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811 lines (533 loc) · 35.2 KB

File metadata and controls

811 lines (533 loc) · 35.2 KB


This changelog keeps track of all changes to the Packs SDK. We follow conventions from keepachangelog.


  • Add new authentication mechanisms for admins.


  • Remove limit for single row in executeGetPermissions
  • Increase max batch size for executeGetPermissions calls

1.8.0 - 2024-10-07


  • Add continuation for get permissions request and response


  • Improve types used for testing, specifically on MockExecutionContext returned by newMockExecutionContext(). fetcher.fetch, temporaryBlobStorage.storeUrl, and temporaryBlobStorage.storeBlob should be stubbed using resolves() and rejects() since the underlying methods return promises
  • Fix untransformBody helper for array inputs

1.7.19 - 2024-09-27


  • Add unit testing capabilities for update and get permissions

1.7.18 - 2024-09-20


  • Add more pre-release incremental sync support

1.7.17 - 2024-09-20


  • Added internal fields to schema definition

1.7.16 - 2024-09-10


  • Added more invocation context information

1.7.15 - 2024-09-04


  • Internal change to completion
  • Updated fetchOpts in TemporaryBlobStorage.storeUrl to allow setting headers for the fetch.
  • Update OAuth URL validation

1.7.13 - 2024-08-29


  • Internal Changes relating to permissions

1.7.12 - 2024-08-26


  • Fix inferred schema types when using fromKey

1.7.11 - 2024-08-23


  • Added internal fields to sync formulas and identity

1.7.10 - 2024-08-21


  • Adds Last90AndNext90Days PrecannedDateRange

1.7.9 - 2024-07-10

1.7.8 - 2024-06-25

1.7.7 - 2024-04-26


  • Fixed an issue where running coda auth with the CLI failed to honor the auth options endpointKey and postSetup for OAuth2 authentication. For postSetup SetEndpoint steps it will prompt for the endpoint URL directly rather than list them out.

1.7.5 - 2024-02-08


  • coda execute now allows for executing metadata formulas and sync updates.
  • Sync table schema properties can now specify a displayName to be the user-visible column name. Only works on top-level schema properties.


  • Changed the CLI execute command to output the full JSON of a returned object, without any collapsing of deep objects or long arrays.

1.7.4 - 2024-01-04


  • Propagate the value of requireForUpdates in makeReferenceSchemaFromObjectSchema.


  • Added forceCache to FetchRequest to support caching non-GET requests.
  • Updated upload validation to correctly throw errors when formula examples are missing the result field.


  • Running coda execute on a Pack that uses multiple network domains will fail with a warning unless the new flag --allowMultipleNetworkDomains is included. This acts as an early warning to Pack makers and hopefully encourages them to file for approval early before investing too much time into development.

1.7.3 - 2023-12-15


  • Added requireForUpdates for select list properties to remove the Blank option.

1.7.2 - 2023-12-04


  • Added updateOptions.extraOAuthScopes to sync tables to support incremental OAuth with 2-way sync.
  • Added width, height, and shapeStyle to ImageSchema.


  • Fixed failing CLI commands when the optional isolated-vm dependency was not present.

1.7.1 - 2023-11-15


  • Added OAuth2ClientCredentials authentication type as a system authentication type.

1.7.0 - 2023-10-24


  • Added OAuth2ClientCredentials authentication type to support authenticating with OAuth client credentials.


  • We deprecated deferConnectionSetup in the CodaApiHeaderBearerToken authentication type. The Coda app now defers all connection setup, so this setting has no practical effect anymore.

1.6.0 - 2023-10-05


  • For CLI development, there is now a --allowOlderSdkVersion param for the coda upload command that builds a new version. Coda will soon default to preventing a Pack build to have an older SDK version than the prior version, under the assumption that it most often happens when multiple dev environments conflict with each other. This new option is a bypass for that protection, for the rare case when you actually want to downgrade the SDK.
  • Added a new parameters property in the Sync interface with sync table parameters.


  • "=" character is no longer supported in sync table identity names.
  • Removed support for Node 14


  • Schemas with property option JS functions can be used within return types in addFormula() without validation errors.

1.5.1 - 2023-07-31


  • Fixed an error with property options for object properties.

1.5.0 - 2023-07-27


  • Started tracking the raw keys of object properties internally as originalKey.

1.4.1 - 2023-06-23


  • Added AuthenticationType.MultiHeaderToken, allowing you to specify multiple headers to include in each request. Previously, if the API you were using required multiple headers, you would need to use AuthenticationType.Custom.

