diff --git a/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic_post.xml b/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c2965b27..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_gocart
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1
- flag
- lgocart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_for_ras_deep_convection
- flag for ras convection scheme
- flag
- ras
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_for_Chikira_Sugiyama_deep_convection
- flag for Chikira-Sugiyama convection
- flag
- cscnv
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- dynamics_to_physics_timestep_ratio
- ratio of dynamics timestep to physics timestep
- none
- frain
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_deep_convective_precipitation_amount
- deep convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- rain1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cloud_work_function
- cloud work function
- m2 s-2
- cld1d
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- x_wind_save
- x-wind before entering a physics scheme
- m s-1
- save_u
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- y_wind_save
- y-wind before entering a physics scheme
- m s-1
- save_v
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
- water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qv
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gu0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gv0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
- (updraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- ud_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
- (downdraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dd_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
- (detrainment mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dt_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw_liquid
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- number_of_3d_arrays_associated_with_pdf-based_clouds
- number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/mp
- count
- npdf3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- array_dimension_of_3d_arrays_for_microphysics
- number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics
- count
- num_p3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- number_of_convective_3d_cloud_fields
- number of convective 3d clouds fields
- count
- ncnvcld3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- convective rain at this time step
- m
- rainc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_cloud_work_function
- cumulative cloud work function (valid only with sas)
- m2 s-1
- cldwrk
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount
- cumulative convective precipitation
- m
- cnvprcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_in_bucket
- cumulative convective precipitation in bucket
- m
- cnvprcpb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_deep_convection
- cumulative change in temperature due to deep conv.
- K
- dt3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_deep_convection
- cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to deep conv.
- kg kg-1
- dq3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_deep_convection
- cumulative change in x wind due to deep convection
- m s-1
- du3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_deep_convection
- cumulative change in y wind due to deep convection
- m s-1
- dv3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
- cumulative updraft mass flux
- Pa
- upd_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
- cumulative downdraft mass flux
- Pa
- dwn_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
- cumulative detrainment mass flux
- Pa
- det_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_water_vapor_specific_humidity_tendency_due_to_convection
- instantaneous moisture tendency due to convection
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdti
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_deep_convective_cloud_condensate_mixing_ratio_on_dynamics_time_step
- instantaneous total convective condensate mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvqci
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux_on_dynamics_timestep
- (updraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- upd_mfi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux_on_dynamics_timestep
- (downdraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dwn_mfi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux_on_dynamics_timestep
- (detrainment mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- det_mfi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
- moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- convective_cloud_cover
- convective cloud cover
- frac
- cnvc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_in_phy_f3d
- convective cloud water mixing ratio in the phy_f3d array
- kg kg-1
- cnvw_phy_f3d
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- convective_cloud_cover_in_phy_f3d
- convective cloud cover in the phy_f3d array
- frac
- cnvc_phy_f3d
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a8cbc0ee4..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- flag_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- flag for conv gravity wave drag
- flag
- cnvgwd
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- flag_gocart
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1
- flag
- lgocart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gu0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gv0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- x_wind_save
- x-wind before entering a physics scheme
- m s-1
- save_u
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- y_wind_save
- y-wind before entering a physics scheme
- m s-1
- save_v
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
- water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_DCNV_generic_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_MP_generic_post.xml b/physics/GFS_MP_generic_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f57fb308..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_MP_generic_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- index_of_time_step
- current time step index
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- array_dimension_of_random_number
- second dimension of random number stream for RAS
- count
- nrcm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- number_of_hydrometeors
- choice of cloud scheme / number of hydrometeors
- count
- ncld
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- number_of_tracers_for_cloud_condensate
- number of tracers for cloud condensate
- count
- nncl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_precipitation_type_algorithm
- flag controls precip type algorithm
- flag
- cal_pre
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_flux_coupling
- flag controlling cplflx collection (default off)
- flag
- cplflx
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_chemistry_coupling
- flag controlling cplchm collection (default off)
- flag
- cplchm
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- dynamics_to_physics_timestep_ratio
- ratio of dynamics timestep to physics timestep
- none
- frain
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- convective rain at this time step
- m
- rainc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
- explicit rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- rain1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- random_number_array
- random number array (0-1)
- none
- rann
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- latitude
- latitude
- radians
- xlat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- longitude
- longitude
- radians
- xlon
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- air_pressure
- layer mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- pressure at layer interface
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- ice fall at this time step
- m
- ice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- snow fall at this time step
- m
- snow
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- graupel fall at this time step
- m
- graupel
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
- water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qv
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount
- ice fall on physics timestep
- m
- ice0
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount
- snow fall on physics timestep
- m
- snow0
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount
- graupel fall on physics timestep
- m
- graupel0
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- air pressure difference between midlayers
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- total rain at this time step
- m
- rain
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- dominant_rain_type
- dominant rain type
- none
- domr_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- dominant_freezing_rain_type
- dominant freezing rain type
- none
- domzr_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- dominant_sleet_type
- dominant sleet type
- none
- domip_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- dominant_snow_type
- dominant snow type
- none
- doms_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- total precipitation amount in each time step
- m
- tprcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_precipitation_type
- snow/rain flag for precipitation
- flag
- srflag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount
- accumulated total precipitation
- m
- totprcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount
- accumulated ice precipitation
- kg m-2
- totice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount
- accumulated snow precipitation
- kg m-2
- totsnw
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount
- accumulated graupel precipitation
- kg m-2
- totgrp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_in_bucket
- accumulated total precipitation in bucket
- m
- totprcpb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_in_bucket
- accumulated ice precipitation in bucket
- kg m-2
- toticeb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_in_bucket
- accumulated snow precipitation in bucket
- kg m-2
- totsnwb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_in_bucket
- accumulated graupel precipitation in bucket
- kg m-2
- totgrpb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_microphysics
- cumulative change in temperature due to microphysics
- K
- dt3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_microphysics
- cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to microphysics
- kg kg-1
- dq3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
- total rain precipitation
- m
- rain_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
- total convective precipitation
- m
- rainc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_for_coupling
- total snow precipitation
- m
- snow_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- column_precipitable_water
- precipitable water
- kg m-2
- pwat
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_stochastic_surface_physics_perturbations
- flag for stochastic surface physics perturbations
- flag
- do_sppt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_on_physics_time_step
- temp. change due to radiative heating per time step
- K
- dtdtr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_assuming_clear_sky
- clear sky radiative (shortwave + longwave) heating rate at current time
- K s-1
- dtdtc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
- change in rain_cpl (coupling_type)
- m
- drain_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_for_coupling
- change in show_cpl (coupling_type)
- m
- dsnow_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_land_surface_scheme
- flag for land surface model
- flag
- lsm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme
- flag for RUC land surface model
- flag
- lsm_ruc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_rainfall_amount_from_previous_timestep
- explicit rainfall from previous timestep
- m
- raincprv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_from_previous_timestep
- convective_precipitation_amount from previous timestep
- m
- rainncprv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_from_previous_timestep
- ice amount from previous timestep
- m
- iceprv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_from_previous_timestep
- snow amount from previous timestep
- m
- snowprv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_from_previous_timestep
- graupel amount from previous timestep
- m
- graupelprv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_MP_generic_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_MP_generic_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4274552e6..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_MP_generic_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- logical flag for 3D diagnostics
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_Arakawa_Wu_adjustment
- flag for Arakawa Wu scale-aware adjustment
- flag
- do_aw
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- number_of_tracers_for_cloud_condensate
- number of tracers for cloud condensate
- count
- nncl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- tracer_concentration_save
- tracer concentration before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_q
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_MP_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_MP_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_MP_generic_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_PBL_generic_post.xml b/physics/GFS_PBL_generic_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41dbad048..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_PBL_generic_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,766 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers
- number of tracers to diffuse vertically
- count
- nvdiff
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_water_vapor
- tracer index for water vapor (specific humidity)
- index
- ntqv
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for ice water
- index
- ntiw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_rain_water
- tracer index for rain water
- index
- ntrw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_snow_water
- tracer index for snow water
- index
- ntsw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_number_concentration
- tracer index for liquid number concentration
- index
- ntlnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_number_concentration
- tracer index for ice number concentration
- index
- ntinc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_water_friendly_aerosols
- tracer index for water friendly aerosol
- index
- ntwa
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_ice_friendly_aerosols
- tracer index for ice friendly aerosol
- index
- ntia
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_graupel
- tracer index for graupel
- index
- ntgl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_ozone
- tracer index for ozone mixing ratio
- index
- ntoz
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy
- tracer index for turbulent kinetic energy
- index
- ntke
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy_vertical_diffusion_tracer
- index for turbulent kinetic energy in the vertically diffused tracer array
- index
- ntkev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_wsm6_microphysics_scheme
- choice of WSM6 microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_wsm6
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol physics
- flag
- ltaerosol
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_flux_coupling
- flag controlling cplflx collection (default off)
- flag
- cplflx
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_idealized_physics
- flag for idealized physics
- flag
- lsidea
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_hedmf
- flag for hybrid edmf pbl scheme (moninedmf)
- flag
- hybedmf
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_scale_aware_TKE_moist_EDMF_PBL
- flag for scale-aware TKE moist EDMF PBL scheme
- flag
- satmedmf
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_scale_aware_Shinhong_PBL
- flag for scale-aware Shinhong PBL scheme
- flag
- shinhong
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- flag_for_ysu
- flag for YSU PBL scheme
- flag
- do_ysu
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- updated tendency of the tracers due to vertical diffusion in PBL scheme
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dvdftra
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux
- surface momentum flux in the x-direction valid for current call
- Pa
- dusfc1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux
- surface momentum flux in the y-direction valid for current call
- Pa
- dvsfc1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux valid for current call
- W m-2
- dtsfc1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward latent heat flux valid for current call
- W m-2
- dqsfc1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- dudt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dvdt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- dtdt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep
- total sky sw heating rate
- K s-1
- htrsw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep
- total sky lw heating rate
- K s-1
- htrlw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes
- zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave
- none
- xmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- tendency_of_tracers_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the tracers due to model physics
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc u momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- dusfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc v momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- dvsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dtsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dqsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc u momentum flux
- Pa
- dusfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc v momentum flux
- Pa
- dvsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux
- W m-2
- dtsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc latent heat flux
- W m-2
- dqsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc x momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- dusfc_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc y momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- dvsfc_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dtsfc_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dqsfc_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_diag
- instantaneous sfc x momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa
- dusfci_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_diag
- instantaneous sfc y momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa
- dvsfci_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag
- instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2
- dtsfci_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag
- instantaneous sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2
- dqsfci_diag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_PBL
- cumulative change in temperature due to PBL
- K
- dt3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_PBL
- cumulative change in x wind due to PBL
- m s-1
- du3dt_PBL
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in x wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
- m s-1
- du3dt_OGWD
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_PBL
- cumulative change in y wind due to PBL
- m s-1
- dv3dt_PBL
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in y wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
- m s-1
- dv3dt_OGWD
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_PBL
- cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to PBL
- kg kg-1
- dq3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_mixing_ratio_due_to_PBL
- cumulative change in ozone mixing ratio due to PBL
- kg kg-1
- dq3dt_ozone
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_PBL_generic_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_PBL_generic_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4213e6ae..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_PBL_generic_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers
- number of tracers to diffuse vertically
- count
- nvdiff
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_water_vapor
- tracer index for water vapor (specific humidity)
- index
- ntqv
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for ice water
- index
- ntiw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_rain_water
- tracer index for rain water
- index
- ntrw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_snow_water
- tracer index for snow water
- index
- ntsw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_number_concentration
- tracer index for liquid number concentration
- index
- ntlnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_number_concentration
- tracer index for ice number concentration
- index
- ntinc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_water_friendly_aerosols
- tracer index for water friendly aerosol
- index
- ntwa
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_ice_friendly_aerosols
- tracer index for ice friendly aerosol
- index
- ntia
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_graupel
- tracer index for graupel
- index
- ntgl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_ozone
- tracer index for ozone mixing ratio
- index
- ntoz
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy
- tracer index for turbulent kinetic energy
- index
- ntke
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy_vertical_diffusion_tracer
- index for turbulent kinetic energy in the vertically diffused tracer array
- index
- ntkev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_wsm6_microphysics_scheme
- choice of WSM6 microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_wsm6
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol physics
- flag
- ltaerosol
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_hedmf
- flag for hybrid edmf pbl scheme (moninedmf)
- flag
- hybedmf
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_scale_aware_TKE_moist_EDMF_PBL
- flag for scale-aware TKE moist EDMF PBL scheme
- flag
- satmedmf
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- tracer_concentration
- model layer mean tracer concentration
- kg kg-1
- qgrs
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- tracer concentration diffused by PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- vdftra
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_PBL_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_PBL_generic_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_SCNV_generic_post.xml b/physics/GFS_SCNV_generic_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 230edf8c3..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_SCNV_generic_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- number_of_tracers_for_convective_transport
- number of tracers for convective transport
- count
- nn
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- flag_gocart
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1
- flag
- lgocart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- dynamics_to_physics_timestep_ratio
- ratio of dynamics timestep to physics timestep
- none
- frain
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
- water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qv
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_water_vapor_specific_humidity_tendency_due_to_convection
- instantaneous moisture tendency due to convection
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdti
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shal_convection
- cumulative change in temperature due to shal conv.
- K
- dt3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_shal_convection
- cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to shal conv.
- kg kg-1
- dq3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- clw
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_SCNV_generic_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_SCNV_generic_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a69aa5af..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_SCNV_generic_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- flag_gocart
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1
- flag
- lgocart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
- water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_SCNV_generic_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_phys_time_vary.xml b/physics/GFS_phys_time_vary.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f5a765ea..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_phys_time_vary.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_init
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_init
- GFS_tbd_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS miscellaneous data
- Tbd
- GFS_tbd_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_init
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- GFS_tbd_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS miscellaneous data
- Tbd
- GFS_tbd_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- GFS_cldprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS cloud fields
- Cldprop
- GFS_cldprop_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- GFS_diag_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields targeted for diagnostic output
- Diag
- GFS_diag_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_phys_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_phys_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_phys_time_vary_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rad_time_vary.xml b/physics/GFS_rad_time_vary.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e351dd54c..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rad_time_vary.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rad_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_rad_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_rad_time_vary_run
- GFS_statein_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- Statein
- GFS_statein_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rad_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_rad_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_rad_time_vary_run
- GFS_tbd_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS data not yet assigned to a defined container
- Tbd
- GFS_tbd_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rad_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_rad_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_rad_time_vary_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rad_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_rad_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_rad_time_vary_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rad_time_vary SCHEME_GFS_rad_time_vary SUBROUTINE_GFS_rad_time_vary_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmg_post.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmg_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9529d2127..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmg_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- GFS_diag_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data
- Diag
- GFS_diag_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- GFS_statein_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- Statein
- GFS_statein_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
- derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
- W m-2
- scmpsw
- cmpfsw_type
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- extra_top_layer
- extra top layers
- none
- ltp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_upper_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and upper bound
- index
- kt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_lower_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and lower bound
- index
- kb
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- time_step_for_radiation
- radiation time step
- s
- raddt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
- vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
- none
- aerodp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- cloud_area_fraction_for_radiation
- fraction of clouds for low, middle, high, total and BL
- frac
- cldsa
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_top
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud tops
- index
- mtopa
- integer
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_base
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud bases
- index
- mbota
- integer
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- layer total cloud fraction
- frac
- clouds1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_10mu_band
- approx 10mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtaulw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_0.55mu_band
- approx .55mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtausw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmg_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmg_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 63f7d8d58..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmg_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_statein_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- Statein
- GFS_statein_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_tbd_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS data not yet assigned to a defined container
- Tbd
- GFS_tbd_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_cldprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS cloud fields needed by radiation from physics
- Cldprop
- GFS_cldprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields needed for coupling
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- lmk
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical levels for radiation
- count
- lmp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_upper_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and upper bound
- index
- kt
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_lower_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and lower bound
- index
- kb
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- time_step_for_radiation
- radiation time step
- s
- raddt
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
- layer pressure thickness on radiation levels
- hPa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- layer_thickness_for_radiation
- layer thickness on radiation levels
- km
- dz
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure at vertical interface for radiation calculation
- hPa
- plvl
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure at vertical layer for radiation calculation
- hPa
- plyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
- air temperature at vertical interface for radiation calculation
- K
- tlvl
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature at vertical layer for radiation calculation
- K
- tlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
- water vapor specific humidity at vertical layer for radiation calculation
- kg kg-1
- qlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
- ozone concentration
- kg kg-1
- olyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co2
- CO2 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
- N2O volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_n2o
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
- CH4 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ch4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_o2
- O2 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_o2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co
- CO volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
- CFC11 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc11
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
- CFC12 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc12
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
- CFC22 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc22
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
- CCL4 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ccl4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc113
- CFC113 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc113
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- faersw1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16
- frac
- faersw2
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol asymmetry parameter for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- faersw3
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16
- none
- faerlw1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16
- frac
- faerlw2
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol asymmetry parameter for longwave bands 01-16
- none
- faerlw3
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
- vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
- none
- aerodp
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- layer total cloud fraction
- frac
- clouds1
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- layer cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- clouds2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- clouds3
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- layer cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- clouds4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- clouds5
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- cloud_rain_water_path
- cloud rain water path
- g m-2
- clouds6
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
- mean effective radius for rain drop
- micron
- clouds7
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- cloud_snow_water_path
- cloud snow water path
- g m-2
- clouds8
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
- mean effective radius for snow flake
- micron
- clouds9
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- cloud_area_fraction_for_radiation
- fraction of clouds for low, middle,high, total and BL
- frac
- cldsa
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_top
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud tops
- index
- mtopa
- integer
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_base
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud bases
- index
- mbota
- integer
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- cloud_decorrelation_length
- cloud decorrelation length
- km
- de_lgth
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- surface_albedo_perturbation
- surface albedo perturbation
- frac
- alb1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmg_setup.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmg_setup.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db0b1aba..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmg_setup.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
- date_and_time_at_model_initialization
- initialization date and time
- none
- idate
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- forecast_date_and_time
- current forecast date and time
- none
- jdate
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- frequency_for_shortwave_radiation
- frequency for shortwave radiation
- s
- deltsw
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- deltim
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- flag_to_calc_sw
- logical flags for sw radiation calls
- flag
- lsswr
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- equation_of_time
- equation of time (radian)
- radians
- slag
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- sine_of_solar_declination_angle
- sin of the solar declination angle
- none
- sdec
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- cosine_of_solar_declination_angle
- cos of the solar declination angle
- none
- cdec
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- solar_constant
- solar constant (sun-earth distant adjusted)
- W m-2
- solcon
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_finalize
- vertical_sigma_coordinate_for_radiation_initialization
- vertical sigma coordinate for radiation initialization
- none
- si
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- number_of_vertical_layers_for_radiation_calculations
- number of vertical levels for radiation calculations
- count
- levr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_initial_time-date_control
- flag for initial conditions and forcing
- flag
- ictm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_solar_constant
- use prescribed solar constant
- flag
- isol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_using_prescribed_global_mean_co2_value
- prescribed global mean value (old opernl)
- flag
- ico2
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_default_aerosol_effect_in_shortwave_radiation
- default aerosol effect in sw only
- flag
- iaer
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_using_climatology_albedo
- flag for using climatology alb, based on sfc type
- flag
- ialb
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_surface_emissivity_control
- surface emissivity control flag, use fixed value of 1
- flag
- iems
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- array_dimension_of_2d_arrays_for_microphysics
- number of 2D arrays needed for microphysics
- count
- num_p2d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- array_dimension_of_3d_arrays_for_microphysics
- number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics
- count
- num_p3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- number_of_3d_arrays_associated_with_pdf-based_clouds
- number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/mp
- count
- npdf3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- index_for_ozone
- tracer index for ozone mixing ratio
- index
- ntoz
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_max-random_overlap_clouds_for_shortwave_radiation
- sw: max-random overlap clouds
- flag
- iovr_sw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_max-random_overlap_clouds_for_longwave_radiation
- lw: max-random overlap clouds
- flag
- iovr_lw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_sw_clouds_without_sub-grid_approximation
- flag for sw clouds without sub-grid approximation
- flag
- isubc_sw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_lw_clouds_without_sub-grid_approximation
- flag for lw clouds without sub-grid approximation
- flag
- isubc_lw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_optical_property_for_liquid_clouds_for_shortwave_radiation
- sw optical property for liquid clouds
- flag
- icliq_sw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_CRICK-proof_cloud_water
- flag for CRICK-Proof cloud water
- flag
- crick_proof
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_cloud_condensate_normalized_by_cloud_cover
- flag for cloud condensate normalized by cloud cover
- flag
- ccnorm
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_precipitation_effect_on_radiation
- radiation precip flag for Ferrier/Moorthi
- flag
- norad_precip
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- date_and_time_at_model_initialization_reordered
- initialization date and time
- none
- idate
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- flag_for_vertical_index_direction_control
- flag for vertical index direction control
- flag
- iflip
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- aerosol_optical_properties_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- optical properties for longwave bands 01-16
- various
- faerlw
- real
- (:,:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- aerosol_optical_properties_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical properties for shortwave bands 01-16
- various
- faersw
- real
- (:,:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
- vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
- none
- aerodp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmg_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmg_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmg_setup_init
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_gas_optics.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_gas_optics.F90
index d13d77a37..956130db3 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_gas_optics.F90
+++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_gas_optics.F90
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_gas_optics_init(Model, Radtend, errmsg, errflg)
! Now extract the gas names
do ij=1,Model%ngases
- Radtend%active_gases(ij) = Model%active_gases(gasIndices(ij,1):gasIndices(ij,2))
+ Radtend%active_gases(ij,1) = Model%active_gases(gasIndices(ij,1):gasIndices(ij,2))
end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_gas_optics_init
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
index a9415a42f..2a5743159 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
+++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post.F90
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
!!This file contains
module GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post
use machine, only: kind_phys
- use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_statein_type, &
- GFS_coupling_type, &
+ use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_coupling_type, &
GFS_control_type, &
GFS_grid_type, &
- GFS_radtend_type, &
- GFS_diag_type
+ GFS_radtend_type
use module_radiation_aerosols, only: NSPC1
use module_radlw_parameters, only: topflw_type, sfcflw_type, proflw_type
@@ -31,9 +29,7 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_init
!! |-------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------|----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
!! | Grid | GFS_grid_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data | DDT | 0 | GFS_grid_type | | in | F |
-!! | Diag | GFS_diag_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data | DDT | 0 | GFS_diag_type | | inout | F |
!! | Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies | DDT | 0 | GFS_radtend_type | | inout | F |
-!! | Statein | GFS_statein_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore | DDT | 0 | GFS_statein_type | | in | F |
!! | Coupling | GFS_coupling_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components | DDT | 0 | GFS_coupling_type | | inout | F |
!! | im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | tsfa | surface_air_temperature_for_radiation | lowest model layer air temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
@@ -51,7 +47,7 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_init
!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, &
+ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (Model, Grid, Radtend, &
Coupling, im, p_lev, &
tsfa, fluxlwUP_allsky, fluxlwDOWN_allsky, fluxlwUP_clrsky, fluxlwDOWN_clrsky, &
hlwc, topflx_lw, sfcflx_lw, flxprf_lw, hlw0, errmsg, errflg)
@@ -61,14 +57,10 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, &
Model ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: &
Grid ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- type(GFS_statein_type), intent(in) :: &
- Statein ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: &
+ type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: &
Coupling ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: &
Radtend ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- type(GFS_diag_type), intent(inout) :: &
- Diag ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data
integer, intent(in) :: &
im ! Horizontal loop extent
real(kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(in) :: &
@@ -110,7 +102,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_lw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, &
! dnfx0 - clear sky dnward flux (W/m2)
! Local variables
- integer :: i, j, k, iBand, iSFC, iTOA
+ integer :: k, iSFC, iTOA
logical :: l_clrskylw_hr, l_fluxeslw2d, top_at_1
! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6007cd7d4..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.F90
index ce18c8880..35c3439ef 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.F90
+++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.F90
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, &
! Local variables
- integer :: i, j, k, k1, itop, ibtc
+ integer :: i, j, k, itop, ibtc
real(kind_phys) :: tem0d, tem1, tem2
! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 88bf0af99..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- GFS_diag_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data
- Diag
- GFS_diag_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- GFS_statein_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- Statein
- GFS_statein_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
- derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
- W m-2
- scmpsw
- cmpfsw_type
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- extra_top_layer
- extra top layers
- none
- ltp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_upper_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and upper bound
- index
- kt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_lower_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and lower bound
- index
- kb
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- time_step_for_radiation
- radiation time step
- s
- raddt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
- vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
- none
- aerodp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- cloud_area_fraction_for_radiation
- fraction of clouds for low, middle, high, total and BL
- frac
- cldsa
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_top
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud tops
- index
- mtopa
- integer
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_base
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud bases
- index
- mbota
- integer
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- layer total cloud fraction
- frac
- clouds1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_10mu_band
- approx 10mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtaulw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_0.55mu_band
- approx .55mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtausw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_post SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.F90
index 5dcd9a199..37783e70e 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.F90
+++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.F90
@@ -103,11 +103,6 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_init
!! | faersw | aerosol_optical_properties_for_shortwave_bands_01-16 | aerosol optical properties for shortwave bands 01-16 | various | 4 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
!! | alb1d | surface_albedo_perturbation | surface albedo perturbation | frac | 1 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
!! | gas_concentrations | Gas_concentrations_for_RRTMGP_suite | DDT containing gas concentrations for RRTMGP radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_concs | | out | F |
-!! | sfc_emiss_byband | surface_longwave_emissivity_in_each_band | surface lw emissivity in fraction in each LW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_nir_dir | surface_shortwave_albedo_near_infrared_direct_in_each_band | surface sw near-infrared direct albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_nir_dif | surface_shortwave_albedo_near_infrared_diffuse_in_each_band | surface sw near-infrared diffuse albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_uvvis_dir | surface_shortwave_albedo_uv_visible_direct_in_each_band | surface sw uv-visible direct albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_uvvis_dif | surface_shortwave_albedo_uv_visible_diffuse_in_each_band | surface sw uv-visible diffuse albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
!! | nday | daytime_points_dimension | daytime points dimension | count | 0 | integer | | out | F |
!! | idxday | daytime_points | daytime points | index | 1 | integer | | out | F |
!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
@@ -119,8 +114,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
ncol, lw_gas_props, sw_gas_props, & ! IN
raddt, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, t_lev, tsfg, tsfa, alb1d, cld_frac, cld_lwp, & ! OUT
cld_reliq, cld_iwp, cld_reice, cld_swp, cld_resnow, cld_rwp, cld_rerain, faerlw, & ! OUT
- faersw, sfc_emiss_byband, nday, idxday, gas_concentrations, sfc_alb_nir_dir, & ! OUT
- sfc_alb_nir_dif, sfc_alb_uvvis_dir, sfc_alb_uvvis_dif, errmsg, errflg) ! OUT
+ faersw, nday, idxday, gas_concentrations, errmsg, errflg) ! OUT
! Inputs
type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: &
@@ -155,11 +149,6 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol), intent(out) :: &
tsfg, & !
tsfa !
