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Setup Script

Run the guided-setup.ps1 PowerShell Core script (in the root directory of this repository) to determine the correct setup.ps1 parameters for your Kubernetes cluster. The setup.ps1 script uses Helm to install and configure Code Dx and Tool Orchestration on a Kubernetes cluster.

Script Parameters

This section describes the setup.ps1 script parameters, which you can specify by using the guided-setup.ps1 script.

Parameter Description Default or (Example)
workDir directory to store script-generated files $HOME/.k8s-codedx
kubeContextName kubeconfig context entry to select at start up eks (example)
clusterCertificateAuthorityCertPath cert path for CA issuing certs via API ./aws-eks.pem (example)
codeDxDnsName domain name for the Code Dx web application (example)
codeDxServicePortNumber HTTP port number for Code Dx k8s service 9090
codeDxTlsServicePortNumber HTTPS port number for Code Dx k8s service 9443
waitTimeSeconds seconds to wait for install commands to complete 900
dbVolumeSizeGiB volume size of the MariaDB master database 32
dbSlaveReplicaCount number of MariaDB slave instances 1
dbSlaveVolumeSizeGiB volume size of the MariaDB slave database 32
minioVolumeSizeGiB volume size for the MinIO storage application 32
codeDxVolumeSizeGiB volume size for the Code Dx web application 32
storageClassName storage class name for all persistance volumes (PVs) gp2 (example)
codeDxAppDataStorageClassName storage class name for Code Dx appdata PV gp2 (example)
dbStorageClassName storage class name for Database PVs gp2 (example)
minioStorageClassName storage class name for MinIO PV gp2 (example)
codeDxMemoryReservation memory request and limit for Code Dx 16Gi (example)
dbMasterMemoryReservation memory request and limit for the master database 16Gi (example)
dbSlaveMemoryReservation memory request and limit for slave databases 16Gi (example)
toolServiceMemoryReservation memory request and limit for the tool service 16Gi (example)
minioMemoryReservation memory request and limit for MinIO 16Gi (example)
workflowMemoryReservation memory request and limit for workflow controller 16Gi (example)
codeDxCPUReservation CPU request and limit for Code Dx 2 (example)
dbMasterCPUReservation CPU request and limit for the master database 2 (example)
dbSlaveCPUReservation CPU request and limit for slave databases 2 (example)
toolServiceCPUReservation CPU request and limit for the tool service 2 (example)
minioCPUReservation CPU request and limit for MinIO 2 (example)
workflowCPUReservation CPU request and limit for workflow controller 2 (example)
codeDxEphemeralStorageReservation storage request and limit for Code Dx 2868Mi
dbMasterEphemeralStorageReservation storage request and limit for the master database 2Gi (example)
dbSlaveEphemeralStorageReservation storage request and limit for slave databases 2Gi (example)
toolServiceEphemeralStorageReservation storage request and limit for the tool service 2Gi (example)
minioEphemeralStorageReservation storage request and limit for MinIO 2Gi (example)
workflowEphemeralStorageReservation storage request and limit for workflow controller 2Gi (example)
imageCodeDxTomcat Code Dx Tomcat Docker image name latest version
imageCodeDxTools Code Dx Tools Docker image name latest version
imageCodeDxToolsMono Code Dx Tools Mono Docker image name latest version
imagePrepare Code Dx Prepare Docker image name latest version
imageNewAnalysis Code Dx New Analysis Docker image name latest version
imageSendResults Code Dx Send Results Docker image name latest version
imageSendErrorResults Code Dx Send Result Errors Docker image name latest version
imageToolService Code Dx Tool Service Docker image name latest version
imagePreDelete Code Dx Tool Service pre-delete Docker image name latest version
imageCodeDxTomcatInit Code Dx Tomcat initialization Docker image name latest version
imageMariaDB Code Dx Maria DB Docker image name latest version
imageMinio MinIO Docker image name supported MinIO version
imageWorkflowController Code Dx Argo workflow controller Docker image name latest version
