "거절", + "@promptReject": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reject something, probably a request of some kind", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptApply": "적용", + "@promptApply": { + "description": "Generic prompt to apply something, probably a setting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoin": "입장", + "@promptJoin": { + "description": "Generic prompt to join a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSubmit": "제출", + "@promptSubmit": { + "description": "Generic prompt to submit something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptContinue": "계속", + "@promptContinue": { + "description": "Generic prompt to continue with some action", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptPoliteNo": "아니요, 괜찮습니다", + "@promptPoliteNo": { + "description": "Generic message to decline something, using nice manners :)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptBack": "뒤로", + "@promptBack": { + "description": "Prompt text to go backwards, probably for navigation", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCopy": "복사", + "@promptCopy": { + "description": "Prompt to copy text", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCopyComplete": "복사 완료!", + "@promptCopyComplete": { + "description": "Prompt text for after a copy has been completed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelOr": "혹은", + "@labelOr": { + "description": "Text that is placed between two or more options: [button1] or [button2]", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": "프록시 서버({proxyUrl})을(를) 사용하여 암호화된 채팅에서 URL 미리보기를 활성화 합니다. 이러한 요청의 내용은 Commet의 '암호화된 URL 미리보기'를 사용하여 홈 서버에서 보이지 않습니다\n자세히 알아보기: https://github.com/commetchat/encrypted_url_preview", + "@labelEncryptedPreviewDescription": { + "description": "Explains briefly how encrypted url preview works", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "proxyUrl": {} + } + }, + "labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": "일부 Matrix 클라이언트에서는 스티커를 'm.sticker'로 보내면 스티커가 제대로 로드되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 설정을 활성화하면 스티커를 'm.image'로 보내게 되어 올바르게 렌더링 될 것 입니다", + "@labelSettingsStickerCompatibilityExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what sticker compatibility mode does", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveSpace": "공간 나가기", + "@promptLeaveSpace": { + "description": "Text on a button to leave a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSpaceName": "공간 이름", + "@promptSpaceName": { + "description": "Prompt to enter a space name, placeholder text for text input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLeaveSpaceConfirmation": "{spaceName}공간을 나가시겠습니까?", + "@promptLeaveSpaceConfirmation": { + "description": "Text for the popup dialog confirming the intent to leave a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "messageLoginFailed": "로그인 실패...", + "@messageLoginFailed": { + "description": "Generic text to show that an attempted login has failed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmRoomCreation": "방 생성!", + "@promptConfirmRoomCreation": { + "description": "Label for a button which confirms the creation of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageMatrixSessionVerificationRequest": "**{username}**님이 세션 검증을 요청하였습니다", + "@messageMatrixSessionVerificationRequest": { + "description": "Message to show when another user has requested to verify your matrix session. Supports markdown to emphasise the user name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "username": {} + } + }, + "spaceVisibilityPublicExplanation": "이 공간은 누구나 입장할 수 있는 공개 공간입니다", + "@spaceVisibilityPublicExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'public' space visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "spaceVisibilityPrivateExplanation": "이 공간은 초대를 통해서만 입장할 수 있습니다", + "@spaceVisibilityPrivateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what 'private' space visibility means", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryption": "암호화 활성화", + "@promptEnableEncryption": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewRoom": "새로운 방 생성", + "@promptCreateNewRoom": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanation": "암호화는 활성화 시 비활성화 할 수 없습니다", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanation": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEdit": "편집", + "@promptEdit": { + "description": "Generic prompt to edit something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRoomAddress": "방 주소:", + "@promptRoomAddress": { + "description": "Short label to prompt for the input of a room address", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptJoinExistingRoom": "기존 방 입장", + "@promptJoinExistingRoom": { + "description": "Prompt to join a room which already exists", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "matrixClientOlmMissingMessage": "libolm이 설치되지 않았거나 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 문제를 해결할 때까지 End-to-End 암호화 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다", + "@matrixClientOlmMissingMessage": { + "description": "Text that explains to the user that libolm dependency is not found", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddReaction": "반응 추가", + "@promptAddReaction": { + "description": "Generic prompt to add reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageWaitingOtherDeviceToAccept": "다른 장치에서 요청을 수락할 때까지 기다리는 중", + "@messageWaitingOtherDeviceToAccept": { + "description": "Message to show while waiting for another device to accept a matrix session verification request", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageSasEmojiVerificationPrompt": "이모지가 다른 장치와 동일한지, 동일한 순서로 있는지 확인하세요", + "@messageSasEmojiVerificationPrompt": { + "description": "Explains what to look for when verifying using emoji. Needs to portray that the emoji MUST be the same AND in the same order", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptOptions": "옵션", + "@promptOptions": { + "description": "Generic prompt for options, generally would be used to open a settings menu, extra details or similar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirm": "확인", + "@promptConfirm": { + "description": "Generic prompt to confirm some action", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageVerificationComplete": "검증 완료!", + "@messageVerificationComplete": { + "description": "Message to show when verification was completed successfully, and the session has been verified", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiDoNotMatch": "불일치", + "@promptEmojiDoNotMatch": { + "description": "Button text to confirm that the emoji do NOT match", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmEmojiMatches": "일치!", + "@promptConfirmEmojiMatches": { + "description": "Button text to confirm that the emoji matches", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptDelete": "삭제", + "@promptDelete": { + "description": "Generic prompt to delete something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptDone": "완료", + "@promptDone": { + "description": "Generic prompt to confirm that you are done", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptReset": "초기화", + "@promptReset": { + "description": "Generic prompt to reset something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnable": "활성화", + "@promptEnable": { + "description": "Generic prompt to enable something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptRestore": "복원", + "@promptRestore": { + "description": "Generic prompt to restore something", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + } +} diff --git a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_pt_BR.arb b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_pt_BR.arb index 1f2c7748..97167f2e 100644 --- a/commet/assets/l10n/intl_pt_BR.arb +++ b/commet/assets/l10n/intl_pt_BR.arb @@ -48,5 +48,706 @@ "placeholders": { "user": {} } + }, + "labelSpacePermissionSettings": "Permissões", + "@labelSpacePermissionSettings": { + "description": "Label for space permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNotifyAll": "Todas as Mensagens", + "@labelPushRuleNotifyAll": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies for all received messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": "Menções & Palavras Chave", + "@labelPushRuleMentionsAndKeywords": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which notifies only for keywords and mentions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": "Habilitar Criptografia", + "@promptEnableEncryptionRoomSettings": { + "description": "Short prompt to enable encryption for a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": "Se habilitada, a criptografia não poderá ser desabilitada depois", + "@encryptionCannotBeDisabledExplanationRoomSettings": { + "description": "Explains that encryption cannot be disabled once enabled", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateEmoticonPack": "Criar pacote", + "@promptCreateEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to create a new emoticon pack, for emoji or stickers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsPermissions": "Permissões", + "@labelRoomSettingsPermissions": { + "description": "Label for room permission settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": "Administrador", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleAdmin": { + "description": "Label for the room administrator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": "Moderador", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleModerator": { + "description": "Label for the room moderator role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": "Membro da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoleMember": { + "description": "Label for the room member role", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": "Gerenciar Filhos", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to manage children", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": "Permite o usuário a gerenciar quais salas são parte desse espaço", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsSpaceManageChildrenDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to manage child rooms", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": "Apagar Mensagens", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": "Permite um usuário a mudar a visibilidade do histórico da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": "Permite um usuário a mudar o nome da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": "Permite um usuário a mudar o tópico da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": "Banir usuários", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": "Bane outros usuários da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsBanUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to ban other users from the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": "Gerar chave", + "@promptGenerateMatrixRecoveryKey": { + "description": "Button text to generate a recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": "Chaves de segurança existentes foram encontradas!", + "@labelExistingMatrixKeysFound": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": "Essa é sua chave de recuperação. Você poderá usá-la para verificar sua sessão caso perca acesso a todas as outras sessões. Guarde em um lugar seguro!", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyExplanation": { + "description": "Gives a brief description about the function on the recovery key", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messageUserEmote": "*{user} {emote}", + "@messageUserEmote": { + "description": "Message to display when a user does a custom emote (/me)", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {}, + "emote": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": "{user} negou