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Twitter Bootstrap integration
See "#72":https://github.com/andi/simple-navigation/issues/72 for more discussion on this topic.
A custom renderer for breadcrumbs:
class BootstrapBreadcrumbs < SimpleNavigation::Renderer::Base
def render(item_container)
content_tag :ul, li_tags(item_container).join(join_with), {
id: item_container.dom_id,
class: "#{item_container.dom_class} breadcrumb"
def li_tags(item_container)
item_container.items.each_with_object([]) do |item, list|
next unless item.selected?
if include_sub_navigation?(item)
options = { method: item.method }.merge(item.html_options.except(:class, :id))
list << content_tag(:li, link_to(item.name), item.url, options)
list.concat li_tags(item.sub_navigation)
list << content_tag(:li, item.name, { class: 'active' })
def join_with
@join_with ||= options[:join_with] || '<span class="divider">/</span>'.html_safe
Another approach is to let jQuery do the work. After rendering the navigation using the List renderer, use the following JavaScript:
/* ==========================================================
* Attach bootstrap tab behavior to the tabbed navigation
* ========================================================== */
$('#navigation_tabs ul').first().addClass('tabs');
$('#navigation_tabs ul li ul').addClass('dropdown-menu');
$('#navigation_tabs ul li ul').parent().addClass('dropdown');
$('#navigation_tabs ul li.dropdown').children('a').addClass('dropdown-toggle');
/* Remove the active class from sublist items - the styles don't accomodate it */
$('ul.tabs ul.dropdown-menu li.active').removeClass('active');
/* Add the classes to trigger the bootstrap JS behavior */
$('#navigation_tabs ul li ul').parent().attr('data-dropdown', 'dropdown');
Using jQuery to generate a navigation menu (using CoffeeScript), again after rendering using the List renderer:
$('#navigation ul li ul').addClass('dropdown-menu')
$('#navigation ul li ul').parent().addClass('dropdown')
$('#navigation ul li.dropdown').children('a').addClass('dropdown-toggle')
$('#navigation ul li.dropdown').children('a').html (index, text) =>
text + '<b class="caret"></b>'
$('#navigation ul li ul').prev().attr('data-toggle','dropdown')
$('#navigation ul li ul').children('li').removeClass('active')
See this gist of a custom renderer. BootstrapTopbarList for simple-navigation and Twitter Bootstrap integration.
Alternatively, add simple-navigation-bootstrap to your Gemfile and set the renderer to :bootstrap
See this gist of an alternative custom renderer. simple-navigation render for twiter bootstrap nav-list.
simple_navigation_renderers Gem provides two renderers: for Bootstrap 2 and for Bootstrap 3.
With it you can easily create bootstrap's menu with submenus, dividers and headers. You also can split items with submenu and add icons to menu.