imageWorkflowExecutor Code Dx Argo workflow executor Docker image name latest version
toolServiceReplicas number of tool service copies to run concurrently 3
skipTLS whether Code Dx endpoints skip TLS $false
skipServiceTLS use codeDxServicePortNumber or codeDxTlsServicePortNumber $false
csrSignerNameCodeDx signerName for Code Dx namespace component CSRs
csrSignerNameToolOrchestration signerName for Tool Orchestration namespace component CSRs
skipPSPs whether to create pod security policies $false
skipNetworkPolicies whether to skip creating network policies $false
serviceTypeCodeDx service type for the Code Dx service LoadBalancer (example)
serviceAnnotationsCodeDx annotations for the Code Dx service @('key: value') (example)
skipIngressEnabled whether to create the Code Dx ingress resource $false
ingressClassNameCodeDx class name associated with ingress nginx
ingressTlsSecretNameCodeDx Kubernetes TLS Secret name for the Code Dx ingress ingress-tls-secret
ingressAnnotationsCodeDx annotations for the Code Dx ingress @('key: value') (example)
namespaceToolOrchestration namespace for Code Dx Tool Orchestration components cdx-svc
namespaceCodeDx namespace for Code Dx application cdx-app
releaseNameCodeDx name for the Code Dx Helm release codedx
releaseNameToolOrchestration name for the Code Dx Tool Orchestration Helm release codedx-tool-orchestration
toolServiceApiKey the API key for the Code Dx Tool Orchestration service [guid]::newguid()
codedxAdminPwd password for the Code Dx admin account HEPKmbRC4ANcd! (example)
minioAdminUsername username for the MinIO admin account admin
minioAdminPwd password for the MinIO admin account JGpS2t8UXj80o! (example)
mariadbRootPwd password for the MariaDB root account ZjQLEg07BMNEf! (example)
mariadbReplicatorPwd password for the MariaDB replicator account 760nP8i6ZFzVS! (example)
skipUseRootDatabaseUser whether Code Dx accesses the db with the root account false
codedxDatabaseUserPwd password for the codedx DB account (when not using root) ``
caCertsFilePath file path for the Code Dx cacerts file ./my-cacerts-file (example)
caCertsFilePwd current password for the Code Dx cacerts file changeit
caCertsFileNewPwd new password to protect the Code Dx cacerts file jcqBYa68G1usO! (example)
extraCodeDxTrustedCaCertPaths trusted cert files to add to the Code Dx cacerts file @('/cert.pem') (example)
dockerImagePullSecretName k8s image pull secret name for a private Docker registry my-registry (example)
dockerRegistry server name of private Docker registry (example)
dockerRegistryUser username for private Docker registry myregistryuser (example)
dockerRegistryPwd password for private Docker registry username R4dLYCfuda9ej! (example)
redirectDockerHubReferencesTo server name of Docker registry for redirects my-registry (example)
codedxHelmRepo Code Dx Helm repository
helmTimeoutCodeDx timeout for Code Dx helm chart upgrade/install 5m0s
helmTimeoutToolOrchestration timeout for Tool Orchestration helm chart upgrade/install 15m0s
codedxGitRepo Code Dx Kubernetes git repository
codedxGitRepoBranch Code Dx Kubernetes git repository branch master
kubeApiTargetPort port number of the Kubernetes API 443
extraCodeDxValuesPaths extra values.yaml file(s) for the Code Dx Helm chart @('/file.yaml') (example)
extraToolOrchestrationValuesPaths extra values.yaml file(s) for Tool Orchestration chart @('/file.yaml') (example)
skipDatabase whether to skip installing MariaDB (use external database) $false
externalDatabaseHost host name of external database (example)
externalDatabasePort port number for external database 3306
externalDatabaseName existing database name in external database codedx (example)
externalDatabaseUser existing username of external database user codedx-user (example)
externalDatabasePwd password for external database user 5Ed3&#Rutcdw (example)
externalDatabaseServerCert file path to CA issuing cert for external database /tmp/cacert.pem (example)
externalDatabaseSkipTls whether to skip configuring one-way client auth $false
skipMinIO whether to skip installing MinIO (use external storage) $false
