More installation and usage information is available on the SCION Tutorials web page for webapp.
Webapp is a Go application that will serve up a static web portal to make it easy to visualize and experiment with SCIONLab test apps on a virtual machine.
For running webapp
in a packaged environment, like the default SCIONLab environment, it now uses command-line options for webapp
to find the tools it requires.
To install from our packages, install webapp
including its scion-apps
sudo apt install scion-apps-webapp
Alternatively, the following will install all scion-apps
sudo apt install scion-apps-*
Start the webapp
sudo systemctl start scion-webapp
Ensure the webapp
service is running:
sudo systemctl status scion-webapp
Now, open a web browser at, to begin.
Logs from webapp
can be monitored:
journalctl -u scion-webapp -e
You won't need to add all the parameters yourself as the scion-webapp.service
will do this for you. You may view the service command line options used with cat
systemctl cat scion-webapp
For maintenance of webapp
details of its structure and operation can be found at
For running webapp
in a development environment for the SCION Infrastructure, follow the SCIONLab development install and run process at
Then, follow these steps to install SCIONLab Apps to run webapp
in development.
Development Install:
mkdir ~/go/src/
cd ~/go/src/
git clone
Development Build:
Install all SCIONLab apps and dependencies, including webapp
cd scion-apps
make install
Development Run on Local Topology: You can alter the defaults on the command line, all of which are listed below:
webapp \
-a \
-p 8081 \
-r . \
-srvroot $GOPATH/src/ \
-sabin $GOPATH/bin \
-sroot $GOPATH/src/ \
-sbin $GOPATH/src/ \
-sgen $GOPATH/src/ \
-sgenc $GOPATH/src/ \
-slogs $GOPATH/src/
or can you run webapp
like this, which will use the defaults above:
Development Run on SCIONLab Topology:
webapp \
-a \
-p 8080 \
-r ~/go/src/ \
-srvroot ~/go/src/ \
-sabin $GOPATH/bin \
-sroot /etc/scion \
-sbin /usr/bin \
-sgen /etc/scion/gen \
-sgenc /var/lib/scion \
-slogs /var/log/scion
A list of dependencies for webapp
can be found at
Usage of webapp:
-a string
Address of server host. (default "")
-p int
Port of server host. (default 8000)
-r string
Root path to read/browse from, CAUTION: read-access granted from -a and -p. (default ".")
-sabin string
Path to execute the installed scionlab apps binaries (default "/home/ubuntu/go/bin")
-sbin string
Path to execute SCION bin directory of infrastructure tools (default "/home/ubuntu/go/src/")
-sgen string
Path to read SCION gen directory of infrastructure config (default "/home/ubuntu/go/src/")
-sgenc string
Path to read SCION gen-cache directory of infrastructure run-time config (default "/home/ubuntu/go/src/")
-slogs string
Path to read SCION logs directory of infrastructure logging (default "/home/ubuntu/go/src/")
-sroot string
Path to read SCION root directory of infrastructure (default "/home/ubuntu/go/src/")
-srvroot string
Path to read/write web server files. (default "/home/ubuntu/go/src/")