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GitHub Archives to Postgres, InfluxDB, Grafana

Author: Łukasz Gryglicki

Implemented in two languages (historically)

This toolset was first implemented in Ruby with Postgres database.

Then MySQL support was added.

MySQL proved to be slower and harder to use than Postgres.

Entire toolset was rewritten in Go.

Go version only support Postgres, it proved to be a lot faster than Ruby version.

Finally, Ruby version was dropped.

Influx DB was used as a time series database. Then it was dropped and replaced with Postgres.

Postgres is faster as a time series database than a dedicated time series database InfluxDB.

This tool filters GitHub archives for given date period and given organization, repository and save results in a Postgres database. It can also save results into JSON files. It displays results using Grafana and Postgres as a time series database.

It can import developers affiliations from cncf/gitdm. It uses companies.yaml file to map company acquisitions.

It also clones all git repos to analyse all commits files.

Some additional events not included in GitHub events (like (un)labelled, (de)milestoned, referenced, (un)subscibed etc.) are fetched using GitHub API. This requires GitHub OAuth2 token(s) saved in /etc/github/oauths (for multiple tokens) or /etc/github/oauth (for a single token).


Uses GNU Makefile:

  • make check - to apply gofmt, goimports, golint, errcheck, usedexports, go vet and possibly other tools.
  • make to compile static binaries: structure, runq, gha2db, calc_metric, gha2db_sync, import_affs, annotations, tags, columns, webhook, devstats, get_repos, merge_dbs, vars, replacer, ghapi2db.
  • make install - to install binaries, this is needed for cron job.
  • make clean - to clean binaries
  • make test - to execute non-DB tests
  • GHA2DB_PROJECT=kubernetes PG_DB=dbtest PG_PASS=pwd make dbtest - to execute DB tests.

All *.go files in project root directory are common library gha2db for all go executables. All *_test.go and test/*.go are Go test files, that are used only for testing.

To run tools locally (without install) prefix them with GHA2DB_LOCAl=1 .



  • make


  • make
  • sudo make install
  • ENV_VARIABLES gha2db YYYY-MM-DD HH YYYY-MM-DD HH [org [repo]].

You can use already populated Postgres dump: Kubernetes Psql dump.

There is also a dump for cncf org: CNCF Psql dump.

First two parameters are date from:

  • HH

Next two parameters are date to:

  • HH

Both next two parameters are optional:

  • org (if given and non-empty '' then only return JSONs matching given org). You can also provide a comma-separated list of orgs here: 'org1,org2,org3'. You can use exact repo paths here: org1,org2/repo2,org2/repo3,org3.
  • repo (if given and non-empty '' then only return JSONs matching given repo). You can also provide a comma-separated list of repos here: 'repo1,repo2'.

Org/Repo filtering:

  • You can filter only by org by passing for example 'kubernetes' for org and '' for repo or skipping repo.
  • You can filter only by repo, you need to pass '' as org and then repo name.
  • You can return all JSONs by skipping both params.
  • You can provide both to observe only events from given org/repo.
  • You can list exact full repository names to run on: use GHA2DB_EXACT=1 to process only repositories listed as "orgs" parameter, by their full names, like for example 3 repos: "GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes,kubernetes,kubernetes/kubernetes".
  • Without GHA2DB_EXACT flag only full names like "a/b,x/y" can be treated as exact full repository names, names without "/" are treated either as orgs or as repositories.


You can tweak devstats tools by environment variables:

  • Set GHA2DB_ST environment variable to run single threaded version.
  • Set GHA2DB_JSON to save single events JSONs in jsons/ directory.
  • Set GHA2DB_NODB to skip DB processing at all (if GHA2DB_JSON not set it will parse all data from GHA, but do nothing with it).
  • Set GHA2DB_DEBUG set to 1 to see output for all events generated, set to 2 to see all SQL query parameters.
  • Set GHA2DB_QOUT to see all SQL queries.
  • Set GHA2DB_MGETC to "y" to assume "y" for getchar function (for example to answer "y" to structure's Continue? question).
  • Set GHA2DB_CTXOUT to display full environment context.
  • Set GHA2DB_NCPUS to positive numeric value, to override the number of CPUs to run, this overwrites GHA2DB_ST.
  • Set GHA2DB_STARTDT, to use start date for processing events (when syncing data with an empty database), default 2015-08-06 22:00 UTC, expects format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS".
  • Set GHA2DB_STARTDT_FORCE, to use start date as a last value present in the databases (overrides last values found on the DB).
  • Set GHA2DB_LASTSERIES, to specify which series name use to determine newest data (it will be used to query the newest timestamp), default 'events_h'.
  • Set GHA2DB_CMDDEBUG set to 1 to see commands executed, set to 2 to see commands executed and their output, set to 3 to see full exec environment.
  • Set GHA2DB_EXPLAIN for runq tool, it will prefix query select(s) with "explain " to display query plan instead of executing the real query. Because metric can have multiple selects, and only main select should be replaced with "explain select" - we're replacing only downcased "select" statement followed by newline ("select\n" --> "explain select\n")
  • Set GHA2DB_OLDFMT for gha2db tool to make it use old pre-2015 GHA JSONs format (instead of a new one used by GitHub Archives from 2015-01-01). It is usable for GH events starting from 2012-07-01.
  • Set GHA2DB_EXACT for gha2db tool to make it process only repositories listed as "orgs" parameter, by their full names, like for example 3 repos: "GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes,kubernetes,kubernetes/kubernetes"
  • Set GHA2DB_SKIPLOG for any tool to skip logging output to gha_logs table in devstats database.
  • Set GHA2DB_LOCAL for gha2db_sync tool to make it prefix call to other tools with "./" (so it will use other tools binaries from the current working directory instead of /usr/bin/). Local mode uses "./metrics/{{project}}/" to search for metrics files. Otherwise "/etc/gha2db/metrics/{{project}}/" is used.
  • Set GHA2DB_METRICS_YAML for gha2db_sync tool, set name of metrics yaml file, default is "metrics/{{project}}/metrics.yaml".
  • Set GHA2DB_GAPS_YAML for gha2db_sync tool, set name of gaps yaml file, default is "metrics/{{project}}/gaps.yaml". Please use Grafana's "null as zero" instead of using manuall filling gaps. This simplifies metrics a lot.
  • Set GHA2DB_GITHUB_OAUTH for annotations tool, if not set reads from /etc/github/oauths (multiple comma separated tokens) or /etc/github/oauth (single token) file. Set to "-" to force public access. annotations tool is not using GitHub API anymore, it uses script instead.
  • Set GHA2DB_MAXLOGAGE for gha2db_sync tool, maximum age of DB logs stored in devstats.gha_logs table, default "1 week" (logs are cleared in gha2db_sync job).
  • Set GHA2DB_TRIALS for tools that use Postgres DB, set retry periods when "too many connection open" psql error appears, default is "10,30,60,120,300,600" (so 30s, 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min).
  • Set GHA2DB_SKIPTIME for all tools to skip time output in program outputs (default is to show time).
  • Set GHA2DB_WHROOT, for webhook tool, default "/hook", must match .travis.yml notifications webhooks.
  • Set GHA2DB_WHPORT, for webhook tool, default ":1982", (note that webhook listens at 1982, but we are using https via apache proxy, apache listens on https port 2892 and proxy request to http 1982).
  • Set GHA2DB_WHHOST, for webhook tool, default "", this is the IP of webhook socket (set to to allow connection from any IP, only allows connections from localhost - this is secure, we use Apache to enable https and proxy requests to webhook tool).
  • Set GHA2DB_SKIP_VERIFY_PAYLOAD, webhook tool, default true, use to skip payload checking and allow manual testing GHA2DB_SKIP_VERIFY_PAYLOAD=1 webhook.
  • Set GHA2DB_SKIP_FULL_DEPLOY, webhook tool, default true, use GHA2DB_SKIP_FULL_DEPLOY=1 to skip full deploy when commit message contains [deploy] - useful for the test server.