o convite", + "@messagePlaceholderUserRejectedInvite": { + "description": "Message body for when a user rejected an invitation to a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "labelHomeInvitationBody": "Convidou para uma sala", + "@labelHomeInvitationBody": { + "description": "Displays a short description explaining that an invitation to a room was received. Does not need to contain the name of the room or inviter", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": "Visibilidade do Histórico", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomHistoryVisibilityTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change room history settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "unifiedPushExplainer": "# Unified Push\nEssa versão do Commet foi feita sem Serviços do Google Play. Para receber notificações, você precisa usar [Unified Push](https://unifiedpush.org/). \n\nSe você já tem um app compatível com Unified Push instalado, você pode o configurar abaixo\n", + "@unifiedPushExplainer": { + "description": "Explains the need for unified push. Supports markdown", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": "Endpoint", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPushEndpoint": { + "description": "Label for the Unified Push endpoint", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": "Nenhum endpoint encontrado, algo deu errado :(", + "@labelUnifiedPushNoEndpointFound": { + "description": "Message for when a unified push endpoint could not be registered", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "setupPageBeforeYouBegin": "Antes de começar...", + "@setupPageBeforeYouBegin": { + "description": "Title for first time setup page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": "Tem certeza que quer deletar o pacote **{packName}**?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticonPack": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the pack name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "packName": {} + } + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderMobile": "Mensagens Privadas", + "@directMessagesListHeaderMobile": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": "Mensagens Privadas", + "@directMessagesListHeaderDesktop": { + "description": "The header for the direct messages list on desktop", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": "Permite o usuário a enviar mensagens nessa sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": "Mudar nome da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomNameTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixKeys": "Apagar Chaves", + "@promptWipeMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button to wipe matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": "Permite o usuário a apagar mensagens enviadas por outros", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomDeleteMessagesDescription": { + "description": "Describes the permission to delete messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": "Enviar Mensagens", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomSendMessagesTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to send messages", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": "Adicionar Reações", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": "Adicionar reações a mensagens", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAddReactionsDescription": { + "description": "describes the permission to add an emoji reaction to a message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": "Mudar permissões", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": "Espere, não!", + "@promptAbortWipingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text on the button which aborts wiping matrix encryption keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": "Mudar Foto da Sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": "Mudar tópico da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomTopicTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms topic", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": "Remover usuários", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserTitle": { + "description": "Title for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": "Muda a foto da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsRoomAvatarDescription": { + "description": "Title for the permission to add change the rooms avatar image", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": "Permite um usuário a mudar as configurações de permissões", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsChangeRoomPermissionsDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to change permissions of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": "Remove outros usuários da sala", + "@labelMatrixPermissionsKickUserDescription": { + "description": "Description for the permission to kick other users out of the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptLogoutSingleAccount": "Sair", + "@promptLogoutSingleAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to log out of an account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabSecurity": "Segurança", + "@labelSettingsTabSecurity": { + "description": "Label for the Security settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": "Precisamos definir uma chave de segurança, que poderá ser usada para acessar o histórico de mensagens. Podemos gerar uma chave para você, ou você pode escolher sua própria frase de segurança", + "@labelMatrixRecoveryKeyCreateExplanation": { + "description": "Explains what the matrix recovery key does, and that it can be generated or user input", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptSetMatrixPassphrase": "Definir frase", + "@promptSetMatrixPassphrase": { + "description": "Button text to set