1.4.0 - 2023-06-12


  • Added the command coda extensions to the CLI for installing developer extensions that help with building Packs. Currently it only supports Visual Studio Code (coda extensions vscode), creating a code snippets file which provides the same slash commands as the Pack Studio.
  • Added support for specifying an API key using CODA_PACKS_API_KEY environment variable


  • Using the empty string as a tokenPrefix with OAuth2 authentication will result in no prefix being used in the Authentication header. Previously, the empty string would be treated the same as undefined which would lead to the default prefix of Bearer being used. Note that this change took effect for live packs on April 28, 2023 independently of the SDK version; in this SDK version the behavior changed only here in the CLI execution simulator (the coda execute command).
  • Breaking Change Removed the "autocomplete" property from EmailSchema. It wasn't useful in practice and we want to free up the name "autocomplete" on BaseSchema for better purposes.

1.3.4 - 2023-04-17


  • Fixed an issue with placeholder property being stripped out of the PropertyIdentifierDetails schema.

1.3.3 - 2023-04-12


  • Added the optional function searchDynamicUrls to dynamic sync tables. If defined, a search box will presented to users to allow them to search through all available datasets. It works just like listDynmaicUrls, only the 2nd parameter is the search query.


  • Switched the node package manager from yarn to pnpm. This only affects developers contributing changes to the packs-sdk repo.
  • Added optional placeholder property to PropertyIdentifierDetails definition as a default value for Pack card titles, subtitles, and snippets when value is empty.


  • Fixed an issue where the fetcher was converting XML responses to JSON even when setting isBinaryResponse: true.
  • Fixed an issue where the authentication type AWSAccessKey wasn't generating correct signatures when used locally.

1.3.0 - 2023-03-02


  • Added an --apiToken argument to the clone, create, link, release, and upload CLI commands. This makes it easier to use the CLI in a CI/CD environment where the API token is passed as an environment variable (GitHub Actions, etc).


  • Updated PrecannedDateRange to match the date range picker in the Coda UI: added Last90Days, Last180Days, Last365Days, Next90Days, Next180Days, Next365Days, Last7AndNext7Days, Last30AndNext30Days, deprecated Last3Months, Last6Months, Next3Months, and Next6Months, and removed ThisWeekStart, ThisMonthStart, and ThisYearStart, which never actually worked.


  • Fixed an issue where coda execute ... --vm=false wasn't compatible with Node version 19+ (Cannot set property crypto of #<Object> which has only a getter).

1.2.3 - 2022-12-13


  • Added a new formula parameter type Markdown as an alternative to HTML for formatted text.

1.2.2 - 2022-11-30


  • Added an option credentialsLocation to OAuth2Authentication, to specify how the client ID and secret should be passed during the token exchange. The default Automatic should be sufficient for most OAuth2 providers.

1.2.1 - 2022-11-15


  • Added an option ignoreRedirects to FetchRequest, if you do not want the fetcher to follow HTTP 301/302 redirects and instead want to observe such a response and examine the redirect URL directly (by reading the Location header) instead of following it.

1.2.0 - 2022-10-20


  • Added helper method getEffectivePropertyKeysFromSchema. This method can be used in the sync table formulas to retrieve the user manually selected property keys by getEffectivePropertyKeysFromSchema(context.sync.schema).
  • Added a --maxRows flag to the coda execute command, allowing you to cap a sync execution to a maximum number of rows.


  • Now --notes is a required option in coda release command.
  • Breaking Change Parameter names and sync table names now have strict limitations at build time (alphanumeric characters & underscores).

1.1.0 - 2022-09-27


  • Adds support for render hits for progress bars, with the new ValueHintType.ProgressBar.
  • Also adds in the showValue field on SliderSchema to indicate whether to show the underlying numeric value associated with a slider.
  • Added validation that building blocks of the same type do not share a name.


  • The isolated-vm npm package is no longer a required dependency. It will be installed automatically if your system supports it, otherwise npm will ignore it. When running coda execute, if isolated-vm is available, your formula will be executed inside of a virtual machine sandbox to better simulate the actual Coda runtime environment for packs. If not available, your formula will still be executed, just not within a sandbox.
  • Parameters that are declared as optional: true will be inferred as possibly undefined in the execute method of a formula. Previously, if you had declared, say, a string parameter as optional, the automatic type it would receive as an input to the execute method would be string, which is inaccurate. It will now be typed as string | undefined.

1.0.5 - 2022-08-05


  • Fixed the CLI compiler throwing for using common node modules.

