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CMHealth is the easiest way to add secure, HIPAA compliant cloud data storage and user management to your ResearchKit or CareKit iOS app. Built and backed by CloudMine and the CloudMine Connected Health Cloud.


CMHealth may be installed through CocoaPods version 1.0.0 or later. To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'MyHealthApp' do
pod 'CMHealth', :git => ''
pod 'CareKit', :git => '', :branch => 'cm-patched'


Once intalled, the SDK must be imported and configured in your AppDelegate class. See the section on Configuration for more information.

Note: CMHealth depends on the master branch of Apple's CareKit. When Apple publishes CareKit 1.2 to CocoaPods, the requirement to install from GitHub will be removed. For any questions, please contact

Registering a User

The SDK provides a user abstraction for managing your participant accounts, with straightforward methods for user authentication.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

[[CMHUser currentUser] signUpWithEmail:email password:password andCompletion:^(NSError *error) {
    if (nil != error) {
        // handle error

    // The user is now signed up

The SDK also provides a convenient way to complete user signup if your app uses a standard ResearchKit ORKRegistrationStep. Simply pass the ORKTaskResult to the signupWithRegistration:andCompletion: method. The SDK ensures a registration result is present in the results hierarchy and extracts the relevant participant data before registering the user's account.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

#pragma mark ORKTaskViewControllerDelegate

- (void)taskViewController:(ORKTaskViewController *)taskViewController didFinishWithReason:(ORKTaskViewControllerFinishReason)reason error:(NSError *)error
    if (nil != error) {
        // Handle Error

    if (reason == ORKTaskViewControllerFinishReasonCompleted) {
        [CMHUser.currentUser signUpWithRegistration:taskViewController.result andCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable signupError) {
            if (nil == signupError) {
                // Handle Error

            // The user is now signed up

    [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

The SDK includes a preconfigured ResearchKit ORKLoginStepViewController sublcass to handle login and password reset for existing users. The view controller can simply be instantiated and presented; the result is returned via a delegate callback.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

- (IBAction)loginButtonDidPress:(UIButton *)sender
    CMHLoginViewController *loginVC = [[CMHLoginViewController alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Log In", nil)
                                                                               text:NSLocalizedString(@"Please log in to you account to store and access your research data.", nil)
    loginVC.view.tintColor = [UIColor greenColor];

    [self presentViewController:loginVC animated:YES completion:nil];

#pragma mark CMHLoginViewControllerDelegate

- (void)loginViewControllerCancelled:(CMHLoginViewController *)viewController
    // User cancelled login process

- (void)loginViewController:(CMHLoginViewController *)viewController didLogin:(BOOL)success error:(NSError *)error
    if (!success) {
        // Handle Error

    // The user is now logged in

Maintaining Consent

The SDK provides specific methods for archiving and fetching participant consent. In ResearchKit, user consent is collected in any ORKTask with special consent and signature steps included. CMHealth allows you to archive the resulting ORKTaskResult object containing the user's consent. The SDK ensures that a consent step is present in the result hierarchy and that a signature has been collected. It handles uploading the signature image seamlessly.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

// `consentResults` is an instance of `ORKTaskResult`
[[CMHUser currentUser] uploadUserConsent:consentResults forStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" andCompletion:^(NSError * consentError) {
    if (nil != error) {
        // handle error

    // consent uploaded successfully

To ensure your participants have a valid consent on file before allowing them to participate in study activities, you can fetch any user's consent object.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

[[CMHUser currentUser] fetchUserConsentForStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" andCompletion:^(CMHConsent *consent, NSError *error) {
    if (nil != error) {
        // Something went wrong

    if (nil == consent) {
        // No consent on file

    // User has valid consent on file


The SDK provides category methods on standard ResearchKit classes, allowing you to save and fetch ORKTaskResult objects to and from the CloudMine Connected Health Cloud.

You can see the full documentation and class references on CocoaPods or GitHub.

Configuring your CloudMine App Secrets

The CMHealth SDK should be installed via CocoaPods. The SDK should be configured in your AppDelegate class to provide proper credentials to the CloudMine backend.

