Check SCSS code to keep it clean and readable.
More information is available at <>.
Setting | Meaning |
allow_chained_classes |
Allows defining a rule set using a selector with chained classes. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_consecutives_duplicate_property |
Allows defining the same property consecutively in a single rule set. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_debug_statement |
Allows @debug statements. (Optional, defaults to
'False'.) |
allow_duplicate_properties |
Allows defining the same property twice in a single rule set. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_empty_rules |
Allows empty rule set. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_filename_extension |
Requires basenames of @import``ed SCSS partials to
include filename extension, this setting require
``check_import_paths to be enabled. (Optional, defaults
to 'False'.) |
allow_filename_leading_underscore |
Requires basenames of @import``ed SCSS partials to begin
with an underscore. This setting require
``check_import_paths to be enabled. (Optional, defaults
to 'False'.) |
allow_id_selector |
Allows using ID selectors. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_important_rule_in_properties |
No description given. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_leading_underscore |
Allows names to start with a single underscore. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
allow_mergeable_selectors |
Allows defining the same selector twice in a single sheet. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_trailing_semicolon |
Property values; @extend , @include , and @import
directives; and variable declarations should always end
with a semicolon. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
allow_trailing_whitespaces |
No description given. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_unit_on_zero_values |
Allow omitting length units on zero values. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_unnecessary_mantissa |
Numeric values can contain unnecessary fractional portions. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
allow_unnecesseary_parent_reference |
No description given. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
check_declaration_order |
Rule sets should be ordered as follows: @extend
declarations, @include declarations without inner
@content , properties, @include declarations with
inner @content , then nested rule sets. (Optional,
defaults to 'True'.) |
check_imports_path |
The basenames of @import``ed SCSS partials should not
begin with an underscore and should not include the
filename extension. These requirements can be modified by
changing ``allow_filename_leading_underscore , and
allow_extensions . (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
check_properties_spelling |
Reports when an unknown or disabled CSS property is used (ignoring vendor-prefixed properties). (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
check_pseudo_elements |
Pseudo-elements, like ::before , and ::first-letter ,
should be declared with two colons. Pseudo-classes, like
:hover and :first-child , should be declared with
one colon.
:: p::before { content: '>' }
p:hover { color: red; }
(Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
check_ulrs_format |
No description given. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
disabled_properties |
List of existing properties to deny. (Optional, defaults to '()'.) |
else_on_same_line |
Places @else statements on the same line as the
preceding curly brace. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
exclude_leading_zero |
Determines whether leading zeros should be written or not in numeric values with a decimal point. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
extra_properties |
List of extra properties to allow. (Optional, defaults to '()'.) |
force_empty_line_between_blocks |
Separate rule, function, and mixin declarations with empty lines. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
function_naming_convention |
Name of convention (hyphen``(use lowercase letters and
hyphens) (default), ``camel , snake ), or a regex
the name must match (eg: ^[a-zA-Z]+$ ) to use for
functions. (Optional, defaults to 'hyphen'.) |
indent_size |
Number of spaces per indentation level. (Optional, defaults to '2'.) |
max_nesting_depth |
Maximum nesting depth. (Optional, defaults to '3'.) |
max_properties |
Enforces a limit on the number of properties in a rule set. (Optional, defaults to '10'.) |
mixin_naming_convention |
Name of convention (hyphen (default), camel ,
snake ), or a regex the name must match (eg:
^[a-zA-Z]+$ ) to use for mixins. (Optional, defaults to
'hyphen'.) |
placeholder_naming_convention |
Name of convention (hyphen (default), camel ,
snake ), or a regex the name must match (eg:
^[a-zA-Z]+$ ) to use for placeholders. (Optional,
defaults to 'hyphen'.) |
prefer_color_keywords |
Prefers color keywords over hexadecimal color codes. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
space_around_bang |
Enforces a space before and/or after ! (the "bang").
(Optional, defaults to '[True, False]'.) |
spaces_around_operators |
Operators should be formatted with a single space on both
sides of an infix operator. The different value for this
setting are 1 , 0 or a number greater that 1 .
(Optional, defaults to '1'.) |
spaces_between_parentheses |
Spaces to require between parentheses. (Optional, defaults to '0'.) |
urls_in_quotes |
URLs should always be enclosed within quotes. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_color_variables |
Prefers color literals (keywords or hexadecimal codes) to be used only in variable declarations. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_length_variables |
Prefer length literals (numbers with units) to be used only in variable declarations. :: div { width: 100px; } Is not valid, whereas :: $column-width: 100px; div { width: $column-width; } is valid. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_lowercase_hexadecimal |
Checks if hexadecimal colors are written in lowercase or uppercase. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_placeholder_selector_in_extend |
Enforces using placeholder selectors in @extend .
(Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_short_hexadecimal_length_style |
Prefer shorthand or long-form hexadecimal colors by setting the style option to short or long, respectively. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_spaces |
Use spaces for indentation (tabs otherwise). (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
validate_hexadecimal |
Ensure hexadecimal colors are valid (either three or six digits). (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
variable_naming_convention |
Name of convention (hyphen (default), camel ,
snake ), or a regex the name must match (eg:
^[a-zA-Z]+$ ) to use for variables. (Optional, defaults
to 'hyphen'.) |
- Formatting
- Syntax
- The coala developers (