- real(kind_phys),dimension(sw_gas_props%get_nband(),NCOL),intent(out) :: &
- sfc_alb_nir_dir, & ! Shortwave surface albedo (nIR-direct)
- sfc_alb_nir_dif, & ! Shortwave surface albedo (nIR-diffuse)
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dir, & ! Shortwave surface albedo (uvvis-direct)
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dif ! Shortwave surface albedo (uvvis-diffuse)
integer, intent(out) :: &
nday ! Number of daylit points
integer, dimension(ncol), intent(out) :: &
@@ -172,8 +161,6 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
errmsg ! Error message
integer, intent(out) :: &
errflg ! Error flag
- real(kind_phys),dimension(sw_gas_props%get_nband(),NCOL),intent(out) :: &
- sfc_emiss_byband ! Longwave surface emissivity in each band
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,Model%levr+LTP),intent(out) :: &
cld_frac, & ! Total cloud fraction
cld_lwp, & ! Cloud liquid water path
@@ -190,13 +177,9 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
faerlw ! Aerosol radiative properties in each LW band.
! Local variables
- integer :: me, nfxr, ntrac, ntcw, ntiw, ncld, ntrw, ntsw, ntgl,i, j, k, k1, k2, lsk, &
- LP1, lla, llb, lya, lyb, iCol, iBand, iSFC, iTOA, iLay
- integer,dimension(NCOL) :: ipseed_lw,ipseed_sw
+ integer :: i, j, k, iCol, iBand, iSFC, iTOA, iLay
integer,dimension(ncol,3) :: mbota,mtopa
logical :: top_at_1
- logical,dimension(NCOL,Model%levs) :: &
- liqmask,icemask
real(kind_phys),dimension(NCOL,Model%levs) :: vmr_o3, vmr_h2o
real(kind_phys) :: es, qs
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol) :: de_lgth
@@ -204,7 +187,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, NSPC1) :: aerodp
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, NF_ALBD) :: sfcalb
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs) :: relhum, qs_lay, q_lay, deltaZ, tv_lay,&
- deltaP, o3_lay, delta_q, cnv_w, cnv_c, effr_l, effr_i, effr_r, effr_s, cldcov
+ deltaP, o3_lay
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs, 2:Model%ntrac) :: tracer
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs, NF_VGAS) :: gas_vmr
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs, NF_CLDS) :: clouds
@@ -313,6 +296,29 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
Radtend%coszen, Radtend%coszdg)
+ ! #######################################################################################
+ ! Call module_radiation_aerosols::setaer(),to setup aerosols property profile for both
+ ! LW and SW radiation.
+ ! #######################################################################################
+ call setaer(p_lev, p_lay, Statein%prslk(1:NCOL,iSFC:iTOA), tv_lay, relhum, &
+ Sfcprop%slmsk, tracer, Grid%xlon, Grid%xlat, NCOL, Model%levs, Model%levs+1, &
+ Model%lsswr, Model%lslwr, faersw2, faerlw, aerodp)
+ ! Store aerosol optical properties
+ ! SW.
+ ! For RRTMGP SW the bands are now ordered from [IR(band) -> nIR -> UV], in RRTMG the
+ ! band ordering was [nIR -> UV -> IR(band)]
+ faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1,1) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband(),1)
+ faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1,2) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband(),2)
+ faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1,3) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband(),3)
+ faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,2:sw_gas_props%get_nband(),1) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1:sw_gas_props%get_nband()-1,1)
+ faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,2:sw_gas_props%get_nband(),2) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1:sw_gas_props%get_nband()-1,2)
+ faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,2:sw_gas_props%get_nband(),3) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1:sw_gas_props%get_nband()-1,3)
+ ! Setup surface ground temperature and ground/air skin temperature if required.
+ tsfg(1:NCOL) = Sfcprop%tsfc(1:NCOL)
+ tsfa(1:NCOL) = Sfcprop%tsfc(1:NCOL)
! #######################################################################################
! Cloud microphysics
! #######################################################################################
@@ -344,29 +350,6 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
- ! #######################################################################################
- ! Call module_radiation_aerosols::setaer(),to setup aerosols property profile for both
- ! LW and SW radiation.
- ! #######################################################################################
- call setaer(p_lev, p_lay, Statein%prslk(1:NCOL,iSFC:iTOA), tv_lay, relhum, &
- Sfcprop%slmsk, tracer, Grid%xlon, Grid%xlat, NCOL, Model%levs, Model%levs+1, &
- Model%lsswr, Model%lslwr, faersw2, faerlw, aerodp)
- ! Store aerosol optical properties
- ! SW.
- ! For RRTMGP SW the bands are now ordered from [IR(band) -> nIR -> UV], in RRTMG the
- ! band ordering was [nIR -> UV -> IR(band)]
- faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1,1) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband(),1)
- faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1,2) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband(),2)
- faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1,3) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband(),3)
- faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,2:sw_gas_props%get_nband(),1) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1:sw_gas_props%get_nband()-1,1)
- faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,2:sw_gas_props%get_nband(),2) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1:sw_gas_props%get_nband()-1,2)
- faersw(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,2:sw_gas_props%get_nband(),3) = faersw2(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,1:sw_gas_props%get_nband()-1,3)
- ! Setup surface ground temperature and ground/air skin temperature if required.
- tsfg(1:NCOL) = Sfcprop%tsfc(1:NCOL)
- tsfa(1:NCOL) = Sfcprop%tsfc(1:NCOL)
! #######################################################################################
! Call module_radiation_surface::setemis(),to setup surface emissivity for LW radiation.
@@ -375,7 +358,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
call setemis (Grid%xlon, Grid%xlat, Sfcprop%slmsk, Sfcprop%snowd, Sfcprop%sncovr, &
Sfcprop%zorl, tsfg, tsfa, Sfcprop%hprim, NCOL, Radtend%semis)
do iBand=1,lw_gas_props%get_nband()
- sfc_emiss_byband(iBand,1:NCOL) = Radtend%semis(1:NCOL)
+ Radtend%sfc_emiss_byband(iBand,1:NCOL) = Radtend%semis(1:NCOL)
@@ -413,10 +396,10 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run (Model, Grid, Statein, Coupling, Radtend, Sfcprop,
! Spread across all SW bands
do iBand=1,sw_gas_props%get_nband()
- sfc_alb_nir_dir(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,1)
- sfc_alb_nir_dif(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,2)
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dir(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,3)
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dif(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,4)
+ Radtend%sfc_alb_nir_dir(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,1)
+ Radtend%sfc_alb_nir_dif(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,2)
+ Radtend%sfc_alb_uvvis_dir(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,3)
+ Radtend%sfc_alb_uvvis_dif(iBand,1:NCOL) = sfcalb(1:NCOL,4)
end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
@@ -466,10 +449,10 @@ subroutine cloud_microphysics(Model, Tbd, Grid, Sfcprop, ncol, tracer, p_lay, t_
! Local variables
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs, Model%ncnd) :: cld_condensate
integer :: i,k
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs) :: delta_q, cnv_w, cnv_c, effr_l, effr_i, effr_r, effr_s, cldcov
- real(kind_phys) :: es, qs, clwmin, clwm, clwt, onemrh, value, tem1, tem2
+ real(kind_phys) :: clwmin, clwm, clwt, onemrh, value, tem1, tem2
real(kind_phys), parameter :: xrc3 = 100.
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol, Model%levs) :: delta_q, cnv_w, cnv_c, effr_l, effr_i, effr_r, effr_s, cldcov
! #######################################################################################
! Obtain cloud information for radiation calculations
! (clouds,cldsa,mtopa,mbota)
@@ -554,7 +537,7 @@ subroutine cloud_microphysics(Model, Tbd, Grid, Sfcprop, ncol, tracer, p_lay, t_
do k=1,model%levs
do i=1,ncol
- cldcov(i,k1) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,Model%indcld)
+ cldcov(i,k) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,Model%indcld)
if (tracer(i,k,model%ntcw) .gt. 0 .or. tracer(i,k,model%ntiw) .gt. 0) then
cldcov(i,k) = 0.1
@@ -564,7 +547,7 @@ subroutine cloud_microphysics(Model, Tbd, Grid, Sfcprop, ncol, tracer, p_lay, t_
elseif (Model%imp_physics == Model%imp_physics_gfdl) then ! GFDL MP
- cldcov(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs) = tracer(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,Model%ntclamt)
+ ! cldcov(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs) = tracer(1:NCOL,1:Model%levs,Model%ntclamt)
else ! neither of the other two cases
cldcov = 0.0
@@ -703,7 +686,7 @@ subroutine cloud_microphysics(Model, Tbd, Grid, Sfcprop, ncol, tracer, p_lay, t_
delta_q, & ! IN - Total water distribution width
Model%sup, & ! IN - ??? Supersaturation?
Model%kdt, & ! IN - ???
- me, & ! IN - ??? NOT USED IN PROGCLD3()
+ Model%me, & ! IN - ??? NOT USED IN PROGCLD3()
clouds, & ! OUT - Cloud properties (NCOL,Model%levs,NF_CLDS)
cldsa, & ! OUT - fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl (NCOL,5)
mtopa, & ! OUT - vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops (NCOL,3)
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a20630a25..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_statein_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- Statein
- GFS_statein_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_tbd_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS data not yet assigned to a defined container
- Tbd
- GFS_tbd_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_cldprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS cloud fields needed by radiation from physics
- Cldprop
- GFS_cldprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields needed for coupling
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- lmk
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical levels for radiation
- count
- lmp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_upper_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and upper bound
- index
- kt
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_lower_bound
- vertical index difference between layer and lower bound
- index
- kb
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- time_step_for_radiation
- radiation time step
- s
- raddt
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
- layer pressure thickness on radiation levels
- hPa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- layer_thickness_for_radiation
- layer thickness on radiation levels
- km
- dz
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure at vertical interface for radiation calculation
- hPa
- plvl
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure at vertical layer for radiation calculation
- hPa
- plyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
- air temperature at vertical interface for radiation calculation
- K
- tlvl
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature at vertical layer for radiation calculation
- K
- tlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
- water vapor specific humidity at vertical layer for radiation calculation
- kg kg-1
- qlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
- ozone concentration
- kg kg-1
- olyr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co2
- CO2 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
- N2O volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_n2o
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
- CH4 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ch4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_o2
- O2 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_o2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co
- CO volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
- CFC11 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc11
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
- CFC12 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc12
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
- CFC22 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc22
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
- CCL4 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ccl4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc113
- CFC113 volume mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc113
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- faersw1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16
- frac
- faersw2
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol asymmetry parameter for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- faersw3
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16
- none
- faerlw1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16
- frac
- faerlw2
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol asymmetry parameter for longwave bands 01-16
- none
- faerlw3
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
- vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
- none
- aerodp
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- layer total cloud fraction
- frac
- clouds1
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- layer cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- clouds2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- clouds3
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- layer cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- clouds4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- clouds5
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- cloud_rain_water_path
- cloud rain water path
- g m-2
- clouds6
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
- mean effective radius for rain drop
- micron
- clouds7
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- cloud_snow_water_path
- cloud snow water path
- g m-2
- clouds8
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
- mean effective radius for snow flake
- micron
- clouds9
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- cloud_area_fraction_for_radiation
- fraction of clouds for low, middle,high, total and BL
- frac
- cldsa
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_top
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud tops
- index
- mtopa
- integer
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- model_layer_number_at_cloud_base
- vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud bases
- index
- mbota
- integer
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- cloud_decorrelation_length
- cloud decorrelation length
- km
- de_lgth
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- surface_albedo_perturbation
- surface albedo perturbation
- frac
- alb1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.F90
index 9ae84063b..6b7ada945 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.F90
+++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.F90
@@ -52,9 +52,7 @@ module GFS_rrtmgp_setup
!! | ialb | flag_for_using_climatology_albedo | flag for using climatology alb, based on sfc type | flag | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | iems | flag_for_surface_emissivity_control | surface emissivity control flag, use fixed value of 1 | flag | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | ntcw | index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate | tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water) | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | num_p2d | array_dimension_of_2d_arrays_for_microphysics | number of 2D arrays needed for microphysics | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | num_p3d | array_dimension_of_3d_arrays_for_microphysics | number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | npdf3d | number_of_3d_arrays_associated_with_pdf-based_clouds | number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/mp | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | ntoz | index_for_ozone | tracer index for ozone mixing ratio | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | iovr_sw | flag_for_max-random_overlap_clouds_for_shortwave_radiation | sw: max-random overlap clouds | flag | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | iovr_lw | flag_for_max-random_overlap_clouds_for_longwave_radiation | lw: max-random overlap clouds | flag | 0 | integer | | in | F |
@@ -76,8 +74,8 @@ module GFS_rrtmgp_setup
!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init ( &
- si, levr, ictm, isol, ico2, iaer, ialb, iems, ntcw, num_p2d, &
- num_p3d, npdf3d, ntoz, iovr_sw, iovr_lw, isubc_sw, isubc_lw, &
+ si, levr, ictm, isol, ico2, iaer, ialb, iems, ntcw, &
+ num_p3d, ntoz, iovr_sw, iovr_lw, isubc_sw, isubc_lw, &
icliq_sw, crick_proof, ccnorm, &
imp_physics, &
norad_precip, idate, iflip, &
@@ -205,9 +203,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init ( &
integer, intent(in) :: ialb
integer, intent(in) :: iems
integer, intent(in) :: ntcw
- integer, intent(in) :: num_p2d
integer, intent(in) :: num_p3d
- integer, intent(in) :: npdf3d
integer, intent(in) :: ntoz
integer, intent(in) :: iovr_sw
integer, intent(in) :: iovr_lw
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.xml b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 721534e4d..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_setup.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
- date_and_time_at_model_initialization
- initialization date and time
- none
- idate
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- forecast_date_and_time
- current forecast date and time
- none
- jdate
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- frequency_for_shortwave_radiation
- frequency for shortwave radiation
- s
- deltsw
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- deltim
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- flag_to_calc_sw
- logical flags for sw radiation calls
- flag
- lsswr
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- equation_of_time
- equation of time (radian)
- radians
- slag
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- sine_of_solar_declination_angle
- sin of the solar declination angle
- none
- sdec
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- cosine_of_solar_declination_angle
- cos of the solar declination angle
- none
- cdec
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- solar_constant
- solar constant (sun-earth distant adjusted)
- W m-2
- solcon
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_finalize
- vertical_sigma_coordinate_for_radiation_initialization
- vertical sigma coordinate for radiation initialization
- none
- si
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- number_of_vertical_layers_for_radiation_calculations
- number of vertical levels for radiation calculations
- count
- levr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_initial_time-date_control
- flag for initial conditions and forcing
- flag
- ictm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_solar_constant
- use prescribed solar constant
- flag
- isol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_using_prescribed_global_mean_co2_value
- prescribed global mean value (old opernl)
- flag
- ico2
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_default_aerosol_effect_in_shortwave_radiation
- default aerosol effect in sw only
- flag
- iaer
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_using_climatology_albedo
- flag for using climatology alb, based on sfc type
- flag
- ialb
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_surface_emissivity_control
- surface emissivity control flag, use fixed value of 1
- flag
- iems
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- array_dimension_of_2d_arrays_for_microphysics
- number of 2D arrays needed for microphysics
- count
- num_p2d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- array_dimension_of_3d_arrays_for_microphysics
- number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics
- count
- num_p3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- number_of_3d_arrays_associated_with_pdf-based_clouds
- number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/mp
- count
- npdf3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- index_for_ozone
- tracer index for ozone mixing ratio
- index
- ntoz
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_max-random_overlap_clouds_for_shortwave_radiation
- sw: max-random overlap clouds
- flag
- iovr_sw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_max-random_overlap_clouds_for_longwave_radiation
- lw: max-random overlap clouds
- flag
- iovr_lw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_sw_clouds_without_sub-grid_approximation
- flag for sw clouds without sub-grid approximation
- flag
- isubc_sw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_lw_clouds_without_sub-grid_approximation
- flag for lw clouds without sub-grid approximation
- flag
- isubc_lw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_optical_property_for_liquid_clouds_for_shortwave_radiation
- sw optical property for liquid clouds
- flag
- icliq_sw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_CRICK-proof_cloud_water
- flag for CRICK-Proof cloud water
- flag
- crick_proof
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_cloud_condensate_normalized_by_cloud_cover
- flag for cloud condensate normalized by cloud cover
- flag
- ccnorm
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_precipitation_effect_on_radiation
- radiation precip flag for Ferrier/Moorthi
- flag
- norad_precip
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- date_and_time_at_model_initialization_reordered
- initialization date and time
- none
- idate
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- flag_for_vertical_index_direction_control
- flag for vertical index direction control
- flag
- iflip
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- aerosol_optical_properties_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- optical properties for longwave bands 01-16
- various
- faerlw
- real
- (:,:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- aerosol_optical_properties_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical properties for shortwave bands 01-16
- various
- faersw
- real
- (:,:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
- vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
- none
- aerodp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SCHEME_GFS_rrtmgp_setup SUBROUTINE_GFS_rrtmgp_setup_init
diff --git a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90 b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
index 122ce3f44..754d5e46c 100644
--- a/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
+++ b/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post.F90
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
!!This file contains
module GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post
use machine, only: kind_phys
- use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_statein_type, &
- GFS_coupling_type, &
+ use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_coupling_type, &
GFS_control_type, &
GFS_grid_type, &
GFS_radtend_type, &
@@ -33,11 +32,9 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init
!! | Grid | GFS_grid_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data | DDT | 0 | GFS_grid_type | | in | F |
!! | Diag | GFS_diag_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data | DDT | 0 | GFS_diag_type | | inout | F |
!! | Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies | DDT | 0 | GFS_radtend_type | | inout | F |
-!! | Statein | GFS_statein_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore | DDT | 0 | GFS_statein_type | | in | F |
!! | Coupling | GFS_coupling_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components | DDT | 0 | GFS_coupling_type | | inout | F |
!! | scmpsw | components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes | derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes | W m-2 | 1 | cmpfsw_type | | inout | T |
!! | im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | tsfa | surface_air_temperature_for_radiation | lowest model layer air temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | p_lev | air_pressure_at_interface_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure level | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | nday | daytime_points_dimension | daytime points dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | idxday | daytime_points | daytime points | index | 1 | integer | | in | F |
@@ -46,10 +43,6 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init
!! | fluxswUP_clrsky | sw_flux_profile_upward_clrsky | RRTMGP upward shortwave clr-sky flux profile | W m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | fluxswDOWN_clrsky | sw_flux_profile_downward_clrsky | RRTMGP downward shortwave clr-sky flux profile | W m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | sw_gas_props | coefficients_for_sw_gas_optics | DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP SW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp | | in | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_nir_dir | surface_shortwave_albedo_near_infrared_direct_in_each_band | surface sw near-infrared direct albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_nir_dif | surface_shortwave_albedo_near_infrared_diffuse_in_each_band | surface sw near-infrared diffuse albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_uvvis_dir | surface_shortwave_albedo_uv_visible_direct_in_each_band | surface sw uv-visible direct albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | sfc_alb_uvvis_dif | surface_shortwave_albedo_uv_visible_diffuse_in_each_band | surface sw uv-visible diffuse albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | hswc | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step | shortwave total sky heating rate | K s-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
!! | topflx_sw | sw_fluxes_top_atmosphere | shortwave total sky fluxes at the top of the atm | W m-2 | 1 | topfsw_type | | inout | F |
!! | sfcflx_sw | sw_fluxes_sfc | shortwave total sky fluxes at the Earth surface | W m-2 | 1 | sfcfsw_type | | inout | F |
@@ -59,9 +52,8 @@ end subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_init
!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
- subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, Coupling, &
- scmpsw, im, p_lev, sw_gas_props, sfc_alb_nir_dir, sfc_alb_nir_dif, sfc_alb_uvvis_dir, &
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dif, tsfa, nday, idxday, fluxswUP_allsky, fluxswDOWN_allsky, &
+ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Coupling, &
+ scmpsw, im, p_lev, sw_gas_props, nday, idxday, fluxswUP_allsky, fluxswDOWN_allsky, &
fluxswUP_clrsky, fluxswDOWN_clrsky, hswc, topflx_sw, sfcflx_sw, flxprf_sw, hsw0, &
errmsg, errflg)
@@ -70,9 +62,7 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, Coupling
Model ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: &
Grid ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- type(GFS_statein_type), intent(in) :: &
- Statein ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS prognostic state data in from dycore
- type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: &
+ type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: &
Coupling ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: &
Radtend ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
@@ -83,17 +73,10 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, Coupling
nDay ! Number of daylit columns
integer, intent(in), dimension(nday) :: &
idxday ! Index array for daytime points
- real(kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)), intent(in) :: &
- tsfa ! Lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
sw_gas_props ! DDT containing SW spectral information
real(kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1), Model%levs+1), intent(in) :: &
p_lev ! Pressure @ model layer-interfaces (hPa)
- real(kind_phys),dimension(sw_gas_props%get_nband(),size(Grid%xlon,1)),intent(in) :: &
- sfc_alb_nir_dir, & ! Shortwave surface albedo (nIR-direct)
- sfc_alb_nir_dif, & ! Shortwave surface albedo (nIR-diffuse)
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dir, & ! Shortwave surface albedo (uvvis-direct)
- sfc_alb_uvvis_dif ! Shortwave surface albedo (uvvis-diffuse)
real(kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1), Model%levs+1), intent(in) :: &
fluxswUP_allsky, & ! SW All-sky flux (W/m2)
fluxswDOWN_allsky, & ! SW All-sky flux (W/m2)
@@ -136,11 +119,14 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, Coupling
! visbm - downward uv+vis direct beam flux (W/m2)
! visdf - downward uv+vis diffused flux (W/m2)
! Local variables
- integer :: i, j, k, k1, itop, ibtc, iBand, iSFC, iTOA
- real(kind_phys) :: tem0d, tem1, tem2
+ integer :: i, k, iSFC, iTOA
real(kind_phys), dimension(nDay, Model%levs) :: thetaTendClrSky, thetaTendAllSky
logical :: l_clrskysw_hr, l_fluxessw2d, top_at_1, l_sfcFluxessw1D
+ ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
! Are any optional outputs requested?