For ResearchKit Apps, an App Identifier and App Secret (API Key) is all that is needed:

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [CMHealth setAppIdentifier:@"My-CloudMine-App-ID" appSecret:@"My-CloudMine-API-Key"];	
	return YES;


#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

// surveyResult is an instance of ORKTaskResult, or any ORKResult subclass
[surveyResult cmh_saveToStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" withCompletion:^(NSString *uploadStatus, NSError *error) {
        if (nil == uploadStatus) {
            // handle error
        if ([uploadStatus isEqualToString:@"created"]) {
            // A new research kit result was saved
        } else if ([uploadStatus isEqualToString:@"updated"]) {
            // An existing research kit result was updated


#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

[ORKTaskResult cmh_fetchUserResultsForStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" withCompletion:^(NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
        if (nil == results) {
            // handle error

        for (ORKTaskResult *result in results) {
            // use your result


The CMHealth SDK provides the ability to synchronize data between your CareKit app's local device store and the CloudMine Connected Health Cloud.


CloudMine's platform offers a robust Snippet and ACL framework, which are dependencies of the CMHealth framework when using CareKit. The CareKit SDK will automatically store OCKCarePlanActivity and OCKCarePlanEvent objects in the logged-in user-level data store. In order to grant a CareProvider access to this data, the ACL framework and a server-side Logic Engine Snippet is required to properly attach the appropriate acl_id.


The below steps are pre-requisites to using the CareKit framework with CloudMine. For assistance with this one-time configuration on CloudMine's platform, please contact

Enable Automatic Timestamps

The automatic timestamps (auto_ts) feature must be enabled for your app_id. This feature can be enabled by running the following cURL request.

Once auto_ts is enabled, all application and user-level objects will be updated with __updated__ and __created__ key-value pairs, which will automatically be maintained by the CloudMine platform.

Note: auto_ts is a cached configuration value, and it may take up to 15 minutes for the setting to take full effect.


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-cloudmine-apikey: :master_api_key' \
  -d '{
  1. app_id: Required. App identifier from the Compass dashboard.
  2. master_api_key: Required. Available within the Compass Dashboard.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If a 4xx error code is observed, please ensure that the Master API Key is being used to execute the request.

Preparing the Admin User

An initial administrative user is required in order to retrieve patient-level data using CloudMine's ACL framework. To create the administrative user, the below cURL may be used:


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-cloudmine-apikey: :api_key' \
  -d '
    "credentials": {
        "email": "",
        "password": "the-password"
    "profile": {
        "name": "Admin User",
  1. app_id: Required. App identifier from the Compass dashboard.
  2. api_key: Required. Available within the Compass Dashboard.
  3. Required. Refers to the administrative user's email address.
  4. credentials.password: Required. Sets the initial administrative password.
  5. Required. Refers to the administrative user's email address.


HTTP/1.1 201 OK
	"name": "Admin User",
	"email": "",
	"__type__": "user",
	"__id__": "54e952dd255e42ada66f04bd1d938325"

Please take note of the user __id__ value returned -- it will be required in a future step in order to create the admin ACL.

Create the Admin Profile

In some cases, the admin profile may contain sensitive information. To account for this, the admin profile should be created as a user-level object and referenced by __id__ on the public profile.


curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-cloudmine-apikey: :master_api_key' \
  -d '{
    "generate-unique-profile-key": {
      "__id__": "unique-object-key",
      "cmh_owner": ":admin_user_id",
      "__access__": [
      "gender": null,
      "isAdmin": true,
      "dateOfBirth": null,
      "__class__": "CMHInternalProfile",
      "email": ":admin_email",
      "familyName": null,
      "givenName": null,
      "userInfo": {
        "__class__": "map"
      "__created__": "2017-06-01T15:33:46Z",
      "__updated__": "2017-06-01T15:57:43Z"
  1. app_id: Required. App identifier from the Compass dashboard.
  2. admin_user_id: Required. Refers to the administrative user's __id__.
  3. master_api_key: Required. Available within the Compass Dashboard.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "success": {
    "036f5dfc5a7fdb4819c80d86429ed126": "created"
  "errors": {}

Please note the value used for generate-unique-profile-key as it will be required in the next step.

