diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index aa293fac..ffadc6c8 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ English | [中文](README_CN.md) You can go into the related examples for information on "how to run" ## Bizdemo -- [bizdemo/easy_note](bizdemo/easy_note) Example of using kitex as an rpc framework to implement a simple note service -- [Bookinfo](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/bookinfo) Example of using kitex as an rpc framework to implement a multi-functional book service program -- [Open Payment Platform](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/open-payment-platform) Example of using kitex as the rpc framework to demonstrate the usage of kitex universal calls -- [Book Shop](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/book-shop) Example of using kitex as an rpc framework to implement an e-commerce system +- [bizdemo/easy_note](bizdemo/easy_note) Example of using kitex as an rpc framework to implement a simple note service with multiple middlewares +- [Bookinfo](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/bookinfo) Example of using kitex as the rpc framework to implement multi-functional book service programs including istio, opentelemetry, etc. +- [Open Payment Platform](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/open-payment-platform) Example of using kitex as the rpc framework to demonstrate the usage of kitex generic call, and builds an integrated payment platform. +- [Book Shop](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/book-shop) Example of using kitex as an rpc framework to implement an e-commerce system including an ElasticSearch search engine - [FreeCar](https://github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar) Example of using kitex as the rpc framework to implement cloud native time-sharing car rental system suite services ## Basic features @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ You can go into the related examples for information on "how to run" - [etcd](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/config-etcd/tree/main/example) Kitex server uses etcd as an example of connecting the configuration center with governance features - [nacos](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/config-nacos/tree/main/example) Kitex server uses nacos as an example of connecting the configuration center with governance features - [apollo](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/config-apollo/tree/main/example) Kitex server uses apollo as an example of connecting the configuration center with governance features -- Example of kitex server and client using service registration +- [discovery](discovery)Example of kitex server and client using service registration and discovery - [etcd](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-etcd/tree/main/example) Example of kitex server and client using etcd as service registration center - [nacos](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-nacos/tree/main/example) Kitex server and client use nacos as an example of service registration center - [polaris](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-polaris/tree/main/example) Kitex server and client use polaris as an example of service registration center @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ You can go into the related examples for information on "how to run" - [consul](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-consul/tree/main/example) Example of kitex server and client using consul as service registration center - [servicecomb](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-servicecomb/tree/main/example) Kitex server and client use servicecomb as an example of service registration center - [eureka](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-eureka/tree/main/example) Kitex server and client use eureka as an example of service registration center -- [discovery](discovery) Kitex server uses service discovery example - [dns](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/resolver-dns) Example of kitex server and client using dns for service discovery - [resolver_rule_based](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/resolver-rule-based/tree/main/demo) provides a rule-based resolver for kitex. It allows users to configure rules in service discovery to filter service instances and implement traffic segmentation. - [timeout](governance/timeout) Example of using timeout control between kitex server and client @@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ You can go into the related examples for information on "how to run" - [generic](generic) kitex example of using generic calls between server and client - [meta_info](metainfo) Example of kitex server and client using meta information - [profiler](profiler) Example of kitex server and client performance analysis using request cost metrics -- [proxyless](proxyless) Example of kitex server and client using xDS to run the service proxylessly +- [proxyless](proxyless) Example of letting Kitex services run in proxyless mode and be managed uniformly by the service mesh ## Kitex generated code - [protobuf](kitex/protobuf) Example of using kitex and protobuf to generate server code diff --git a/README_CN.md b/README_CN.md index 9f54ff4c..2edc375b 100644 --- a/README_CN.md +++ b/README_CN.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ 您可以进入相关示例以获取有关“如何运行”的信息 ## Bizdemo -- [bizdemo/easy_note](bizdemo/easy_note) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现简易笔记服务的示例 -- [Bookinfo](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/bookinfo) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现多功能书籍服务程序的示例 -- [Open Payment Platform](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/open-payment-platform) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架演示了 kitex 通用调用的用法 -- [Book Shop](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/book-shop) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现电子商务系统的示例 +- [bizdemo/easy_note](bizdemo/easy_note) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现多中间键简易笔记服务的示例 +- [Bookinfo](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/bookinfo) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现包含 istio 服务网格,opentelemetry 监控等多功能书籍服务程序的示例 +- [Open Payment Platform](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/open-payment-platform) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架演示了 kitex 泛化调用的用法,构建了一体化支付平台 +- [Book Shop](https://github.com/cloudwego/biz-demo/tree/main/book-shop) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现包含 ElasticSearch 搜索引擎的电子商务系统的示例 - [FreeCar](https://github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar) 使用 kitex 作为 rpc 框架实现云原生分时租车系统套件服务的示例 ## 基本特性 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - [codec](codec) kitex 服务端和客户端使用自定义编解码器的示例 - [codec-dubbo](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/tree/main/samples/helloworld) Kitex 为了支持 kitex <-> dubbo 互通 推出的 dubbo 协议编解码器的示例 - [long_connection](longconnection) kitex 服务端和客户端使用长连接的示例 -- [streaming](streaming) kitex 服务端和客户端使用流的示例 +- [streaming](streaming) kitex 服务端和客户端使用流式调用的示例 - [middleware](middleware) kitex 服务端和客户端使用中间件的示例 ## 治理特性 @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ - [etcd](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/config-etcd/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端使用 etcd 作为配置中心对接治理特性的示例 - [nacos](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/config-nacos/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端使用 nacos 作为配置中心对接治理特性的示例 - [apollo](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/config-apollo/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端使用 apollo 作为配置中心对接治理特性的示例 -- kitex 服务端和客户端使用服务注册的示例 +- [discovery](discovery)kitex 服务端和客户端使用服务注册与发现的示例 - [etcd](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-etcd/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 etcd 作为服务注册中心的示例 - [nacos](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-nacos/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 nacos 作为服务注册中心的示例 - [polaris](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-polaris/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 polaris 作为服务注册中心的示例 @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ - [consul](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-consul/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 consul 作为服务注册中心的示例 - [servicecomb](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-servicecomb/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 servicecomb 作为服务注册中心的示例 - [eureka](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/registry-eureka/tree/main/example) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 eureka 作为服务注册中心的示例 -- [discovery](discovery) kitex 服务端使用服务发现的示例 - [dns](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/resolver-dns) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 dns 进行服务发现的示例 - [resolver_rule_based](https://github.com/kitex-contrib/resolver-rule-based/tree/main/demo) 为 kitex 提供了一个基于规则的解析器。它允许用户在服务发现中配置规则来过滤服务实例,实现流量切分的功能。 - [timeout](governance/timeout) kitex 服务端和客户端使用超时控制的示例 @@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ - [generic](generic) kitex 服务端和客户端使用泛化调用的示例 - [meta_info](metainfo) kitex 服务端和客户端使用元信息的示例 - [profiler](profiler) kitex 服务端和客户端使用请求成本度量进行性能分析的示例 -- [proxyless](proxyless) kitex 服务端和客户端使用 xDS 让服务以无代理形式运行的示例 +- [proxyless](proxyless) 让 Kitex 服务以 Proxyless 的模式运行,被服务网格统一纳管的示例 ## Kitex 生成代码 - [protobuf](kitex/protobuf) 使用 kitex 与 protobuf 生成服务端代码的示例