l_clrskysw_hr = present(hsw0)
l_fluxessw2d = present(flxprf_sw)
@@ -234,10 +220,10 @@ subroutine GFS_rrtmgp_sw_post_run (Model, Grid, Diag, Radtend, Statein, Coupling
Coupling%visbmdi(i) = scmpsw(i)%visbm
Coupling%visdfdi(i) = scmpsw(i)%visdf
- Coupling%nirbmui(i) = scmpsw(i)%nirbm * sfc_alb_nir_dir(1,i)
- Coupling%nirdfui(i) = scmpsw(i)%nirdf * sfc_alb_nir_dif(1,i)
- Coupling%visbmui(i) = scmpsw(i)%visbm * sfc_alb_uvvis_dir(1,i)
- Coupling%visdfui(i) = scmpsw(i)%visdf * sfc_alb_uvvis_dif(1,i)
+ Coupling%nirbmui(i) = scmpsw(i)%nirbm * Radtend%sfc_alb_nir_dir(1,i)
+ Coupling%nirdfui(i) = scmpsw(i)%nirdf * Radtend%sfc_alb_nir_dif(1,i)
+ Coupling%visbmui(i) = scmpsw(i)%visbm * Radtend%sfc_alb_uvvis_dir(1,i)
+ Coupling%visdfui(i) = scmpsw(i)%visdf * Radtend%sfc_alb_uvvis_dif(1,i)
else ! if_nday_block
Radtend%htrsw(:,:) = 0.0
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_1.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b62c906..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_sfc_pbltop_toa
- critical relative humidity at SFC, PBL top and TOA
- frac
- crtrh
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics timestep
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- sea_land_ice_mask_real
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- slmsk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- cell_area
- area of the grid cell
- m2
- area
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- minimum_scaling_factor_for_critical_relative_humidity
- minimum scaling factor for critical relative humidity
- m2 rad-2
- dxmin
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- inverse_scaling_factor_for_critical_relative_humidity
- inverse scaling factor for critical relative humidity
- rad2 m-2
- dxinv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- pgr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_surface
- critical relative humidity at the surface
- frac
- rhbbot
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_PBL_top
- critical relative humidity at the PBL top
- frac
- rhpbl
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_top_of_atmosphere
- critical relative humidity at the top of atmosphere
- frac
- rhbtop
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- dynamics_to_physics_timestep_ratio
- ratio of dynamics timestep to physics timestep
- none
- frain
- real
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- land_area_fraction
- land area fraction
- frac
- frland
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes
- grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
- none
- work1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes_complement
- complement to work1
- none
- work2
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- surface_air_pressure_diag
- surface air pressure diagnostic
- Pa
- psurf
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- dudt
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dvdt
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- dtdt
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_assuming_clear_sky
- clear sky radiative (shortwave + longwave) heating rate at current time
- K s-1
- dtdtc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- tendency_of_tracers_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the tracers
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_1_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_2.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ca462da8..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_idealized_physics
- flag for idealized physics
- flag
- lsidea
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_flux_coupling
- flag controlling cplflx collection (default off)
- flag
- cplflx
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_cice
- flag for cice
- flag
- flag_cice
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_shallow_convection
- flag for calling shallow convection
- flag
- shal_cnv
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_old_PBL_scheme
- flag for using old PBL schemes
- flag
- old_monin
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_moorthi_stratus
- flag for moorthi approach for stratus
- flag
- mstrat
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- flag_for_mass_flux_shallow_convection_scheme
- flag for mass-flux shallow convection scheme
- flag
- imfshalcnv
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- instantaneous_cosine_of_zenith_angle
- cosine of zenith angle at current time
- none
- xcosz
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux
- surface downwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdlw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- pgr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_for_cice
- surface upwelling longwave flux for cice
- W m-2
- ulwsfc_cice
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_for_idea
- idea sky lw heating rates
- K s-1
- lwhd
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep
- total sky sw heating rate
- K s-1
- htrsw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep
- total sky lw heating rate
- K s-1
- htrlw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes
- zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave fluxes
- none
- xmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- critical_cloud_top_entrainment_instability_criteria
- critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria
- none
- ctei_rm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes
- grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
- none
- work1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes_complement
- complement to work1
- none
- work2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- air_temperature
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate)
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_cloud_water
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- dimensionless Exner function at model layer centers
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- duration_of_sunshine
- sunshine duration time
- s
- suntim
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- surface_upwelling_longwave_flux
- surface upwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfculw
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative surface downwelling LW flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dlwsfc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative surface upwelling LW flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- ulwsfc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_surface_pressure_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative surface pressure multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- psmean
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_longwave_radiation
- cumulative change in temperature due to longwave radiation
- K
- dt3dt_lw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shortwave_radiation_and_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in temperature due to SW rad and oro. GWD
- K
- dt3dt_sw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_PBL
- cumulative change in temperature due to PBL
- K
- dt3dt_pbl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_deep_convection
- cumulative change in temperature due to deep conv.
- K
- dt3dt_dcnv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shal_convection
- cumulative change in temperature due to shal conv.
- K
- dt3dt_scnv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_microphysics
- cumulative change in temperature due to microphysics
- K
- dt3dt_mp
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- grid_sensitive_critical_cloud_top_entrainment_instability_criteria
- grid sensitive critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria
- none
- ctei_rml
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- cloud_top_entrainment_instability_value
- cloud top entrainment instability value
- none
- ctei_r
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- index_of_highest_temperature_inversion
- index of highest temperature inversion
- index
- kinver
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_3.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d86c6ca9..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- number_of_tracers_for_convective_transport
- number of tracers for convective transport
- count
- nn
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_Chikira_Sugiyama_deep_convection
- flag for Chikira-Sugiyama convection
- flag
- cscnv
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_scale_aware_TKE_moist_EDMF_PBL
- flag for scale-aware TKE moist EDMF PBL scheme
- flag
- satmedmf
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_convective_transport_of_tracers
- flag for convective transport of tracers
- flag
- trans_trac
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol physics
- flag
- ltaerosol
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for ice water
- index
- ntiw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_cloud_amount
- tracer index for cloud amount integer
- index
- ntclamt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_rain_water
- tracer index for rain water
- index
- ntrw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_snow_water
- tracer index for snow water
- index
- ntsw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_rain_number_concentration
- tracer index for rain number concentration
- index
- ntrnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_snow_number_concentration
- tracer index for snow number concentration
- index
- ntsnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_graupel
- tracer index for graupel
- index
- ntgl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- index_for_graupel_number_concentration
- tracer index for graupel number concentration
- index
- ntgnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- latitude
- latitude
- radians
- xlat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Morrison-Gettelman rmicrophysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_mg
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_zhao_carr_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Zhao-Carr microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_zhao_carr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_zhao_carr_pdf_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Zhao-Carr microphysics scheme with PDF clouds
- flag
- imp_physics_zhao_carr_pdf
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- flag_for_wsm6_microphysics_scheme
- choice of WSM6 microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_wsm6
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- dimensionless Exner function at model layer centers
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_surface
- critical relative humidity at the surface
- frac
- rhcbot
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_PBL_top
- critical relative humidity at the PBL top
- frac
- rhcpbl
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- critical_relative_humidity_at_top_of_atmosphere
- critical relative humidity at the top of atmosphere
- frac
- rhctop
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- maximum_critical_relative_humidity
- maximum critical relative humidity
- frac
- rhcmax
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2)
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes
- grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
- none
- work1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes_complement
- complement to work1
- none
- work2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
- vertical index at top atmospheric boundary layer
- index
- kpbl
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- clw
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- critical_relative_humidity
- critical relative humidity
- frac
- rhc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_save
- cloud ice water mixing ratio before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_3 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_4.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_4.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f20f091..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_4.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol physics
- flag
- ltaerosol
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_gocart
- flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1
- flag
- lgocart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- number_of_total_tracers
- total number of tracers
- count
- tracers_total
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for ice water
- index
- ntiw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_cloud_amount
- tracer index for cloud amount integer
- index
- ntclamt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_rain_water
- tracer index for rain water
- index
- ntrw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_snow_water
- tracer index for snow water
- index
- ntsw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_rain_number_concentration
- tracer index for rain number concentration
- index
- ntrnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_snow_number_concentration
- tracer index for snow number concentration
- index
- ntsnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_graupel
- tracer index for graupel
- index
- ntgl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_graupel_number_concentration
- tracer index for graupel number concentration
- index
- ntgnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_number_concentration
- tracer index for liquid number concentration
- index
- ntlnc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_number_concentration
- tracer index for ice number concentration
- index
- ntinc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- number_of_tracers_for_convective_transport
- number of tracers for convective transport
- count
- nn
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_for_zhao_carr_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Zhao-Carr microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_zhao_carr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- flag_for_zhao_carr_pdf_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Zhao-Carr microphysics scheme with PDF clouds
- flag
- imp_physics_zhao_carr_pdf
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_save
- cloud ice water mixing ratio before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_qi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- pi
- ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
- radians
- con_pi
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- clw
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- instantaneous_water_vapor_specific_humidity_tendency_due_to_convection
- instantaneous moisture tendency due to convection
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdti
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_4 SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_4_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b859976..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- GFS_interstitial_type_instance
- derived type GFS_interstitial_type in FV3
- Interstitial
- GFS_interstitial_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset_run
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c661151..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- GFS_interstitial_type_instance
- derived type GFS_interstitial_type in FV3
- Interstitial
- GFS_interstitial_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_stateout_reset.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_stateout_reset.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 000c35641..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_stateout_reset.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- air_temperature
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- x_wind
- zonal wind
- m s-1
- ugrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- y_wind
- meridional wind
- m s-1
- vgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- tracer_concentration
- model layer mean tracer concentration
- kg kg-1
- qgrs
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gu0
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gv0
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_reset SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_suite_stateout_update.xml b/physics/GFS_suite_stateout_update.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c049e822..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_suite_stateout_update.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics timestep
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- air_temperature
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- x_wind
- zonal wind
- m s-1
- ugrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- y_wind
- meridional wind
- m s-1
- vgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- tracer_concentration
- model layer mean tracer concentration
- kg kg-1
- qgrs
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- dudt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dvdt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- dtdt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- tendency_of_tracers_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the tracers
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gu0
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gv0
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_suite_stateout_update SCHEME_GFS_suite_stateout_update SUBROUTINE_GFS_suite_stateout_update_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_surface_generic_post.xml b/physics/GFS_surface_generic_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e71131bcb..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_surface_generic_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,942 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- flag_for_flux_coupling
- flag controlling cplflx collection (default off)
- flag
- cplflx
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward potential latent heat flux
- W m-2
- ep1d
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- upward_heat_flux_in_soil
- upward soil heat flux
- W m-2
- gflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- mean temperature at lowest model layer
- K
- tgrs_1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- specific humidity at lowest model layer
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- zonal wind at lowest model layer
- m s-1
- ugrs_1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- meridional wind at lowest model layer
- m s-1
- vgrs_1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux
- surface downwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdlw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirbmd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirdfd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisbmd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisdfd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_upwelling_longwave_flux
- surface upwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfculw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_upwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirbmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_upwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirdfu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_upwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisbmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_upwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisdfu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- temperature_at_2m
- 2 meter temperature
- K
- t2m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- specific_humidity_at_2m
- 2 meter specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q2m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter u wind speed
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter v wind speed
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- pgr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_cosine_of_zenith_angle
- cosine of zenith angle at current time
- none
- xcosz
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- soil_upward_latent_heat_flux
- soil upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- evbs
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- canopy_upward_latent_heat_flux
- canopy upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- evcw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- transpiration_flux
- total plant transpiration rate
- kg m-2 s-1
- trans
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- snow_deposition_sublimation_upward_latent_heat_flux
- latent heat flux from snow depo/subl
- W m-2
- sbsno
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_snow_area_fraction
- surface snow area fraction
- frac
- snowc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- snow_freezing_rain_upward_latent_heat_flux
- latent heat flux due to snow and frz rain
- W m-2
- snohf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_potential_evaporation
- instantaneous sfc potential evaporation
- W m-2
- epi
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_ground_heat_flux
- instantaneous sfc ground heat flux
- W m-2
- gfluxi
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
- layer 1 temperature for diag
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
- layer 1 specific humidity for diag
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
- layer 1 x wind for diag
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
- layer 1 y wind for diag
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc downward lw flux
- W m-2
- dlwsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc downward sw flux
- W m-2
- dswsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc downward lw flux mulitplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dlwsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dswsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc nir beam downward sw flux
- W m-2
- dnirbmi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc nir diff downward sw flux
- W m-2
- dnirdfi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc uv+vis beam downward sw flux
- W m-2
- dvisbmi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc uv+vis diff downward sw flux
- W m-2
- dvisdfi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc nir beam downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dnirbm_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc nir diff downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dnirdf_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc uv+vis beam dnwd sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dvisbm_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc uv+vis diff dnwd sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dvisdf_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous net sfc downward lw flux
- W m-2
- nlwsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative net downward lw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- nlwsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_temperature_at_2m_for_coupling
- instantaneous T2m
- K
- t2mi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_specific_humidity_at_2m_for_coupling
- instantaneous Q2m
- kg kg-1
- q2mi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_x_wind_at_10m_for_coupling
- instantaneous U10m
- m s-1
- u10mi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_y_wind_at_10m_for_coupling
- instantaneous V10m
- m s-1
- v10mi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_skin_temperature_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc temperature
- K
- tsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_air_pressure_for_coupling
- instantaneous sfc pressure
- Pa
- psurfi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_net_downward_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous net nir beam sfc downward sw flux
- W m-2
- nnirbmi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_net_downward_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous net nir diff sfc downward sw flux
- W m-2
- nnirdfi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_net_downward_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous net uv+vis beam downward sw flux
- W m-2
- nvisbmi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_net_downward_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous net uv+vis diff downward sw flux
- W m-2
- nvisdfi_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- instantaneous_surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
- instantaneous net sfc downward sw flux
- W m-2
- nswsfci_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative net downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- nswsfc_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_net_downward_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative net nir beam downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- nnirbm_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_net_downward_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative net nir diff downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- nnirdf_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_net_downward_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative net uv+vis beam downward sw rad flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- nvisbm_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_net_downward_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative net uv+vis diff downward sw rad flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- nvisdf_cpl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_ground_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative groud conductive heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- gflux
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_soil_upward_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative soil upward latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- evbsa
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_canopy_upward_latent_heat_flu_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative canopy upward latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- evcwa
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_transpiration_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative total plant transpiration rate multiplied by timestep
- kg m-2
- transa
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_snow_deposition_sublimation_upward_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative latent heat flux from snow depo/subl multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- sbsnoa
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_snow_area_fraction_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative surface snow area fraction multiplied by timestep
- s
- snowca
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_snow_freezing_rain_upward_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative latent heat flux due to snow and frz rain multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- snohfa
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative surface upward potential latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- ep
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- total_runoff
- total water runoff
- kg m-2
- runoff
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_runoff
- surface water runoff (from lsm)
- kg m-2
- srunoff
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- surface_runoff_flux
- surface runoff flux
- g m-2 s-1
- runof
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- subsurface_runoff_flux
- subsurface runoff flux
- g m-2 s-1
- drain
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_post SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_post SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_post_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_surface_generic_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_surface_generic_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fa8a5f525..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_surface_generic_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- vegetation_area_fraction
- areal fractional cover of green vegetation
- frac
- vfrac
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- soil_type_dataset_choice
- soil type dataset choice
- index
- isot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- vegetation_type_dataset_choice
- land use dataset choice
- index
- ivegsrc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- soil_type_classification_real
- soil type for lsm
- index
- stype
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- vegetation_type_classification_real
- vegetation type for lsm
- index
- vtype
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_slope_classification_real
- sfc slope type for lsm
- index
- slope
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_interface
- dimensionless Exner function at lowest model interface
- none
- prsik_1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_layer
- dimensionless Exner function at lowest model layer
- none
- prslk_1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface lw emissivity in fraction
- frac
- semis
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux
- surface downwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdlw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- bounded_vegetation_area_fraction
- areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom
- frac
- sigmaf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- soil_type_classification
- soil type at each grid cell
- index
- soiltyp
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- vegetation_type_classification
- vegetation type at each grid cell
- index
- vegtype
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_slope_classification
- surface slope type at each grid cell
- index
- slopetyp
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- work3
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground
- total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground
- W m-2
- gabsbdlw
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- surface skin temperature after iteration
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
- layer 1 height above ground (not MSL)
- m
- zlvl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_stochastic_surface_physics_perturbations
- flag for stochastic surface physics perturbations
- flag
- do_sppt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_on_physics_time_step
- temp. change due to radiative heating per time step
- K
- dtdtr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- tendency_of_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
- change in rain_cpl (coupling_type)
- m
- drain_cpl
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- tendency_of_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_for_coupling
- change in show_cpl (coupling_type)
- m
- dsnow_cpl
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
- total rain precipitation
- m
- rain_cpl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_for_coupling
- total snow precipitation
- m
- snow_cpl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- flag_for_stochastic_surface_perturbations
- flag for stochastic surface perturbations option
- flag
- do_sfcperts
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- number_of_surface_perturbations
- number of surface perturbations
- count
- nsfcpert
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- weights_for_stochastic_surface_physics_perturbation
- weights for stochastic surface physics perturbation
- none
- sfc_wts
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- magnitude_of_perturbation_of_momentum_roughness_length
- magnitude of perturbation of momentum roughness length
- frac
- pertz0
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- magnitude_of_perturbation_of_heat_to_momentum_roughness_length_ratio
- magnitude of perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length r.
- frac
- pertzt
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- magnitude_of_perturbation_of_soil_type_b_parameter
- magnitude of perturbation of soil type b parameter
- frac
- pertshc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- magnitude_of_perturbation_of_leaf_area_index
- magnitude of perturbation of leaf area index
- frac
- pertlai
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- magnitude_of_perturbation_of_vegetation_fraction
- magnitude of perturbation of vegetation fraction
- frac
- pertvegf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- perturbation_of_momentum_roughness_length
- perturbation of momentum roughness length
- frac
- z01d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- perturbation_of_heat_to_momentum_roughness_length_ratio
- perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio
- frac
- zt1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- perturbation_of_soil_type_b_parameter
- perturbation of soil type "b" parameter
- frac
- bexp1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- perturbation_of_leaf_area_index
- perturbation of leaf area index
- frac
- xlai1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- perturbation_of_vegetation_fraction
- perturbation of vegetation fraction
- frac
- vegf1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_generic_pre SCHEME_GFS_surface_generic_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_generic_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part1.xml b/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e07f979d..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1_run
- ccpp_loop_counter
- loop counter for subcycling loops in CCPP
- index
- iter
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wind
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1_run
- flag_for_guess_run
- flag for guess run
- flag
- flag_guess
- logical
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part1_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part2.xml b/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c2287f13..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- ccpp_loop_counter
- loop counter for subcycling loops in CCPP
- index
- iter
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wind
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- flag_for_guess_run
- flag for guess run
- flag
- flag_guess
- logical
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- flag_for_nsstm_run
- NSSTM flag: off/uncoupled/coupled=0/1/2
- flag
- nstf_name1
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SCHEME_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 SUBROUTINE_GFS_surface_loop_control_part2_run
diff --git a/physics/GFS_time_vary_pre.xml b/physics/GFS_time_vary_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index db6dba340..000000000
--- a/physics/GFS_time_vary_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_finalize
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_GFS_time_vary_pre SCHEME_GFS_time_vary_pre SUBROUTINE_GFS_time_vary_pre_init
diff --git a/physics/cnvc90.xml b/physics/cnvc90.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d51a629d..000000000
--- a/physics/cnvc90.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- convective_cloud_switch
- switch for saving convective clouds
- none
- clstp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- convective rainfall amount on dynamics timestep
- m
- rn
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- vertical index at cloud base
- index
- kbot
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_top
- vertical index at cloud top
- index
- ktop
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- interface pressure
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_cnvc90
- accumulated convective rainfall amount for cnvc90 only
- m
- acv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- smallest_cloud_base_vertical_index_encountered_thus_far
- smallest cloud base vertical index encountered thus far
- index
- acvb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- largest_cloud_top_vertical_index_encountered_thus_far
- largest cloud top vertical index encountered thus far
- index
- acvt
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- fraction_of_convective_cloud
- fraction of convective cloud
- frac
- cv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- pressure_at_bottom_of_convective_cloud
- pressure at bottom of convective cloud
- Pa
- cvb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- pressure_at_top_of_convective_cloud
- pressure at top of convective cloud
- Pa
- cvt
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cnvc90 SCHEME_cnvc90 SUBROUTINE_cnvc90_run
diff --git a/physics/cs_conv.xml b/physics/cs_conv.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9dbb5f4..000000000
--- a/physics/cs_conv.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- ijsdim
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of veritcal levels
- count
- kmax
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- number_of_tracers_plus_one
- number of tracers plus one
- count
- ntracp1
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- number_of_tracers_for_convective_transport
- number of tracers for convective transport (used to dimension clw)
- count
- nn
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- number_of_tracers_for_CS
- number of convectively transported tracers in Chikira-Sugiyama deep conv. scheme
- count
- ntr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- number_of_cloud_types_CS
- number of cloud types in Chikira-Sugiyama scheme
- count
- nctp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_convective_tracer_transport
- flag to enable tracer transport by updrafts/downdrafts[(:,1)] or subsidence [(:,2)]
- flag
- otspt
- logical
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- latitude_index_in_debug_printouts
- latitude index in debug printouts
- index
- lat
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- index_of_time_step
- current forecast iteration
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- mid-layer temperature
- K
- t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- mid-layer specific humidity of water vapor
- kg kg-1
- q
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- lwe_thickness_of_deep_convective_precipitation_amount
- deep convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- rain1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- clw
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- geopotential
- mid-layer geopotential
- m2 s-2
- zm
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- interface geopotential
- m2 s-2
- zi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- pap
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- interface pressure
- Pa
- paph
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- delta
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics time step
- s
- delti
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
- (updraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- ud_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
- (downdraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dd_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
- (detrainment mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dt_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- mid-layer zonal wind
- m s-1
- u
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- mid-layer meridional wind
- m s-1
- v
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- fraction_of_tracer_scavenged
- fraction of the tracer (aerosols) that is scavenged by convection
- km-1
- fscav
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- fraction_of_cloud_top_water_scavenged
- fraction of the tracer (cloud top water) that is scavenged by convection
- km-1
- fswtr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- cloud_base_mass_flux
- cloud base mass flux
- kg m-2 s-1
- cbmfx
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI rank
- index
- mype
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- maximum_updraft_velocity_at_cloud_base
- maximum updraft velocity at cloud base
- m s-1
- wcbmaxm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- detrainment_and_precipitation_tunable_parameter_3_CS
- partition water between detrainment and precipitation (decrease for more precipitation)
- m
- precz0in
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- detrainment_and_precipitation_tunable_parameter_4_CS
- partition water between detrainment and precipitation (decrease for more precipitation)
- m
- preczhin
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- entrainment_efficiency_tunable_parameter_9_CS
- entrainment efficiency
- none
- clmdin
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- convective_updraft_area_fraction_at_model_interfaces
- convective updraft area fraction at model interfaces
- frac
- sigma
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_for_Arakawa_Wu_adjustment
- flag for Arakawa Wu scale-aware adjustment
- flag
- do_aw
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_arakawa_wu_downdraft
- flag to enable treating convective tendencies following Arakwaw-Wu for downdrafts (2013)
- flag
- do_awdd
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_flux_form_CS
- flag to enable using the flux form of the equations in CS scheme
- flag
- flx_form
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_print
- control flag for diagnostic print out
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_deep_convection
- flag indicating whether convection occurs in column
- flag
- kcnv
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_liquid_water
- mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water
- kg kg-1
- qlcn
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_ice
- mass fraction of convective cloud ice water
- kg kg-1
- qicn
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- vertical_velocity_for_updraft
- vertical velocity for updraft
- m s-1
- w_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- convective_cloud_fraction_for_microphysics
- convective cloud fraction for microphysics
- frac
- cf_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- detrained_mass_flux
- detrained mass flux
- kg m-2 s-1
- cnv_mfd
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- tendency_of_cloud_water_due_to_convective_microphysics
- tendency of cloud water due to convective microphysics
- kg m-2 s-1
- cnv_dqldt
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- convective_cloud_volume_fraction
- convective cloud volume fraction
- frac
- clcn
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- ice_fraction_in_convective_tower
- ice fraction in convective tower
- frac
- cnv_fice
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_for_detrainment
- droplet number concentration in convective detrainment
- m-3
- cnv_ndrop
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_for_detrainment
- crystal number concentration in convective detrainment
- m-3
- cnv_nice
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- flag for microphysics scheme
- flag
- mp_phys
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv SCHEME_cs_conv SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_run
diff --git a/physics/cs_conv_aw_adj.xml b/physics/cs_conv_aw_adj.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ec232caa8..000000000
--- a/physics/cs_conv_aw_adj.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of veritcal levels
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- flag_for_Chikira_Sugiyama_deep_convection
- flag for Chikira-Sugiyama convection
- flag
- do_cscnv
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- flag_for_Arakawa_Wu_adjustment
- flag for Arakawa Wu scale-aware adjustment
- flag
- do_aw
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- number_of_hydrometeors
- number of hydrometeors
- count
- ncld
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- index_for_cloud_amount
- tracer index for cloud amount integer
- index
- ntclamt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- number_of_tracers_for_cloud_condensate
- number of tracers for cloud condensate
- count
- nncl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- convective_updraft_area_fraction
- convective updraft area fraction
- frac
- sigmafrac
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
- tracer concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- save_t
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- tracer_concentration_save
- tracer concentration before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_q
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- cloud_fraction_for_MG
- cloud fraction used by Morrison-Gettelman MP
- frac
- cldfrac
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- subgrid_scale_cloud_fraction_from_shoc
- subgrid-scale cloud fraction from the SHOC scheme
- frac
- subcldfrac
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
- explicit precipitation (rain, ice, snow, graupel, ...) on physics timestep
- m
- prcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_aw_adj SCHEME_cs_conv_aw_adj SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_aw_adj_run
diff --git a/physics/cs_conv_post.xml b/physics/cs_conv_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c91f5427c..000000000
--- a/physics/cs_conv_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of veritcal levels
- count
- kmax
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
- flag_for_Arakawa_Wu_adjustment
- flag for Arakawa Wu scale-aware adjustment
- flag
- do_aw
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
- convective_updraft_area_fraction_at_model_interfaces
- convective updraft area fraction at model interfaces
- frac
- sigmatot
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
- convective_updraft_area_fraction
- convective updraft area fraction
- frac
- sigmafrac
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_post SCHEME_cs_conv_post SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_post_run