Reference the Admin Profile

Once the private profile has been created, the CareKit framework will expect to find a reference to it on the public profile. We need to update the public profile so as to ensure the profile data loads properly when the user logs in:


curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-cloudmine-apikey: :master_api_key' \
  -d '{ 
  1. app_id: Required. App identifier from the Compass dashboard.
  2. admin_user_id: Required. Refers to the administrative user's __id__.
  3. master_api_key: Required. Available within the Compass Dashboard.
  4. generate-unique-profile-key: Required. Refers to the object key used to create the private admin profile.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Congrats! The first admin user has been successfully prepared.

Create the Admin ACL

The admin ACL will be used to ensure that patient data can be recalled via the administrative user. The [members] array is used for tracking all admin user __id__ values, which may be added at will. Patient data will automatically be available to them once logged in.


curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-cloudmine-apikey: :master_api_key' \
  -d '{
    "members": [":admin_user_id"],
    "permissions": ["r", "c", "u", "d"],
    "my_extra_info": "for CK admins"
  1. app_id: Required. App identifier from the Compass dashboard.
  2. master_api_key: Required. Available within the Compass Dashboard.
  3. admin_user_id: Required. Refers to the administrative user's __id__.


HTTP/1.1 201 OK
  "454a72bf7ae54f73abd33d0d3690d822": {
    "__type__": "acl",
    "__id__": "454a72bf7ae54f73abd33d0d3690d822",
    "permissions": [
    "members": [
    "segments": {}

Please take note of the __id__ value returned for the newly created ACL. It will be required in the next step.

Develop and Upload the Administrative Snippet

When an OCKCarePlanEvent or OCKCarePlanActivity object is saved, the Snippet is responsible for adding the admin ACL id value to the [__access__] field of the object, allowing for it to be shared with any CareKit admin user. An example snippet is provided here: docs/AdministrativeSnippet/Example.js.

Once completed, ensure that the Snippet is uploaded to CloudMine via the Compass dashboard. Take note of the name used to create it, as it wil be required when configuring your CloudMine app secrets in the next step.

Configuring your CloudMine App Secrets

Finally, the configuration in your AppDelegate is simple. Simply provide the CloudMine app_id, api_key and shared_snippet_name from the previous step CK objects will be synching in no time:

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [CMHealth setAppIdentifier:@"My-CloudMine-App-ID" appSecret:@"My-CloudMine-API-Key" sharedUpdateSnippetName:@"My-Deployed-Shared-Snippet-Name"];
	return YES;

Congrats! You are now ready to begin building your application using the CMHealth SDK and CloudMine.

Note: the Master API Key is required in order to execute many of the above cURLs. It is strongly recommended to cycle the Master API Key after completing configuration or to ensure that it is safeguarded when used client side to prevent unauthorized access to your application's data.

Working with CareKit

Your patient-facing app can be built using all native CareKit components with very little deviation from a standard CareKit app.

Creating the CMHCarePlanStore

Simply replace the OCKCarePlanStore with an instance of our custom subclass, CMHCarePlanStore, and your user's data will be automatically pushed to CloudMine.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.>

// `self.carePlanStore` is assumed to be a @property of type CMHCarePlanStore
self.carePlanStore = [CMHCarePlanStore storeWithPersistenceDirectoryURL:BCMStoreUtils.persistenceDirectory];
self.carePlanStore.delegate = self;

As long as your patient user is logged in and your CloudMine account is properly configured, your CareKit app will now automatically push changes made in the local store up to the cloud.

Creating a New Activity

For example, adding a new activity to the store will result in a representation of that activity being pushed to CloudMine's backend for the current user.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

// Create a standard OCKCarePlanActivity instance somewhere in your app
OCKCarePlanActivity *activity = [self activityGenerator];

// Add this activity to the store as you would in a standard CareKit app
[self.carePlanStore addActivity:activity completion:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (!success) {
		NSLog(@"Failed to add activity to store: %@", error.localizedDescription);
    NSLog(@"Activity added to store");

Note the above code is no different from what you would write for a standard, local-only, CareKit app. No additional consideration is required to push CMHCarePlanStore entries to CloudMine!

Synchronizing from the Server

Fetching updates from the cloud is similiarly simple. A single method allows you to synchronize the local store with all data that has been added remotely since the last time it was called successfully.

