Solving Shelf Assigning Problem with Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms
We must assign various substances to distinct shelves in a laboratory in a way that any of the substances do not react together and trigger a chemical reaction. In input in each line, we address substances with a number and list of other numbers that trigger the chemical reaction. Find a configuration of substances on the shelf such that minimize the number of shelves and chemical reactions.
Table Class :
- For holding input data and Making initial state for Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing and population for Genetic Algorithm
- List[] subs is Array of a List for items that If you put it on the same shelf, it triggers the chemical reaction. index of array denotes the item number. for example: subs[1] = {2, 3} means that if you put item #1 with any of 2 items (2 or 3) it causes chemical reaction.
- in init()/init(long seed) it makes a random configuration of items in shelves
Node Class:
- Making Tree Data Structure for Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing
- String[] items is the represtation of a state ["1,2,3", "4", "5,6"] (item 1, 2, 3 in shelf 1 and ...)
- ArrayList is arraylist of children made in addChildren method
- addChildren(int n) method in Node Class : making nodes that each one has items spread out across 'n' shelves with randomize configuration (one child is in a randomized order of its parent node for checking all state):
- for example : apply addChildren(2) to node ["1, 2, 3, 4, 5"] (1 distinct shelf contain 5 item) -> may one of the results be ["2, 3", "1, 4, 5"] (2 distinct shelf each contain 2 and 3 items respectively - each node is array of string and each string represent each shelf)
- getHeru(Table tlb) method in Node Class : calculate heruistic for node according to given table (-150 points for each conflict in any shelf and -100 points for each shelf used)
HillClimbing Class:
- Start from an initial state and find a state with higher heuristic (might stuck in local maxima)
SimulatedAnnealing Class:
- Start from an initial state and find a state with higher heuristic with a probability of exp((newEnergy - energy) / temperature) (might stuck in local maxima)
Genetic Class:
- First, it makes a population of the number given in input (popSize) converting each table initial state to a chromosome for example state ["1,2", "3", "4,5"] chromosome is "11233" (position of each character is item's number, and character value is the shelf number) Moreover, the fitness of each is calculated (fitness function is the same as a heuristic function).
- In fitness function, it always trims the sorted chromosome list in a way that list size be always equal to popSize.
- Then in solve method, it does a selection, crossover, and mutation on each chromosome follow by another population and evaluating fitness in each epoch(generation).
- 66% of selection is based on fitness, and 33% is based on luck(randomness) (ordering the chromosome list).
- Then each chromosome is crossovered with the next chromosome in the list.
- With a chance of mutRate some character of a chromosome might mutate.
- Soheil Changizi ( @cocolico14 )
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