diff --git a/physics/cs_conv_pre.xml b/physics/cs_conv_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 779bbeb5c..000000000
--- a/physics/cs_conv_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of veritcal levels
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- number_of_tracers
- number of tracers
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- number_of_hydrometeors
- number of hydrometeors
- count
- ncld
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- q
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes
- grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
- none
- work1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes_complement
- complement to work1
- none
- work2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- updraft_velocity_tunable_parameter_1_CS
- tunable parameter 1 for Chikira-Sugiyama convection
- m s-1
- cs_parm1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- updraft_velocity_tunable_parameter_2_CS
- tunable parameter 2 for Chikira-Sugiyama convection
- m s-1
- cs_parm2
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- maximum_updraft_velocity_at_cloud_base
- maximum updraft velocity at cloud base
- m s-1
- wcbmax
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- fraction_of_cloud_top_water_scavenged
- fraction of the tracer (cloud top water) that is scavenged by convection
- km-1
- fswtr
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- fraction_of_tracer_scavenged
- fraction of the tracer (aerosols) that is scavenged by convection
- km-1
- fscav
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
- water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_q1
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_q2
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_save
- cloud ice water mixing ratio before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- save_q3
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cs_conv_pre SCHEME_cs_conv_pre SUBROUTINE_cs_conv_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/cu_gf_driver.xml b/physics/cu_gf_driver.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f515db4e0..000000000
--- a/physics/cu_gf_driver.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- number_of_total_tracers
- number of total tracers
- count
- tottracer
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers
- number of tracers to diffuse vertically
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- cell_area
- grid cell area
- m2
- garea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- conv_activity_counter
- convective activity memory
- none
- cactiv
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- temperature_tendency_due_to_dynamics
- temperature tendency due to dynamics only
- K s-1
- forcet
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- moisture_tendency_due_to_dynamics
- moisture tendency due to dynamics only
- kg kg-1 s-1
- forceqv_spechum
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- geopotential
- layer geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- lwe_thickness_of_deep_convective_precipitation_amount
- deep convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- raincv
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- qv_spechum
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated temperature
- K
- t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- cloud_work_function
- cloud work function
- m2 s-2
- cld1d
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated x-direction wind
- m s-1
- us
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated y-direction wind
- m s-1
- vs
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- air_temperature
- mid-layer temperature
- K
- t2di
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- w
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qv2di_spechum
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- p2di
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- psuri
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- index for cloud base
- index
- hbot
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_top
- index for cloud top
- index
- htop
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- flag_deep_convection
- deep convection: 0=no, 1=yes
- flag
- kcnv
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- xland
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hfx2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- qfx2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- clw
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL thickness
- m
- pbl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
- (updraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- ud_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
- (downdraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dd_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
- (detrainment mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dt_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
- moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvw_moist
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- convective_cloud_cover
- convective cloud cover
- frac
- cnvc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- flag_for_mass_flux_shallow_convection_scheme
- flag for mass-flux shallow convection scheme
- flag
- imfshalcnv
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- mpirank
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_init
- mpi_root
- master MPI-rank
- index
- mpiroot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver SCHEME_cu_gf_driver SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_init
diff --git a/physics/cu_gf_driver_post.xml b/physics/cu_gf_driver_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e1504f676..000000000
--- a/physics/cu_gf_driver_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- t
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- q
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- temperature_from_previous_timestep
- temperature from previous time step
- K
- prevst
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- moisture_from_previous_timestep
- moisture from previous time step
- kg kg-1
- prevsq
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- conv_activity_counter
- convective activity memory
- none
- cactiv
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- gf_memory_counter
- Memory counter for GF
- none
- conv_act
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_post SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_post SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_post_run
diff --git a/physics/cu_gf_driver_pre.xml b/physics/cu_gf_driver_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fcbca746..000000000
--- a/physics/cu_gf_driver_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- flag_for_first_time_step
- flag signaling first time step for time integration loop
- flag
- flag_init
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- flag_for_restart
- flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart
- flag
- flag_restart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- index_of_time_step
- current forecast iteration
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- forecast_time
- curent forecast time
- h
- fhour
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics timestep
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- air_temperature
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- t
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- temperature_from_previous_timestep
- temperature from previous time step
- K
- prevst
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- moisture_from_previous_timestep
- moisture from previous time step
- kg kg-1
- prevsq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- temperature_tendency_due_to_dynamics
- temperature tendency due to dynamics only
- K s-1
- forcet
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- moisture_tendency_due_to_dynamics
- moisture tendency due to dynamics only
- kg kg-1 s-1
- forceq
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- conv_activity_counter
- convective activity memory
- none
- cactiv
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- gf_memory_counter
- Memory counter for GF
- none
- conv_act
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_cu_gf_driver_pre SCHEME_cu_gf_driver_pre SUBROUTINE_cu_gf_driver_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/dcyc2t3.xml b/physics/dcyc2t3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 934c4dbd4..000000000
--- a/physics/dcyc2t3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
- forecast_hour
- forecast time in 24-hour form
- h
- solhr
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- equation_of_time
- equation of time
- radians
- slag
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- sine_of_solar_declination_angle
- sine of solar declination angle
- none
- sdec
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- cosine_of_solar_declination_angle
- cosine of solar declination angle
- none
- cdec
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- sine_of_latitude
- sine of latitude
- none
- sinlat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- cosine_of_latitude
- cosine of latitude
- none
- coslat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- longitude
- longitude of grid box
- radians
- xlon
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- cosine_of_zenith_angle
- average of cosine of zenith angle over daytime shortwave call time interval
- none
- coszen
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- air temperature at lowest model layer
- K
- tf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_midlayer_air_temperature_in_longwave_radiation
- surface (first layer) air temperature saved in longwave radiation call
- K
- tsflw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface emissivity
- frac
- sfcemis
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface downwelling shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcdsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface net downwelling shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcnsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface downwelling longwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcdlw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky shortwave heating rate on radiation time step
- K s-1
- swh
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- clear sky shortwave heating rate on radiation time step
- K s-1
- swhc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky longwave heating rate on radiation time step
- K s-1
- hlw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- clear sky longwave heating rate on radiation time step
- K s-1
- hlwc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface upwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcnirbmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface upwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcnirdfu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface upwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcvisbmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface upwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcvisdfu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface downwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcnirbmd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface downwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcnirdfd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface downwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcvisbmd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky surface downwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux on radiation time step
- W m-2
- sfcvisdfd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- deltim
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- total radiative heating rate at current time
- K s-1
- dtdt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_assuming_clear_sky
- clear sky radiative (shortwave + longwave) heating rate at current time
- K s-1
- dtdtc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdsw
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface net downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcnsw
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux
- surface downwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdlw
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_longwave_flux
- surface upwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfculw
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes
- zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave fluxes
- none
- xmu
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- instantaneous_cosine_of_zenith_angle
- cosine of zenith angle at current time
- none
- xcosz
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirbmu
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirdfu
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisbmu
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_upwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisdfu
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirbmd
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjnirdfd
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisbmd
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjvisdfd
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3 SCHEME_dcyc2t3 SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_run
diff --git a/physics/dcyc2t3_post.xml b/physics/dcyc2t3_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c49d2b18..000000000
--- a/physics/dcyc2t3_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3_post SCHEME_dcyc2t3_post SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_post_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcdsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3_post SCHEME_dcyc2t3_post SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_post_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface net downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcnsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3_post SCHEME_dcyc2t3_post SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_post_run
- surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface upwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- adjsfcusw
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3_post SCHEME_dcyc2t3_post SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3_post SCHEME_dcyc2t3_post SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_dcyc2t3_post SCHEME_dcyc2t3_post SUBROUTINE_dcyc2t3_post_run
diff --git a/physics/get_phi_fv3.xml b/physics/get_phi_fv3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 12bd103e5..000000000
--- a/physics/get_phi_fv3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated air temperature
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- mid-layer specific humidity of water vapor
- kg kg-1
- gq01
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- geopotential_difference_between_midlayers_divided_by_midlayer_virtual_temperature
- difference between mid-layer geopotentials divided by mid-layer virtual temperature
- m2 s-2 K-1
- del_gz
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- interface geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- geopotential
- mid-layer geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_phi_fv3 SCHEME_get_phi_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_phi_fv3_run
diff --git a/physics/get_prs_fv3.xml b/physics/get_prs_fv3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index adf943a06..000000000
--- a/physics/get_prs_fv3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- interface geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- interface pressure
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- air_temperature
- mid-layer temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- mid-layer specific humidity of water vapor
- kg kg-1
- qgrs1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- difference between mid-layer pressures
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- geopotential_difference_between_midlayers_divided_by_midlayer_virtual_temperature
- difference between mid-layer geopotentials divided by mid-layer virtual temperature
- m2 s-2 K-1
- del_gz
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_get_prs_fv3 SCHEME_get_prs_fv3 SUBROUTINE_get_prs_fv3_run
diff --git a/physics/gfdl_cloud_microphys.xml b/physics/gfdl_cloud_microphys.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aa7100a5..000000000
--- a/physics/gfdl_cloud_microphys.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_finalize
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- rv/rd - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- con_fvirt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- land_area_fraction
- land area fraction
- frac
- frland
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- cell_area
- area of grid cell
- m2
- garea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- cloud condensed water mixing ratio updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_ntcw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist mixing ratio of rain updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_ntrw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist mixing ratio of cloud ice updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_ntiw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist mixing ratio of snow updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_ntsw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist mixing ratio of graupel updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_ntgl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- cloud_fraction_updated_by_physics
- cloud fraction updated by physics
- frac
- gq0_ntclamt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- air temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gu0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- gv0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- vvl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- air pressure difference between mid-layers
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_rain_amount
- explicit rain on physics timestep
- m
- rain0
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount
- ice fall on physics timestep
- m
- ice0
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount
- snow fall on physics timestep
- m
- snow0
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount
- graupel fall on physics timestep
- m
- graupel0
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
- explicit precipitation (rain, ice, snow, graupel) on physics timestep
- m
- prcp0
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall
- snow ratio: ratio of snow to total precipitation
- frac
- sr
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics timestep
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- flag_for_hydrostatic_solver
- flag indicating hydrostatic solver
- flag
- hydrostatic
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- flag_for_hydrostatic_heating_from_physics
- flag indicating hydrostatic heating from physics
- flag
- phys_hydrostatic
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_run
- mpi_rank
- MPI rank of current process
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- mpi_root
- MPI rank of master process
- index
- master
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- iounit_namelist
- fortran unit number for opening nameliust file
- none
- nlunit
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- namelist_filename_for_internal_file_reads
- character string to store full namelist contents
- none
- input_nml_file
- character
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- iounit_log
- fortran unit number for writing logfile
- none
- logunit
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- namelist_filename
- namelist filename
- none
- fn_nml
- character
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- flag_for_shoc
- flag to indicate use of SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gfdl_cloud_microphys SCHEME_gfdl_cloud_microphys SUBROUTINE_gfdl_cloud_microphys_init
diff --git a/physics/gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec.xml b/physics/gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fa23ff323..000000000
--- a/physics/gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- x component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- y component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
- height above ground at 1st model layer
- m
- z1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- 1st model layer air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- 1st model layer specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- Model layer 1 mean pressure
- Pa
- p1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length
- cm
- roughness_length
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- specified_kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- specified kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- spec_sh_flux
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- specified_kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- specified kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- spec_lh_flux
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- exner_inverse
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- T_surf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of vaporization of water at 0C
- J kg-1
- hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- rv/rd - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- fvirt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- vonKarman_constant
- vonKarman constant
- none
- vonKarman
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- sh_flux
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward evaporation flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- lh_flux
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_friction_velocity
- boundary layer parameter
- m s-1
- u_star
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_wind_stress
- surface wind stress
- m2 s-2
- sfc_stress
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- rb
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter u wind speed
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter v wind speed
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wind1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qss
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- temperature_at_2m
- 2 meter temperature
- K
- t2m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- specific_humidity_at_2m
- 2 meter specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q2m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SCHEME_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec SUBROUTINE_gmtb_scm_sfc_flux_spec_run
diff --git a/physics/gwdc.xml b/physics/gwdc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 28023d915..000000000
--- a/physics/gwdc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- latitude_index_in_debug_printouts
- latitude index in debug printouts
- index
- lat
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- x_wind
- zonal wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- y_wind
- meridional wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- air_temperature
- mid-layer temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- mid-layer specific humidity of water vapor
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- deltim
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- pmid1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- interface pressure
- Pa
- pint1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- difference between mid-layer pressures
- Pa
- dpmid1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- maximum_column_heating_rate
- maximum heating rate in column
- K s-1
- qmax
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_top
- vertical index at cloud top
- index
- ktop
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- vertical index at cloud base
- index
- kbot
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- flag_deep_convection
- flag indicating whether convection occurs in column (0 or 1)
- flag
- kcnv
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- cloud_area_fraction
- fraction of grid box area in which updrafts occur
- frac
- cldf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- rv/rd - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- fv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- pi
- ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
- radians
- pi
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- characteristic_grid_length_scale
- representative horizontal length scale of grid box
- m
- dlength
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- flag_print
- flag for debugging printouts
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of column used in debugging printouts
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- forecast_time
- forecast hour
- h
- fhour
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- zonal wind tendency due to convective gravity wave drag
- m s-2
- utgwc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- meridional wind tendency due to convective gravity wave drag
- m s-2
- vtgwc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- instantaneous_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- zonal stress at cloud top due to convective gravity wave drag
- Pa
- tauctx
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- instantaneous_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- meridional stress at cloud top due to convective gravity wave drag
- Pa
- taucty
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc SCHEME_gwdc SUBROUTINE_gwdc_run
diff --git a/physics/gwdc_post.xml b/physics/gwdc_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac2fd3c2..000000000
--- a/physics/gwdc_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- flag for calculating diagnostic fields
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for calculating 3-D diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics time step
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- instantaneous_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- zonal stress at cloud top due to convective gravity wave drag
- Pa
- tauctx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- instantaneous_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- meridional stress at cloud top due to convective gravity wave drag
- Pa
- taucty
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- zonal wind tendency due to convective gravity wave drag
- m s-2
- gwdcu
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- meridional wind tendency due to convective gravity wave drag
- m s-2
- gwdcv
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- time_integral_of_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- integral over time of zonal stress due to gravity wave drag
- Pa s
- dugwd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- time_integral_of_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- integral over time of meridional stress due to gravity wave drag
- Pa s
- dvgwd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in zonal wind due to convective gravity wave drag
- m s-1
- du3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in meridional wind due to convective gravity wave drag
- m s-1
- dv3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated zonal wind
- m s-1
- gu0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated meridional wind
- m s-1
- gv0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated air temperature
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_post SCHEME_gwdc_post SUBROUTINE_gwdc_post_run
diff --git a/physics/gwdc_pre.xml b/physics/gwdc_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 89d7fb9bf..000000000
--- a/physics/gwdc_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- multiplication_factors_for_convective_gravity_wave_drag
- multiplication factors for convective gravity wave drag
- none
- cgwf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- cell_size
- grid size in zonal direction
- m
- dx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes
- grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
- none
- work1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes_complement
- complement to work1
- none
- work2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- characteristic_grid_length_scale
- representative horizontal length scale of grid box
- m
- dlength
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- cloud_area_fraction
- fraction of grid box area in which updrafts occur
- frac
- cldf
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- vertical index at cloud base
- index
- kbot
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_top
- vertical index at cloud top
- index
- ktop
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated air temperature
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering convection scheme
- K
- gt0_init
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- difference between mid-layer pressures
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- maximum_column_heating_rate
- maximum heating rate in column
- K s-1
- cumabs
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdc_pre SCHEME_gwdc_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdc_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/gwdps.xml b/physics/gwdps.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e6098a444..000000000
--- a/physics/gwdps.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- meridional wind tendency due to model physics
- m s-2
- A
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- zonal wind tendency due to model physics
- m s-2
- B
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- air temperature tendency due to model physics
- K s-1
- C
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- x_wind
- zonal wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- y_wind
- meridional wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- air_temperature
- mid-layer temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- mid-layer specific humidity of water vapor
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
- vertical index at top atmospheric boundary layer
- index
- kpbl
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- interface pressure
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- difference between mid-layer pressures
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- mid-layer Exner function
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- interface geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- geopotential
- mid-layer geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- deltim
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- index_of_time_step
- current time step index
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- standard_deviation_of_subgrid_orography
- standard deviation of subgrid orography
- m
- hprime
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- convexity_of_subgrid_orography
- convexity of subgrid orography
- none
- oc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- asymmetry_of_subgrid_orography
- asymmetry of subgrid orography
- none
- oa4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- fraction_of_grid_box_with_subgrid_orography_higher_than_critical_height
- horizontal fraction of grid box covered by subgrid orography higher than critical height
- frac
- clx4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- angle_from_east_of_maximum_subgrid_orographic_variations
- angle with respect to east of maximum subgrid orographic variations
- degrees
- theta
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- slope_of_subgrid_orography
- slope of subgrid orography
- none
- sigma
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- anisotropy_of_subgrid_orography
- anisotropy of subgrid orography
- none
- gamma
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- maximum_subgrid_orography
- maximum of subgrid orography
- m
- elvmax
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- instantaneous_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- zonal surface stress due to orographic gravity wave drag
- Pa
- dusfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- instantaneous_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- meridional surface stress due to orographic gravity wave drag
- Pa
- dvsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- rv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- number_of_equatorial_longitude_points
- number of longitude points along the equator
- count
- imx
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- number_of_statistical_measures_of_subgrid_orography
- number of statistical measures of subgrid orography
- count
- nmtvr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- multiplication_factors_for_mountain_blocking_and_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- multiplic. factors for (1) mountain blocking drag coeff. and (2) ref. level orographic gravity wave drag
- none
- cdmbgwd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- mpi_rank
- rank of the current MPI task
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- flag_print
- flag for debugging printouts
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of column used in debugging printouts
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- level_of_dividing_streamline
- level of the dividing streamline
- none
- rdxzb
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps SCHEME_gwdps SUBROUTINE_gwdps_run
diff --git a/physics/gwdps_post.xml b/physics/gwdps_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fd8a6306..000000000
--- a/physics/gwdps_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- flag_diagnostics
- flag for calculating diagnostic fields
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for calculating 3-D diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics time step
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- instantaneous_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- zonal surface stress due to orographic gravity wave drag
- Pa
- dusfcg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- instantaneous_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- meridional surface stress due to orographic gravity wave drag
- Pa
- dvsfcg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- zonal wind tendency due to model physics
- m s-2
- dudt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- meridional wind tendency due to model physics
- m s-2
- dvdt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- air temperature tendency due to model physics
- K s-1
- dtdt
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- time_integral_of_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- integral over time of zonal stress due to gravity wave drag
- Pa s
- dugwd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- time_integral_of_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
- integral over time of meridional stress due to gravity wave drag
- Pa s
- dvgwd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in zonal wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
- m s-1
- du3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in meridional wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
- m s-1
- dv3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shortwave_radiation_and_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
- cumulative change in temperature due to SW rad and oro. GWD
- K
- dt3dt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_post SCHEME_gwdps_post SUBROUTINE_gwdps_post_run
diff --git a/physics/gwdps_pre.xml b/physics/gwdps_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 52acc6362..000000000
--- a/physics/gwdps_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- number_of_statistical_measures_of_subgrid_orography
- number of statistical measures of subgrid orography
- count
- nmtvr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- statistical_measures_of_subgrid_orography
- array of statistical measures of subgrid orography
- various
- mntvar
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- standard_deviation_of_subgrid_orography
- standard deviation of subgrid orography
- m
- hprime
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- convexity_of_subgrid_orography
- convexity of subgrid orography
- none
- oc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- asymmetry_of_subgrid_orography
- asymmetry of subgrid orography
- none
- oa4
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- fraction_of_grid_box_with_subgrid_orography_higher_than_critical_height
- horizontal fraction of grid box covered by subgrid orography higher than critical height
- frac
- clx
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- angle_from_east_of_maximum_subgrid_orographic_variations
- angle with_respect to east of maximum subgrid orographic variations
- degrees
- theta
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- slope_of_subgrid_orography
- slope of subgrid orography
- none
- sigma
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- anisotropy_of_subgrid_orography
- anisotropy of subgrid orography
- none
- gamma
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- maximum_subgrid_orography
- maximum of subgrid orography
- m
- elvmax
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_gwdps_pre SCHEME_gwdps_pre SUBROUTINE_gwdps_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/h2ophys.xml b/physics/h2ophys.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af3f8c5e..000000000
--- a/physics/h2ophys.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- vertical_dimension_of_h2o_forcing_data
- number of vertical layers in h2o forcing data
- count
- kh2o
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- h2o
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- natural_log_of_h2o_forcing_data_pressure_levels
- natural log of h2o forcing data pressure levels
- log(Pa)
- ph2o
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- h2o_forcing
- water forcing data
- various
- h2opltc
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- number_of_coefficients_in_h2o_forcing_data
- number of coefficients in h2o forcing data
- index
- h2o_coeff
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for calculating 3-D diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- mpi_rank
- rank of the current MPI task
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_h2ophys SCHEME_h2ophys SUBROUTINE_h2ophys_run
diff --git a/physics/hedmf.xml b/physics/hedmf.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac2452c1f..000000000
--- a/physics/hedmf.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers
- number of tracers to diffuse vertically
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- cloud condensate index in tracer array
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- du
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- tau
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- tendency_of_vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- updated tendency of the tracers due to vertical diffusion in PBL scheme
- kg kg-1 s-1
- rtg
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- x_wind
- x component of layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- y_wind
- y component of layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- air_temperature
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- tracer concentration diffused by PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky shortwave heating rate
- K s-1
- swh
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky longwave heating rate
- K s-1
- hlw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes
- zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave
- none
- xmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_interface
- dimensionless Exner function at the surface interface
- none
- psk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- rbsoil
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length in cm
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- x component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- y component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- heat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- surface_wind_stress
- surface wind stress
- m2 s-2
- stress
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- spd1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
- PBL top model level index
- index
- kpbl
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- pres(k) - pres(k+1)
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- Exner function at layers
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- time_step_for_physics
- time step for physics
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- flag_TKE_dissipation_heating
- flag for using TKE dissipation heating
- flag
- dspheat
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux
- x momentum flux
- Pa
- dusfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux
- y momentum flux
- Pa
- dvsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux
- W m-2
- dtsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- dqsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL thickness
- m
- hpbl
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- countergradient_mixing_term_for_temperature
- countergradient mixing term for temperature
- K
- hgamt
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- countergradient_mixing_term_for_water_vapor
- countergradient mixing term for water vapor
- kg kg-1
- hgamq
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity
- diffusivity for heat
- m2 s-1
- dkt
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- index_of_highest_temperature_inversion
- index of highest temperature inversion
- index
- kinver
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- atmosphere_momentum_diffusivity_background
- background value of momentum diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzm_m
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_background
- background value of heat diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzm_h
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- diffusivity_background_sigma_level
- sigma level threshold for background diffusivity
- none
- xkzm_s
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- flag_print
- flag for printing diagnostics to output
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_background_maximum
- maximum background value of heat diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzminv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- atmosphere_diffusivity_coefficient_factor
- multiplicative constant for atmospheric diffusivities
- none
- moninq_fac
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_hedmf SCHEME_hedmf SUBROUTINE_hedmf_run
diff --git a/physics/lsm_noah.xml b/physics/lsm_noah.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 70879f1ce..000000000
--- a/physics/lsm_noah.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,856 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- soil_vertical_dimension
- soil vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- x component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- y component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- 1st model layer air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- 1st model layer specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- soil_type_classification
- soil type at each grid cell
- index
- soiltyp
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- vegetation_type_classification
- vegetation type at each grid cell
- index
- vegtype
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- bounded_vegetation_area_fraction
- areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom
- frac
- sigmaf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface longwave emissivity
- frac
- sfcemis
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground
- total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground
- W m-2
- dlwflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- total sky surface downward shortwave flux
- W m-2
- dswsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- total sky surface net shortwave flux
- W m-2
- snet
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics time step
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- deep_soil_temperature
- bottom soil temperature
- K
- tg3
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- Model layer 1 mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- prslki
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
- height above ground at 1st model layer
- m
- zf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- surface wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- ddvel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_slope_classification
- surface slope type at each grid cell
- index
- slopetyp
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- minimum_vegetation_area_fraction
- min fractional coverage of green veg
- frac
- shdmin
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- maximum_vegetation_area_fraction
- max fractnl cover of green veg (not used)
- frac
- shdmax
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- upper_bound_on_max_albedo_over_deep_snow
- upper bound on max albedo over deep snow
- frac
- snoalb
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_diffused_shortwave_albedo
- mean surface diffused shortwave albedo
- frac
- sfalb
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- flag_for_guess_run
- flag for guess run
- flag
- flag_guess
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- soil_type_dataset_choice
- soil type dataset choice
- index
- isot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- vegetation_type_dataset_choice