  • Set GHA2DB_DEPLOY_BRANCHES, webhook tool, default "master", comma separated list, use to set which branches should be deployed.
  • Set GHA2DB_DEPLOY_STATUSES, webhook tool, default "Passed,Fixed", comma separated list, use to set which branches should be deployed.
  • Set GHA2DB_DEPLOY_RESULTS, webhook tool, default "0", comma separated list, use to set which travis ci results should be deployed.
  • Set GHA2DB_DEPLOY_TYPES, webhook tool, default "push", comma separated list, use to set which event types should be deployed.
  • Set GHA2DB_PROJECT_ROOT, webhook tool, no default - you have to set it to where the project repository is cloned (usually $GOPATH:/src/devstats).
  • Set GHA2DB_PROJECT, gha2db_sync tool to get per project arguments automaticlly and to set all other config files directory prefixes (for example metrics/prometheus/), it reads data from projects.yaml.
  • Set GHA2DB_RESETRANGES, gha2db_sync tool to regenerate past variables of quick range values, this is useful when you add new annotations.
  • Set GHA2DB_REPOS_DIR, get_repos tool to specify where to clone/pull all devstats projects repositories.
  • Set GHA2DB_PROCESS_REPOS, get_repos tool to enable repos clone/pull job.
  • Set GHA2DB_PROCESS_COMMITS, get_repos tool to enable creating/updating "commits SHA - list of files" mapping.
  • Set GHA2DB_PROJECTS_COMMITS, get_repos tool to enable processing commits only on specified projects, format is "projectName1,projectName2,...,projectNameN", default is "" which means to process all projects from projects.yaml.
  • Set GHA2DB_TESTS_YAML, tests make test, set main test file, default is "tests.yaml".
  • Set GHA2DB_PROJECTS_YAML, many tool, set main projects file, default is "projects.yaml", for example devel/ uses this/
  • Set GHA2DB_EXTERNAL_INFO, get_repos tool to enable displaying external info needed by cncf/gitdm.
  • Set GHA2DB_PROJECTS_OVERRIDE, get_repos, devstats tools - for example "-pro1,+pro2" means never sync pro1 and always sync pro2 (even if disabled in projects.yaml).
  • Set GHA2DB_EXCLUDE_REPOS, gha2db tool, default "" - comma separated list of repos to exclude, example: "theupdateframework/notary,theupdateframework/other".
  • Set GHA2DB_INPUT_DBS, merge_dbs tool - list of input databases to merge, order matters - first one will insert on a clean DB, next will do insert ignore (to avoid constraints failure due to common data).
  • Set GHA2DB_OUTPUT_DB, merge_dbs tool - output database to merge into.
  • Set GHA2DB_TMOFFSET, gha2db_sync tool - uses time offset to decide when to calculate various metrics, default offset is 0 which means UTC, good offset for USA is -6, and for Poland is 1 or 2
  • Set GHA2DB_VARS_YAML, GHA2DB_VARS_FN_YAML, vars tool - to set nonstandard vars.yaml file, either full path or just a final file name.
  • Set GHA2DB_RECENT_RANGE, ghapi2db tool, default '2 hours'. This is a recent period to check open issues/PR to fix their labels and milestones.
  • Set GHA2DB_MIN_GHAPI_POINTS, ghapi2db tool, minimum GitHub API points, before waiting for reset. Default 1 (API point).
  • Set GHA2DB_MAX_GHAPI_WAIT, ghapi2db tool, maximum wait time for GitHub API points reset (in seconds). Default 1s.
  • Set GHA2DB_GHAPISKIP, ghapi2db tool, if set then tool is not creating artificial events using GitHub API.
  • Set GHA2DB_GETREPOSSKIP, get_repos tool, if set then tool does nothing.
  • Set GHA2DB_COMPUTE_ALL, all tools, this forces computing all possible periods (weekly, daily, yearly, since last release to now, since CNCF join date to now etc.) instead of making decision based on current time.
  • Set GHA2DB_ACTORS_FILTER, gha2db tool, enable filtering by actor, default false which means skip next two actor related variables.
  • Set GHA2DB_ACTORS_ALLOW, gha2db tool, process JSON if actor matches this regexp, default "" which means skip this check.
  • Set GHA2DB_ACTORS_FORBID, gha2db tool, process JSON if actor doesn't match this regexp, default "" which means skip this check.
  • Set GHA2DB_ONLY_METRICS, gha2db_sync tool, default "" - comma separated list of metrics to process, as fiven my "sql: name" in the "metrics.yaml" file. Only those metrics will be calculated.
  • Set GHA2DB_ALLOW_BROKEN_JSON, gha2db tool, default false. If set then gha2db skips broken jsons and saves them as jsons/error_YYYY-MM-DD-h-n-m.json (n is the JSON number (1-m) of m JSONS array).
  • Set GHA2DB_JSONS_DIR, website_data tool, JSONs output directory default ./jsons/.
  • Set GHA2DB_WEBSITEDATA, devstats tool, run website_data just after sync is complete, default false.
  • Set GHA2DB_SKIP_UPDATE_EVENTS, ghapi2db tool, drop and recreate artificial events if their state differs, default false.

