diff --git a/FWCore/Integration/test/BuildFile.xml b/FWCore/Integration/test/BuildFile.xml
index db12dada405cc..fd634d642aed9 100644
--- a/FWCore/Integration/test/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/FWCore/Integration/test/BuildFile.xml
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/Integration/test/CatchCmsExceptionFromSource_cfg.py b/FWCore/Integration/test/CatchCmsExceptionFromSource_cfg.py
index 21939a17bf490..300eaf00cf810 100644
--- a/FWCore/Integration/test/CatchCmsExceptionFromSource_cfg.py
+++ b/FWCore/Integration/test/CatchCmsExceptionFromSource_cfg.py
@@ -2,13 +2,4 @@
process = cms.Process("TEST")
-process.source = cms.Source("TestRunLumiSource",
- runLumiEvent = cms.untracked.vint32(1, 0, 0,
- 1, 1, 0,
- 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 2,
- 1, 1, 0,
- 1, 0, 0
- ),
- whenToThrow = cms.untracked.int32(3)
+process.source = cms.Source("ThrowingSource", whenToThrow = cms.untracked.int32(3))
diff --git a/FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.cc b/FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2310fe327d345..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchIDListHelper.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventID.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventAuxiliary.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/LuminosityBlockAuxiliary.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/RunAuxiliary.h"
-#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventPrincipal.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlockPrincipal.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/RunPrincipal.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/Timestamp.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/InputSourceMacros.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/FileBlock.h"
-namespace edm {
- TestRunLumiSource::TestRunLumiSource(ParameterSet const& pset,
- InputSourceDescription const& desc) :
- InputSource(pset, desc),
- runLumiEvent_(pset.getUntrackedParameter >("runLumiEvent", std::vector())),
- currentIndex_(0),
- firstTime_(true),
- whenToThrow_(pset.getUntrackedParameter("whenToThrow", kDoNotThrow)) {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kConstructor) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource constructor";
- }
- TestRunLumiSource::~TestRunLumiSource() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kDestructor) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource destructor";
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::beginJob() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kBeginJob) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::beginJob";
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::endJob() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kEndJob) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::endJob";
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::beginLuminosityBlock(LuminosityBlock&) {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kBeginLumi) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::beginLuminosityBlock";
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::endLuminosityBlock(LuminosityBlock&) {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kEndLumi) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::endLuminosityBlock";
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::beginRun(Run&) {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kBeginRun) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::beginRun";
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::endRun(Run&) {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kEndRun) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::endRun";
- }
- std::unique_ptr
- TestRunLumiSource::readFile_() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kReadFile) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::readFile_";
- return std::unique_ptr(new FileBlock);
- }
- void
- TestRunLumiSource::closeFile_() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kCloseFile) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::closeFile_";
- }
- boost::shared_ptr
- TestRunLumiSource::readRunAuxiliary_() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kReadRunAuxiliary) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::readRunAuxiliary_";
- unsigned int run = runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_];
- Timestamp ts = Timestamp(1); // 1 is just a meaningless number to make it compile for the test
- currentIndex_ += 3;
- return boost::shared_ptr(new RunAuxiliary(run, ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
- }
- boost::shared_ptr
- TestRunLumiSource::readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kReadLuminosityBlockAuxiliary) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_";
- unsigned int run = runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_];
- unsigned int lumi = runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_ + 1];
- Timestamp ts = Timestamp(1);
- currentIndex_ += 3;
- return boost::shared_ptr(new LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(run, lumi, ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
- }
- EventPrincipal*
- TestRunLumiSource::readEvent_(EventPrincipal& eventPrincipal) {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kReadEvent) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::readEvent_";
- EventSourceSentry sentry{*this};
- unsigned int run = runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_];
- unsigned int lumi = runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_ + 1];
- unsigned int event = runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_ + 2];
- Timestamp ts = Timestamp(1);
- boost::shared_ptr runAux(new RunAuxiliary(run, ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
- boost::shared_ptr rp2(
- new RunPrincipal(runAux, productRegistry(), processConfiguration(), &historyAppender_,0));
- boost::shared_ptr lumiAux(
- new LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(rp2->run(), lumi, ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
- boost::shared_ptr lbp2(
- new LuminosityBlockPrincipal(lumiAux, productRegistry(), processConfiguration(), &historyAppender_,0));
- lbp2->setRunPrincipal(rp2);
- EventID id(run, lbp2->luminosityBlock(), event);
- currentIndex_ += 3;
- EventAuxiliary eventAux(id, processGUID(), ts, false);
- boost::shared_ptr branchIDListHelper(new BranchIDListHelper());
- EventPrincipal* result(new EventPrincipal(productRegistry(), branchIDListHelper, processConfiguration(), &historyAppender_,eventPrincipal.streamID()));
- result->fillEventPrincipal(eventAux);
- result->setLuminosityBlockPrincipal(lbp2);
- return result;
- }
- InputSource::ItemType
- TestRunLumiSource::getNextItemType() {
- if (whenToThrow_ == kGetNextItemType ) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "TestRunLumiSource::getNextItemType";
- if (firstTime_) {
- firstTime_ = false;
- return InputSource::IsFile;
- }
- if (currentIndex_ + 2 >= runLumiEvent_.size()) {
- return InputSource::IsStop;
- }
- if (runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_] == 0) {
- return InputSource::IsStop;
- }
- ItemType oldState = state();
- if (oldState == IsInvalid) return InputSource::IsFile;
- if (runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_ + 1] == 0) {
- return InputSource::IsRun;
- }
- if (runLumiEvent_[currentIndex_ + 2] == 0) {
- return InputSource::IsLumi;
- }
- return InputSource::IsEvent;
- }
-using edm::TestRunLumiSource;
diff --git a/FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.h b/FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b77b2e5dc565..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Integration/test/TestRunLumiSource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FWCore_Framework_TestRunLumiSource_h
-#define FWCore_Framework_TestRunLumiSource_h
-This source is intended only for test purposes. With it one can
-create data files with arbitrary sequences of run number, lumi
-number, and event number in the auxiliary objects in the run tree,
-lumi tree, and event tree. It is quite possible to create an illegal
-format that cannot be read with any input module using this source.