- land use dataset choice
- index
- ivegsrc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- perturbation_of_soil_type_b_parameter
- perturbation of soil type "b" parameter
- frac
- bexppert
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- perturbation_of_leaf_area_index
- perturbation of leaf area index
- frac
- xlaipert
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- perturbation_of_vegetation_fraction
- perturbation of vegetation fraction
- frac
- vegfpert
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- magnitude_of_perturbation_of_vegetation_fraction
- magnitude of perturbation of vegetation fraction
- frac
- pertvegf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth
- water equivalent accumulated snow depth
- mm
- weasd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent
- water equivalent snow depth over land
- mm
- snwdph
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- nonnegative precipitation amount in one dynamics time step
- m
- tprcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- flag_for_precipitation_type
- flag for snow or rain precipitation
- flag
- srflag
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture
- volumetric fraction of soil moisture
- frac
- smc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- soil_temperature
- soil temperature
- K
- stc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- volume_fraction_of_unfrozen_soil_moisture
- volume fraction of unfrozen soil moisture
- frac
- slc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- canopy_water_amount
- canopy moisture content
- kg m-2
- canopy
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- transpiration_flux
- total plant transpiration rate
- kg m-2 s-1
- trans
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- surface skin temperature after iteration
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_snow_area_fraction_for_diagnostics
- surface snow area fraction
- frac
- sncovr1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- upward_heat_flux_in_soil
- upward soil heat flux
- W m-2
- gflux
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- subsurface_runoff_flux
- subsurface runoff flux
- g m-2 s-1
- drain
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward evaporation flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward potential latent heat flux
- W m-2
- ep
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_runoff_flux
- surface runoff flux
- g m-2 s-1
- runoff
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- surf mom exch coef time mean surf wind
- m s-1
- cmm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surf h m exch coef time surf wind density
- kg m-2 s-1
- chh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- soil_upward_latent_heat_flux
- soil upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- evbs
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- canopy_upward_latent_heat_flux
- canopy upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- evcw
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- snow_deposition_sublimation_upward_latent_heat_flux
- latent heat flux from snow depo/subl
- W m-2
- sbsno
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- surface_snow_area_fraction
- surface snow area fraction
- frac
- snowc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- soil_moisture_content
- soil moisture content
- kg m-2
- stm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- snow_freezing_rain_upward_latent_heat_flux
- latent heat flux due to snow and frz rain
- W m-2
- snohf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil_at_wilting_point
- soil water fraction at wilting point
- frac
- smcwlt2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- threshold_volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil
- soil moisture threshold
- frac
- smcref2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- normalized_soil_wetness
- normalized soil wetness
- frac
- wet1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_finalize
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_init
- soil_type_dataset_choice
- soil type dataset choice
- index
- isot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_init
- vegetation_type_dataset_choice
- land use dataset choice
- index
- ivegsrc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_init
- iounit_namelist
- fortran unit number for file opens
- none
- nlunit
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_noah SCHEME_lsm_noah SUBROUTINE_lsm_noah_init
diff --git a/physics/lsm_ruc.xml b/physics/lsm_ruc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d5631ba21..000000000
--- a/physics/lsm_ruc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1230 +0,0 @@
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_finalize
- time_step_for_dynamics
- physics time step
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- index_of_time_step
- current number of time steps
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- ccpp_loop_counter
- loop counter for subcycling loops in CCPP
- index
- iter
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- nlev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme
- flag for RUC land surface model
- flag
- lsm_ruc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_land_surface_scheme
- flag for land surface model
- flag
- lsm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- do_mynnsfclay
- flag to activate MYNN surface layer
- flag
- do_mynnsfclay
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model
- number of soil layers internal to land surface model
- count
- lsoil_ruc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_vertical_dimension
- soil vertical layer dimension
- count
- lsoil
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- depth_of_soil_levels_for_land_surface_model
- depth of soil levels for land surface model
- m
- zs
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat !of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- pi
- ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
- radians
- con_pi
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of vaporization/sublimation (hvap)
- J kg-1
- con_hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- rv/rd - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- con_fvirt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_rainfall_amount_from_previous_timestep
- explicit rainfall from previous timestep
- m
- rainnc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_from_previous_timestep
- convective_precipitation_amount from previous timestep
- m
- rainc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_from_previous_timestep
- ice amount from previous timestep
- m
- ice
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_from_previous_timestep
- snow amount from previous timestep
- m
- snow
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_from_previous_timestep
- graupel amount from previous timestep
- m
- graupel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_precipitation_type
- snow/rain flag for precipitation
- flag
- srflag
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_snow_area_fraction_for_diagnostics
- surface snow area fraction
- frac
- sncovr1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_snow_area_fraction
- surface snow area fraction
- frac
- snowc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth
- water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice
- mm
- weasd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent
- water equivalent snow depth over land
- mm
- snwdph
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall
- snow ratio: ratio of snow to total precipitation
- frac
- sr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- density_of_frozen_precipitation
- density of frozen precipitation
- kg m-3
- rhosnf
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
- layer 1 height above ground (not MSL)
- m
- zf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- zonal wind at lowest model layer
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- meridional wind at lowest model layer
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- mean pressure at lowest model layer
- Pa
- prsl1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- surface wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- ddvel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- mean temperature at lowest model layer
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- water vapor specific humidity at lowest model layer
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_at_lowest_model_layer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water at lowest model layer
- kg kg-1
- qc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux
- surface downwelling longwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- dlwflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- dswsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- surface net downwelling shortwave flux at current time
- W m-2
- snet
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface lw emissivity in fraction
- frac
- sfcemis
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wspd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surf h m exch coef time surf wind density
- kg m-2 s-1
- chh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- surf mom exch coef time mean surf wind
- m s-1
- cmm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- normalized_soil_wetness
- normalized soil wetness
- frac
- wet1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- canopy_water_amount
- canopy water amount
- kg m-2
- canopy
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- vegetation_area_fraction
- areal fractional cover of green vegetation
- frac
- sigmaf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_diffused_shortwave_albedo
- mean surface diffused sw albedo
- frac
- sfalb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- mean_vis_albedo_with_weak_cosz_dependency
- mean vis albedo with weak cosz dependency
- frac
- alvwf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- mean_nir_albedo_with_weak_cosz_dependency
- mean nir albedo with weak cosz dependency
- frac
- alnwf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- upper_bound_on_max_albedo_over_deep_snow
- maximum snow albedo
- frac
- snoalb
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_at_surface
- moist cloud water mixing ratio at surface
- kg kg-1
- sfcqc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- water_vapor_mixing_ratio_at_surface
- water vapor mixing ratio at surface
- kg kg-1
- sfcqv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_condensation_mass
- surface condensation mass
- kg m-2
- sfcdew
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- deep_soil_temperature
- deep soil temperature
- K
- tg3
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture
- total soil moisture
- frac
- smc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- volume_fraction_of_unfrozen_soil_moisture
- liquid soil moisture
- frac
- slc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_temperature
- soil temperature
- K
- stc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil_at_wilting_point
- soil water fraction at wilting point
- frac
- smcwlt2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- threshold_volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil
- soil moisture threshold
- frac
- smcref2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- vegetation_type_classification
- vegetation type at each grid cell
- index
- vegtype
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_type_classification
- soil type at each grid cell
- index
- soiltyp
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_type_dataset_choice
- soil type dataset choice
- index
- isot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- vegetation_type_dataset_choice
- land use dataset choice
- index
- ivegsrc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- sea_ice_concentration
- ice fraction over open water
- frac
- fice
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_frozen_soil_physics
- flag for frozen soil physics (RUC)
- flag
- keepfr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture_for_land_surface_model
- volumetric fraction of soil moisture for lsm
- frac
- smois
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- volume_fraction_of_unfrozen_soil_moisture_for_land_surface_model
- volume fraction of unfrozen soil moisture for lsm
- frac
- sh2o
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- volume_fraction_of_frozen_soil_moisture_for_land_surface_model
- volume fraction of frozen soil moisture for lsm
- frac
- smfrkeep
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_temperature_for_land_surface_model
- soil temperature for land surface model
- K
- tslb
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_moisture_content
- soil moisture content
- kg m-2
- stm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- surface skin temperature after iteration
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- sea_ice_temperature
- sea ice surface skin temperature
- K
- tice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- snow_temperature_bottom_first_layer
- snow temperature at the bottom of first snow layer
- K
- tsnow
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- total_accumulated_snowfall
- run-total snow accumulation on the ground
- kg m-2
- snowfallac
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- accumulated_water_equivalent_of_frozen_precip
- snow water equivalent of run-total frozen precip
- kg m-2
- acsnow
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward evaporation flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- soil_upward_latent_heat_flux
- soil upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- evbs
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- canopy_upward_latent_heat_flux
- canopy upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- evcw
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- snow_deposition_sublimation_upward_latent_heat_flux
- latent heat flux from snow depo/subl
- W m-2
- sbsno
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- transpiration_flux
- total plant transpiration rate
- kg m-2 s-1
- trans
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_runoff_flux
- surface runoff flux
- g m-2 s-1
- runof
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- subsurface_runoff_flux
- subsurface runoff flux
- g m-2 s-1
- drain
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- total_runoff
- total water runoff
- kg m-2
- runoff
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- surface_runoff
- surface water runoff (from lsm)
- kg m-2
- srunoff
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- upward_heat_flux_in_soil
- soil heat flux
- W m-2
- gflux
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- minimum_vegetation_area_fraction
- min fractional coverage of green vegetation
- frac
- shdmin
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- maximum_vegetation_area_fraction
- max fractional coverage of green vegetation
- frac
- shdmax
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_guess_run
- flag for guess run
- flag
- flag_guess
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_first_time_step
- flag signaling first time step for time integration loop
- flag
- flag_init
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- flag_for_restart
- flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart
- flag
- flag_restart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_init
- soil_type_dataset_choice
- soil type dataset choice
- index
- isot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_init
- vegetation_type_dataset_choice
- land use dataset choice
- index
- ivegsrc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_init
- iounit_namelist
- fortran unit number for file opens
- none
- nlunit
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_lsm_ruc SCHEME_lsm_ruc SUBROUTINE_lsm_ruc_init
diff --git a/physics/m_micro.xml b/physics/m_micro.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b86b66b84..000000000
--- a/physics/m_micro.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1152 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_flip
- vertical flip logical
- flag
- flipv
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt_i
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- air_pressure
- layer mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- omega_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- qlls_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_liquid_water
- mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water
- kg kg-1
- qlcn_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- qils_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_ice
- mass fraction of convective cloud ice water
- kg kg-1
- qicn_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep
- total sky lw heating rate
- K s-1
- lwheat_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_timestep
- total sky sw heating rate
- K s-1
- swheat_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- vertical_velocity_for_updraft
- vertical velocity for updraft
- m s-1
- w_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- convective_cloud_fraction_for_microphysics
- convective cloud fraction for microphysics
- frac
- cf_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- land_area_fraction
- land area fraction
- frac
- frland
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- pbl height
- m
- zpbl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- detrained_mass_flux
- detrained mass flux
- kg m-2 s-1
- cnv_mfd_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- tendency_of_cloud_water_due_to_convective_microphysics
- tendency of cloud water due to convective microphysics
- kg m-2 s-1
- cnv_dqldt_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- convective_cloud_volume_fraction
- convective cloud volume fraction
- frac
- clcn_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- u_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- v_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- cumulative_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc x momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- taugwx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- cumulative_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc y momentum flux multiplied by timestep
- Pa s
- taugwy
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux
- x momentum flux
- Pa
- tauorox
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux
- y momentum flux
- Pa
- tauoroy
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ice_fraction_in_convective_tower
- ice fraction in convective tower
- frac
- cnv_fice_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_for_detrainment
- droplet number concentration in convective detrainment
- m-3
- cnv_ndrop_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_for_detrainment
- crystal number concentration in convective detrainment
- m-3
- cnv_nice_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- q_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud condensed water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- lwm_o
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- qi_o
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- t_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
- explicit precipitation (rain, ice, snow, graupel, ...) on physics timestep
- m
- rn_o
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall
- snow ratio: ratio of snow to total precipitation
- frac
- sr_o
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- cloud_droplet_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of cloud droplets updated by physics
- kg-1
- ncpl_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ice_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of ice updated by physics
- kg-1
- ncpi_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- number_of_frozen_precipitation_species
- number of frozen precipitation species
- count
- fprcp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- local_rain_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of rain water local to physics
- kg kg-1
- rnw_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- local_snow_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of snow water local to physics
- kg kg-1
- snw_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- local_graupel_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of graupel local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qgl_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- local_rain_number_concentration
- number concentration of rain local to physics
- kg-1
- ncpr_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- local_snow_number_concentration
- number concentration of snow local to physics
- kg-1
- ncps_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- local_graupel_number_concentration
- number concentration of graupel local to physics
- kg-1
- ncgl_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- cloud_fraction_for_MG
- cloud fraction used by Morrison-Gettelman MP
- frac
- clls_io
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- vertical index at cloud base
- index
- kcbl
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_particle_in_um
- effective radius of cloud liquid water particle in micrometer
- um
- cldreffl
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_particle_in_um
- effective radius of cloud ice water particle in micrometers
- um
- cldreffi
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_rain_particle_in_um
- effective radius of cloud rain particle in micrometers
- um
- cldreffr
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_snow_particle_in_um
- effective radius of cloud snow particle in micrometers
- um
- cldreffs
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_graupel_particle_in_um
- effective radius of cloud graupel particle in micrometers
- um
- cldreffg
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- aerosol_number_concentration_from_gocart_aerosol_climatology
- GOCART aerosol climatology number concentration
- kg-1?
- aerfld_i
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_for_aerosol_input_MG
- flag for using aerosols in Morrison-Gettelman microphysics
- flag
- aero_in
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- in_number_concentration
- IN number concentration
- kg-1?
- naai_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ccn_number_concentration
- CCN number concentration
- kg-1?
- npccn_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_for_in_ccn_forcing_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics
- flag for IN and CCN forcing for morrison gettelman microphysics
- flag
- iccn
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_skip_macro
- flag to skip cloud macrophysics in Morrison scheme
- flag
- skip_macro
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_print
- control flag for diagnostic print out
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- mg_tuning_factor_for_alphas
- tuning factor for alphas (alpha = 1 - critical relative humidity)
- none
- alf_fac
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- mg_minimum_cloud_condensed_water_and_ice_mixing_ratio
- minimum cloud condensed water and ice mixing ratio in MG macro clouds
- kg kg-1
- qc_min
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_for_pdf_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme
- pdf flag for MG macrophysics
- flag
- pdfflag
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- index_of_time_step
- current forecast iteration
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- latitude
- latitude
- radians
- xlat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- longitude
- longitude
- radians
- xlon
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- critical_relative_humidity
- critical relative humidity
- frac
- rhc_i
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Morrison-Gettelman rmicrophysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_mg
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- number_of_frozen_precipitation_species
- number of frozen precipitation species
- count
- fprcp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- gravit
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rair
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- rh2o
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cpair
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- triple_point_temperature_of_water
- triple point temperature of water
- K
- tmelt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- latvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- latent_heat_of_fusion_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of fusion
- J kg-1
- latice
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_autoconversion_size_threshold_ice_snow
- autoconversion size threshold for cloud ice to snow for MG microphysics
- um
- mg_dcs
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_cloud_water_variance
- cloud water relative variance for MG microphysics
- mg_qcvar
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_time_scale_for_autoconversion_of_ice
- autoconversion time scale for ice for MG microphysics
- s
- mg_ts_auto_ice
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_minimum_rh_for_ice
- relative humidity threshold parameter for nucleating ice for MG microphysics
- none
- mg_rhmini
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_uniform_subcolumns
- flag for uniform subcolumns for MG microphysics
- flag
- microp_uniform
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_cloud_ice_processes
- flag for cloud ice processes for MG microphysics
- flag
- do_cldice
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_heterogeneous_freezing
- flag for heterogeneous freezing for MG microphysics
- flag
- hetfrz_classnuc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_type_of_precip_fraction_method
- type of precip fraction method for MG microphysics (in_cloud or max_overlap)
- none
- mg_precip_frac_method
- character
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_bergeron_efficiency_factor
- bergeron efficiency factor for MG microphysics
- frac
- mg_berg_eff_factor
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_allow_supersat_after_sed
- allow supersaturation after sedimentation for MG microphysics
- flag
- sed_supersat
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_sb2001_autoconversion
- flag for SB 2001 autoconversion or accretion for MG microphysics
- flag
- do_sb_physics
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_hail
- flag for hail for MG microphysics (graupel possible if false)
- flag
- mg_do_hail
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_graupel
- flag for graupel for MG microphysics (hail possible if false)
- flag
- mg_do_graupel
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_drop_concentration_constant
- flag for constant droplet concentration for MG microphysics
- flag
- mg_nccons
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_ice_concentration_constant
- flag for constant ice concentration for MG microphysics
- flag
- mg_nicons
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_graupel_concentration_constant
- flag for constant graupel concentration for MG microphysics
- flag
- mg_ngcons
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_drop_concentration_constant
- droplet concentration constant for MG microphysics
- m-3
- mg_ncnst
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_ice_concentration_constant
- ice concentration constant for MG microphysics
- m-3
- mg_ninst
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_graupel_concentration_constant
- graupel concentration constant for MG microphysics
- m-3
- mg_ngnst
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_gmao_ice_formulation
- flag for gmao ice formulation
- flag
- mg_do_ice_gmao
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- mg_flag_for_liu_liquid_treatment
- flag for liu liquid treatment
- flag
- mg_do_liq_liu
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro SCHEME_m_micro SUBROUTINE_m_micro_init
diff --git a/physics/m_micro_post.xml b/physics/m_micro_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b0089790..000000000
--- a/physics/m_micro_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- number_of_frozen_precipitation_species
- number of frozen precipitation species
- count
- fprcp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- flag_mg3_as_mg2
- flag for controlling prep for Morrison-Gettelman microphysics
- flag
- mg3_as_mg2
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- local_rain_number_concentration
- number concentration of rain local to physics
- kg-1
- ncpr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- local_snow_number_concentration
- number concentration of snow local to physics
- kg-1
- ncps
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- local_graupel_number_concentration
- number concentration of graupel local to physics
- kg-1
- ncgl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- local_rain_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of rain water local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qrn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- local_snow_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of snow water local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qsnw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- local_graupel_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of graupel local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qgl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of rain water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of snow water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of graupel updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_graupel
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- rain_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of rain updated by physics
- kg-1
- gq0_rain_nc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- snow_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of snow updated by physics
- kg-1
- gq0_snow_nc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- graupel_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of graupel updated by physics
- kg-1
- gq0_graupel_nc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_post SCHEME_m_micro_post SUBROUTINE_m_micro_post_run
diff --git a/physics/m_micro_pre.xml b/physics/m_micro_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a9baa1979..000000000
--- a/physics/m_micro_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- number_of_frozen_precipitation_species
- number of frozen precipitation species
- count
- fprcp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- flag_mg3_as_mg2
- flag for controlling prep for Morrison-Gettelman microphysics
- flag
- mg3_as_mg2
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud condensed water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_water
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of rain water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of snow water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of graupel updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_graupel
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- rain_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of rain updated by physics
- kg-1
- gq0_rain_nc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- snow_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of snow updated by physics
- kg-1
- gq0_snow_nc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- graupel_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of graupel updated by physics
- kg-1
- gq0_graupel_nc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- subgrid_scale_cloud_fraction_from_shoc
- subgrid-scale cloud fraction from the SHOC scheme
- frac
- cld_shoc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- convective_cloud_cover
- convective cloud cover
- frac
- cnvc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
- moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- cloud_phase_transition_threshold_temperature
- threshold temperature below which cloud starts to freeze
- K
- tcr
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- cloud_phase_transition_denominator
- denominator in cloud phase transition = 1/(tcr-tf)
- K-1
- tcrf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- local_rain_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of rain water local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qrn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- local_snow_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of snow water local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qsnw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- local_graupel_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of graupel local to physics
- kg kg-1
- qgl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- local_rain_number_concentration
- number concentration of rain local to physics
- kg-1
- ncpr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- local_snow_number_concentration
- number concentration of snow local to physics
- kg-1
- ncps
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- local_graupel_number_concentration
- number concentration of graupel local to physics
- kg-1
- ncgl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- cloud_fraction_for_MG
- cloud fraction used by Morrison-Gettelman MP
- frac
- cld_frc_MG
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_liquid_water
- mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water
- kg kg-1
- qlcn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_ice
- mass fraction of convective cloud ice water
- kg kg-1
- qicn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- convective_cloud_fraction_for_microphysics
- convective cloud fraction for microphysics
- frac
- cf_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw_water
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- convective_cloud_volume_fraction
- convective cloud volume fraction
- frac
- clcn
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_m_micro_pre SCHEME_m_micro_pre SUBROUTINE_m_micro_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/machine.xml b/physics/machine.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd06d9827..000000000
--- a/physics/machine.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- kind_dyn
- definition of kind_dyn
- none
- kind_dyn
- integer
- none
- F
- MODULE_machine
- kind_grid
- definition of kind_grid
- none
- kind_grid
- integer
- none
- F
- MODULE_machine
- kind_phys
- definition of kind_phys
- none
- kind_phys
- integer
- none
- F
- MODULE_machine
diff --git a/physics/moninshoc.xml b/physics/moninshoc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 608f48dbe..000000000
--- a/physics/moninshoc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers
- number of tracers to diffuse vertically
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- cloud condensate index in tracer array
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- number_of_tracers_for_cloud_condensate
- number of tracers for cloud condensate
- count
- ncnd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- du
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- tau
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- tendency_of_vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- updated tendency of the tracers due to vertical diffusion in PBL scheme
- kg kg-1 s-1
- rtg
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- x_wind
- x component of layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- y_wind
- y component of layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- air_temperature
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- tracer concentration diffused by PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_from_shoc
- diffusivity for heat from the SHOC scheme
- m2 s-1
- tkh
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- prandtl_number
- turbulent Prandtl number
- none
- prnum
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy
- tracer index for turbulent kinetic energy
- index
- ntke
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_interface
- dimensionless Exner function at the surface interface
- none
- psk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- rbsoil
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length in cm
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- x component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- y component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- heat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- surface_wind_stress
- surface wind stress
- m2 s-2
- stress
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- spd1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
- PBL top model level index
- index
- kpbl
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- pres(k) - pres(k+1)
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- Exner function at layers
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- time_step_for_physics
- time step for physics
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux
- x momentum flux
- Pa
- dusfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux
- y momentum flux
- Pa
- dvsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux
- W m-2
- dtsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- dqsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity
- diffusivity for heat
- m2 s-1
- dkt
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL thickness
- m
- hpbl
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- index_of_highest_temperature_inversion
- index of highest temperature inversion
- index
- kinver
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- atmosphere_momentum_diffusivity_background
- background value of momentum diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzm_m
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_background
- background value of heat diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzm_h
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- diffusivity_background_sigma_level
- sigma level threshold for background diffusivity
- none
- xkzm_s
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- flag_print
- flag for printing diagnostics to output
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- fv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_moninshoc SCHEME_moninshoc SUBROUTINE_moninshoc_run
diff --git a/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr.xml b/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d03acc23..000000000
--- a/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_finalize
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- nlev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol-aware physics
- flag
- is_aerosol_aware
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
- instantaneous fake water-friendly surface aerosol source
- kg-1 s-1
- nwfa2d
- real
- (:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
- instantaneous fake ice-friendly surface aerosol source
- kg-1 s-1
- nifa2d
- real
- (:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
- number concentration of water-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- nwfa
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
- number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- nifa
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- mpi_comm
- MPI communicator
- index
- mpicomm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- mpirank
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- mpi_root
- master MPI-rank
- index
- mpiroot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- omp_threads
- number of OpenMP threads available to scheme
- count
- threads
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_init
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- nlev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- spechum
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- cloud water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- rain water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- ice water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- snow water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qs
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- graupel mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qg
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- ice_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- ice number concentration
- kg-1
- ni
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- rain_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- rain number concentration
- kg-1
- nr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol-aware physics
- flag
- is_aerosol_aware
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- cloud_droplet_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- cloud droplet number concentration
- kg-1
- nc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of water-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- nwfa
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- nifa
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
- instantaneous fake water-friendly surface aerosol source
- kg-1 s-1
- nwfa2d
- real
- (:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
- instantaneous fake ice-friendly surface aerosol source
- kg-1 s-1
- nifa2d
- real
- (:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- omega
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics timestep
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
- explicit precipitation (rain, ice, snow, graupel) on physics timestep
- m
- prcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_rain_amount
- explicit rain fall on physics timestep
- m
- rain
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount
- graupel fall on physics timestep
- m
- graupel
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount
- ice fall on physics timestep
- m
- ice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount
- snow fall on physics timestep
- m
- snow
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall
- ratio of snowfall to large-scale rainfall
- frac
- sr
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- radar_reflectivity_10cm
- instantaneous refl_10cm
- dBZ
- refl_10cm
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- flag_for_radar_reflectivity
- flag for radar reflectivity
- flag
- do_radar_ref
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_particle_in_um
- eff. radius of cloud liquid water particle in micrometer
- um
- re_cloud
- real
- (:,:)
- none
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_particle_in_um
- eff. radius of cloud ice water particle in micrometer
- um
- re_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- none
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_snow_particle_in_um
- effective radius of cloud snow particle in micrometers
- um
- re_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- none
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- mpi_comm
- MPI communicator
- index
- mpicomm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- mpirank
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- mpi_root
- master MPI-rank
- index
- mpiroot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_run
diff --git a/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr_post.xml b/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 956dd892d..000000000
--- a/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_finalize
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_finalize
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- nlev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- tgrs_save
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- dimensionless Exner function at model layer centers
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics timestep
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- mpi_comm
- MPI communicator
- index
- mpicomm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- mpirank
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- mpi_root
- master MPI-rank
- index
- mpiroot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_init
- cell_area
- area of the grid cell
- m2
- area
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_init
- limit_for_temperature_tendency_for_microphysics
- temperature tendency limiter per physics time step
- K s-1
- ttendlim
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_init
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_init
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_post SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_post_init
diff --git a/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr_pre.xml b/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3939c1338..000000000
--- a/physics/mp_thompson_hrrr_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical levels
- count
- nlev
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- index_of_time_step
- current forecast iteration
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- spechum
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- cloud water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- rain water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- ice water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- snow water mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qs
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- graupel mixing ratio wrt dry+vapor (no condensates)
- kg kg-1
- qg
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- ice_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- ice number concentration
- kg-1
- ni
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- rain_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- rain number concentration
- kg-1
- nr
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol-aware physics
- flag
- is_aerosol_aware