All environment context details are defined in context.go, please see that file for details (you can also see how it works in context_test.go).

Examples in this shell script (some commented out, some not):

time PG_PASS=your_pass ./scripts/

Postgres tuning

You can use this website to generate tuned values for postgresql.conf file.


GitHub archives keep data as Gzipped JSONs for each hour (24 gzipped JSONs per day). Single JSON is not a real JSON file, but "\n" newline separated list of JSONs for each GitHub event in that hour. So this is a JSON array in reality.

GihHub archive files can be found here.

For example to fetch 2017-08-03 18:00 UTC can be fetched by:

We download this gzipped JSON, process it on the fly, creating the array of JSON events and then each single event JSON matching org/repo criteria is saved in jsons directory as N_ID.json (if GHA2DB_JSON variable is set) where:

  • N - given GitHub archive''s JSON hour as UNIX timestamp.
  • ID - GitHub event ID.

Once saved, you can review those JSONs manually (they're pretty printed).


For example server has 48 CPU cores. It will just process 48 hours in parallel. It detects the number of available CPUs automatically. You can use GHA2DB_ST environment variable to force single threaded version.

Results (JSON)

Example: you can generate and save all JSONs for a single day in jsons/ directory by running (all GitHub repos/orgs without filtering):

  • GHA2DB_JSON=1 GHA2DB_NODB=1 gha2db 2018-01-02 0 2018-01-02 0.

PostgreSQL database setup

Detailed setup instructions are here (they use already populated postgres dump):

In short for Ubuntu like Linux:

  • apt-get install postgresql
  • sudo -i -u postgres
  • psql
  • create database gha;
  • create user gha_admin with password 'your_password_here';
  • grant all privileges on database "gha" to gha_admin;
  • alter user gha_admin createdb;
  • go get
  • PG_PASS='pwd' structure
  • sudo -u postgres psql gha
  • Create ro_user via PG_PASS=... ./devel/

structure script is used to create Postgres database schema. It gets connection details from environmental variables and falls back to some defaults.

Defaults are:

  • Database host: environment variable PG_HOST or localhost
  • Database port: PG_PORT or 5432
  • Database name: PG_DB or 'gha'
  • Database user: PG_USER or 'gha_admin'
  • Database password: PG_PASS || 'password'
  • Database SSL: PG_SSL || 'disable'
  • If you want it to generate database indexes set GHA2DB_INDEX environment variable
  • If you want to skip table creations set GHA2DB_SKIPTABLE environment variable (when GHA2DB_INDEX also set, it will create indexes on already existing table structure, possibly already populated)
  • If you want to skip creating DB tools (like views and functions), use GHA2DB_SKIPTOOLS environment variable.