-The output files of jobs using this source will be used in tests of
-input modules to verify they are behaving properly.
-The configuration looks as follows
- source = TestRunLumiSource {
- untracked vint32 runLumiEvent = { 1, 1, 1, # run
- 1, 1, 1, # lumi
- 1, 1, 1, # event
- 1, 1, 2, # event
- 0, 0, 0, # causes end lumi
- 0, 0, 0 # causes end run
- }
- }
-Each line contains 3 values: run, lumi, and event. These lines
-are used in order, one line per each call to readRun_,
-readLuminosityBlock_, and readEvent, in the order called by the
-event processor. Note that when readRun_ is called only the run
-number is used and the other two values are extraneous. When
-readLuminosityBlock is called only the first two values are used.
-(0, 0, 0) will trigger the end of the current luminosity block,
-run, or job as appropriate for when it appears. Running off the
-bottom list is also equivalent to (0,0,0). What is shown above
-is the typical sequence one would expect for two events, but this
-source is capable of handling arbitrary sequences of run numbers,
-lumi block number, and events. For test purposes one can even
-include sequences that make no sense and the entries will get
-written to the output file anyway.
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/InputSource.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/HistoryAppender.h"
-#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
-namespace edm {
- class EventPrincipal;
- class FileBlock;
- struct InputSourceDescription;
- class LuminosityBlock;
- class LuminosityBlockPrincipal;
- class ParameterSet;
- class Run;
- class RunPrincipal;
- class TestRunLumiSource : public InputSource {
- public:
- explicit TestRunLumiSource(ParameterSet const& pset, InputSourceDescription const& desc);
- virtual ~TestRunLumiSource();
- private:
- enum {
- kDoNotThrow = 0,
- kConstructor = 1,
- kBeginJob = 2,
- kBeginRun = 3,
- kBeginLumi = 4,
- kEndLumi = 5,
- kEndRun = 6,
- kEndJob = 7,
- kGetNextItemType = 8,
- kReadEvent = 9,
- kReadLuminosityBlockAuxiliary = 10,
- kReadRunAuxiliary = 11,
- kReadFile = 12,
- kCloseFile = 13,
- kDestructor = 14
- };
- virtual void beginJob();
- virtual void endJob();
- virtual void beginLuminosityBlock(LuminosityBlock&);
- virtual void endLuminosityBlock(LuminosityBlock&);
- virtual void beginRun(Run&);
- virtual void endRun(Run&);
- virtual std::unique_ptr readFile_();
- virtual void closeFile_();
- virtual ItemType getNextItemType();
- virtual EventPrincipal* readEvent_(EventPrincipal& eventPrincipal);
- virtual boost::shared_ptr readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_();
- virtual boost::shared_ptr readRunAuxiliary_();
- // This vector holds 3 values representing (run, lumi, event)
- // repeated over and over again, in one vector.
- // Each set of 3 values is placed in the the auxiliary
- // object of the principal returned by a call
- // to readEvent_, readLuminosityBlock_, or readRun_.
- // Each set of 3 values is used in the order it appears in the vector.
- // (0, 0, 0) is a special value indicating the read
- // function should return a NULL value indicating last event,
- // last lumi, or last run.