1.0.4 - 2022-08-04


  • Increased building block description limit to 1000.


  • Fixed class name (e.g. which resolved to random values in the final build.

1.0.3 - 2022-08-03


  • Added ImageSchema, for use with images. Allows packs to set two flags on a formula returning an image: if the image should be rendered with or without an outline, and whether to turn off the rounded corners. If the outline flag ImageOutline is not set on a schema, the default is Solid, and the image will be rendered with an outline. If the corners flag ImageCornerStyle is not set, the default is Rounded, and the image will be rendered with rounded corners.
  • Added NumericDurationSchema, which will allow packs to return ValueType.Number values that are interpreted in Coda as a duration in seconds.
  • Added autocomplete support for ParameterType.StringArray and ParameterType.SparseStringArray parameters.


  • Changed OAuth2 validation to check that authorizationUrl and tokenUrl parse as URLs.
  • Limited number of formulas, column formats, and sync tables to 100 each. Added character limits to names and descriptions, and to length of column matchers and network domains.

1.0.2 - 2022-07-14


  • Added MissingScopesError, for use with OAuth authentication. If a user's connection is missing a scope and the Pack throws a 403 StatusCodeError, Coda will automatically prompt the user to reauthenticate. For APIs that return different status codes, or to be more explicit, the Pack can instead throw this new type of error to trigger the same reauthentication flow.
  • Added pkceChallengeMethod option to OAuth2 authentication to allow choosing the code_challenge_method of PKCE extension. The default value is S256 but some OAuth providers may only support plain.

1.0.1 - 2022-06-22


  • Added validation that networkDomain does not include slashes since it's a domain, not a path.
  • Added parameter type validation for execute command.
  • Added several implicitly-allowed domains including to the execute command.


  • Changed Pack compilation to explicitly target Node version 14, to ensure compatibility with the Packs runtime.

1.0.0 - 2022-06-16


  • The coda init command now installs @codahq/packs-sdk if it was not previously installed.
  • Breaking Change The identityName field is now required on every sync table, even ones with dynamic schemas.


  • Fixed temporaryBlobStorage.storeBlob error from CLI built Packs.

0.12.1 - 2022-06-06


  • Added rarely-needed OAuth options: scopeParamName and nestedResponseKey.
  • Added ValueHintType.Toggle to be used in conjunction with ValueType.Boolean to render boolean values as toggles within tables.
  • Added fetchOpts to TemporaryBlobStorage.storeUrl to allow setting disableAuthentication for the fetch.


  • Updated the testing fetcher for coda execute to auto-unzip and set the Accept: */* request header by default, similar to live behavior.
  • Unrecognized properties in array schemas will now generate errors at upload time instead of the fields being silently stripped. While functionally the same, the explicit errors should help catch cases where a maker may expect a property to be recognized (like codaType) when it is actually not supported.
  • Packs using CodaApiHeaderBearerToken can have additional non-Coda network domains as long as the auth is restricted to, subject the the normal Coda approval for multiple domains.

0.12.0 - 2022-05-17


  • Added support for multiple domains in the networkDomain parameter of setUserAuthentication().
  • Added useProofKeyForCodeExchange option to OAuth2 authentication to support PKCE extension. While it's optionally supported by most OAuth2 providers, it might be required by some websites (e.g. Twitter).
  • Added new wrappers newRealFetcherExecutionContext and newRealFetcherSyncExecutionContext to create "real" execution contexts that can be HTTP requests within integration tests. If you want to test a helper function that accepts an ExecutionContext or SyncExecution context, you can use these. The recommendation is still to use executeFormulaFromPackDef or executeSyncFormulaFromPackDef, which assume that you are testing your actual full formula implementation and creates a real execution context on your behalf if you pass useRealFetcher: true. However, if you wish to directly test a helper function that takes an ExecutionContext as a parameter, these wrappers may be of use. Usage:
import {newRealFetcherExecutionContext} from '@codahq/packs-sdk/dist/development';
import {pack} from '../pack';

const context = newRealFetcherExecutionContext(pack, require.resolve('../pack'));
await myHelper(context);


  • Future Breaking Change Test framework will no longer normalize object output using the schema. (This will continue to work when executing the pack within Coda)
  • Added support for making HEAD HTTP requests using the fetcher.
  • Added withIdentity helper to make schemas more reusable for action formulas.