a passphrase", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": "Usar chaves existentes", + "@promptUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to use existing keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": "Não, criar chaves", + "@promptCreateNewMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Button text to opt to create new keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": "{user} atualizou sua foto de perfil", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedAvatar": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their avatar", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": "{user} atualizou seu nome", + "@messagePlaceholderUserUpdatedName": { + "description": "Message body for when a user updates their display name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "user": {} + } + }, + "messagePlaceholderUserInvited": "{sender} convidou {invitedUser}", + "@messagePlaceholderUserInvited": { + "description": "Message body for when a user invites another user to the room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "sender": {}, + "invitedUser": {} + } + }, + "messageEditedMarker": "(Editado)", + "@messageEditedMarker": { + "description": "Short text to mark that a message has been edited", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "errorMessageFailedToSend": "Falhou ao enviar", + "@errorMessageFailedToSend": { + "description": "Text that is placed below a message when the message fails to send", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": "Emoji", + "@labelEmojiPickerEmojiTab": { + "description": "Label for the emoji tab in emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": "Sticker", + "@labelEmojiPickerStickerTab": { + "description": "Label for the sticker tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelEmojiPickerGifTab": "Gif", + "@labelEmojiPickerGifTab": { + "description": "Label for the gif search tab in the emoji picker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": "Enviar uma mensagem encriptada", + "@sendEncryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an encrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": "Enviar uma mensagem", + "@sendUnencryptedMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Placeholder text for message input in an unencrypted room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cantSentMessagePrompt": "Você não tem permissões para enviar mensagens nessa sala", + "@cantSentMessagePrompt": { + "description": "Text that explains the user cannot send a message in this room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLarge": "Esse arquivo é grande demais para enviar!", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLarge": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": "Tamanho máximo de arquivo excedido", + "@labelChatPageFileTooLargeTitle": { + "description": "Title for the dialog that is shown when the user attempts to upload a file that is greater than the allowed size", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRecentActivity": "Atividade Recente", + "@labelHomeRecentActivity": { + "description": "Short label for header of recent room activity", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeAlerts": "Alertas", + "@labelHomeAlerts": { + "description": "Short label for header of alerts", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeRoomsList": "Salas", + "@labelHomeRoomsList": { + "description": "Short label for header of rooms list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipAddRoom": "Adicionar sala", + "@tooltipAddRoom": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that adds a new room to a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceRoomsList": "Salas", + "@labelSpaceRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelHomeInvitations": "Convites", + "@labelHomeInvitations": { + "description": "Short label for header of invitations list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddSpace": "Adicionar Espaço", + "@promptAddSpace": { + "description": "Prompt to add a new space", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "tooltipSpaceSettings": "Configurações do Espaço", + "@tooltipSpaceSettings": { + "description": "Tooltip for the button that opens space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": "Salas disponíveis", + "@labelSpaceAvailableRoomsList": { + "description": "Header label for the list of rooms in a space, which the user has not yet joined but are available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": "Espaço público", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPublic": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is publically available", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": "Espaço privado", + "@labelSpaceVisibilityPrivate": { + "description": "Label to display that the space is private", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceGettingText": "Bem vindo a \n\n # {spaceName}", + "@labelSpaceGettingText": { + "description": "Greeting to the space, supports markdown formatting", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "spaceName": {} + } + }, + "labelEnableUnifiedPush": "Habilitar Unified Push", + "@labelEnableUnifiedPush": { + "description": "Label for the toggle to enable Unified Push", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": "Geral", + "@labelSpaceSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general space settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": "Aparência", + "@labelSpaceAppearanceSettings": { + "description": "Label for space appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": "Emoticons", + "@labelSpaceEmoticonSettings": { + "description": "Label for space emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": "Desenvolvedor", + "@labelSpaceDeveloperSettings": { + "description": "Label for space developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsAppLogs": "Relatos", + "@labelSettingsAppLogs": { + "description": "Label for the logs settings page, usually hidden unless developer mode is turned on", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategorySpace": "Configurações de Espaço", + "@labelSettingsCategorySpace": { + "description": "Label for the overall space settings category", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelPushRuleNone": "Mudo", + "@labelPushRuleNone": { + "description": "Label for the push rule which sends no notifications", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsNotifications": "Notificações", + "@labelRoomSettingsNotifications": { + "description": "Label for the notifications section in room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "createEmoticonDialogTitle": "Criar Emote", + "@createEmoticonDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of a dialog that pops up when choosing to create a new emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": "Tem certeza que quer deletar **{emoticon}**?", + "@promptConfirmDeleteEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm deletion of an emoticon pack, supports markdown to emphasise the emote name", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "emoticon": {} + } + }, + "promptRenameEmoticon": "Renomear emoticon", + "@promptRenameEmoticon": { + "description": "Tooltip for button to rename emoticon", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmoticonPackName": "Nome do pacote", + "@promptEmoticonPackName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoticon pack", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEmojiName": "Nome do emoji", + "@promptEmojiName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of the name of an emoji", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptStickerName": "Nome do sticker", + "@promptStickerName": { + "description": "Prompt for the input of a sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": "Criar!", + "@promptConfirmCreateEmoticon": { + "description": "Prompt to confirm the creation of an Emoticon Pack, Emoji, or Sticker", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsGeneral": "Geral", + "@labelRoomSettingsGeneral": { + "description": "Label for general room settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsAppearance": "Aparência", + "@labelRoomSettingsAppearance": { + "description": "Label for room appearance settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsSecurity": "Segurança", + "@labelRoomSettingsSecurity": { + "description": "Label for room security settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": "Emoticons", + "@labelRoomSettingsEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for room Emoticon settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": "Desenvolvedor", + "@labelRoomSettingsDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for room developer settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelRoomSettingsCategory": "Confiogurações da sala", + "@labelRoomSettingsCategory": { + "description": "Label for the overall settings category of a room", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": "Gerenciar Contas", + "@labelSettingsTabManageAccounts": { + "description": "Label for the Manage Accounts settings", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabProfile": "Perfil", + "@labelSettingsTabProfile": { + "description": "Label for the Profile settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabEmoticons": "Emoticons", + "@labelSettingsTabEmoticons": { + "description": "Label for the Emoticons settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsTabDeveloper": "Desenvolvedor", + "@labelSettingsTabDeveloper": { + "description": "Label for the Developer settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelSettingsCategoryAccount": "Conta", + "@labelSettingsCategoryAccount": { + "description": "Label for the settings category Account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptAddAccount": "Adicionar Conta", + "@promptAddAccount": { + "description": "Label for button in settings to add another account", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelCurrentAccountsHeader": "Contas Disponíveis", + "@labelCurrentAccountsHeader": { + "description": "Label for header of accounts list", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptWipeMatrixBackup": "Apagar backup", + "@promptWipeMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to wipe the matrix message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "promptEnableMatrixBackup": "Habilitar backup", + "@promptEnableMatrixBackup": { + "description": "Button text to enable to encrypted message backup", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": "Gostaria de usar as chaves existentes?", + "@labelAskUseExistingMatrixKeys": { + "description": "Text that is shown when the user is setting up cross signing, but has existing keys and asks the user if they would like to use those keys", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "labelJumpToLatest": "Pular para mais recente", + "@labelJumpToLatest": { + "description": "Label for the button which jumps the room timeline view to the latest message", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "typingUsers": "{howMany,plural, =1{{user1} está digitando...}=2{{user1} e {user2} estão digitando...}few{{user1}, {user2}, e {user3} estão digitando...}other{Várias pessoas estão digitando...}}", + "@typingUsers": { + "description": "Text to display which users are currently typing", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": {}, + "user1": {}, + "user2": {}, + "user3": {} + } + }, + "promptOpenDirectMessage": "Mensagem", + "@promptOpenDirectMessage": { + "description": "Prompt on the button to open a direct message with another user", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } }