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Tim Fischbach edited this page Jun 27, 2015 · 33 revisions

Application Setup

Do not Call your Generated Application pageflow

It leads to conflicting constant names and prevents the generator and the app from running.

Solution: rails new pageflow_something and NOT rails new pageflow

Devise Migration without File Extension

Some versions of Devise seem to generate a migration without a file extension. When running migrate the file is ignored causing the following migrations to fail.

Solution: Add .rb extension to db/migrate/xxxx-devise_create_users file.

Image and Media Processing

Resque Worker cannot be Started

  • Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 when running rake resque:work

    Solution: Make sure Redis server is running.

  • rb_sys_fail_str(connect(2) for [fe80::1%lo0]:6379) when running rake resque:work

    As reported in redis/redis-rb#479 this error message is given on Max OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 with Ruby 2.1.0 when a Redis connection cannot be established.

    Solution: Make sure Redis server is running.

Error Message in Pageflow Editor during Image Upload Step

Check log/development.log to see the stack trace of the exception causing the request to fail.

Error Message in Pageflow Editor during Image Processing Step

Check log/jobs/development/resize.log to see why the job failed.

Upgrading Pageflow

Missing Translations in Editor

Sometimes, after updating the pageflow gem or installing a new page type, missing translations appear inside the editor. This is caused by the i18n-js gem not picking up new translations. See the discussion in issue #100 for some background.

Solution: Remove the sprockets cache directory located at tmp/cache/assets/development/sprocket and restart your app.