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Re #6542 Add Well-Typed's patch to the repository, so it is to hand
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mpilgrem committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent b3501ff commit 9e4624d
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 0 deletions.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions SetupHooks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | See As part of their work,
-- Well-Typed reviewed stack-2.13.1 and identified that it used a pre-build hook
-- to generate, for the stack main library component, a module that lists all
-- the dependencies of stack (both library and executable), which is used in
-- `Stack.BuildInfo` to be listed. They also wrote an experimental patch, the
-- source code of which is below (with some reformatting).
-- This would be used if Stack's build type was 'Hooks' rather than 'Custom'.

module SetupHooks
( setupHooks
) where

import Data.List ( nub, sortBy )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
( installedUnitId, sourcePackageId )
import Distribution.Package
( PackageId, UnitId, packageName, packageVersion )
import Distribution.PackageDescription
( PackageDescription (..), Executable (..), componentNameRaw
import Distribution.Pretty ( prettyShow )
import Distribution.Simple
( UserHooks(..), defaultMainWithHooks, simpleUserHooks )
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( autogenComponentModulesDir )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
( allPackages, dependencyClosure )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( BuildFlags (..), fromFlag )
import Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, rewriteFileEx )
import Distribution.Types.PackageName ( PackageName, unPackageName )
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
( unUnqualComponentName )
import Distribution.Verbosity ( Verbosity, normal )
import System.FilePath ( (</>) )

setupHooks :: SetupHooks
setupHooks =
{ buildHooks =
{ preBuildComponentHook = Just preBuildHook }

preBuildHook :: BuildingWhat -> LocalBuildInfo -> TargetInfo -> IO ()
preBuildHook flags lbi tgt
| CLibName LMainLibName <- componentName $ targetComponent tgt =
generateBuildModule (buildingWhatVerbosity flags) (localPkgDescr lbi)
lbi tgt
| otherwise = pure ()

generateBuildModule ::
-> PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> TargetInfo
-> IO ()
generateBuildModule verbosity pkg lbi mainLibTargetInfo = do
-- Generate a module in the stack library component that lists all the
-- dependencies of stack (both the library and the executable).
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True autogenDir
withExeLBI pkg lbi $ \ _ exeCLBI -> do
rewriteFileEx normal buildModulePath $ unlines
[ "module Build_" ++ pkgNm
, " ( deps"
, " ) where"
, ""
, "deps :: [String]"
, "deps = " ++ (show $ formatdeps (transDeps mainLibCLBI exeCLBI))
mainLibCLBI = targetCLBI mainLibTargetInfo
autogenDir = autogenComponentModulesDir lbi mainLibCLBI
pkgNm :: String
pkgNm = unPackageName' $ package pkg
buildModulePath = autogenDir </> "Build_" ++ pkgNm ++ ".hs"
formatdeps = map formatone . sortBy (comparing unPackageName')
formatone p = unPackageName' p ++ "-" ++ prettyShow (packageVersion p)
unPackageName' = unPackageName . packageName
transDeps xs ys = either
(map sourcePackageId . allPackages)
handleDepClosureFailure $ dependencyClosure allInstPkgsIdx availInstPkgIds
allInstPkgsIdx = installedPkgs lbi
allInstPkgIds = map installedUnitId $ allPackages allInstPkgsIdx
-- instPkgIds includes `stack-X.X.X`, which is not a dependency hence is
-- missing from allInstPkgsIdx. Filter that out.
availInstPkgIds = filter (`elem` allInstPkgIds) $ testDeps xs ys
handleDepClosureFailure unsatisfied =
error $
"Computation of transitive dependencies failed."
++ if null unsatisfied
then ""
else " Unresolved dependencies: " ++ show unsatisfied

testDeps :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> [UnitId]
testDeps xs ys =
map fst $ nub $ componentPackageDeps xs ++ componentPackageDeps ys

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