Check VHDL code for common codestyle problems.
Rules include:
- Signals, variables, ports, types, subtypes, etc. must be lowercase.
- Constants and generics must be uppercase.
- Entities, architectures and packages must be "mixedcase" (may be 100% uppercase, but not 100% lowercase).
- Ports must be suffixed using _i, _o or _io denoting its kind.
- Labels must be placed in a separated line. Exception: component instantiation.
- End statements must be documented indicating what are finishing.
- Buffer ports are forbidden.
- VHDL constructions of the "entity xxxx is" and similars must be in one line. You can't put "entity xxxxx" in one line and "is" in another.
- No more than one VHDL construction is allowed in one line of code.
See <> for more information.
- Formatting
- The coala developers (