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File metadata and controls

426 lines (290 loc) · 14 KB

End user documentation

Tiles are blocks of content used to compose pages. A standard installation of collective.cover includes the following tiles:

A Banner tile shows an image or heading text pointing to a link; Banner tile fields include title, an image and a URL.

You can drop any object into a Banner tile. Fields in the tile will be populated with the object metadata. All fields are user-editable and you can even upload a different image into the tile if you want.

A Basic tile shows almost all metadata of an object; it includes its title, description, date, tags and an image, if the object has one.

You can drop any object into a Basic tile. Fields in the tile will be populated with the object metadata. All fields are user-editable (except for date and tags) and you can even upload a different image into the tile if you want. The title and image fields will include a link to the original object location.

A Carousel tile shows a slideshow made with a list of individual items; every item will show an image, title and description. Carousel tiles are 100% responsive, support native-like swipe movements and use hardware optimized animations.

You can drop any object with an image into a Carousel tile. Besides that, if you drop a collection into this tile, it will take every item in the query result and insert it into the carousel until it reaches the max items specified in the configuration.

You can edit the metadata (title, description and URL) of items in the carousel, and you can reorder or remove them from the tile. You can also specify if the carousel will start playing the slideshow automatically or not. Every item in the slideshow will have a link pointing back to the original object.

Carousel tile is fully responsive, so be sure to configure it to use the image size that fits better the maximum desired size.

A Collection tile shows a list of items resulting from a 'Collection'; every item will show its title, description, date and image, if the original object has one.

Collection tiles may have a header and a footer; they also include additional fields that help us configure the way it behaves: you can define how many items the tile will shown as a maximun and an offset to start with items different than the first one. This way you can create very simple and yet powerful layout configurations with a couple of tiles and very few effort.

You can only drop 'Collection' objects on a Collection tile. Right now, you can not edit individual items metadata directly in the tile. The title and image fields will include a link to the original object location.

A Content Body tile shows a block of text of an object.

You can only drop 'Document' and 'News Item' objects into a Content Body tile. Content Body tiles are not editable.

An Embed tile is used to embed external content in you cover page. Embed tile fields includes title, description and the embedding code itself.

Embed tiles are only editable: you can not drop any object on it.

A File tile shows metadata about a file and a link to download it. File tile fields include title, description and the download link itself.

You can only drop 'File' objects into a File tiles. Fields in the tile will be populated with the file metadata. All fields are user-editable, except for the download link.

A List tile shows a list of individual items; every item will show its title, description and image, if the original object has one.

You can drop any object in a List tile. Items in the tile will be populated with the objects metadata; if an object has an image, it will be shown also. Right now, you can not edit individual items metadata in the list, but you can remove or reorder them. The title and image fields will include a link to the original object location.

A Rich Text tile shows a block of text; text can be edited using TinyMCE, Plone standard web-based WYSIWYG editor. A Rich Text tile includes only one text field.

You can only drop 'Document' objects into a Rich Text tile. The text field will be populated with the object text. You can easily edit the text and you can add images and links to it. Rich Text tiles support link-integrity: a message will be shown if somebody tries to delete the object you are referencing on the tile, warning her there is a link pointing to that object.

You add a cover like you would any type of content in Plone:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want to create a cover;

  2. Open the "Add Item..." menu and choose "Cover";

  3. Fill in the required fields:

    "Title" and "Description"

    Same as with other Plone content, like Page.


    Choose one of the saved layout models (you will see a preview of the selected layout).

  4. "Save".

Your cover is now created based on the information provided.

After the cover is created, you'll notice it comes with some predefined blocks (according to the selected layout), but it still has no content associated. To define the content that will appear on the cover, perform the following steps:
  1. Select the "Compose" tab.
  2. Open the "Add Content" tab to the right of the green bar. A small window will appear showing the most recent items added in the portal.
  3. Select the title of any item in the list and drag it to one of the tiles (dotted boxes) in the content area.
  4. Hover the item over one of the Tile boxes. Each Tile allows only certain types of content to be added. If the content you selected is allowed on that Tile, the box will turn green. If not, it will remain gray.
  5. Release the item. Information from that content will be automatically applied to the chosen tile and will be visible on the cover.
  6. Repeat the process to add content to each one of the other tiles.
  7. To visualize the final result, select the "View" tab.

There are also two other navigation options to find content.

While managing a cover on your site you will eventually need to move items among tiles.