It is recommended to create structure without indexes first (the default), then get data from GHA and populate array, and finally add indexes. To do do:

  • time PG_PASS=your_password structure
  • time PG_PASS=your_password ./scripts/
  • time GHA2DB_SKIPTABLE=1 GHA2DB_INDEX=1 PG_PASS=your_password structure (will take some time to generate indexes on populated database)

Typical internal usage: time GHA2DB_INDEX=1 PG_PASS=your_password structure

Alternatively, you can use structure.sql to create database structure.

You can also use already populated Postgres dump: Kubernetes Psql dump

Database structure

You can see database structure in structure.go/structure.sql.

The main idea is that we divide tables into 2 groups:

  • const: meaning that data in this table is not changing in time (is saved once)
  • variable: meaning that data in those tables can change between GH events, and GH event_id is a part of this tables primary key.

List of tables:

  • gha_actors: const, users table
  • gha_actors_emails: const, holds one or more email addresses for actors, this is filled by import_affs (origin=0) and ghapi2db (origin=1) tools.
  • gha_actors_names: const, holds one or more names for actors, this is filled by import_affs (origin=0) and ghapi2db (origin=1) tools.
  • gha_actors_affiliations: const, holds one or more company affiliations for actors, this is filled by import_affs tool.
  • gha_assets: variable, assets
  • gha_branches: variable, branches data
  • gha_comments: variable (issue, PR, review)
  • gha_commits: variable, commits
  • gha_commits_files: const, commit files (uses git to get each commit's list of files)
  • gha_events_commits_files: variable, commit files per event with additional event data
  • gha_skip_commits: const, store invalid SHAs, to skip processing them again
  • gha_companies: const, companies, this is filled by import_affs tool
  • gha_events: const, single GitHub archive event
  • gha_forkees: variable, forkee, repo state
  • gha_issues: variable, issues
  • gha_issues_assignees: variable, issue assignees
  • gha_issues_labels: variable, issue labels
  • gha_labels: const, labels
  • gha_milestones: variable, milestones
  • gha_orgs: const, orgs
  • gha_pages: variable, pages
  • gha_payloads: const, event payloads
  • gha_postprocess_scripts: const, contains list of SQL scripts to run on database after each data sync
  • gha_pull_requests: variable, pull requests
  • gha_pull_requests_assignees: variable pull request assignees
  • gha_pull_requests_requested_reviewers: variable, pull request requested reviewers
  • gha_releases: variable, releases
  • gha_releases_assets: variable, release assets
  • gha_repos: const, repos
  • gha_repo_groups: const, repos (this allows single repo to belong to multiple repo groups - it is almost 1:1 copy of gha_repos but with repo_group added to PK)
  • gha_teams: variable, teams
  • gha_teams_repositories: variable, teams repositories connections
  • gha_reviews: variable, reviews
  • gha_logs: this is a table that holds all tools logs (unless GHA2DB_SKIPLOG is set)
  • gha_texts: this is a compute table, that contains texts from comments, commits, issues and pull requests, updated by gha2db_sync and structure tools
  • gha_issues_pull_requests: this is a compute table that contains PRs and issues connections, updated by gha2db_sync and structure tools
  • gha_issues_events_labels: this is a compute table, that contains shortcuts to issues labels (for metrics speedup), updated by gha2db_sync and structure tools
  • gha_computed - keeps record of historical histograms that were already calculated.
  • gha_parsed - keeps GHA archive datetimes (hours) that were already parsed and processed.

Table gha_logs is special, recently all logs were moved to a separate database devstats that contains only this single table gha_logs. This table is still present on all gha databases, it may be used for some legacy actions.

There is some data duplication in various columns. This is to speedup metrics processing. Such columns are described as "dup columns" in structure.go Such columns are prefixed by "dup_". They're usually not null columns, but there can also be null able columns - they start with "dupn_".

There is a standard duplicate event structure consisting of (dup_type, dup_actor_id, dup_actor_login, dup_repo_id, dup_repo_name, dup_created_at), I'll call it eventd

Duplicated columns:

  • dup_actor_login, dup_repo_name in gha_events are taken from gha_actors and gha_repos to save joins.
  • eventd on gha_payloads
  • Just take a look at "dup_" and "dupn_" fields on all tables.