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- cloud_droplet_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- cloud droplet number concentration
- kg-1
- nc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of water-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- nwfa
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- nifa
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
- instantaneous fake water-friendly surface aerosol source
- kg-1 s-1
- nwfa2d
- real
- (:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
- instantaneous fake ice-friendly surface aerosol source
- kg-1 s-1
- nifa2d
- real
- (:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- model layer mean temperature
- K
- tgrs
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- air_temperature_save
- air temperature before entering a physics scheme
- K
- tgrs_save
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- cell_area
- area of the grid cell
- m2
- area
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- mpi_comm
- MPI communicator
- index
- mpicomm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- mpirank
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- mpi_root
- master MPI-rank
- index
- mpiroot
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- ccpp_block_number
- for explicit data blocking: block number of this block
- index
- blkno
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SCHEME_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre SUBROUTINE_mp_thompson_hrrr_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/mynnedmf_wrapper.xml b/physics/mynnedmf_wrapper.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3735485bd..000000000
--- a/physics/mynnedmf_wrapper.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1052 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_first_time_step
- flag signaling first time step for time integration loop
- flag
- flag_init
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_restart
- flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart
- flag
- flag_restart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- time_step_for_physics
- time step for physics
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cell_size
- size of the grid cell
- m
- dx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length in cm
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- x_wind
- x component of layer wind
- m s-1
- U
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- y_wind
- y component of layer wind
- m s-1
- V
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- omega
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- air_temperature
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- T3D
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate)
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_liquid_cloud
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_ice_cloud
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cloud_droplet_number_concentration
- number concentration of cloud droplets (liquid)
- kg-1
- qgrs_cloud_droplet_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- ice_number_concentration
- number concentration of ice
- kg-1
- qgrs_cloud_ice_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- ozone_mixing_ratio
- ozone mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- qgrs_ozone
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
- number concentration of water-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- qgrs_water_aer_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
- number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols
- kg-1
- qgrs_ice_aer_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- Exner function at layers
- none
- exner
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- sea_land_ice_mask_real
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- slmsk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface temperature
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- surface_friction_velocity
- boundary layer parameter
- m s-1
- ust
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- momentum exchange coefficient
- m s-1
- ch
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- qflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wspd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- rb
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux valid for current call
- W m-2
- dtsfc1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward latent heat flux valid for current call
- W m-2
- dqsfc1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag
- instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2
- dtsfci_diag
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag
- instantaneous sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2
- dqsfci_diag
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dtsfc_diag
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cumulative_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
- cumulative sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
- W m-2 s
- dqsfc_diag
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- reciprocal_of_obukhov_length
- one over obukhov length
- m-1
- recmol
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tke_at_mass_points
- 2 x tke at mass points
- m2 s-2
- qke
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- turbulent_kinetic_energy
- turbulent kinetic energy
- J
- qke_adv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- t_prime_squared
- temperature fluctuation squared
- K2
- tsq
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- q_prime_squared
- water vapor fluctuation squared
- kg2 kg-2
- qsq
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- t_prime_q_prime
- covariance of temperature and moisture
- K kg kg-1
- cov
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- mixing_length
- mixing length in meters
- m
- el_pbl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- stability_function_for_heat
- stability function for heat
- none
- Sh3D
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_for_mynnpbl
- diffusivity for heat for MYNN PBL (defined for all mass levels)
- m2 s-1
- exch_h
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- atmosphere_momentum_diffusivity_for_mynnpbl
- diffusivity for momentum for MYNN PBL (defined for all mass levels)
- m2 s-1
- exch_m
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL thickness
- m
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
- PBL top model level index
- index
- kpbl
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- subgrid_cloud_mixing_ratio_pbl
- subgrid cloud cloud mixing ratio from PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- subgrid_cloud_fraction_pbl
- subgrid cloud fraction from PBL scheme
- frac
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- emdf_updraft_area
- updraft area from mass flux scheme
- frac
- edmf_a
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- emdf_updraft_vertical_velocity
- updraft vertical velocity from mass flux scheme
- m s-1
- edmf_w
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- emdf_updraft_total_water
- updraft total water from mass flux scheme
- kg kg-1
- edmf_qt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- emdf_updraft_theta_l
- updraft theta-l from mass flux scheme
- K
- edmf_thl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- emdf_updraft_entrainment_rate
- updraft entrainment rate from mass flux scheme
- s-1
- edmf_ent
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- emdf_updraft_cloud_water
- updraft cloud water from mass flux scheme
- kg kg-1
- edmf_qc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- number_of_plumes
- number of plumes per grid column
- count
- nupdraft
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- maximum_mass_flux
- maximum mass flux within a column
- m s-1
- maxMF
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- k_level_of_highest_reaching_plume
- k-level of highest reaching plume
- count
- ktop_shallow
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky longwave heating rate
- K s-1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- dudt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dvdt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- dtdt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_model_physics
- water vapor specific humidity tendency due to model physics
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_liquid_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
- cloud condensed water mixing ratio tendency due to model physics
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_liquid_cloud
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_ice_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
- cloud condensed water mixing ratio tendency due to model physics
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_ice_cloud
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_ozone_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
- ozone mixing ratio tendency due to model physics
- kg kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_ozone
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_cloud_droplet_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
- number conc. of cloud droplets (liquid) tendency due to model physics
- kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_cloud_droplet_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_ice_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
- number conc. of ice tendency due to model physics
- kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_ice_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
- number conc. of water-friendly aerosols tendency due to model physics
- kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_water_aer_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
- number conc. of ice-friendly aerosols tendency due to model physics
- kg-1 s-1
- dqdt_ice_aer_num_conc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- grav_settling
- flag to activate gravitational setting of fog
- flag
- grav_settling
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tke_budget
- flag for activating TKE budget
- flag
- bl_mynn_tkebudget
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- tke_advect
- flag for activating TKE advect
- flag
- bl_mynn_tkeadvect
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cloudpdf
- flag to determine which cloud PDF to use
- flag
- bl_mynn_cloudpdf
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- mixing_length_flag
- flag to determine which mixing length form to use
- flag
- bl_mynn_mixlength
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- edmf_flag
- flag to activate the mass-flux scheme
- flag
- bl_mynn_edmf
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- edmf_momentum_transport_flag
- flag to activate the transport of momentum
- flag
- bl_mynn_edmf_mom
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- edmf_tke_transport_flag
- flag to activate the transport of TKE
- flag
- bl_mynn_edmf_tke
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- edmf_partition_flag
- flag to partitioning of the MF and ED areas
- flag
- bl_mynn_edmf_part
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- cloud_specie_mix_flag
- flag to activate mixing of cloud species
- flag
- bl_mynn_cloudmix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- mix_total_water_flag
- flag to mix total water or individual species
- flag
- bl_mynn_mixqt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- couple_sgs_clouds_to_radiation_flag
- flag for coupling sgs clouds to radiation
- flag
- icloud_bl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- do_mynnsfclay
- flag to activate MYNN surface layer
- flag
- do_mynnsfclay
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Thompson microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_thompson
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_wsm6_microphysics_scheme
- choice of WSM6 microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_wsm6
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_for_aerosol_physics
- flag for aerosol physics
- flag
- ltaerosol
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- flag_print
- control flag for diagnostic print out
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnedmf_wrapper SCHEME_mynnedmf_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnedmf_wrapper_run
diff --git a/physics/mynnrad_post.xml b/physics/mynnrad_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index eb979fa04..000000000
--- a/physics/mynnrad_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate)
- kg kg-1
- qc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water
- kg kg-1
- qi
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- qc_save
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- qi_save
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_post SCHEME_mynnrad_post SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_post_run
diff --git a/physics/mynnrad_pre.xml b/physics/mynnrad_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 772eda1e6..000000000
--- a/physics/mynnrad_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate)
- kg kg-1
- qc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water
- kg kg-1
- qi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- air_temperature
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- T3D
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- qc_save
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_save
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water before entering a physics scheme
- kg kg-1
- qi_save
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- subgrid_cloud_mixing_ratio_pbl
- subgrid cloud cloud mixing ratio from PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- subgrid_cloud_fraction_pbl
- subgrid cloud fraction from PBL scheme
- frac
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
- layer pressure thickness on radiation levels
- hPa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- layer total cloud fraction
- frac
- clouds1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- layer cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- clouds2
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- clouds3
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- layer cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- clouds4
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- clouds5
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- sea_land_ice_mask_real
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- slmsk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnrad_pre SCHEME_mynnrad_pre SUBROUTINE_mynnrad_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/mynnsfc_wrapper.xml b/physics/mynnsfc_wrapper.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 787799ec9..000000000
--- a/physics/mynnsfc_wrapper.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- ccpp_loop_counter
- loop counter for subcycling loops in CCPP
- index
- iter
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- flag_for_first_time_step
- flag signaling first time step for time integration loop
- flag
- flag_init
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- flag_for_restart
- flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart
- flag
- flag_restart
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- time_step_for_physics
- time step for physics
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- cell_size
- size of the grid cell
- m
- dx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- x_wind
- x component of layer wind
- m s-1
- u
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- y_wind
- y component of layer wind
- m s-1
- v
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- air_temperature
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- t3d
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qvsh
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate)
- kg kg-1
- qc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- Exner function at layers
- none
- exner
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- t_prime_squared
- temperature fluctuation squared
- K2
- tsq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- q_prime_squared
- water vapor fluctuation squared
- kg2 kg-2
- qsq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- t_prime_q_prime
- covariance of temperature and moisture
- K kg kg-1
- cov
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- mixing_length
- mixing length in meters
- m
- el_pbl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- stability_function_for_heat
- stability function for heat
- none
- Sh3D
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- subgrid_cloud_mixing_ratio_pbl
- subgrid cloud cloud mixing ratio from PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- subgrid_cloud_fraction_pbl
- subgrid cloud fraction from PBL scheme
- frac
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL thickness
- m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- sea_land_ice_mask_real
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- slmsk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface temperature
- K
- tsk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent
- water equivalent snow depth over land
- mm
- snowd
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length in cm
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_friction_velocity
- boundary layer parameter
- m s-1
- ust
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_friction_velocity_drag
- friction velocity isolated for momentum only
- m s-1
- ustm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_stability_parameter
- monin obukhov surface stability parameter
- none
- zol
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- theta_star
- temperature flux divided by ustar (temperature scale)
- K
- mol
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- reciprocal_of_obukhov_length
- one over obukhov length
- m-1
- rmol
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum
- none
- fm10
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat
- none
- fh2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wspd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- br
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- momentum exchange coefficient
- m s-1
- ch
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_latent_heat
- latent heating at the surface (pos = up)
- W m-2
- lh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat
- surface exchange coefficient for heat
- W m-2 K-1
- flhc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture
- surface exchange coefficient for moisture
- kg m-2 s-1
- flqc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter u wind speed
- m s-1
- u10
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter v wind speed
- m s-1
- v10
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- potential_temperature_at_2m
- 2 meter potential temperature
- K
- th2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- temperature_at_2m
- 2 meter temperature
- K
- t2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- specific_humidity_at_2m
- 2 meter specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- surface wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- wstar
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat_at_2m
- exchange coefficient for heat at 2 meters
- m s-1
- chs2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture_at_2m
- exchange coefficient for moisture at 2 meters
- m s-1
- cqs2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cda
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- cka
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- surface_wind_stress
- surface wind stress
- m2 s-2
- stress
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- cloudpdf
- flag to determine which cloud PDF to use
- flag
- bl_mynn_cloudpdf
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- couple_sgs_clouds_to_radiation_flag
- flag for coupling sgs clouds to radiation
- flag
- icloud_bl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- flag_print
- control flag for diagnostic print out
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- none
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_mynnsfc_wrapper SCHEME_mynnsfc_wrapper SUBROUTINE_mynnsfc_wrapper_run
diff --git a/physics/ozphys.xml b/physics/ozphys.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 60abfcd51..000000000
--- a/physics/ozphys.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- vertical_dimension_of_ozone_forcing_data
- number of vertical layers in ozone forcing data
- count
- ko3
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- ozone_concentration_updated_by_physics
- ozone concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- oz
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated air temperature
- K
- tin
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- natural_log_of_ozone_forcing_data_pressure_levels
- natural log of ozone forcing data pressure levels
- log(Pa)
- po3
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- ozone_forcing
- ozone forcing coefficients
- various
- prdout
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- number_of_coefficients_in_ozone_forcing_data
- number of coefficients in ozone forcing data
- index
- oz_coeff
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- difference between mid-layer pressures
- Pa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for calculating 3-D diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_production_and_loss_rate
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to production and loss rate
- kg kg-1
- ozp1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_ozone_mixing_ratio
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to ozone mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- ozp2
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_temperature
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to temperature
- kg kg-1
- ozp3
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_overhead_ozone_column
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to overhead ozone column
- kg kg-1
- ozp4
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- mpi_rank
- rank of the current MPI task
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_ozphys SCHEME_ozphys SUBROUTINE_ozphys_run
diff --git a/physics/ozphys_2015.xml b/physics/ozphys_2015.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c244b381..000000000
--- a/physics/ozphys_2015.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- vertical_dimension_of_ozone_forcing_data
- number of vertical layers in ozone forcing data
- count
- ko3
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- ozone_concentration_updated_by_physics
- ozone concentration updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- oz
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated air temperature
- K
- tin
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- natural_log_of_ozone_forcing_data_pressure_levels
- natural log of ozone forcing data pressure levels
- log(Pa)
- po3
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- ozone_forcing
- ozone forcing data
- various
- prdout
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- number_of_coefficients_in_ozone_forcing_data
- number of coefficients in ozone forcing data
- index
- pl_coeff
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- difference between mid-layer pressures
- Pa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- flag_diagnostics_3D
- flag for calculating 3-D diagnostic fields
- flag
- ldiag3d
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_production_and_loss_rate
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to production and loss rate
- kg kg-1
- ozp1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_ozone_mixing_ratio
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to ozone mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- ozp2
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_temperature
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to temperature
- kg kg-1
- ozp3
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_overhead_ozone_column
- cumulative change in ozone concentration due to overhead ozone column
- kg kg-1
- ozp4
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- mpi_rank
- rank of the current MPI task
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_ozphys_2015 SCHEME_ozphys_2015 SUBROUTINE_ozphys_2015_run
diff --git a/physics/rayleigh_damp.xml b/physics/rayleigh_damp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c519cb6..000000000
--- a/physics/rayleigh_damp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- flag_idealized_physics
- flag for idealized physics
- flag
- lsidea
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- vertical_dimension
- number of vertical layers
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- meridional wind tendency due to model physics
- m s-2
- A
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- zonal wind tendency due to model physics
- m s-2
- B
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- air temperature tendency due to model physics
- K s-1
- C
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- x_wind
- zonal wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- y_wind
- meridional wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- number_of_vertical_layers_for_radiation_calculations
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculations
- count
- levr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- pgr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- air_pressure
- mid-layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- pressure_cutoff_for_rayleigh_damping
- pressure level above which to apply Rayleigh damping
- Pa
- prslrd0
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- time_scale_for_rayleigh_damping
- time scale for Rayleigh damping
- d
- ral_ts
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rayleigh_damp SCHEME_rayleigh_damp SUBROUTINE_rayleigh_damp_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmg_lw.xml b/physics/rrtmg_lw.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1545fbb..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmg_lw.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure layer
- hPa
- plyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure level
- hPa
- plvl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature layer
- K
- tlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
- air temperature level
- K
- tlvl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
- specific humidity layer
- kg kg-1
- qlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
- ozone concentration layer
- kg kg-1
- olyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co2
- volume mixing ratio co2
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
- volume mixing ratio no2
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_n2o
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
- volume mixing ratio ch4
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ch4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_o2
- volume mixing ratio o2
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_o2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co
- volume mixing ratio co
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
- volume mixing ratio cfc11
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc11
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
- volume mixing ratio cfc12
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc12
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
- volume mixing ratio cfc22
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc22
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
- volume mixing ratio ccl4
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ccl4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- seed_random_numbers_lw
- seed for random number generation for longwave radiation
- none
- icseed
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16
- none
- aeraod
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16
- frac
- aerssa
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface emissivity
- frac
- sfemis
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- sfgtmp
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- layer_thickness_for_radiation
- layer thickness
- km
- dzlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
- layer pressure thickness
- hPa
- delpin
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_decorrelation_length
- cloud decorrelation length
- km
- de_lgth
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- npts
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- nlay
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical levels for radiation
- count
- nlp1
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- flag_print
- flag to print
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- total cloud fraction
- frac
- cld_cf
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- flag_to_calc_lw
- flag to calculate LW irradiances
- flag
- lslwr
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- longwave total sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hlwc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- lw_fluxes_top_atmosphere
- longwave total sky fluxes at the top of the atm
- W m-2
- topflx
- topflw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- lw_fluxes_sfc
- longwave total sky fluxes at the Earth surface
- W m-2
- sfcflx
- sfcflw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_10mu_band
- approx 10mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtau
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- longwave clear sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hlw0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- lw_heating_rate_spectral
- longwave total sky heating rate (spectral)
- K s-1
- hlwb
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- lw_fluxes
- lw fluxes total sky / csk and up / down at levels
- W m-2
- flxprf
- proflw_type
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- cld_lwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_liq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- cld_iwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_rain_water_path
- cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- cld_rwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
- mean effective radius for rain drop
- micron
- cld_ref_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_snow_water_path
- cloud snow water path
- g m-2
- cld_swp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
- mean effective radius for snow flake
- micron
- cld_ref_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- cloud_optical_depth
- cloud optical depth
- none
- cld_od
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw SCHEME_rrtmg_lw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmg_lw_post.xml b/physics/rrtmg_lw_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d7c4f07..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmg_lw_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields targetted for diagnostic output
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- extra_top_layer
- extra top layers
- none
- ltp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky heating rate due to longwave radiation
- K s-1
- htlwc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- clear sky heating rate due to longwave radiation
- K s-1
- htlw0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_post_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmg_lw_pre.xml b/physics/rrtmg_lw_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6b6512ad..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmg_lw_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_lw_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmg_sw.xml b/physics/rrtmg_sw.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb297ce5..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmg_sw.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
- air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure layer
- hPa
- plyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure level
- hPa
- plvl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
- air temperature layer
- K
- tlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
- air temperature level
- K
- tlvl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
- specific humidity layer
- kg kg-1
- qlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
- ozone concentration layer
- kg kg-1
- olyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co2
- volume mixing ratio co2
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
- volume mixing ratio no2
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_n2o
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
- volume mixing ratio ch4
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ch4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_o2
- volume mixing ratio o2
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_o2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_co
- volume mixing ratio co
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_co
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
- volume mixing ratio cfc11
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc11
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
- volume mixing ratio cfc12
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc12
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
- volume mixing ratio cfc22
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_cfc22
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
- volume mixing ratio ccl4
- kg kg-1
- gasvmr_ccl4
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- seed_random_numbers_sw
- seed for random number generation for shortwave radiation
- none
- icseed
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- aeraod
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16
- frac
- aerssa
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01-16
- aerosol asymmetry paramter for shortwave bands 01-16
- none
- aerasy
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
- surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb_nir_dir
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
- surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb_nir_dif
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb_uvis_dir
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb_uvis_dif
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- layer_thickness_for_radiation
- layer thickness
- km
- dzlyr
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
- layer pressure thickness
- hPa
- delpin
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_decorrelation_length
- cloud decorrelation length
- km
- de_lgth
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cosine_of_zenith_angle
- cosine of the solar zenit angle
- none
- cosz
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- solar_constant
- solar constant
- W m-2
- solcon
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- daytime_points_dimension
- daytime points dimension
- count
- nday
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- daytime_points
- daytime points
- index
- idxday
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- npts
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- nlay
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical levels for radiation
- count
- nlp1
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- flag_print
- flag to print
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- total_cloud_fraction
- total cloud fraction
- frac
- cld_cf
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- flag_to_calc_sw
- flag to calculate SW irradiances
- flag
- lsswr
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- shortwave total sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hswc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- sw_fluxes_top_atmosphere
- shortwave total sky fluxes at the top of the atm
- W m-2
- topflx
- topfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- sw_fluxes_sfc
- shortwave total sky fluxes at the Earth surface
- W m-2
- sfcflx
- sfcfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_0.55mu_band
- approx .55mu band layer cloud optical depth
- none
- cldtau
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- shortwave clear sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hsw0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- sw_heating_rate_spectral
- shortwave total sky heating rate (spectral)
- K s-1
- hswb
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- sw_fluxes
- sw fluxes total sky / csk and up / down at levels
- W m-2
- flxprf
- profsw_type
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
- derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
- W m-2
- fdncmp
- cmpfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_liquid_water_path
- cloud liquid water path
- g m-2
- cld_lwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
- mean effective radius for liquid cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_liq
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_ice_water_path
- cloud ice water path
- g m-2
- cld_iwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
- mean effective radius for ice cloud
- micron
- cld_ref_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_rain_water_path
- cloud rain water path
- g m-2
- cld_rwp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
- mean effective radius for rain drop
- micron
- cld_ref_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_snow_water_path
- cloud snow water path
- g m-2
- cld_swp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
- mean effective radius for snow flake
- micron
- cld_ref_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_optical_depth
- cloud optical depth
- none
- cld_od
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_single_scattering_albedo
- cloud single scattering albedo
- frac
- cld_ssa
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- cloud_asymmetry_parameter
- cloud asymmetry parameter
- none
- cld_asy
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- T
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw SCHEME_rrtmg_sw SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmg_sw_post.xml b/physics/rrtmg_sw_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e3473ffe..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmg_sw_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- GFS_diag_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS diagnotics data
- Diag
- GFS_diag_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields targetted for diagnostic output
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- GFS_coupling_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS fields to/from coupling with other components
- Coupling
- GFS_coupling_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- extra_top_layer
- extra top layers
- none
- ltp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- daytime_points_dimension
- daytime points dimension
- count
- nday
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation calculation
- count
- lm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
- vertical index difference between in/out and local
- index
- kd
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky heating rate due to shortwave radiation
- K s-1
- htswc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- clear sky heating rates due to shortwave radiation
- K s-1
- htsw0
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
- surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
- surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb3
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb4
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
- derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
- W m-2
- scmpsw
- cmpfsw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_post SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_post_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmg_sw_pre.xml b/physics/rrtmg_sw_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9523a4248..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmg_sw_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- daytime_points_dimension
- daytime points dimension
- count
- nday
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- daytime_points
- daytime points
- index
- idxday
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
- surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb1
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
- surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb2
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
- frac
- sfcalb3
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
- surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
- frac
- sfcalb4
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- surface_albedo_perturbation
- surface albedo perturbation
- frac
- alb1d
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmg_sw_pre SCHEME_rrtmg_sw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmg_sw_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90
index e9471d178..9c27d6fa9 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_lw.F90
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ module rrtmgp_lw
use mo_rrtmgp_clr_all_sky, only: rte_lw
use mo_gas_concentrations, only: ty_gas_concs
use mo_fluxes_byband, only: ty_fluxes_byband
- use rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics, only: rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init
- use rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics, only: rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics_init, check_error_msg
+ use rrtmgp_aux, only: check_error_msg
public rrtmgp_lw_init, rrtmgp_lw_run, rrtmgp_lw_finalize
@@ -29,12 +28,12 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_init
!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
!! |-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|------|-----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
+!! | Radtend | GFS_radtend_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies | DDT | 0 | GFS_radtend_type | | in | F |
!! | ncol | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | p_lay | air_pressure_at_layer_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure layer | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | p_lev | air_pressure_at_interface_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure level | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | t_lay | air_temperature_at_layer_for_RRTMGP | air temperature layer | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | skt | surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation | surface ground temperature for radiation | K | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | sfc_emiss | surface_longwave_emissivity_in_each_band | surface lw emissivity in fraction in each LW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | lw_gas_props | coefficients_for_lw_gas_optics | DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp | | in | F |
!! | optical_propsLW_clds | longwave_optical_properties_for_cloudy_atmosphere | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties | DDT | 0 | ty_optical_props_1scl | | in | F |
!! | optical_propsLW_aerosol | longwave_optical_properties_for_aerosols | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties | DDT | 0 | ty_optical_props_1scl | | in | F |
@@ -49,12 +48,15 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_init
!! | errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
!! | errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |
- subroutine rrtmgp_lw_run(Model, ncol, lw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, skt, &
- sfc_emiss, gas_concentrations, optical_propsLW_clds, optical_propsLW_aerosol,&
+ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_run(Model, Radtend, ncol, lw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, skt, &
+ gas_concentrations, optical_propsLW_clds, optical_propsLW_aerosol,&
lslwr, fluxUP_allsky, fluxDOWN_allsky, fluxUP_clrsky, fluxDOWN_clrsky, hlw0, hlwb, errmsg, errflg)
! Inputs
- type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: Model
+ type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: &
+ Model
+ type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(in) :: &
+ Radtend ! Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
integer, intent(in) :: &
ncol ! Number of horizontal gridpoints
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs), intent(in) :: &
@@ -66,8 +68,6 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_run(Model, ncol, lw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, skt, &
skt ! Surface(skin) temperature (K)
type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
lw_gas_props ! DDT containing LW spectral information
- real(kind_phys), dimension(lw_gas_props%get_nband(),ncol) :: &
- sfc_emiss ! Surface emissivity (1)
type(ty_optical_props_1scl),intent(in) :: &
optical_propsLW_clds, & ! RRTMGP DDT: longwave cloud radiative properties
optical_propsLW_aerosol ! RRTMGP DDT: longwave aerosol radiative properties
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_run(Model, ncol, lw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, skt, &
t_lay, & ! IN - temperature at layer interfaes (K)
p_lev, & ! IN - pressure at layer centers (Pa)
skt, & ! IN - skin temperature (K)
- sfc_emiss, & ! IN - surface emissivity in each LW band
+ Radtend%sfc_emiss_byband, & ! IN - surface emissivity in each LW band
optical_propsLW_clds, & ! IN - DDT containing cloud optical information
flux_allsky, & ! OUT - Fluxes, all-sky, 3D (nCol,model%levs,nBand)
flux_clrsky, & ! OUT - Fluxes, clear-sky, 3D (nCol,model%levs,nBand)
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics.F90
index 884101046..850d1307b 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics.F90
@@ -96,9 +96,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init(Model, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, lw_clou
npairsLWcldy !
