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55 lines (40 loc) · 3.82 KB

File metadata and controls

55 lines (40 loc) · 3.82 KB

Add a non-cncf project/org ( project must be opensource ) to generate affiliations for it.

  1. Add the developers of your organization/project to be get affiliated in ./developers_affiliations.txt in the proper format. cd src/. Now generate new email-map using ./, then: mv email-map cncf-config/email-map. For e.g.

    developer1: email1@xyz, email2@abc, ...
       company2 until YYYY-MM-DD
    developer2: email3@xyz, email4@pqr, ...
       company4 until YYYY-MM-DD
  2. Clone all repositories of the project at ~/dev/project_name/. For cloning either you can use cncf/velocity project and writing sql query in BigQuery folder or you can create a new shellscript file in ~/dev/cncf/gitdm/ location with name And just copy paste this code in that file

    mkdir ~/dev/project_name/ 2>/dev/null
    cd ~/dev/project_name || exit 1
    git clone github_repo_clone_url_for_your_project1 || exit 1
    git clone github_repo_clone_url_for_your_project2 || exit 1
    echo "All project_name repos cloned" 

    Paste all repository's clone_url manually. Save file and run this script chmod +x ./ and then run this script - ./ . This will clone all repos at the place ~/dev/project_name/.

    Notes : replace project_name with your github organization name.

  3. To generate git.log file, use this command ./ ~/dev/project_name/*. Make it uniq.

  4. To run cncf/gitdm on a generated git.log file do: ~/dev/cncf/gitdm/ -i git.log -r "^vendor/|/vendor/|^Godeps/" -R -n -b ./src/ -t -z -d -D -U -u -o all.txt -x all.csv -a all_affs.csv > all.out

  5. To generate human readable text affiliation files: SKIP_COMPANIES="(Unknown)" ./

  6. If updating via or (step 6), please update repos array in ./ghusers.rb with your org/project repos lists, then run too. But before it, make sure that you had set devstats and update ./ after first line with sudo -u postgres psql -tA your_pg_database_name < ~/dev/go/src/devstats/util_sql/all_actors.sql > actors.txt. now run ./

  7. Consider ./ or ./ (if you run this, then copy result json somewhere and get 0-committers from previous version to save GH API points). Sometimes you should just run ./ without cache.

  8. will refetch repos metadata and commits and get users data from github_users.json so you can save a lot of API points.

  9. To update (enchance) github_users.json with new affiliations ./

  10. To merge multiple GitHub logins data (for example propagate known affiliation to unknown or not found on the same GitHub login) run: ./

  11. Because this can find new affiliations you can now use ./ to import back from github_users.json and then restart from step 3.

  12. Run ./ and examine its output correlations.txt to try to normalize company names and remove common suffixes like Ltd., Corp. and downcase/upcase differences.

  13. Run ./ and examine its output JSONs - those GitHub profiles have some useful data directly available - this will save you some manual research work.

  14. ALWAYS before any commit to GitHub run: ./ to remove any forbiden affiliations, please also see

  15. You can use ./ to clear all affiliations on a generated github_users.json.

  16. You can create smaller final json for cncf/devstats using ./ github_users.json stripped.json; cp stripped.json ~/dev/go/src/devstats/github_users.json.