The adapter package provides helpers for interfacing with a cge-parser executable.
// Open example.cge.
file, _ := os.Open("example.cge")
// Parse metadata like cge_version from file.
// The returned reader is an io.MultiReader which wraps a buffer containing the
// read bytes for metadata parsing and the supplied reader, which enables choosing
// the cge-parser executable depending on the CGE version, because the data of the reader
// is not consumed.
metadata, reader, err := adapter.ParseMetadata(file)
// Execute the supplied cge-parser executable with the provided configuration
// and collect its output (objects, diagnostics, …) in the response struct.
response, errs := adapter.ParseCGE(reader, "/path/to/cge-parser", adapter.Config{
IncludeComments: true,
SendTokens: true,
NoObjects: false,
DisableWarnings: false,