Single node CockroachDB instance running as the metastore for Netflix Genie
- CockroachDB nodecrdb-init
- ephemeral CockroachDB node used to create databasegenie
- Genie app instance
- run
- from a local shell run the following to test...
curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/v3/applications' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' -d '{
"id" : null,
"created" : null,
"updated" : null,
"version" : "1.5.1",
"user" : "genie",
"name" : "spark",
"description" : "Spark for Genie",
"metadata" : { "hi": "bye" },
"tags" : [ "type:spark", "ver:1.5.1" ],
"configs" : [ "s3://mybucket/spark/1.5.1/" ],
"dependencies" : [ "s3://mybucket/spark/1.5.1/spark.tar.gz" ],
"setupFile" : "s3://mybucket/spark/1.5.1/",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"type" : "spark"
docker compose exec crdb /bin/bash
docker compose exec genie /bin/bash