Jupyter interactive notebook server extension that allows user to interact with environment modules (Lmod or Tmod) before launching kernels. The extension use environment module's Python interface to accomplish module related task like loading, unloading, saving collection, etc.
- jupyter notebook >= 6.0
- Lmod >= 6.0 or Tmod >= 5.0
- optional: jupyterlab >= 3.0
- optional: jupyter-server-proxy >= 3.2.0
- optional: jupyterlab-server-proxy >= 3.2.0
Note that the extension supports Tmod < 5.0 too. However, if MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE
is not empty on the platform, module's Python API does
not have correct behaviour. On default installations, MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is not
empty before loading a module, the existant paths in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is lost
after loading the module. More discussion can be found here.
If jupyter-server-proxy and jupyterlab-server-proxy are detected, jupyter-lmod will add the proxy server launchers to JupyterLab UI when modules with matching names are loaded.
pip install jupyterlmod
To avoid having items in the launcher that cannot be launched because the binaries location are not in PATH, jupyter-lmod hides launcher items that do not have a corresponding loaded module. jupyter-server-proxy notebook and lab extension always display the launcher item. To avoid a situation where an item would be shown twice, we recommend disabling jupyter-server-proxy notebook and lab extensions.
This can be done with the following command for notebook:
jupyter nbextension disable --py jupyter_server_proxy --sys-prefix
and with the following commands for jupyterlab:
jupyter labextension disable @jupyterlab/server-proxy
jupyter labextension disable jupyterlab-server-proxy
If server proxies do not have a corresponding modules, or you wish to have their launcher items displayed regardless of the loaded modules, you can define a list of items that will be pinned in the Jupyter notebook configuration file, like this:
c.Lmod.launcher_pins = ['Desktop', 'RStudio']
c.Tmod.launcher_pins = ['Desktop', 'RStudio']
based on your module system.
- pip >= 23
- build
- nodejs >= 18.x
- wheel and tarball:
- labextension
npm install npm run build # To install extension in jupyterlab in develop mode: npm run install:extension