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OOAnalyzer Plugin for IDA Pro

The OOAnalyzer IDA Pro Plugin allows users to apply OOAnalyzer results to an IDA Pro database. The plugin is a standard IDA Pro Plugin written in IDAPython. When executed the plugin will prompt the analyst to load the JSON output file produced by OOAnalyzer for the MSVC executable file under analysis. Once loaded the JSON is parsed the results are presented to the analyst. The OOAnalyzer Plugin reports how many class structures, virtual function calls, and class usagees found in the executable. Basic statistics about classes is shown in the IDA messages window, for example:

OOAnalyzer Plugin version 2.0 loaded
Opened JSON file output.json
Parsing JSON structures ...
Found class Base
Parsing 1 vftables for class Base ...
  - Adding vtable 406140 at offset 0

Vritual function table name Base_vftable
Vftables parsed
Parsing 4 members for class Base ...
  - Found member 'vfptr_0' @ offset 0x0
  - Found member 'mbr_4' @ offset 0x4
  - Found member 'mbr_8' @ offset 0x8
  - Found member 'mbr_c' @ offset 0xc
Members parsed
Parsing 1 methods for class Base ...
  - Method ctor_401000 parsed
All methods parsed

Completed Parsing JSON structures file: 6 classes found
Parsing 1 virtual function calls ...
Parsed virtual function call: Call 4010d4 -> Target(s): 4010a0
Completed Parsing JSON class usages
Applying virtual function call 4010d4 -> 4010a0
Apply some results
OOAnalyzer Plugin version 2.0 done

The analyst can then decide which C++ data structures to apply. Once the plugin completes, the OOAnalyzer Class Viewer is displayed: to enable users to navigate and edit C++ data structures.


We have tested the IDA Pro Plugin on the following configurations:

  • IDA Pro 7.5 on Linux with Python 3.8.2
  • IDA Pro 7.5 on Linux with Python 3.6.9
  • IDA Pro 7.4 on Linux with Python 3.6.9
  • IDA Pro 7.4 on macOS with Python 3.7.4
  • IDA Pro 7.4 on macOS with Python 2.7.16
  • IDA Pro 7.2 on Linux with Python 2.7.18


The OOAnalyzer IDA Pro Plugin is a standard IDA Pro plugin. Install it by copying tools/ooanalyzer/ida/ to the plugins directory of your IDA installation.

Running the IDA Plugin

Open the file to be analyzed and allow IDA Pro's auto-analysis to complete. Then activate the OOAnalyzer plugin either by selecting Edit | Plugins | OOAnalyzer or pressing the F3 button. This will prompt the user to select a JSON file containing the JSON output from running the OOAnalyzer tool. After parsing this file, the OOAanalyzer Plugin will automatically generate IDA Pro structures for recovered C++ classes and virtual function tables, but will not apply them by default. After parsing and type creation is complete, the plugin will prompt the user to automatically apply these constructs to the disassembly listings.

dialog box

Selecting Yes will automatically apply the constructs. Alternatively, the user can select No and then manually apply them using the OOAnalyzer Class Viewer window in the IDA Pro user interface.

class viewer


The OOAnalyzer IDA Pro Plugin uses IDA structures to model C++ classes. For example, the following IDA structures:

; Base virtual function table
Derived_Base_vftable struc ; (sizeof=0xC)
virt_meth_401020 dd ?
virt_meth_401040 dd ?
virt_meth_4010a0 dd ?
Derived_Base_vftable ends

; Original mangled name: .?AVDerived@@
Derived         struc ; (sizeof=0x14)
parent_0        Base ?
mbr_10          dd ?
Derived         ends

; Base virtual function table
Base_vftable    struc ; (sizeof=0x8)
virt_meth_401020 dd ?
virt_meth_401040 dd ?
Base_vftable    ends

; Original mangled name: .?AVBase@@
Base            struc ; (sizeof=0x10)
vfptr_0         dd ?
mbr_4           dd ?
mbr_8           db ?
                db ? ; undefined
                db ? ; undefined
                db ? ; undefined
mbr_c           dd ?
Base            ends

approximately represents this class definition:

class Derived : Base {
  int mbr_10;
  virtual int meth_401020(...);
  virtual int meth_401040(...);
  virtual int meth_4010a0(...);

class Base  {
 int mbr_4;
 char mbr_8;
 int mbr_c;
 virtual int meth_401020(...);
 virtual int meth_401040(...);

The approximation caveat is becuase some information such as public/private scope, variable names, etc. is lost during compilation. The class name (Derived and Base) was recovered from the RTTI information in the executable file.

Virutal function tables are modeled as separate structures to make them easier to apply to an IDA database (IDB). For example a call to

Base *b = new Derived();

will result in the following disassembly with IDA structures applied:

mov     eax, [esi+Derived.parent_0.vfptr_0] ; Original mangled name: .?AVDerived@@
mov     edx, [eax+Derived_Base_vftable.virt_meth_4010a0] ; 4010a0
mov     ecx, esi
call    edx             ; 4010a0

Note that in IDA, the address comments include XREFs.

In keeping with the interactive nature of IDA Pro, the recovered classes can be edited through the OOAnalyzer Class Viewer The class viewer allows users to rename and apply structures as needed. Changing relationships between classes, adding, and, removing classes should be done through the IDA structures window.