! Local variables
- integer :: dimID,varID,status,igpt,iGas,ij,ierr,ncid_lw_clds
- integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp_log_array1,&
- temp_log_array2, temp_log_array3, temp_log_array4
+ integer :: dimID,varID,status,ierr,ncid_lw_clds
character(len=264) :: lw_cloud_props_file
integer,parameter :: max_strlen=256
@@ -106,8 +104,11 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init(Model, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, lw_clou
errmsg = ''
errflg = 0
+ if (Model%rrtmgp_cld_optics .eq. 0) return
! Filenames are set in the gfs_physics_nml (scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90)
lw_cloud_props_file = trim(Model%rrtmgp_root)//trim(Model%lw_file_clouds)
! Read dimensions for k-distribution fields (only on master processor(0))
if (mpirank .eq. mpiroot) then
if(nf90_open(trim(lw_cloud_props_file), NF90_WRITE, ncid_lw_clds) == NF90_NOERR) then
@@ -295,13 +296,14 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init(Model, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, lw_clou
! Load tables data for RRTMGP cloud-optics
- call check_error_msg('lw_cloud_optics_init',lw_cloud_props%set_ice_roughness(Model%rrtmgp_nrghice))
if (Model%rrtmgp_cld_optics .eq. 1) then
+ call check_error_msg('lw_cloud_optics_init',lw_cloud_props%set_ice_roughness(Model%rrtmgp_nrghice))
call check_error_msg('lw_cloud_optics_init',lw_cloud_props%load(band_lims_cldy, &
radliq_lwr, radliq_upr, radliq_fac, radice_lwr, radice_upr, radice_fac, &
lut_extliq, lut_ssaliq, lut_asyliq, lut_extice, lut_ssaice, lut_asyice))
if (Model%rrtmgp_cld_optics .eq. 2) then
+ call check_error_msg('lw_cloud_optics_init',lw_cloud_props%set_ice_roughness(Model%rrtmgp_nrghice))
call check_error_msg('lw_cloud_optics_init',lw_cloud_props%load(band_lims_cldy, &
pade_extliq, pade_ssaliq, pade_asyliq, pade_extice, pade_ssaice, &
pade_asyice, pade_sizereg_extliq, pade_sizereg_ssaliq, pade_sizereg_asyliq,&
@@ -315,9 +317,6 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init
!! |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|------|-----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
!! | ncol | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | p_lay | air_pressure_at_layer_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure layer | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | t_lay | air_temperature_at_layer_for_RRTMGP | air temperature layer | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | p_lev | air_pressure_at_interface_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure level | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | cld_frac | total_cloud_fraction | layer total cloud fraction | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | cld_lwp | cloud_liquid_water_path | layer cloud liquid water path | g m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | cld_reliq | mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud | mean effective radius for liquid cloud | micron | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
@@ -341,7 +340,7 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init
! #########################################################################################
! SUBROUTINE rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run()
! #########################################################################################
- subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, cld_frac, &
+ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw,cld_frac, &
cld_lwp, cld_reliq, cld_iwp, cld_reice, cld_swp, cld_resnow, cld_rwp, cld_rerain, &
aerosols, lw_cloud_props, lw_gas_props, ipsdlw0, &
optical_props_clouds, optical_props_aerosol, cldtaulw, errmsg, errflg)
@@ -357,11 +356,6 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
! variable isubclw=2, it provides permutation seed
! for each column profile that are used for generating
! random numbers. when isubclw /=2, it will not be used.
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs), intent(in) :: &
- p_lay, & ! Pressure @ model layer-centers (hPa)
- t_lay ! Temperature (K)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs+1), intent(in) :: &
- p_lev ! Pressure @ model layer-interfaces (hPa)
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs),intent(in) :: &
cld_frac, & ! Total cloud fraction by layer
cld_lwp, & ! Cloud liquid water path
@@ -376,7 +370,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
lw_cloud_props !
type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
- real(kind_phys), intent(in),dimension(ncol, model%levs, lw_cloud_props%get_nband(),3) :: &
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in),dimension(ncol, model%levs, lw_gas_props%get_nband(),3) :: &
aerosols !
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,Model%levs), intent(out) :: &
cldtaulw ! approx 10.mu band layer cloud optical depth
@@ -399,7 +393,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
real(kind_phys), dimension(lw_gas_props%get_ngpt(),model%levs,ncol) :: rng3D
real(kind_phys), dimension(lw_gas_props%get_ngpt()*model%levs) :: rng1D
logical, dimension(ncol,model%levs,lw_gas_props%get_ngpt()) :: cldfracMCICA
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs,lw_cloud_props%get_nband()) :: &
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs,lw_gas_props%get_nband()) :: &
! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
@@ -432,10 +426,10 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
! #######################################################################################
! Cloud optics [nCol,model%levs,nBands]
call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run',optical_props_cloudsByBand%alloc_1scl(&
- ncol, model%levs, lw_cloud_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
+ ncol, model%levs, lw_gas_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
! Aerosol optics [nCol,model%levs,nBands]
call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run',optical_props_aerosol%alloc_1scl( &
- ncol, model%levs, lw_cloud_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
+ ncol, model%levs, lw_gas_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
! Cloud optics [nCol,model%levs,nGpts]
call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run',optical_props_clouds%alloc_1scl( &
ncol, model%levs, lw_gas_props))
@@ -466,7 +460,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_lw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
! ii) RRTMG cloud-optics.
if (any(cld_frac .gt. 0)) then
- call rrtmg_lw_cloud_optics(ncol, model%levs, lw_cloud_props%get_nband(), cld_lwp, &
+ call rrtmg_lw_cloud_optics(ncol, model%levs, lw_gas_props%get_nband(), cld_lwp, &
cld_reliq, cld_iwp, cld_reice, cld_rwp, cld_rerain, cld_swp, cld_resnow, &
cld_frac, tau_cld)
optical_props_cloudsByBand%tau = tau_cld
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics.F90
index 2e28b59be..cc0e848c8 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics.F90
@@ -119,9 +119,8 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics_init(Model, Radtend, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot,
ncontributors_upper !
! Local variables
- integer :: ncid_lw,dimID,varID,status,igpt,iGas,ij,ierr
- integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp_log_array1,&
- temp_log_array2, temp_log_array3, temp_log_array4
+ integer :: ncid_lw,dimID,varID,status,iGas
+ integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4
character(len=264) :: lw_gas_props_file
integer,parameter :: max_strlen=256
@@ -398,7 +397,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics_init(Model, Radtend, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot,
! Initialize gas concentrations and gas optics class with data
do iGas=1,Model%nGases
- call check_error_msg('lw_gas_optics_init',gas_concentrations%set_vmr(Radtend%active_gases(iGas), 0._kind_phys))
+ call check_error_msg('lw_gas_optics_init',gas_concentrations%set_vmr(Radtend%active_gases(iGas,1), 0._kind_phys))
call check_error_msg('lw_gas_optics_init',lw_gas_props%load(gas_concentrations, gas_names, &
key_species, band2gpt, band_lims, press_ref, press_ref_trop, temp_ref, temp_ref_p, &
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.xml b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d3b4108..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ncol
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation
- number of vertical layers for radiation
- count
- nlay
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
- air pressure level
- hPa
- p_lev
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- lw_flux_profiles_byband_allsky
- Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP 3D fluxes
- fluxLW_allsky
- ty_fluxes_byband
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- lw_flux_profiles_byband_clrsky
- Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP 3D fluxes
- fluxLW_clrsky
- ty_fluxes_byband
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_POST_scheme
- DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme
- kdist_lw
- ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_POST_scheme
- DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme
- kdist_lw
- ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- longwave total sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hlwc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- lw_fluxes_top_atmosphere
- longwave total sky fluxes at the top of the atm
- W m-2
- topflx
- topflw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- lw_fluxes_sfc
- longwave total sky fluxes at the Earth surface
- W m-2
- sfcflx
- sfcflw_type
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
- longwave clear sky heating rate
- K s-1
- hlw0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- lw_fluxes
- lw fluxes total sky / csk and up / down at levels
- W m-2
- flxprf
- proflw_type
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
- lw_heating_rate_spectral
- longwave total sky heating rate (spectral)
- K s-1
- hlwb
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- T
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_post SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_post SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_post_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_pre.xml b/physics/rrtmgp_lw_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4750cd469..000000000
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_lw_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- GFS_control_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters
- Model
- GFS_control_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- GFS_grid_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS grid and interpolation related data
- Grid
- GFS_grid_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- GFS_sfcprop_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS surface fields
- Sfcprop
- GFS_sfcprop_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- GFS_radtend_type_instance
- Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS radiation tendencies
- Radtend
- GFS_radtend_type
- inout
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
- surface ground temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfg
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
- lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
- K
- tsfa
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- K_distribution_file_for_RRTMGP_LW_scheme
- DDT containing spectral information for RRTMGP LW radiation scheme
- physics%kdist_lw
- ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp_type
- in
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity_in_each_band
- surface lw emissivity in fraction in each LW band
- physics%sfc_emiss_byband
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_rrtmgp_lw_pre SCHEME_rrtmgp_lw_pre SUBROUTINE_rrtmgp_lw_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90
index 1f24190b7..7e62dc708 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_sw.F90
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module rrtmgp_sw
use mo_gas_concentrations, only: ty_gas_concs
use mo_fluxes_byband, only: ty_fluxes_byband
use module_radsw_parameters, only: cmpfsw_type
- use rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics, only: rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_init
- use rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics, only: rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics_init
use rrtmgp_aux, only: check_error_msg
public rrtmgp_sw_init, rrtmgp_sw_run, rrtmgp_sw_finalize
@@ -42,9 +40,6 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_init
!! | optical_props_aerosol | shortwave_optical_properties_for_aerosols | Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties | DDT | 0 | ty_optical_props_2str | | in | F |
!! | gas_concentrations | Gas_concentrations_for_RRTMGP_suite | DDT containing gas concentrations for RRTMGP radiation scheme | DDT | 0 | ty_gas_concs | | in | F |
!! | lsswr | flag_to_calc_sw | flag to calculate SW irradiances | flag | 0 | logical | | in | F |
-!! | sfcalb_nir_dir | surface_shortwave_albedo_near_infrared_direct_in_each_band | surface sw near-infrared direct albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | sfcalb_nir_dif | surface_shortwave_albedo_near_infrared_diffuse_in_each_band | surface sw near-infrared diffuse albedo in each SW band | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | cossza | cosine_of_zenith_angle | cosine of the solar zenit angle | none | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | nday | daytime_points_dimension | daytime points dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
!! | idxday | daytime_points | daytime points | index | 1 | integer | | in | F |
!! | hsw0 | tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step | shortwave clear sky heating rate | K s-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | T |
@@ -59,7 +54,7 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_init
subroutine rrtmgp_sw_run(Model, Radtend, ncol, sw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, gas_concentrations, &
optical_props_clds, optical_props_aerosol, &
- lsswr, sfcalb_nir_dir, sfcalb_nir_dif, cossza, nday, idxday, hsw0, hswb, scmpsw, &
+ lsswr, nday, idxday, hsw0, hswb, scmpsw, &
fluxUP_allsky, fluxDOWN_allsky, fluxUP_clrsky, fluxDOWN_clrsky, errmsg, errflg)
! Inputs
@@ -77,11 +72,6 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_run(Model, Radtend, ncol, sw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev
p_lev ! Pressure @ model layer-interfaces (hPa)
type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
sw_gas_props ! DDT containing SW spectral information
- real(kind_phys), dimension(sw_gas_props%get_nband(),ncol), intent(in) :: &
- sfcalb_nir_dir, & ! Surface albedo direct (near-IR) (1)
- sfcalb_nir_dif ! Surface albedo diffuse (near-IR) (1)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: &
- cossza ! Cosine of solar zenith angle (1)
type(ty_optical_props_2str),intent(in) :: &
optical_props_clds, & ! RRTMGP DDT: longwave cloud radiative properties
optical_props_aerosol ! RRTMGP DDT: longwave aerosol radiative properties
@@ -166,8 +156,8 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_run(Model, Radtend, ncol, sw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev
! Similarly, subset the gas concentrations.
do iGas=1,Model%nGases
- call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_run',gas_concentrations%get_vmr(trim(Radtend%active_gases(iGas)),vmrTemp))
- call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_run',gas_concentrations_daylit%set_vmr(trim(Radtend%active_gases(iGas)),vmrTemp(idxday,:)))
+ call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_run',gas_concentrations%get_vmr(trim(Radtend%active_gases(iGas,1)),vmrTemp))
+ call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_run',gas_concentrations_daylit%set_vmr(trim(Radtend%active_gases(iGas,1)),vmrTemp(idxday,:)))
! Initialize RRTMGP DDT containing 2D(3D) fluxes
@@ -188,9 +178,9 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_run(Model, Radtend, ncol, sw_gas_props, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev
p_lay(idxday,1:Model%levs), & ! IN - pressure at layer interfaces (Pa)
t_lay(idxday,1:Model%levs), & ! IN - temperature at layer interfaes (K)
p_lev(idxday,1:Model%levs+1), & ! IN - pressure at layer centers (Pa)
- cossza(idxday), & ! IN - Cosine of solar zenith angle
- sfcalb_nir_dir(:,idxday), & ! IN - Shortwave surface albedo (direct)
- sfcalb_nir_dif(:,idxday), & ! IN - Shortwave surface albedo (diffuse)
+ Radtend%coszen(idxday), & ! IN - Cosine of solar zenith angle
+ Radtend%sfc_alb_nir_dir(:,idxday), & ! IN - Shortwave surface albedo (direct)
+ Radtend%sfc_alb_nir_dif(:,idxday), & ! IN - Shortwave surface albedo (diffuse)
optical_props_clds_daylit, & ! IN - DDT containing cloud optical information
flux_allsky, & ! OUT - Fluxes, all-sky, 3D (nCol,Model%levs,nBand)
flux_clrsky, & ! OUT - Fluxes, clear-sky, 3D (nCol,Model%levs,nBand)
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics.F90
index 58d62d50d..61c0340d5 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics.F90
@@ -97,13 +97,15 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_init(Model,mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, sw_cloud
npairsSWcldy_sw !
! Local variables
- integer :: status,ncid_sw_clds,dimid,varID,iGas
+ integer :: status,ncid_sw_clds,dimid,varID
character(len=264) :: sw_cloud_props_file
! Initialize
errmsg = ''
errflg = 0
+ if (Model%rrtmgp_cld_optics .eq. 0) return
! Filenames are set in the gfs_physics_nml (scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90)
sw_cloud_props_file = trim(Model%rrtmgp_root)//trim(Model%sw_file_clouds)
@@ -294,14 +296,15 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_init(Model,mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, sw_cloud
! Load tables data for RRTMGP cloud-optics
- call check_error_msg('sw_cloud_optics_init',sw_cloud_props%set_ice_roughness(Model%rrtmgp_nrghice))
if (Model%rrtmgp_cld_optics .eq. 1) then
+ call check_error_msg('sw_cloud_optics_init',sw_cloud_props%set_ice_roughness(Model%rrtmgp_nrghice))
call check_error_msg('sw_cloud_optics_init',sw_cloud_props%load(band_lims_cldy_sw, &
radliq_lwr_sw, radliq_upr_sw, radliq_fac_sw, radice_lwr_sw, radice_upr_sw, &
radice_fac_sw, lut_extliq_sw, lut_ssaliq_sw, lut_asyliq_sw, lut_extice_sw, &
lut_ssaice_sw, lut_asyice_sw))
if (Model%rrtmgp_cld_optics .eq. 2) then
+ call check_error_msg('sw_cloud_optics_init',sw_cloud_props%set_ice_roughness(Model%rrtmgp_nrghice))
call check_error_msg('sw_cloud_optics_init', sw_cloud_props%load(band_lims_cldy_sw, &
pade_extliq_sw, pade_ssaliq_sw, pade_asyliq_sw, pade_extice_sw, pade_ssaice_sw, &
pade_asyice_sw, pade_sizereg_extliq_sw, pade_sizereg_ssaliq_sw, &
@@ -315,9 +318,6 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_init
!! |-----------------------|------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|------|-----------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | Model | GFS_control_type_instance | Fortran DDT containing FV3-GFS model control parameters | DDT | 0 | GFS_control_type | | in | F |
!! | ncol | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
-!! | p_lay | air_pressure_at_layer_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure layer | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | t_lay | air_temperature_at_layer_for_RRTMGP | air temperature layer | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
-!! | p_lev | air_pressure_at_interface_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa | air pressure level | hPa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | cld_frac | total_cloud_fraction | layer total cloud fraction | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | cld_lwp | cloud_liquid_water_path | layer cloud liquid water path | g m-2 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
!! | cld_reliq | mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud | mean effective radius for liquid cloud | micron | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ end subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_init
! #########################################################################################
! SUBROTUINE rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run()
! #########################################################################################
- subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, cld_frac, & ! IN
+ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, cld_frac, & ! IN
cld_lwp, cld_reliq, cld_iwp, cld_reice, cld_swp, cld_resnow, cld_rwp, cld_rerain, & ! IN
aerosols, sw_cloud_props, sw_gas_props, ipsdsw0, nday, idxday, & ! IN
optical_props_clouds, optical_props_aerosol, cldtausw, errmsg, errflg) ! OUT
@@ -362,11 +362,6 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
! variable isubcsw=2, it provides permutation seed
! for each column profile that are used for generating
! random numbers. when isubcsw /=2, it will not be used.
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs), intent(in) :: &
- p_lay, & ! Pressure @ model layer-centers (hPa)
- t_lay ! Temperature (K)
- real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs+1), intent(in) :: &
- p_lev ! Pressure @ model layer-interfaces (hPa)
real(kind_phys), dimension(ncol,model%levs),intent(in) :: &
cld_frac, & ! Total cloud fraction by layer
cld_lwp, & ! Cloud liquid water path
@@ -381,7 +376,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
sw_cloud_props !
type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp),intent(in) :: &
- real(kind_phys), intent(in),dimension(ncol, model%levs, sw_cloud_props%get_nband(),3) :: &
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in),dimension(ncol, model%levs, sw_gas_props%get_nband(),3) :: &
aerosols !
! Outputs
@@ -402,7 +397,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
real(kind_phys), dimension(sw_gas_props%get_ngpt(),model%levs,ncol) :: rng3D
real(kind_phys), dimension(sw_gas_props%get_ngpt()*model%levs) :: rng1D
logical, dimension(ncol,model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_ngpt()) :: cldfracMCICA
- real(kind_phys), dimension(nday,model%levs,sw_cloud_props%get_nband()) :: &
+ real(kind_phys), dimension(nday,model%levs,sw_gas_props%get_nband()) :: &
tau_cld, ssa_cld, asy_cld
! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
@@ -435,10 +430,10 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
! #######################################################################################
! Cloud optics [ncol,model%levs,nBands]
call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run',optical_props_cloudsByBand%alloc_2str(&
- ncol, model%levs, sw_cloud_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
+ ncol, model%levs, sw_gas_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
! Aerosol optics [ncol,model%levs,nBands]
call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run',optical_props_aerosol%alloc_2str( &
- ncol, model%levs, sw_cloud_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
+ ncol, model%levs, sw_gas_props%get_band_lims_wavenumber()))
! Cloud optics [ncol,model%levs,nGpt]
call check_error_msg('rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run',optical_props_clouds%alloc_2str( &
ncol, model%levs, sw_gas_props))
@@ -474,7 +469,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics_run(Model, ncol, icseed_sw, p_lay, t_lay, p_le
optical_props_cloudsByBand%tau(:,:,:) = 0._kind_phys
optical_props_cloudsByBand%ssa(:,:,:) = 0._kind_phys
optical_props_cloudsByBand%g(:,:,:) = 0._kind_phys
- call rrtmg_sw_cloud_optics(nday, model%levs, sw_cloud_props%get_nband(), cld_lwp(idxday,:), &
+ call rrtmg_sw_cloud_optics(nday, model%levs, sw_gas_props%get_nband(), cld_lwp(idxday,:), &
cld_reliq(idxday,:), cld_iwp(idxday,:), cld_reice(idxday,:), cld_rwp(idxday,:), &
cld_rerain(idxday,:), cld_swp(idxday,:), cld_resnow(idxday,:), cld_frac(idxday,:),&
tau_cld, ssa_cld, asy_cld)
diff --git a/physics/rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics.F90 b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics.F90
index 6c33684c6..f0dc2e2d9 100644
--- a/physics/rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics.F90
+++ b/physics/rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics.F90
@@ -114,9 +114,8 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics_init(Model, Radtend, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot,
ncontributors_upper_sw !