#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>

[self.carePlanStore syncFromRemoteWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSError *> * _Nonnull errors) {
    if (!success) {
        NSLog(@"Error(s) syncing remote data %@", errors);
    NSLog(@"Successful sync of remote data");

This allows your app to sync across devices and sessions with minimal effort.

Fetching All Patients

To help organizations access the patient-generated CareKit data, the CMHealth SDK allows for fetching an aggregated view of all patients and their activity/event data based on the ACL we created in the configuration section. This method requires that an admin CareKit user is signed-in.

To fetch a list of OCKPatient instances for use within your application, call the fetchAllPatientsWithCompletion: class method on CMHCarePlanStore:

[CMHCarePlanStore fetchAllPatientsWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSArray<OCKPatient *> * _Nonnull patients, NSArray<NSError *> * _Nonnull errors) {
	if (!success) {
        NSLog(@"Errorse fetching patients: %@", errors);
    self.patients = patients;

Subsequent calls to this class method will return a list of updated patients, but will intelligently sync only data added or updated since the last time it was called.

Adding New Administrative Users

Adding new Administrative Users requires 3 steps:

  1. create the admin user
  2. toggle the isAdmin field to true within the object's CMHUserData property,
  3. add the admin user_id to the [members] field on the acl_id as described in the Create the Admin ACL section.

Creating the Admin User

The CMUser class contains the below method in order to create a new user within your CareKit implementation:

- (void)signUpWithEmail:(NSString *_Nonnull)email
               password:(NSString *_Nonnull)password
          andCompletion:(_Nullable CMHUserAuthCompletion)block;

Once the user is successfully created, you are ready to move onto the next step.

Creating the Admin CMHUserData Object

The CMHUserData class represents additional profile data about the administrative user. In addition to representing basic details about the user, it also contains a BOOL property (isAdmin) in order to denote if the user is indeed an admin. Once you have created an instance of CMHUserData, it can be attached to the target CMHUser using the below CMHUser method call:

- (void)updateUserData:(CMHUserData *_Nonnull)userData
        withCompletion:(_Nullable CMHUpdateUserDataCompletion)block;

Note: please ensure that the isAdmin boolean is set to true before calling this method, otherwise the underlying framework may not properly recognize this user as an administrator.

Adding the Admin user_id to the Administrative ACL

After creating the user and their correpsonding profile data, the user's __id__ value needs to be added to the admin acl. The below cURL request may be used as an example of how to perform this action:

curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-cloudmine-apikey: :master_api_key' \
  -d '{
    "members": [":new_admin_id",":existing_admin_ids"]
  1. app_id: Required. App identifier from the Compass dashboard.
  2. admin_acl_id: Required. Generated when first implementing CareKit within your App.
  3. admin_user_id: Required. Refers to the administrative user's __id__.
  4. master_api_key: Required. Available within the Compass Dashboard.
  5. new_admin_id: Required. The user_id of the new admin to be enabled.
  6. existing_admin_ids: Required. Refers to existing admin users so as to ensure they are not overwritten during the insert for a net-new admin.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Note: it is strongly recommended that this workflow is implemented as a server-side Snippet within your larger application. Either the Master API Key or the root Admin user's password will be required in order to update the CareKit ACL. If the Master API Key is used client-side, ensure that it is handled securely or cycle the Master API Key upon completion and update the Administrative Snippet to reflect the new key.

Using the CloudMine iOS SDK with CMHealth

CMHealth includes and extends the CloudMine iOS SDK, so you get all of the core CloudMine functionality for free. To go beyond the ResearchKit specific parts of CMHealth, start with the CloudMine iOS documentation.

CMHealth Examples

To get a sense of how CMHealth works seamlessly with ResearchKit, you can check out the CloudMine AsthmaHealth demo application. The SDK is designed to work seamlessly with Swift. Check out the AsthmaHealthSwift demo to see an all-Swift app enabled by CMHealth.

To see an example of CMHealth working in tandem with CareKit, you can check out the CloudMine BackTrack demo application.


For general CMHealth support, please email - we are here to help!

For the more advantageous, we encourage getting directly involved via standard GitHub fork, issue tracker, and pull request pathways. See the CONTRIBUTING document to get started.


CMHealth is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. s