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Example MATLAB scripts for running ensemble Kalman inversion for electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data to accompany paper.

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You must cite:

Chak-Hau Michael Tso, Marco Iglesias, Paul Wilkinson, Oliver Kuras, Jonathan Chambers, Andrew Binley "Efficient multi-scale imaging of subsurface resistivity with uncertainty quantification using Ensemble Kalman Inversion" (2021) Geophysical Journal International, ggab013,



Ensemble Kalman inversion (EKI) for geophysics (2D and 3D)

This repo documents script files to run Ensemble Kalman inversion with level set parameterization. Its main advantage is to delinate resistvity fields as zones (under uncertainty) at a modest computational cost. There is an option to allow fixing the zonal resistivity values, or allow heterogeniety within each zone.

Download one of the example directories to try it out yourself. EAch of them are self-contained.


  • MATLAB(R) statistical and machine learning toolbox and parallel computing toolbox
  • We have tested on several workstations running Linux and Mac OS. Sould also work on Windows machine but some Unix-specific commands needs revising (in progress). Also remove "wine" before "R2.exe" when running on Windows.
  • 2D problems:
    • The ERT fro.
    • Make sure you download the R2.exe executable and copy it to each of the 2D_XX folders.
    • For Mac OS/Linux machine: You will need to install wine. See more specific instructions below. (The command would either be system('wine64 ../../R2.exe'); or system('wine ../../R2.exe'); in the file Tools/Inversion.m)
  • 3D problems:
    • ERT forward modelling is run by E4D to allow parallel computing. Make sure you install the E4D development version. Unfortunately it only runs for Linux systems. You may try using cygwin or the Windows 10 Linux subsystem to run it on Windows systems.

General steps

  1. Create forward problem in R2 by defining a true resistivity model, electrode configuration, and survey design. Make sure it runs without returning erros. Do not allow polyline clipping in You may set that in polyline.txt. Copy the R2 input files in the working directory. 1.1 For field problems, make sure you replace protocol.dat with field data and comment out the line in EKI.m.
  2. Set up the EKI problem by changing EKI.mand Set_prior.m (see details below)
  3. Run EKI.m until the line Inversion(). This will take several minutes to several hours. Forward ERT model runs occur in the folders MC/<i>, where is the realization number (so 1:N_en folders). Its content is duplicated from template but the resistivity model is replaced as the inversion progresses. You may need to create an empty MC directory at the top level before calling Inversion()
  4. To process and plot the results, run the remainder of EKI.m as appropriate, which calls helper functions vtk_read() and plot_vtk_2D().


Name of folder short description sruvey type figure in paper
2D_xbh1_2zones rectangular target cross borehole Fig. 4
2D_fault_2zones 2D fault example (2 zone) surface Fig. 5c,e,g
2D_fault_3zones 2D fault example (3 zone) surface Fig. 5d,f,h
2D_fault_hetero 2D fault example (heterogeneous zones) surface Fig. 6
2D_borth Field example of Borth peat in Wales surface Fig. 8
2D_chenqi-new Field example of a karstic hillslope in China surface Fig. 9
2D_eggborough Field example of Eggborough, Yorkshire, UK surface and cross borehole Fig. 10
3D_shaft Synthetic example of mine shaft surface Fig. 7


  • get_R2_Grid() : gets the R2 grid cell centers
  • L and n: the extent and discretization of the EKI domain. Only uniform discretization is supported at the moment.
  • n_field : 2 zones or 3 zones
  • option: 0=homogeneous zones, 1=heterogeneous zones
  • noise: assumed noise data level is important for inversion. No need to add to data if field data is used, but still needs to be specified.
  • tuning: obsolete

sigma_mean=Inversion(R2_Grid,Grid,N_En,Pr,Un,Data,out_file,cond_file,tuning); is the main inversion command. Everything else is for plotting.

The EKI script here works on a quadrilateral grid that interpolates the grid used in R2


  • You will need to specify K(i).mean.lim [i=1,2,3], which is is prior range of log electrical conductivities of each zone. The prior ranges should not overlap. Note that in the 2-zone and 3-zone formulation, zone 1 and 2 are the background zone respectively.


All variables are saved to Results_*.mat after each iteration, while the final result is saved to Results.mat at convergence. Data.mat saves a copy of the observed data, while Un.mat saved a copy of the prior level sets, both are used during inversion.

The main result you will be interested in Results.mat is sigma, which is a matrix of N_cells x N_En (N_En is the size of the ensemble and N_cells is the number of finite element cells). The rows are organized in the same order as the vtk mesh, meaning you can simply append a column to the vtk object. From this matrix you can calculate statistics of interest (e.g. mean, standard deviation,zonal probabilities).

Inversion notes:

  • prior length scales are 7:1 for x:y by default

Plotting and analyzing results (2D):

vtk_read() allows you to read a vtk file generate from R2 (only works for R2 vtk format (checked 2021)). A pop-up file select menu will allow you to choose the vtk file to load. Once the vtk file is loaded, other variables can be added to the vtk object (must have the length as number of cells in the ERT mesh). Afterwards, you can plot_vtk_2D() for plotting, a pop-up window will allow you to select the variable to plot. Not that it applies polyline cropping based on the list of (x,y) coordinates in polyline.txt.

See examples in EKI.m in each folder. Images were saved manually to the img subfolder.

Plotting and analyzing results (3D):

The same idea applies for plotting 3D resitivity. However, plotting 3D vtk files are best done with software such as Paraview, VisIt, or PyVista.


Question Answer
Why are two grids specified in EKI.m? The inversion is conducted in a rectangular grid, while it evaluates its update with the forward models which run in R2. At the end of each iteration, the estiamted resistivity field is updated from the rectangular grid to the R2 grid. Therefore, your resultant grid is in R2 format.
What does polyline cropping do and why is it used? For field survyes in general, ERT modeeling is done typically by using a model domain that extends beyond the survey area to simulate an infinite earth. The area outside the survey area is not of interest and is cropped. Learn more about polyline in the R2 manual
How big should my EKI grid be? It should be a rectangular bounding box that covers the entire region of interest. In oder words, it should cover the entire region that is cropped by the polyline in the above question.
How to run EKI in parallel? That's why we implment it MATLAB. With the parallel toolbox installed, it should do so automatically. The code will still run without it but without parallelism. The MATLAB parfor function means the content in the for loop is evaluated not necessarily in order. There's only parallelism in running the forward models and there is no shared memory between 2D forward runs.
Can I use other ERT codes? Absolutely. EKI is a black-box method, meaning it non-invasively calls the forward model codes. You can replace R2/E4D with other ERT codes and write input and read output using their respective file formats.


  • Feel free to suggest by opening an issue
  • Unfortunately, we are not actively developing this code at the moment. (10/2020)

Relevant repos

  • ResIPy: great API and graphical user interface to R2. You may find it helpful to generate input files for R2
  • E4D tools: you may find it helpful
  • Muir & Tsai, 2020: They used EKI for their deep earth inversion. They implemented EKI in Julia


GPL 3.0 License