0.11.0 - 2022-05-03


  • Added "force" option to LinkSchema for LinkDisplayType.Embed.
  • Added "downloadFilename" option to storeBlob and storeUrl in TemporaryBlobStorage to specify the file name that it should download as when opening the temporary url.
  • Added "includeUnknownProperties" option to makeObjectSchema that will retain properties on objects that are not defined within the object's schema.
  • Added "SparseStringArray", "SparseNumberArray", "SparseBooleanArray", "SparseDateArray", "SparseHtmlArray", "SparseImageArray" and "SparseFileArray" to ParameterType that accepts empty values.
  • coda validate will now print warnings if your Pack definition is using properties or features that will be deprecated in a future SDK version. You may add the --no-checkDeprecationWarnings flag if you don't want this output.
  • coda upload will now print warnings if your Pack definition is using properties or features that will be deprecated in a future SDK version. These are purely to alert you to upcoming changes that will affect you, your Pack will continue to upload and execute in the meantime.


  • Breaking Change Added a validation rule that prevents the usage of varargsParameters for sync table getters which are not currently supported in the UI.
  • Breaking Change Packs with multiple network domains and user authentication must select only one of those domains to receive the authentication headers/parameters.
  • Breaking Change The identityName field of a sync table formerly silently overrode the of the table's schema (if present). Now, if those 2 values are both present, they must be equal. We recommend only specifying on reference schemas.
  • Breaking Change Fetcher will automatically decompress responses with a gzip or deflate content encoding.
  • Future Breaking Change The properties id, primary, and featured of object schemas will be renamed to idProperty, displayProperty, and featuredProperties, respectively, to better clarify that their values refer to property names within the schema. During a migration period, you may use either name; the original names are now marked as deprecated and will be removed at a future date, no earlier than May 1, 2022.
  • Future Breaking Change Dynamic sync tables will require identityName like static sync tables do, and identityName will override in dynamic schemas. In fact, identity in sync table schemas will be entirely unnecessary, except for the use case of constructing references to objects in other sync tables.
  • Future Breaking Change SetEndpoint.getOptionsFormula has been renamed SetEndpoint.getOptions for clarity.
  • Future Breaking Change The attribution property is moving from being a child field on identity within an object schema to just being a top-level field on the object schema.
  • Future Breaking Change The defaultValue property of parameter definitions will be renamed to suggestedValue to reflect that these are values that do not act as a true default but rather prefill a value when used.
  • Future Breaking Change Added support for files as parameters with ParameterType.File. Previously, files could be used as parameters by using the ParameterType.Image parameter type, but an error would show in the formula builder. In the future, this error may be enforced such that only image files will be allowed to be used when a parameter is specified to be a ParameterType.Image.


  • Breaking Change Removed dead code related to defaultConnectionType. This was an unused feature and should not have been previously referenced.

0.9.0 - 2022-03-17


  • Added ValueHintType.Email for new column type "Email".


  • Breaking Change ValueHintType.Url will now create a column of type "Link" instead of "Text".

0.8.2 - 2022-03-04


  • Added coda whoami command to see API token details.
  • Added coda link command to set up upload for an existing Pack ID instead of creating a new one.
  • Added StringEmbedSchema to handle configuration on how embed values appear in docs
  • Added "coda clone ", similar to "coda init" but for packs that were already created in the Pack Studio.

0.8.1 - 2022-01-19


  • Removed postinstall to avoid patching failure for npm 6 or older versions.

0.8.0 - 2022-01-14


  • An optional "description" field is added to sync table definition, that will be used to display in the UI.
  • OAuth2 authentication now supports a scopeDelimiter option for non-compliant APIs that use something other than a space to delimit OAuth scopes in authorization URLs.


  • Breaking Change The connection requirement for metadata formulas now defaults to optional instead of required. If your pack is using sematic versions, this will likely lead to a major version bump in your next release.
  • Breaking Change Updated coda upload to use new parameters to tag the source of Pack version uploads as coming from the CLI.
  • You no longer need to use the --fetch flag with coda execute to use a real fetcher. Set --no-fetch to use a mock fetcher (the old default behavior).


  • Deprecated hidden field is now fully removed on formula parameter.

0.7.3 - 2021-12-06


  • Formulas that use optional parameters can specify undefined for an omitted parameter in examples.


  • Fixed a typo that broke local fetcher testing with a pack using the AuthenticationType.Custom authentication.
  • Fixed a bug where examples using array parameters would fail upload validation.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where SetEndpoint.getOptionsFormulas required using the obsolete makeMetadataFormula wrapper instead of allowing you to provide a raw function.