Moving content among tiles is easy:

  1. Select the "Compose" tab.
  2. Drag the content you want to move and drop it into the destination tile.

You can move any piece of content among any kind of tiles, but there are some considerations to take into account: If you move content among tiles of the same type, all customizations will be maintained except for the tile configuration. If you move content to a list or carousel tiles, all customizations will be lost.

For list and carousel tiles there is an advanced feature that lets you move all the content in one simple step:

  1. Select the "Compose" tab.
  2. Drag the tile from the "move" icon and drop it into a tile of the same type.

You can use the search box in the recent items tab to filter content. Just type the term you want to find and the items containing it on their title field will be displayed. The items will be shown sorted by publication date with the more recent appearing first.

Inside the content selection window you can also navigate through your site to locate existing content.

  1. Select the "Content Tree" tab.
  2. Select the links to browse through the structure of your site until you find the desired content. All items listed are available to be used according to the steps above.

After content is added to a cover tile, a copy of some of its information will be stored in the cover and will appear to the end user. If necessary, you can change some of the information related to the content exclusively for the cover, without changing the information in the original item. This feature is very useful to adjust the content for the cover. For example, you can shorten a title to better fit it into a homepage layout.

To change the information on the cover, follow these steps:

  1. Select the "Compose" tab.
  2. Click the "Edit" link on the tile you want to change.
  3. Select the portion of text you want to change, like the title, the description or any other text element.
  4. Change the text and "Save".

The changes will be applied to your cover immediately.


As mentioned before, the changes will be applied only to the cover tile, not to the original content.

To enable behaviors go to 'Site Setup' and select 'Dexterity content types'. Look for 'Cover' content type, select it and then select 'Behaviors'.

The following behaviors are included in this package:

The Refresh behavior adds a couple of fields that enable reloading the current page after a certain amount of time.

A cover object with the Refresh behavior enabled

If you have created a blank cover or if want to change the structure of your current cover, you can add or delete tiles, change the position of an existing tile, or even change the rows and columns structure of the cover. These operations can be performed from the "Layout" tab.

A cover is a combination of three basic elements:

  • Rows (which may contain one or more columns, arranged horizontally)
  • Columns (which may contain one or more tiles arranged vertically)
  • Tiles

To add a new row, follow these steps:

  1. In the Layout tab, click the Row icon and drag it to your page. Then you need to add one or more columns to this row so you can add tiles later.
  2. Click on the Column icon and drag it into a row.

You can repeat this operation as often as you need. collective.cover will divide the space between the rows and columns automatically.

You can control the width of each column individually:

  1. Push the configuration icon of the desired column.
  2. Drag the slider sideways, adjusting the desired number of column widths. The higher the number, the larger the column width.
  3. "Save".


By default, collective.cover uses a 16-column grid system. Therefore, the sum of the width of all columns in a row must not exceed 16. To make it easier to edit the width of all columns, first adjust the width of the smallest column.

Now that you have created columns, you can add tiles to it:

  1. In the Layout tab, select one of the available Tile icons and drag it to the column where you want to place it.
  2. Change the configuration as desired.
  3. Push "Save".

The new tile can be used in the Compose tab to select/add content.

You can change the settings of previously added tiles at any time:

  1. In the Layout tab, select the Setup icon of the respective tile.
  2. Modify the information.
  3. "Save".

On a page that has more than one column, you can conveniently move your tiles around:

  1. Select the "Layout" tab.
  2. Click on a tile and drag it over another column in any of the rows.
  3. When you release, the tile it will be positioned in the new column.
  4. Repeat as often as necessary.
  5. When finished, push "Save" and the new configuration will be applied.

You can save the layout of one of your cover objects as a template for creating other covers on your website:

  1. Select the Layout tab.
  2. Click the "Export layout" button.
  3. Enter a name for your model.
  4. Click "Export layout"".

Now this layout can be used as a model to create new covers, as explained in the section "Adding a cover".

Layout models support the use of different grid systems. The default grid system depends on which Plone version is used: Deco (16 columns), in Plone 4, and Bootstrap 3 (12 columns), in Plone 5. You can change the default grid system in the control panel configuration.


If you switch from the default grid system to one that has a different number of columns, all existing cover objects and saved layout models will remain with the previous grid system column number. In that case, you will have to manually edit and save all your existing objects and layout models to adjust the width of rows and columns according to the new grid system. Check the Developer Documentation for a code example if you want to do so programmatically.