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Permission Issue with the Bundled Cloud Foundry: Can't Create Service Instances #154
having exactly same problem described by mhlandry vagrant@bosh-lite: vagrant@bosh-lite: vagrant@bosh-lite: service plans description vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf create-service-auth-token mongodb core c1oudc0w vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf create-service-auth-token postgresql core c1oudc0w vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf create-service-auth-token rabbitmq core c1oudc0w vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf create-service-auth-token redis core c1oudc0w vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf enable-service-access mongodb vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf enable-service-access postgresql vagrant@bosh-lite: vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf service-access vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf create-service redis default my-redis1 vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf create-service redis default my-redis1 CF_TRACE=true NAME: ALIAS: USAGE: EXAMPLE: TIP: vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf -v vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf service-access vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cf curl /v2/info vagrant@bosh-lite: |
I have got the same issue.Resolved by deleting the existing service-auth-token and recreating it using the provider "core". |
Thank you so much Gangabhavani for your reply on this one - As I mentioned in my previous msg this is my first attempt to deploy the services on a local CF config so I just followed the instructions posted on https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf-services-contrib-release $ cf create-service-auth-token core templates/make_manifest warden which is actually doing a ‘spiff merge’ of the following files: At a closer look, it looks like those tokens are actually coming from the above mentioned files ‘/templates/infrastructure-warden.yml’ and apparently they seem to be (by default) set to ‘c1oudc0w’ (at least that’s what I can see on my folder and that’s also what I can see on the https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf-services-contrib-release templates too) vagrant@bosh-lite:~/cf-services-contrib-release$ cat templates/infrastructure-warden.yml | grep token Provided that, at this stage, I am running just a POC, I didn’t customize so far anything and so, I just tried to use the values referenced in the manifest file by default – are there any another ‘provider’ tokens values I should use in this case ? any directions on how/where to look for these provider ‘token’ values would begreatly appreciated |
@githubfp you're a life saver, those were the tokens I was looking for! 👍 |
I am pleased if my post helped in any way --- unfortunately, in my case, the process listed above didn't work at all, I am still stuck when trying to run 'cf create-services' - any help on that would be greatly appreciated |
The default service auth tokens when running on bosh-lite can indeed be found here. The registration of of the service auth tokens for bosh-lite can also be achieved by running |
hello rkoster - thanks a lot for your input cf marketplace service plans description cf create-service-auth-token mongodb core c1oudc0w (does work fine) cf enable-service-access mongodb (does work fine) cf create-service mongodb default my-mongodb CF_TRACE=true NAME: ALIAS: USAGE: EXAMPLE: TIP: Use 'cf create-user-provided-service' to make user-provided services available to cf apps |
Have you tried: |
here's the output ... if you could see somehting where I could start digging that would be really appreciated .. many thanks in advance! vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0:~$ CF_TRACE=true cf create-service mongodb default my-mongodb VERSION: Creating service my-mongodb in org myorg / space mydept as admin... REQUEST: [2015-09-21T14:34:34Z] RESPONSE: [2015-09-21T14:34:34Z] { REQUEST: [2015-09-21T14:34:34Z] grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.LURCff3QJVbD2or1-OAvVDorFfERSuLJYpoe7Flyefe0jP2-OoVcqqkezX3zULwPc7nLr31jM9rVuxYPPyplbM53kmQ4pjd28i4j3l3nsvAIUlysHLbBPF8o6ljuAHjKMFF0lNpoDHdQ44kqQI0vd2YxLe1urWK6soZyjZci0TM&scope= RESPONSE: [2015-09-21T14:34:39Z] {"access_token":"[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]","expires_in":599,"scope":"scim.userids scim.read cloud_controller.admin password.write scim.write openid cloud_controller.write cloud_controller.read doppler.firehose","jti":"d033accb-52da-454e-8494-10efc262bced"} REQUEST: [2015-09-21T14:34:39Z] RESPONSE: [2015-09-21T14:34:39Z] {
] REQUEST: [2015-09-21T14:34:39Z] {"name":"my-mongodb","service_plan_guid":"f5566c05-8165-43f4-9867-27fada9a6e66","space_guid":"f868f5b4-b131-4cf6-886b-8957961d7e5d", "async": true} RESPONSE: [2015-09-21T14:34:40Z] { FAILED |
From the above:
Looks interesting, can you verify your auth tokens are created ( |
u right ... that's a bit of a surprize .. would it have been possible to run 'create-service-auth-token' without referencing the correct token ? vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0:~$ cf service-auth-tokens label provider |
I'm trying to get the introduction to spring cloud
https://spring.io/blog/2014/06/03/introducing-spring-cloud app working
with an instance of Cloud Foundry that I'm running on my machine. I tried
to push the app and I get this message:
That makes sense to me so I started tracking down the postgres service.
When I run
cf marketplace
, I get:When I try to create a service instance of the postgresql service and I
I have tried running
cf create-service-auth-token postgresql core 123
but that didn't seem to help with theNot Authorized
message.Here are the permissions for the space:
The cf service-access command doesn't yield anything interesting:
Then it shows nothing on the terminal. So I tried to enable service access
For the life of me, I can¹t figure out what's going on. Any ideas about what's going on?
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