0.7.2 - 2021-11-24


  • Fixed missing schema description in compiled metadata.
  • Fixed the fetcher to properly recognize more XML content type headers and parse those responses int objects using xml2js.
    • Previously only text/xml and application/xml were recognized, but headers like application/atom+xml were ignored and response bodies returned as strings.
  • Fixed coda init and coda execute to stop throwing errors on Windows.

0.7.1 - 2021-11-17


  • Added support for AuthenticationType.Custom which formalizes the ability to use templating to insert secret credentials onto network requests that previously relied on AuthenticationType.WebBasic. This enables authenticating with APIs that use non-standard authentication methods. See an example of using this new authentication method below.
    // pack authentication
      type: AuthenticationType.Custom,
      params: [{name: 'secretId', description: 'Secret id'},
              {name: 'secretValue', description: 'Secret value'}])
    // ...
    // in a formula or sync table
    execute: async function([], context) {
      let secretIdTemplateName = "secretId-" + context.invocationToken;
      let urlWithSecret = "/api/entities/{{" + secretIdTemplateName + "}}"
      let secretValueTemplateName = "secretValue-" + context.invocationToken;
      let secretHeader = 'Authorization  {{"' + secretValueTemplateName + '"}}';
      let bodyWithSecret = JSON.stringify({
        key: "{{" + secretValueTemplateName + "}}",
        otherBodyParam: "foo",
      let response = await context.fetcher.fetch({
        method: "GET",
        url: urlWithSecret,
        body: bodyWithSecret,
        headers: {
          'X-Custom-Authorization-Header': secretHeader,


  • Update internal authentication mechanisms for interacting with AWS. Not currently available externally.
  • makeObjectSchema no longer requires you to redundantly specify type: ValueType.Object in your schema definition.

0.7.0 - 2021-11-04


  • Pack bundle format is changed to IIFE to fix occasional stacktrace misinterpretation. Previously compiled bundles will still be supported but may suffer from inaccurate sourcemap issue until the pack is built with the new SDK.

0.6.0 - 2021-10-13


  • If your pack uses fake timers (to simulate setTimeout) you can now store this as a persistent build option. Previously, you had to remember to include the flag --timerStrategy=fake any time you used any of the coda CLI commands. Now you can run coda setOption path/to/pack.ts timerStrategy fake and it will store the option persistently in your .coda-pack.json file and use it for all builds.


  • Breaking Change Column Formats must now use only real Regex objects in their matchers array.

0.5.0 - 2021-10-13


  • Breaking Change context.logger has been removed. It has been redundant with console.log for a while, so we've eliminated the unnecessary extra interface to avoid confusion. (Also console.trace/debug/warn/info/error are all valid.)
  • Formula return types are now strong-typed (except if you are using the fromKey attribute of object properties).
  • CLI coda execute now defaults to run with vm. To execute without vm, use --no-vm.
  • CLI: You may omit a Pack version in your definition, either by using the pack builder (coda.newPack()) or using the BasicPackDefinition type (if you are using TypeScript). When you upload your pack, the next available version number will be selected and assigned on your behalf. This behavior matches what happens in the web editor.
  • CLI: coda release no longer requires an explicit Pack version to release a Pack version (if no Pack version is supplied, the latest version is marked for release instead).


  • Bug fix: Numeric and string codaType properties are no longer erroneously removed in upload validation.

0.4.6 - 2021-08-18


  • Bug fix: Executing sync table formulas via CLI now validates results correctly.

0.4.5 - 2021-08-02


  • Make a few testing functions (e.g. executeFormulaFromPackDef) optionally typed.
  • Update StatusCodeError constructor, which now requires the fetch request.

0.4.4 - 2021-07-27


  • Fixed a bug where using pack.setSystemAuthentication() would add a required connection parameter to every formula.

0.4.3 - 2021-07-26


  • Fixed a bug where using setUserAuthentication() with AuthenticationType.None would inadvertently make accounts required.
  • Fixed a TypeScript bug where using setUserAuthentication() with authentication types like OAuth2 would give TypeScript errors even for valid definitions.
  • Parse XML fetcher responses to JSON for response with content type application/xml. Previously only text/xml worked.

0.4.2 - 2021-07-14


  • Fixed a bug preventing coda init from working.

0.4.1 - 2021-07-13


  • The pack builder now sets a default connection (account) requirement when you specify authentication. Normally, to indicate on a particular formula or sync table that an account is required, you manually specify a connectionRequirement option. To simplify the common case, when you call pack.setUserAuthentication() or pack.setSystemAuthentication(), all of the formulas and sync tables in your pack will be set to use ConnectionRequirement.Required unless that formula/sync explicitly defines a different connectionRequirement.

    If you wish to use a different default, you can supply a defaultConnectionRequirement option to setUserAuthentication() or setSystemAuthentication().

    export const pack = newPack();
    // Implicitly sets all formulas and sync tables to use `connectionRequirement: ConnectionRequirement.Required`.
    pack.setUserAuthentication({type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken});
    // OR, to use a different default:
      type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
      defaultConnectionRequirememnt: ConnectionRequirement.None,

0.4.0 - 2021-07-09


  • TypedStandardFormula renamed to Formula (TypeScript only) - The type TypedStandardFormula, which is the type used for the formulas array in main PackVersionDefinition type has been renamed Formula to be simpler and more intuitive.

0.3.1 - 2021-07-01


  • Metadata formulas no longer need to be wrapped in makeMetadataFormula() - Packs support various kinds of "metadata formulas", which aren't explicitly callable by the user but provide supporting functionality to the pack. Examples of these include getConnectionName in the authentication section of a pack def, autocomplete for formula and sync parameters, and getSchema for dynamic sync tables.

    You now need only provide the JavaScript function that implements your metadata formula, and the SDK will wrap it in makeMetadataFormula() on your behalf.

    // Old
    makeParameter({type: ParameterTypeString, name: 'p', autocomplete: makeMetadataFormula(async (context, search) => ...)});
    // New
    makeParameter({type: ParameterTypeString, name: 'p', autocomplete: async (context, search) => ...});
    // Old
    export const pack: PackVersionDefinition = {
      defaultAuthentication: {
        type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
        getConnectionName: makeMetadataFormula(async (context, search) => {
    // New
    export const pack = newPack();
      type: AuthenticationType.HeaderBearerToken,
      getConnectionName: async (context, search) => {

    Additionally, if you are only using hardcoded values for your autocomplete options, you may specify them directly without needing to wrap them in a function. The SDK will create a function on your behalf that searches over the given options.

      autocomplete: ['apple', 'banana'],
    // Or
      autocomplete: [{display: 'Apple', value: 1}, {display: 'Banana', value: 2}],

    The one caveat is that if you need to override the default connectionRequirement for a metadata formula, you will still need to use makeMetadataFormula(fn, {connectionRequirement}) to provide that override. This is very rare, but it is sometimes needed for autocomplete formulas that need not use authentication even when the parent formula does.

0.3.0 - 2021-06-29


  • Clarity around sync table identities - makeSyncTable() now takes a top-level field identityName, replacing the identity field on the sync table's schema. To migrate, you can simply remove the identity field of your schema and move the identity name string to the new identityName value.

    The identity name is essentially the unique id for a sync table. It is also used if you want to return objects from other syncs or formulas that reference rows in this single table. To do that, you would use this identity name in the identity field of the schema for that other formula/sync.

    // Old
      name: 'MySync',
      schema: makeObjectSchema({
        identity: {name: 'MyIdentity'},
      formula: ...
    // New
      name: 'MySync',
      identityName: 'MyIdentity',
      schema: makeObjectSchema({
      formula: ...

0.2.0 - 2021-06-28


  • makeSyncTable() now accepts a single parameter dictionary instead of having some positional parameters first - This eliminates an inconsistency between this function and most similar wrapper functions elsewhere in the SDK.

    To migrate existing usage:

    // Old
    makeSyncTable('Name', {<schema>}, {<formula>});
    // New
    makeSynctable({name: 'Name', schema: {<schema>}, formula: {<formula>}});

    If you wish to continue using the old syntax (temporarily while we still support it), you can simply update your imports to this and leave your code unchanged:

    import {makeSyncTableLegacy as makeSyncTable} from '@codahq/packs-sdk/dist/legacy_exports';

    The new syntax has also been applied to the pack builder's addSyncTable() method.

  • makeParameter() type input change - The recently-introduced wrapper makeParameter() used a confusing input enum for the parameter type that was largely drawn from an internal representation parameters. It has been changed to use a new enum that is specific to parameters.

    // Old
    makeParameter({type: Type.string, name: 'param', ...});
    // New
    makeParameter({type: ParameterType.String, name: 'param', ...});
    // Old
    makeParameter({arrayType: Type.string, name: 'param', ...});
    // New
    makeParameter({type: ParameterType.StringArray, name: 'param', ...});

0.1.0 - 2021-06-22


  • Beginning of alpha versioning.