- std::vector runLumiEvent_;
- std::vector::size_type currentIndex_;
- bool firstTime_;
- // To test exception throws from sources
- int whenToThrow_;
- HistoryAppender historyAppender_;
- };
diff --git a/FWCore/Integration/test/ThrowingSource.cc b/FWCore/Integration/test/ThrowingSource.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b9139b2cc567d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FWCore/Integration/test/ThrowingSource.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/FileBlock.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventPrincipal.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/InputSourceMacros.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
+#include "FWCore/Sources/interface/ProducerSourceBase.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
+namespace edm {
+ class ThrowingSource : public ProducerSourceBase {
+ public:
+ explicit ThrowingSource(ParameterSet const&, InputSourceDescription const&);
+ ~ThrowingSource();
+ virtual void beginJob();
+ virtual void endJob();
+ virtual void beginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock&);
+ virtual void endLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock&);
+ virtual void beginRun(edm::Run&);
+ virtual void endRun(edm::Run&);
+ virtual std::unique_ptr readFile_();
+ virtual void closeFile_();
+ virtual boost::shared_ptr readRunAuxiliary_();
+ virtual boost::shared_ptr readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_();
+ virtual edm::EventPrincipal* readEvent_(edm::EventPrincipal&);
+ private:
+ enum {
+ kDoNotThrow = 0,
+ kConstructor = 1,
+ kBeginJob = 2,
+ kBeginRun = 3,
+ kBeginLumi = 4,
+ kEndLumi = 5,
+ kEndRun = 6,
+ kEndJob = 7,
+ kGetNextItemType = 8,
+ kReadEvent = 9,
+ kReadLuminosityBlockAuxiliary = 10,
+ kReadRunAuxiliary = 11,
+ kReadFile = 12,
+ kCloseFile = 13,
+ kDestructor = 14
+ };
+ virtual bool setRunAndEventInfo(EventID& id, TimeValue_t& time);
+ virtual void produce(Event &);
+ // To test exception throws from sources
+ int whenToThrow_;
+ };
+ ThrowingSource::ThrowingSource(ParameterSet const& pset,
+ InputSourceDescription const& desc) :
+ ProducerSourceBase(pset, desc, false), whenToThrow_(pset.getUntrackedParameter("whenToThrow", kDoNotThrow)) {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kConstructor) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource constructor";
+ }
+ ThrowingSource::~ThrowingSource() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kDestructor) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource destructor";
+ }
+ bool
+ ThrowingSource::setRunAndEventInfo(EventID&, TimeValue_t&) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::produce(edm::Event&) {
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::beginJob() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kBeginJob) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::beginJob";
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::endJob() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kEndJob) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::endJob";
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::beginLuminosityBlock(LuminosityBlock& lb) {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kBeginLumi) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::beginLuminosityBlock";
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::endLuminosityBlock(LuminosityBlock& lb) {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kEndLumi) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::endLuminosityBlock";
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::beginRun(Run& run) {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kBeginRun) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::beginRun";
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::endRun(Run& run) {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kEndRun) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::endRun";
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr
+ ThrowingSource::readFile_() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kReadFile) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::readFile_";
+ return std::unique_ptr(new FileBlock);
+ }
+ void
+ ThrowingSource::closeFile_() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kCloseFile) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::closeFile_";
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr
+ ThrowingSource::readRunAuxiliary_() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kReadRunAuxiliary) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::readRunAuxiliary_";
+ Timestamp ts = Timestamp(presentTime());
+ resetNewRun();
+ return boost::shared_ptr(new RunAuxiliary(eventID().run(), ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr
+ ThrowingSource::readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_() {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kReadLuminosityBlockAuxiliary) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_";
+ if (processingMode() == Runs) return boost::shared_ptr();
+ Timestamp ts = Timestamp(presentTime());
+ resetNewLumi();
+ return boost::shared_ptr(new LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(eventID().run(), eventID().luminosityBlock(), ts, Timestamp::invalidTimestamp()));
+ }
+ EventPrincipal*
+ ThrowingSource::readEvent_(EventPrincipal& eventPrincipal) {
+ if (whenToThrow_ == kReadEvent) throw cms::Exception("TestThrow") << "ThrowingSource::readEvent_";
+ assert(eventCached() || processingMode() != RunsLumisAndEvents);
+ EventSourceSentry sentry(*this);
+ EventAuxiliary aux(eventID(), processGUID(), Timestamp(presentTime()), false, EventAuxiliary::Undefined);
+ eventPrincipal.fillEventPrincipal(aux);
+ return &eventPrincipal;
+ }
+using edm::ThrowingSource;
diff --git a/IOPool/Input/test/PoolEmptyTest_cfg.py b/IOPool/Input/test/PoolEmptyTest_cfg.py
index 73164180cccc5..02d38ab8094ac 100644
--- a/IOPool/Input/test/PoolEmptyTest_cfg.py
+++ b/IOPool/Input/test/PoolEmptyTest_cfg.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
- input = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
+ input = cms.untracked.int32(0)
process.Thing = cms.EDProducer("ThingProducer")
@@ -16,9 +16,7 @@
fileName = cms.untracked.string('PoolEmptyTest.root')
-process.source = cms.Source("TestRunLumiSource",
- runLumiEvent = cms.untracked.vint32(0, 0, 0)
+process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
process.p = cms.Path(process.Thing)
process.ep = cms.EndPath(process.output)