externalWorkflowStorageEndpoint host name and port number for external storage (example)
externalWorkflowStorageEndpointSecure whether externalWorkflowStorageEndpoint is secure $false
externalWorkflowStorageUsername username of account with access to external storage admin (example)
externalWorkflowStoragePwd password of account with access to external storage ``
externalWorkflowStorageBucketName name of bucket for storing workflow data code-dx-storage
externalWorkflowStorageCertChainPath CA cert chain file path for untrusted storage endpoint
skipToolOrchestration whether to skip installing the Tool Orchestration feature $false
codeDxNodeSelector node selector for the Code Dx web application purpose=codedx (example)
masterDatabaseNodeSelector node selector for the MariaDB master database pod purpose=codedx (example)
subordinateDatabaseNodeSelector node selector for the MariaDB subordinate database pod(s) purpose=codedx (example)
toolServiceNodeSelector node selector for the tool service pod(s) purpose=codedx (example)
minioNodeSelector node selector for the minio pod purpose=codedx (example)
workflowControllerNodeSelector node selector for the workflow controller pod purpose=codedx (example)
codeDxNoScheduleExecuteToleration pod toleration for the Code Dx web application tag=web (example)
masterDatabaseNoScheduleExecuteToleration pod toleration for the MariaDB master database pod tag=master (example)
subordinateDatabaseNoScheduleExecuteToleration pod toleration for the MariaDB subordinate database pod(s) tag=subordinate (example)
toolServiceNoScheduleExecuteToleration pod toleration for the tool service pod(s) tag=toolsvc (example)
minioNoScheduleExecuteToleration pod toleration for the minio pod tag=minio (example)
workflowControllerNoScheduleExecuteToleration pod toleration for the workflow controller pod tag=workflowcontroller (example)
useSaml whether to use a SAML IdP false
samlAppName application name previously registered with your SAML IdP codedxclient (example)
samlIdentityProviderMetadataPath XML metadata file for your SAML IdP idp-metadata.xml (example)
samlKeystorePwd password to secure SAML-related Java keystore 5Ed3&#Rutdcw (example)
samlPrivateKeyPwd password to secure private key stored in Java keystore 5Ed3&#Rutcwd (example)
samlHostBasePathOverride overrides URL used for the auth.hostBasePath property (example)
pauseAfterGitClone whether to pause (for debug purposes) after git clone
useHelmOperator whether to create resources for helm-operator and GitOps false
useHelmController whether to create resources for helm-controller and GitOps false
useHelmManifest whether to create resources via helm dry-run false
useHelmCommand whether to create helm values files and required resources false
skipSealedSecrets whether to skip generating sealed secrets false
sealedSecretsNamespace namespace containing the Sealed Secrets application adm (example)
sealedSecretsControllerName name of the Sealed Secrets controller sealed-secrets (example)
sealedSecretsPublicKeyPath file path for the Sealed Secrets public key file sealed-secrets.pem (example)
backupType type of backup to define (none, velero, velero-restic) velero
namespaceVelero namespace containing the Velero application
backupScheduleCronExpression cron expression definining when Code Dx backup runs 0 3 * * *
backupDatabaseTimeoutMinutes minutes to wait for database backup to complete 30
backupTimeToLiveHours hours to wait before a backup is eligible for deletion 720
minimumWorkflowStepRunTimeSeconds minimum run time for workflow step (when enforced) 0
createSCCs whether to create Security Context Constraints (OpenShift) false
connectionPoolEffectiveSpindleCount effective spindle count for computing max pool size 1
connectionPoolTimeoutMilliseconds timeout for obtaining a connection from the pool 30000
concurrentAnalysisLimit limit on number of concurrent analyses web vCPU count
jobsLimitCpu codedx.props setting (web vCPU count) * 1000
jobsLimitMemory codedx.props setting (web vCPU count) * 1000
jobsLimitDatabase codedx.props setting (web vCPU count) * 1000
jobsLimitDisk codedx.props setting (web vCPU count) * 1000