Adding columns to existing database

  • alter table table_name add col_name col_def;
  • update ...
  • alter table table_name alter column col_name set not null;

JSON examples

There are examples of all kinds of GHA events JSONs in ./analysis directory. There is also a file analysis/analysis.txt that describes JSON structure analysis.

It was used very intensively during a development of SQL table structure.

All JSON and TXT files starting with "old_" and txt files starting with "old_" are the result of pre-2015 GHA JSONs structure analysis.

All JSON and TXT files starting with "new_" and txt files starting with "new_" are the result of new 2015+ GHA JSONs structure analysis.

To Run JSON structure analysis for either pre or from 2015 please do:

  • analysis/
  • analysis/

Both those tools require Ruby. This tool was originally in Ruby, and there is no sense to rewrite it in Go because:

  • It uses a very dynamic code, reflection and code evaluation as provided by properties list from the command line.
  • It is used only during implementation (first post 2015 version, and now for pre-2015).
  • It would be at least 10x longer and more complicated in Go, and probably not really faster because it would have to use reflection too.
  • This kind of code will be very hard to read in Go.

Running on Kubernetes

Kubernetes consists of 4 different orgs (from 2014-06-01), so to gather data for Kubernetes you need to provide them comma separated.

Before 2015-08-06 Kubernetes is in GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes or just few kubernetes repos without org. To process them you need to use special list mode GHA2DB_EXACT.

And finally before 2015-01-01 GitHub used different JSONs format. To process them you have to use GHA2DB_OLDFMT mode. It is usable for GH events starting from 2012-07-01.

For example June 2017:

  • time PG_PASS=pwd gha2db 2017-06-01 0 2017-07-01 0 'kubernetes,kubernetes-incubator,kubernetes-client,kubernetes-csi'

To process kubernetes all time just use kubernetes/ script. Like this:

  • time PG_PASS=pwd ./kubernetes/

Check erros

To see if there are any errors please use script: PG_PASS=... ./devel/

Metrics tool

There is a tool runq. It is used to compute metrics saved in *.sql files. Please be careful when creating metric files, that needs to support explain mode (please see GHA2DB_EXPLAIN environment variable description):

Because metric can have multiple selects, and only main select should be replaced with "explain select" - we're replacing only lower case "select" statement followed by new line. Exact match "select\n". Please see metrics/{{project}}/reviewers.sql to see how it works.

Metrics are in ./metrics/{{project}}/ directory.

This tool takes at least one parameter - sql file name.

Typical usages:

  • time PG_PASS='password' runq metrics/{{project}}/metric.sql

Some SQLs files require parameter substitution (like all metrics used by Grafana).

They usually have '{{from}}' and '{{to}}' parameters, to run such files do:

  • time PG_PASS='password' runq metrics/{{project}}/metric.sql '{{from}}' 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' '{{to}}' 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' '{{n}}' 1.0

For some histograms special format of replace is used (to support quick ranges), they use {{period:alias.col_name}}. To run this in runq use:

  • time PG_PASS='password' runq metrics/{{project}}/metric.sql qr '1 week,,' - to specify period ago (like 1week,,, 3 months,, etc.).
  • time PG_PASS='password' runq metrics/{{project}}/metric.sql qr ',2017-07-16,2017-11-30 10:18:00' - to specify period date range.

You can also change any other value, just note that parameters after SQL file name are pairs: (value_to_replace, replacement).

Checking projects activity

  • Use: PG_PASS=... PG_DB=allprj ./devel/ '1 month,,' > all.txt.
  • Example results here - all CNCF project activity during January 2018, excluding bots.

Sync tool

When you have imported all data you need - it needs to be updated periodically. GitHub archive generates new file every hour.

Use gha2db_sync tool to update all your data.

