This page contains all the prerequisites to make the project work without running as root.
- Hardware
Connect the FLIR Lepton breakout board to the Raspberry Pi port as explained at
The Lepton® module is extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). When inserting it into the breakout board be sure to use proper personal grounding, such as a grounding wrist strap, to prevent damaging the module.
Double-check connectors before starting up the Pi, as negative voltage would blow up the camera. There's 2 twists, one for cables 2, 3, 4 and 5. Another for cables 6, 7 and 8. Here's a simpler graph of how to connect:
Breakout board:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Raspberry Pi with the SD Card on top and USB ports on bottom, here's where to plug the cables on the 26 pins port on the right:
1 VIN(6) X
3 SDA(7) X
5 SCL(8) X
7 X X
9 X X
11 X X
13 X X
15 X X
17 X X
19 MOSI(2) X
21 MISO(3) X
23 CLK(4) CS(1)
25 GND(5) X
- Updating Raspbian
The following assumes Raspbian Jessie Lite which was released in November 2015.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo shutdown -r now
You may want to take a look at for a quick checklist of things to do.
- Power (optional)
According to, model A runs on 115mA (@3.3V) and model B on 400mA (@3.3V). It's possible to save 20mA on both by disabling HDMI output with the following command. Do not run this if you plan to use the HDMI port ever!
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -off
Which can be run automatically via sudo crontab -e
with prefix @reboot
- Enabling SPI and i²c
By default the SPI and i²c aren't loaded by default but there's a GUI to fix that:
sudo raspi-config
Go in 9 Advanced Options
, then A6 SPI
enable it, then À7 I2C
, enable it
too, then reboot.
- Accessing SPI and i²c as an account other than 'pi'
To be able to use the SPI and i²c ports on the Raspberry Pi as another account
than pi
, make sure the user is member of groups spi
and i2c
. The pi
is member of both by default.
- Software
It's recommended to compile directly on the device. First, you'll need git. Also installing tmux to simplify debugging interactively the service:
sudo apt-get install git tmux
Then visit and grab the right tarball, currently Go 1.5.3. Extract it and setup your $GOROOT and $GOPATH environment:
vi ~/.bash_aliases
export GOROOT=<path to go>
export PATH="$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin"
- Start at boot
Create $HOME/ with and edit as desired:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source $HOME/.bash_aliases
echo "Starting"
mv lepton.log "lepton.log.`date --rfc-3339=seconds`"
while true; do
$GOPATH/src/ &> lepton.log
chmod +x $HOME/
sudo vi /etc/rc.local
# Just before the 'exit 0' line, add the following line replacing pi with
# your user account.
su -l -c 'tmux new-session -d -s lepton -c $HOME $HOME/ pi