# cluster
roachprod create ${USER}-demo -n=3 --gce-machine-type=n2-standard-2 --gce-zones="us-east4-a" --gce-local-ssd-count=1
roachprod stage ${USER}-demo release latest
roachprod start ${USER}-demo --secure
# jumpboxes
roachprod create ${USER}-jump -n=1 --gce-machine-type=n2-standard-2 --gce-zones="us-east4-a" --local-ssd=False
roachprod stage ${USER}-jump release latest
roachprod stage ${USER}-jump workload
# fetch certs and upload them to jumpboxes
roachprod get ${USER}-demo:1 certs.tar
roachprod put ${USER}-jump certs.tar
roachprod run ${USER}-jump "tar xvf certs.tar"
# get IP..
IP=`roachprod ip ${USER}-demo:1`
# ... and use it here
roachprod run ${USER}-jump "sudo apt-get install -y haproxy"
roachprod run ${USER}-jump "./cockroach gen haproxy --certs-dir=certs --host=${IP}"
roachprod run ${USER}-jump "sudo sed -i 's/1m/10m/g' haproxy.cfg"
roachprod run ${USER}-jump "sudo cp haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
roachprod run ${USER}-jump "sudo systemctl restart haproxy"
# open sql terminal...
roachprod sql ${USER}-jump:1 --secure -- -e "SET CLUSTER SETTING cluster.organization = 'Workshop';"
roachprod sql ${USER}-jump:1 --secure -- -e "SET CLUSTER SETTING enterprise.license = '$(lic)';"
roachprod sql ${USER}-jump:1 --secure -- -e "CREATE USER ${USER} WITH password '${USER}'; GRANT admin TO ${USER};"
Before starting with the demo, ssh into the jumpbox server
roachprod ssh ${USER}-jump:1
Then, init and run your favorite workload.
# tpcc with 20 warehouses
./cockroach workload init tpcc --secure --warehouses=20
./cockroach workload run tpcc --secure --warehouses=20
Example URL for secure connection
./cockroach sql --url='postgres://root@localhost:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/home/ubuntu/certs/ca.crt&sslcert=/home/ubuntu/certs/client.root.crt&sslkey=/home/ubuntu/certs/client.root.key'
Items to demo include:
- Overview
- Node map
- Network Latency
- SQL Sessions
- SQL Statements
- SQL Transactions
- Jobs
- Advanced Debug > Data Distribution
- Dashboard Metrics
Log into the jumpbox server
roachprod ssh ${USER}-jump:1
then execute these commands
# add repos and install components
sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common wget
wget -q -O - https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y prometheus prometheus-alertmanager grafana
On another terminal, pull the list of the cluster IP addresses
$ for i in `roachprod ip ${USER}-demo`; do echo -n "'$i:26258', "; done
'', '', '',
Then, download the prometheus.yml
file so you can edit it on your laptop
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/prometheus.yml
Edit the prometheus.yml
file as follows - notice the targets
and the use of https
# Prometheus configuration for cockroach clusters.
# Requires prometheus 2.X
# Run with:
# $ prometheus -config.file=prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 10s
evaluation_interval: 10s
- "rules/alerts.rules.yml"
- "rules/aggregation.rules.yml"
# Alert manager running on the same host:
- path_prefix: "/alertmanager/"
- targets:
- localhost:9093
- job_name: alertmgr
- targets: ['localhost:9093']
- job_name: 'cockroachdb'
metrics_path: '/_status/vars'
# Insecure mode:
# scheme: 'http'
# Secure mode:
scheme: 'https'
insecure_skip_verify: true
- targets: ['', '', '']
cluster: 'crdb'
Copy the file on the jumpbox server, then move it to the default prometheus config directory
sudo mv prometheus.yml /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
# download rules
sudo mkdir /etc/prometheus/rules
sudo wget -P /etc/prometheus/rules https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/rules/aggregation.rules.yml
sudo wget -P /etc/prometheus/rules https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/rules/alerts.rules.yml
# change the InstanceDead timeout from 15m to 1m
sudo sed -i 's/15m/1m/g' /etc/prometheus/rules/alerts.rules.yml
# restart all services
sudo systemctl restart prometheus
sudo systemctl restart prometheus-alertmanager
sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
You can now open 2 tabs in your browser with the IP address of the jumpbox server at ports 9090 (Prometheus) and 3000 (Grafana).
Confirm Prometheus can successfully connect to the CockroachDB cluster and to the AlertManager service
Confirm Prometheus can scrape the metrics from the CockroachDB cluster by pulling any of the metrics
Configure Grafana to read from Prometheus:
- Login into Grafana with admin/admin
- Configuration > Data Sources > Prometheus
- use http://localhost:9090 as the server address
- Save & Test
You should get a confirmation that the connection is successful.