Example call:

  • GHA2DB_PROJECT=kubernetes PG_PASS='pwd' gha2db_sync
  • Add GHA2DB_RESETTSDB environment variable to rebuild time series instead of update since the last run
  • Add GHA2DB_SKIPTSDB environment variable to skip syncing time series (so it will only sync GHA data)
  • Add GHA2DB_SKIPPDB environment variable to skip syncing GHA data (so it will only sync time series)

Sync tool uses gaps.yaml, to prefill some series with zeros. This is needed for metrics (like SIG mentions or PRs merged) that return multiple rows, depending on data range. Please use Grafana's "null as zero" instead of using manuall filling gaps. This simplifies metrics a lot. Sync tool read project definition from projects.yaml

You can also use devstats tool that calls gha2db_sync for all defined projects and also updates local copy of all git repos using get_repos.


You can have multiple projects running on the same machine (like GHA2DB_PROJECT=kubernetes and GHA2DB_PROJECT=prometheus) running in a slightly different time window. Both kubernetes and prometheus projects are using tags on their dashboards. You should choose only one project on production, and only import given projects dashboards. Each projects should run on a separate server on production. Example cron tab file (containing entries for all projects): crontab.entry

To install cron job please check "cron" section:

Developers affiliations

You need to get github_users.json and companies.yaml files.

They're periodically imported from CNCF/gitdm.

To generate this file follow instructions on cncf/gitdm, or just get the newest version. Affiliations import tool uses companies.yaml file to map company acquisitions.

This file contains all GitHub user name - company affiliations found by cncf/gitdm.

To load it into our database use:

  • PG_PASS=pwd ./kubernetes/

Repository groups

There are some groups of repositories that can be used to create metrics for lists of repositories. They are defined in scripts/kubernetes/repo_groups.sql. Repository group is defined on gha_repos and/or gha_repo_groups table using repo_group value.

To setup default repository groups:

  • PG_PASS=pwd ./kubernetes/

This is a part of kubernetes/ script and kubernetes psql dump already has groups configured.

In an 'All' project ( repository groups are mapped to individual CNCF projects scripts/all/repo_groups.sql:

Grafana output

You can visualise data using Grafana, see grafana/ directory:

Grafana install instruction are here:

To drop & recreate time series data:

  • ./devel/ dbname
  • `GHA2DB_PROJECT=kubernetes PG_PASS=... GHA2DB_RESETTSDB=1 GHA2DB_LOCAL=1 gha2db_sync || exit 6


  • PG_PASS=pwd ONLY=kubernetes ./devel/

Manually creating time series data Grafana

  • PG_PASS='psql_pwd' calc_metric sig_metions_data metrics/kubernetes/sig_mentions.sql '2017-08-14' '2017-08-21' d
  • The first parameter is used as exact series name when metrics query returns single row with single column value.
  • First parameter is used as function name when metrics query return mutiple rows, each with >= 2 columns. This function receives data row and the period name and should return series name and value(s).
  • The second parameter is a metrics SQL file, it should contain time conditions defined as '{{from}}' and '{{to}}'.
  • Next two parameters are date ranges.
  • The last parameter can be h, d, w, m, q, y (hour, day, week, month, quarter, year).

Grafana dashboards

Grafana allows saving dashboards to JSON files. There are few defined dashboards kubernetes, prometheus, opentracing directories:

Metrics are described in README in Grafana dashboards and Adding new metrics sections.

To enable SSL Grafana:

Please see instructions here

Grafana anonymous login

Please see instructions here

Continuous deployment

There is a tool webhook that is used to make deployments on successful build webhooks sent by Travis CI. If commit message contains [no deploy] then webhook is not performing any action on given branch. If commit message contains [ci skip] then Travis CI skips build, so no webhook is called at all. If commit message contains [deploy] then webhook attempts full deploy using ./devel/ script. It requires setting more environment variables for webhook command in the cron.

Details here.


Benchmarks were executed on historical Ruby version and current Go version.

Please see Historical benchmarks


Please see Tests


  • Install Delve: go get -u
  • Debug any command via: ENV1=... ENV2=... dlv debug devstats/cmd/command.
  • For example see: util_sh/