Om is awesome. oHm is a hommage to Om in GHCJS using Haskell’s pipes, mvc and pipes-concurrent libraries.
Ohm at its core is the idea of building an application as a pure left fold over a stream of events. At a previous position we built a UI that captured this model in clojurescript and Om, this is a port of that architectural idea to Haskell.
Models are the state of your application. Here’s the Model from the todo mvc example mentioned later:
data ToDo = ToDo
{ _items :: [Item]
, _editText :: String
, _filter :: Filter
} deriving Show
In addition to the model you also need a updating function of type
mdlEvent -> model -> model
which is a left fold function that
applies a Model Event to the Model resulting in the new Model. This
function is one of the things you need to construct a Component.
Here’s the model function from our todo mvc example:
process :: Action -> ToDo -> ToDo
process (NewItem str) todo = todo &~ do
items %= (Item str False:)
editText .= ""
process (RemoveItem idx) todo = todo & items %~ deleteAt idx
process (SetEditText str) todo = todo & editText .~ str
process (SetCompleted idx c) todo = todo & items.element idx.completed .~ c
process (SetFilter f) todo = todo & filter .~ f
Note that MVC, one of the libraries that oHm is built on has a concept
of a model too. In MVC Model refers to the pure transformation that
happens within a Pipe and applies an event to the state to produce a
new state. In oHm construction of an MVC Model happens with the
function that the runComponent
function applies for you.
Model Events represent events that happen in your domain to effect
change to the state of the world. This is the Action
type mentioned
in the event -> model -> model function earlier:
data Action
= NewItem String
| RemoveItem Index
| SetEditText String
| SetCompleted Index Bool
| SetFilter Filter
UI Events occur at the points of interaction between user and your
app. These are the sorts of things that you’d attach callbacks to:
changes, clicks, mouse moves etc. A DOMEvent
type is provided to
Renderers for these events.
For simpler components, like our todo mvc example, the UI could emit events which are passed straight through to the model.
Processors consume events of one type, say UI Events and produce Events of another type, with the ability to perform actions in some Monad. These are used to process the UI Events that a Component emits into a form that that component’s model can use to update its state.
In our simple todo mvc example, as we’re using the same type for UI
Events and Model Event, there’s no processing and events are just
passed straight through using the idProcessor
A Renderer is a function of type DOMEvent a -> model -> HTML
HTML is a virtual-dom representation of the UI.
This is the top level Renderer
from todo mvc:
todoView :: DOMEvent Action -> ToDo -> HTML
todoView chan todo@(ToDo itemList _txtEntry currentFilter) =
with div
(classes .= ["body"])
[ titleRender, itemsRender, renderFilters chan todo]
titleRender = with h1 (classes .= ["title"]) ["todos"]
itemsRender = with ul (classes .= ["items"])
(newItem chan todo : ( (renderItem chan) $ zip [0..] filteredItems))
filteredItems = filterItems currentFilter itemList
In this example renderFilters
, newItem
, and renderItem
are all
that each render a sub part of the UI
One other point of interest is how DOMEvents
work if we take the
example of onInput:
onInput :: MonadState HTML m => DOMEvent String -> m ()
In our newItem
newItem :: DOMEvent Action -> ToDo -> HTML
newItem chan todo =
with li (classes .= ["newItem"])
[ into form
[ with input (do
attrs . at "placeholder" ?= "Create a new task"
props . at "value" ?= value
onInput $ contramap SetEditText chan)
, with (btn click "Create") (attrs . at "hidden" ?= "true") ["Create"]
value = (todo ^. toJSString)
click = (const $ (channel chan) $ NewItem (todo ^. editText))
we only have a DOMEvent Action
available to accept UI Events,
whereas onInput takes a DOMEvent String
so we need to adapt the
passed to newItem
to be one that takes a String
passing to onInput
. DOMEvent
happens to be an instance of the
class. You can thing of the contramap
function being
like an fmap
, but applying its function to the input of something
rather than the content.
f :: String -> Action
f = SetEditText
-- We have a DOMEvent Action
-- We want a DOMEvent String
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
contramap :: (a -> b) -> f b -> f a
contramap :: (String -> Action) -> DOMEvent Action -> DOMEvent String
A component packages up the three things that you provide into
something that the framework can run, with an extra environment in
that the processor can use within its actions to route
events that have an external effect (for example REST requests or calls)
modelComp :: Component () Action ToDo Action
modelComp = Component process todoView idProcessor
main :: IO ()
main = void $ runComponent initialToDo () modelComp The canonnical TODO MVC example demonstrates the basic moving parts of oHm
The example is a bit more involved and adds some new concepts illustrating nesting components by adapting the types of processors