Download the Grafana dashboard JSON files from our repo:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/changefeeds.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/distributed.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/hardware.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/overview.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/queues.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/replication.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/runtime.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/slow_request.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/sql.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/monitoring/grafana-dashboards/storage.json
In Grafana, upload them all by clicking on '+' > Import, then confirm you can pull the metrics correctly.
On your local terminal, stop a node
roachprod stop ${USER}-demo:3
You should soon see Prometheus take notice of the unavailable node
After about 1 minute, the alert is also fired to AlertManager
You can restart the node
roachprod start ${USER}-demo:3 --secure
To confirm AlertManager received it, check the chart in Prom, which is scraping metrics from AlertManager itself
Create a logs.yaml
dir: logs
max-file-size: 10MiB
max-group-size: 100MiB
buffered-writes: true
filter: INFO
format: json-fluent
redact: false
redactable: true
exit-on-error: true
auditable: false
filter: INFO
redact: false
redactable: true
exit-on-error: false
auditable: false
channels: all
filter: NONE
format: json
redact: false
redactable: true
exit-on-error: true
enable: true
max-group-size: 100MiB
Upload it to n1, then restart the node
roachprod put ${USER}-demo:1 logs.yaml
# restart the node, reading the logs.yaml file
roachprod stop ${USER}-demo:1
roachprod start ${USER}-demo:1 --secure --args="--log-config-file=logs.yaml"
# log into the node
roachprod ssh ${USER}-demo:1
Check in the logs
folder, you will see the new log files.
ubuntu@fabio-demo-0001:~$ tail -f logs/cockroach.log
{"tag":"cockroach.dev","channel_numeric":0,"channel":"DEV","timestamp":"1643208616.160371958","cluster_id":"025d51d8-d34b-41d9-bb52-cd6bc4be727a","node_id":1,"version":"v21.2.4","severity_numeric":1,"severity":"INFO","goroutine":584,"file":"sql/catalog/lease/lease.go","line":1125,"entry_counter":89,"redactable":1,"message":"released orphaned lease: {id:‹15› version:1 expiration:{Time:{wall:843632000 ext:63778805657 loc:<nil>}}}"}
{"tag":"cockroach.dev","channel_numeric":0,"channel":"DEV","timestamp":"1643208616.160502121","cluster_id":"025d51d8-d34b-41d9-bb52-cd6bc4be727a","node_id":1,"version":"v21.2.4","severity_numeric":1,"severity":"INFO","goroutine":583,"file":"sql/catalog/lease/lease.go","line":1125,"entry_counter":90,"redactable":1,"message":"released orphaned lease: {id:‹12› version:1 expiration:{Time:{wall:296214000 ext:63778805661 loc:<nil>}}}"}
Test by changing a Cluster Setting. Cluster Setting changes go to DEV channel.
SET CLUSTER SETTING jobs.retention_time = '330h';
In the log file, you'll see below message, prettified here for convenience.
"tag": "cockroach.dev",
"channel_numeric": 0,
"channel": "DEV",
"timestamp": "1643209633.596775243",
"cluster_id": "025d51d8-d34b-41d9-bb52-cd6bc4be727a",
"node_id": 1,
"version": "v21.2.4",
"severity_numeric": 1,
"severity": "INFO",
"goroutine": 10250,
"file": "util/log/event_log.go",
"line": 32,
"entry_counter": 55,
"redactable": 1,
"tags": {
"n": "1",
"client": "‹›",
"hostssl": "",
"user": "root"
"event": {
"Timestamp": 1643209633585059800,
"EventType": "set_cluster_setting",
"Statement": "SET CLUSTER SETTING \"jobs.retention_time\" = ‹'330h'›",
"User": "root",
"ApplicationName": "$ cockroach sql",
"SettingName": "jobs.retention_time",
"Value": "‹330:00:00›"
Test by enabling the SQL Audit cluster settings, the Session settings, or SQL Exec settings and confirm the output is as expected.
-- we enable session messages
SET CLUSTER SETTING server.auth_log.sql_sessions.enabled = true;
SET CLUSTER SETTING server.auth_log.sql_connections.enabled = true;
$ tail -f cockroach-audit.log
# client connection start
# client auth
"EventType":"client_authentication_info","InstanceID":1,"Network":"tcp","RemoteAddress":"‹›","Transport":"hostssl","SystemIdentity":"‹root›","Method":"cert-password","Info":"‹HBA rule: host all root all cert-password # CockroachDB mandatory rule›"}}
"EventType":"client_authentication_info","InstanceID":1,"Network":"tcp","RemoteAddress":"‹›","Transport":"hostssl","SystemIdentity":"‹root›","Method":"cert-password","Info":"‹client presented certificate, proceeding with certificate validation›"}}
roachprod destroy ${USER}-demo
roachprod destroy ${USER}-jump