! Local variables
- integer :: status,ncid_sw,ncid_sw_clds,dimid,varID,ij,iGas
- integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp_log_array1,&
- temp_log_array2, temp_log_array3, temp_log_array4
+ integer :: status,ncid_sw,dimid,varID,iGas
+ integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4
character(len=264) :: sw_gas_props_file
! Initialize
@@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ subroutine rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics_init(Model, Radtend, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot,
! Initialize gas concentrations and gas optics class with data
do iGas=1,Model%nGases
- call check_error_msg('sw_gas_optics_init',gas_concentrations%set_vmr(Radtend%active_gases(iGas), 0._kind_phys))
+ call check_error_msg('sw_gas_optics_init',gas_concentrations%set_vmr(Radtend%active_gases(iGas,1), 0._kind_phys))
call check_error_msg('sw_gas_optics_init',sw_gas_props%load(gas_concentrations, gas_names_sw, &
key_species_sw, band2gpt_sw, band_lims_sw, press_ref_sw, press_ref_trop_sw, temp_ref_sw, &
diff --git a/physics/samfdeepcnv.xml b/physics/samfdeepcnv.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a59a552f..000000000
--- a/physics/samfdeepcnv.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- specific_heat_of_liquid_water_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of liquid water at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cliq
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- specific_heat_of_water_vapor_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of water vapor at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants
- rd/rv
- none
- eps
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rd/rv) - 1
- none
- epsm1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- fv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- rv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- temperature_at_zero_celsius
- temperature at 0 degrees Celsius
- K
- t0c
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy_convective_transport_tracer
- index for turbulent kinetic energy in the convectively transported tracer array
- index
- ntk
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- number_of_tracers_for_samf
- number of tracers for scale-aware mass flux schemes
- count
- ntr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- pres(k) - pres(k+1)
- Pa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prslp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- psp
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- geopotential
- layer geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- qtr
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- updated vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated x-direction wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated y-direction wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- cloud_work_function
- cloud work function
- m2 s-2
- cldwrk
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- lwe_thickness_of_deep_convective_precipitation_amount
- deep convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- rn
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- index for cloud base
- index
- kbot
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_top
- index for cloud top
- index
- ktop
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- flag_deep_convection
- deep convection: 0=no, 1=yes
- flag
- kcnv
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- cell_area
- grid cell area
- m2
- garea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- dot
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- number_of_hydrometeors
- number of hydrometeors
- count
- ncloud
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
- (updraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- ud_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
- (downdraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dd_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
- (detrainment mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dt_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
- moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvw
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- convective_cloud_cover
- convective cloud cover
- frac
- cnvc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_liquid_water
- mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water
- kg kg-1
- qlcn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_ice
- mass fraction of convective cloud ice water
- kg kg-1
- qicn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- vertical_velocity_for_updraft
- vertical velocity for updraft
- m s-1
- w_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- convective_cloud_fraction_for_microphysics
- convective cloud fraction for microphysics
- frac
- cf_upi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- detrained_mass_flux
- detrained mass flux
- kg m-2 s-1
- cnv_mfd
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- tendency_of_cloud_water_due_to_convective_microphysics
- tendency of cloud water due to convective microphysics
- kg m-2 s-1
- cnv_dqldt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- convective_cloud_volume_fraction
- convective cloud volume fraction
- frac
- clcn
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- ice_fraction_in_convective_tower
- ice fraction in convective tower
- frac
- cnv_fice
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_for_detrainment
- droplet number concentration in convective detrainment
- m-3
- cnv_ndrop
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_for_detrainment
- crystal number concentration in convective detrainment
- m-3
- cnv_nice
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- mp_phys
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Morrison-Gettelman rmicrophysics scheme
- flag
- mp_phys_mg
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- entrainment_rate_coefficient_deep_convection
- entrainment rate coefficient for deep conv.
- none
- clam
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- rain_conversion_parameter_deep_convection
- convective rain conversion parameter for deep conv.
- m-1
- c0s
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- detrainment_conversion_parameter_deep_convection
- convective detrainment conversion parameter for deep conv.
- m-1
- c1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- downdraft_fraction_reaching_surface_over_land_deep_convection
- downdraft fraction reaching surface over land for deep conv.
- frac
- betal
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- downdraft_fraction_reaching_surface_over_ocean_deep_convection
- downdraft fraction reaching surface over ocean for deep conv.
- frac
- betas
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- rain_evaporation_coefficient_deep_convection
- convective rain evaporation coefficient for deep conv.
- frac
- evfact
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- rain_evaporation_coefficient_over_land_deep_convection
- convective rain evaporation coefficient over land for deep conv.
- frac
- evfactl
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- momentum_transport_reduction_factor_pgf_deep_convection
- reduction factor in momentum transport due to deep conv. induced pressure gradient force
- frac
- pgcon
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- aerosol_aware_parameter_deep_convection
- aerosol-aware parameter inversely proportional to CCN number concentraion from Lim (2011) for deep conv.
- none
- asolfac
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfdeepcnv SCHEME_samfdeepcnv SUBROUTINE_samfdeepcnv_run
diff --git a/physics/samfshalcnv.xml b/physics/samfshalcnv.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e4b67a2..000000000
--- a/physics/samfshalcnv.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- specific_heat_of_liquid_water_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of liquid water at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cliq
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- specific_heat_of_water_vapor_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of water vapor at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants
- rd/rv
- none
- eps
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rd/rv) - 1
- none
- epsm1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- fv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- rv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- temperature_at_zero_celsius
- temperature at 0 degrees Celsius
- K
- t0c
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy_convective_transport_tracer
- index for turbulent kinetic energy in the convectively transported tracer array
- index
- ntk
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- number_of_tracers_for_samf
- number of tracers for scale-aware mass flux schemes
- count
- ntr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- pres(k) - pres(k+1)
- Pa
- delp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prslp
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- psp
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- geopotential
- layer geopotential
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- convective_transportable_tracers
- array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
- kg kg-1
- qtr
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- updated vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- updated temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated x-direction wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- updated y-direction wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- lwe_thickness_of_shallow_convective_precipitation_amount
- shallow convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- rn
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_base
- index at cloud base
- index
- kbot
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- vertical_index_at_cloud_top
- index at cloud top
- index
- ktop
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- flag_deep_convection
- deep convection: 0=no, 1=yes
- flag
- kcnv
- integer
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- cell_area
- grid cell area
- m2
- garea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- dot
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- number_of_hydrometeors
- number of hydrometeors
- count
- ncloud
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL top height
- m
- hpbl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
- (updraft mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- ud_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
- (detrainment mass flux) * delt
- kg m-2
- dt_mf
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
- moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvw
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- convective_cloud_cover
- convective cloud cover
- frac
- cnvc
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- entrainment_rate_coefficient_shallow_convection
- entrainment rate coefficient for shal conv.
- none
- clam
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- rain_conversion_parameter_shallow_convection
- convective rain conversion parameter for shal conv.
- m-1
- c0s
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- detrainment_conversion_parameter_shallow_convection
- convective detrainment conversion parameter for shal conv.
- m-1
- c1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- momentum_transport_reduction_factor_pgf_shallow_convection
- reduction factor in momentum transport due to shal conv. induced pressure gradient force
- frac
- pgcon
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- aerosol_aware_parameter_shallow_convection
- aerosol-aware parameter inversely proportional to CCN number concentraion from Lim (2011) for shal conv.
- none
- asolfac
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv SCHEME_samfshalcnv SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_run
diff --git a/physics/samfshalcnv_post.xml b/physics/samfshalcnv_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d196bc95..000000000
--- a/physics/samfshalcnv_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- levs
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- flag_shallow_convective_cloud
- flag for shallow convective cloud
- shcnvcw
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- dynamics_to_physics_timestep_ratio
- ratio of dynamics timestep to physics timestep
- none
- frain
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_shallow_convective_precipitation_amount
- shallow convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
- m
- rain1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- number_of_3d_arrays_associated_with_pdf-based_clouds
- number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/mp
- count
- npdf3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- array_dimension_of_3d_arrays_for_microphysics
- number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics
- count
- num_p3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- number_of_convective_3d_cloud_fields
- number of convective 3d clouds fields
- count
- ncnvcld3d
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- convective_cloud_cover
- convective cloud cover
- frac
- cnvc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
- moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cnvw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- convective rain at this time step
- m
- rainc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- cumulative_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount
- cumulative convective precipitation
- m
- cnvprcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- cumulative_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_in_bucket
- cumulative convective precipitation in bucket
- m
- cnvprcpb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_in_phy_f3d
- convective cloud water mixing ratio in the phy_f3d array
- kg kg-1
- cnvw_phy_f3d
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- convective_cloud_cover_in_phy_f3d
- convective cloud cover in the phy_f3d array
- frac
- cnvc_phy_f3d
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_samfshalcnv_post SCHEME_samfshalcnv_post SUBROUTINE_samfshalcnv_post_run
diff --git a/physics/satmedmfvdif.xml b/physics/satmedmfvdif.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5ec573d..000000000
--- a/physics/satmedmfvdif.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers
- number of tracers to diffuse vertically
- count
- ntrac
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- index_for_liquid_cloud_condensate
- tracer index for cloud condensate (or liquid water)
- index
- ntcw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- index_for_ice_cloud_condensate_vertical_diffusion_tracer
- tracer index for ice water in the vertically diffused tracer array
- index
- ntiw
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- index_for_turbulent_kinetic_energy_vertical_diffusion_tracer
- index for turbulent kinetic energy in the vertically diffused tracer array
- index
- ntke
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- rv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- latent_heat_of_fusion_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of fusion
- J kg-1
- hfus
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- fv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants
- rd/rv
- none
- eps
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rd/rv) - 1
- none
- epsm1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the y wind
- m s-2
- dv
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the x wind
- m s-2
- du
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
- updated tendency of the temperature
- K s-1
- tdt
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- tendency_of_vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- updated tendency of the tracers due to vertical diffusion in PBL scheme
- kg kg-1 s-1
- rtg
- real
- (:,:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- x_wind
- x component of layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- y_wind
- y component of layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- air_temperature
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
- tracer concentration diffused by PBL scheme
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:,:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky shortwave heating rate
- K s-1
- swh
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
- total sky longwave heating rate
- K s-1
- hlw
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes
- zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave
- none
- xmu
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- cell_area
- area of the grid cell
- m2
- garea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_interface
- dimensionless Exner function at the surface interface
- none
- psk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- rbsoil
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length in cm
- cm
- zorl
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- x component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- y component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsea
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- heat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- surface_wind_stress
- surface wind stress
- m2 s-2
- stress
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- spd1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
- PBL top model level index
- index
- kpbl
- integer
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- air_pressure_at_interface
- air pressure at model layer interfaces
- Pa
- prsi
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- pres(k) - pres(k+1)
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
- Exner function at layers
- none
- prslk
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- time_step_for_physics
- time step for physics
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- flag_TKE_dissipation_heating
- flag for using TKE dissipation heating
- flag
- dspheat
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux
- x momentum flux
- Pa
- dusfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux
- y momentum flux
- Pa
- dvsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- surface upward sensible heat flux
- W m-2
- dtsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward latent heat flux
- W m-2
- dqsfc
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
- PBL thickness
- m
- hpbl
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- index_of_highest_temperature_inversion
- index of highest temperature inversion
- index
- kinver
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- atmosphere_momentum_diffusivity_background
- background value of momentum diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzm_m
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_background
- background value of heat diffusivity
- m2 s-1
- xkzm_h
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- diffusivity_background_sigma_level
- sigma level threshold for background diffusivity
- none
- xkzm_s
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_satmedmfvdif SCHEME_satmedmfvdif SUBROUTINE_satmedmfvdif_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_diag.xml b/physics/sfc_diag.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b5dfc9b6c..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_diag.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- grav
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants
- rd/rv
- none
- eps
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rd/rv) - 1
- none
- epsm1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
- x component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
- y component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
- 1st model layer air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
- 1st model layer specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsurf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- ratio_of_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_and_wind_at_10m
- ratio of fm10 and fm
- ratio
- f10m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- x component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- y component of wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- temperature_at_2m
- temperature at 2 m
- K
- t2m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- specific_humidity_at_2m
- specific humidity at 2 m
- kg kg-1
- q2m
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- prslki
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- surface upward evaporation flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum
- none
- fm10
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat
- none
- fh2
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag SCHEME_sfc_diag SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_diag_post.xml b/physics/sfc_diag_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0029ffa0f..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_diag_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- flag_diagnostics
- logical flag for storing diagnostics
- flag
- lssav
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics timestep
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants
- rd/rv
- none
- con_eps
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rd/rv) - 1
- none
- con_epsm1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- pgr
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- temperature_at_2m
- 2 meter temperature
- K
- t2m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- specific_humidity_at_2m
- 2 meter specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q2m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- x_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter u wind speed
- m s-1
- u10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- y_wind_at_10m
- 10 meter v wind speed
- m s-1
- v10m
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- minimum_temperature_at_2m
- min temperature at 2m height
- K
- tmpmin
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- maximum_temperature_at_2m
- max temperature at 2m height
- K
- tmpmax
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- minimum_specific_humidity_at_2m
- minimum specific humidity at 2m height
- kg kg-1
- spfhmin
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- maximum_specific_humidity_at_2m
- maximum specific humidity at 2m height
- kg kg-1
- spfhmax
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- maximum_wind_at_10m
- maximum wind speed at 10 m
- m s-1
- wind10mmax
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- maximum_x_wind_at_10m
- maximum x wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- u10mmax
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- maximum_y_wind_at_10m
- maximum y wind at 10 m
- m s-1
- v10mmax
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- dewpoint_temperature_at_2m
- 2 meter dewpoint temperature
- K
- dpt2m
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_diag_post SCHEME_sfc_diag_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_diag_post_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_ex_coef.xml b/physics/sfc_ex_coef.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a5ef62457..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_ex_coef.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- x component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- y component of 1st model layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- 1st model layer air temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- 1st model layer specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
- height above ground at 1st model layer
- m
- z1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent
- water equivalent surface snow thickness
- mm
- snwdph
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_roughness_length
- surface roughness length
- cm
- z0rl
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
- bulk Richardson number at the surface
- none
- rb
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- Model layer 1 mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- prslki
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_wind_stress
- surface wind stress
- m2 s-2
- stress
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum
- none
- fm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat
- none
- fh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_friction_velocity
- surface friction velocity
- m s-1
- ustar
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
- wind speed at lowest model level
- m s-1
- wind
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- surface wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- ddvel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum
- none
- fm10
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- Monin-Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m
- Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat
- none
- fh2
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- bounded_vegetation_area_fraction
- areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom
- frac
- sigmaf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- vegetation_type_classification
- vegetation type at each grid cell
- index
- vegtype
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- maximum_vegetation_area_fraction
- max fractnl cover of green veg
- frac
- shdmax
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- vegetation_type_dataset_choice
- land use dataset choice
- index
- ivegsrc
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- perturbation_of_momentum_roughness_length
- perturbation of momentum roughness length
- frac
- z0pert
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- perturbation_of_heat_to_momentum_roughness_length_ratio
- perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio
- frac
- ztpert
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- surface skin temperature after iteration
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- flag_for_reduced_drag_coefficient_over_sea
- flag for reduced drag coefficient over sea
- flag
- redrag
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ex_coef SCHEME_sfc_ex_coef SUBROUTINE_sfc_ex_coef_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_nst.xml b/physics/sfc_nst.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35051132f..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_nst.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- x component of surface layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- y component of surface layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sea_surface_reference_temperature
- reference/foundation temperature
- K
- tref
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- prslki
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- longitude
- longitude
- radians
- xlon
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sine_of_latitude
- sine of latitude
- none
- sinlat
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_wind_stress
- wind stress
- m2 s-2
- stress
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- surface longwave emissivity
- frac
- sfcemis
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground
- total sky sfc downward lw flux absorbed by the ocean
- W m-2
- dlwflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- total sky sfc net sw flx into ocean
- W m-2
- sfcnsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- nonnegative precipitation amount on dyn time step
- m
- rain
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- timestep interval
- s
- timestep
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- index_of_time_step
- current time step index
- index
- kdt
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- forecast_hour
- fcst hour at the end of prev time step
- h
- solhr
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- instantaneous_cosine_of_zenith_angle
- cosine of solar zenith angle
- none
- xcosz
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- ddvel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- flag_for_guess_run
- flag for guess run
- flag
- flag_guess
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- flag_for_nsstm_run
- NSSTM flag: off/uncoupled/coupled=0/1/2
- flag
- nstf_name1
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- vertical_temperature_average_range_lower_bound
- zsea1
- mm
- nstf_name4
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- vertical_temperature_average_range_upper_bound
- zsea2
- mm
- nstf_name5
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- flag_print
- flag for printing diagnostics to output
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_skin_temperature_for_nsst
- ocean surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- ocean surface skin temperature for guess run
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- diurnal_thermocline_layer_heat_content
- heat content in diurnal thermocline layer
- K m
- xt
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sea_water_salinity
- salinity content in diurnal thermocline layer
- ppt m
- xs
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- diurnal_thermocline_layer_x_current
- u-current content in diurnal thermocline layer
- m2 s-1
- xu
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- diurnal_thermocline_layer_y_current
- v-current content in diurnal thermocline layer
- m2 s-1
- xv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- diurnal_thermocline_layer_thickness
- diurnal thermocline layer thickness
- m
- xz
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness
- mixed layer thickness
- m
- zm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sensitivity_of_dtl_heat_content_to_surface_temperature
- d(xt)/d(ts)
- m
- xtts
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sensitivity_of_dtl_thickness_to_surface_temperature
- d(xz)/d(ts)
- m K-1
- xzts
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sub-layer_cooling_amount
- sub-layer cooling amount
- K
- dt_cool
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sub-layer_cooling_thickness
- sub-layer cooling thickness
- m
- z_c
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- coefficient_c_0
- coefficient1 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
- none
- c_0
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- coefficient_c_d
- coefficient2 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
- none
- c_d
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- coefficient_w_0
- coefficient3 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
- none
- w_0
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- coefficient_w_d
- coefficient4 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
- none
- w_d
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- free_convection_layer_thickness
- thickness of free convection layer
- m
- d_conv
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- index_of_dtlm_start
- index to start dtlm run or not
- index
- ifd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- sensible_heat_flux_due_to_rainfall
- sensible heat flux due to rainfall
- W
- qrain
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- upward_heat_flux_in_soil
- soil heat flux
- W m-2
- gflux
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- surf mom exch coef time mean surf wind
- m s-1
- cmm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surf h m exch coef time surf wind density
- kg m-2 s-1
- chh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic from latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
- potential evaporation
- W m-2
- ep
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst SCHEME_sfc_nst SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_nst_post.xml b/physics/sfc_nst_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7dd20f46..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_nst_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- orography
- orography
- m
- oro
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- orography_unfiltered
- unfiltered orography
- m
- oro_uf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- flag_for_nsstm_run
- NSSTM flag: off/uncoupled/coupled=0/1/2
- flag
- nstf_name1
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- vertical_temperature_average_range_lower_bound
- zsea1
- mm
- nstf_name4
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- vertical_temperature_average_range_upper_bound
- zsea2
- mm
- nstf_name5
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- diurnal_thermocline_layer_heat_content
- heat content in diurnal thermocline layer
- K m
- xt
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- diurnal_thermocline_layer_thickness
- diurnal thermocline layer thickness
- m
- xz
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- sub-layer_cooling_amount
- sub-layer cooling amount
- K
- dt_cool
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- sub-layer_cooling_thickness
- sub-layer cooling thickness
- m
- z_c
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- sea_land_ice_mask_real
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- rslimsk
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- sea_surface_reference_temperature
- reference/foundation temperature
- K
- tref
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- longitude
- longitude
- radians
- xlon
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- ocean surface skin temperature for guess run
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- mean_change_over_depth_in_sea_water_temperature
- mean of dT(z) (zsea1 to zsea2)
- K
- dtzm
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsfc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_post SCHEME_sfc_nst_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_post_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_nst_pre.xml b/physics/sfc_nst_pre.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7931866..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_nst_pre.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- orography
- orography
- m
- oro
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- orography_unfiltered
- unfiltered orographyo
- m
- oro_uf
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
- ocean surface skin temperature for guess run
- K
- tsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- surface_skin_temperature_for_nsst
- ocean surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_nst_pre SCHEME_sfc_nst_pre SUBROUTINE_sfc_nst_pre_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_ocean.xml b/physics/sfc_ocean.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d36950994..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_ocean.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- x component of surface layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- y component of surface layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- prslki
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- ddvel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- surface air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- surf mom exch coef time mean surf wind
- m s-1
- cmm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surf h m exch coef time surf wind density
- kg m-2 s-1
- chh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- upward_heat_flux_in_soil
- soil heat flux
- W m-2
- gflux
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic from latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
- potential evaporation
- W m-2
- ep
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_ocean SCHEME_sfc_ocean SUBROUTINE_sfc_ocean_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_sice.xml b/physics/sfc_sice.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6d51a995..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_sice.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- soil_vertical_dimension
- vertical loop extent for soil levels, start at 1
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- u component of surface layer wind
- m s-1
- u1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
- v component of surface layer wind
- m s-1
- v1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean temperature
- K
- t1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- time step
- s
- delt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_longwave_emissivity
- sfc lw emissivity
- frac
- sfcemis
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground
- total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground
- W m-2
- dlwflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- total sky sfc netsw flx into ground
- W m-2
- sfcnsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
- total sky sfc downward sw flux
- W m-2
- sfcdsw
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- flag_for_precipitation_type
- snow/rain flag for precipitation
- flag
- srflag
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
- surface exchange coeff for momentum
- none
- cm
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surface exchange coeff heat moisture
- none
- ch
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
- surface layer mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
- Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
- ratio
- prslki
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2)
- flag
- islimsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
- wind enhancement due to convection
- m s-1
- ddvel
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- flag_for_iteration
- flag for iteration
- flag
- flag_iter
- logical
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- flag_for_mom4_coupling
- flag for Mom4 coupling
- flag
- mom4ice
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- flag_for_land_surface_scheme
- flag for land sfc scheme =0: osu; =1: noah
- flag
- lsm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- flag_print
- switch for printing sample column to stdout
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- sea_ice_thickness
- sea-ice thickness
- m
- hice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- sea_ice_concentration
- sea-ice concentration [0,1]
- frac
- fice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- sea_ice_temperature
- sea-ice surface temperature
- K
- tice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth
- water equivalent accumulated snow depth
- mm
- weasd
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tskin
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
- nonnegative precipitation amount in one dynamics time step
- m
- tprcp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- soil_temperature
- soil temp
- K
- stc
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
- potential evaporation
- W m-2
- ep
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent
- water equivalent snow depth
- mm
- snwdph
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_specific_humidity
- sfc air saturation specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- qsurf
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_snow_melt
- snow melt during timestep
- m
- snowmt
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- upward_heat_flux_in_soil
- soil heat flux
- W m-2
- gflux
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
- surf mom exch coef time mean surf wind
- m s-1
- cmm
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
- surf h m exch coef time surf wind density
- kg m-2 s-1
- chh
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- evaporative latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice SCHEME_sfc_sice SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_run
diff --git a/physics/sfc_sice_post.xml b/physics/sfc_sice_post.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 859b3c121..000000000
--- a/physics/sfc_sice_post.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- sea_land_ice_mask
- sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2)
- flag
- islmsk
- integer
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- surface_skin_temperature
- surface skin temperature
- K
- tsfc
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- sea_ice_concentration
- sea-ice concentration [0,1]
- frac
- fice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- sea_ice_thickness
- sea-ice thickness
- m
- hice
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- sea_ice_temperature
- sea-ice surface temperature
- K
- tisfc
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_sfc_sice_post SCHEME_sfc_sice_post SUBROUTINE_sfc_sice_post_run
diff --git a/physics/shoc.xml b/physics/shoc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d015867..000000000
--- a/physics/shoc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- nx
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- nzm
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_shoc
- flag for SHOC
- flag
- do_shoc
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_shoc_after_convection
- flag to execute SHOC after convection
- flag
- shocaftcnv
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_mg3_as_mg2
- flag for controlling prep for Morrison-Gettelman microphysics
- flag
- mg3_as_mg2
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_microphysics_scheme
- choice of microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme
- choice of GFDL microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_gfdl
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_zhao_carr_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Zhao-Carr microphysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_zhao_carr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_zhao_carr_pdf_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Zhao-Carr microphysics scheme with PDF clouds
- flag
- imp_physics_zhao_carr_pdf
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme
- choice of Morrison-Gettelman rmicrophysics scheme
- flag
- imp_physics_mg
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- number_of_frozen_precipitation_species
- number of frozen precipitation species
- count
- fprcp
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- cloud_phase_transition_threshold_temperature
- threshold temperature below which cloud starts to freeze
- K
- tcr
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- cloud_phase_transition_denominator
- denominator in cloud phase transition = 1/(tcr-tf)
- K-1
- tcrf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
- specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_cp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational acceleration
- m s-2
- con_g
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
- J kg-1
- con_hvap
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- latent_heat_of_fusion_of_water_at_0C
- latent heat of fusion
- J kg-1
- con_hfus
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- gas_constant_water_vapor
- ideal gas constant for water vapor
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rv
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- gas_constant_dry_air
- ideal gas constant for dry air
- J kg-1 K-1
- con_rd
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- pi
- ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
- radians
- con_pi
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
- (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
- none
- con_fvirt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_cloud_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of rain water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_rain
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of snow water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_snow
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of graupel updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_graupel
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- time_step_for_physics
- time step for physics
- s
- dtp
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- mpi_rank
- current MPI-rank
- index
- me
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- air_pressure
- mean layer pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- geopotential_at_interface
- geopotential at model layer interfaces
- m2 s-2
- phii
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- geopotential
- geopotential at model layer centers
- m2 s-2
- phil
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- x_wind_updated_by_physics
- zonal wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- u
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- y_wind_updated_by_physics
- meridional wind updated by physics
- m s-1
- v
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- omega
- layer mean vertical velocity
- Pa s-1
- omega
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- critical_relative_humidity
- critical relative humidity
- frac
- rhc
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ice_supersaturation_threshold
- ice supersaturation parameter for PDF clouds
- none
- supice
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- shoc_tke_dissipatation_pressure_threshold
- pressure below which extra TKE diss. is applied in SHOC
- Pa
- pcrit
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- shoc_tke_dissipation_tunable_parameter
- mult. tuning parameter for TKE diss. in SHOC
- none
- cefac
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- shoc_tke_dissipation_tunable_parameter_near_surface
- mult. tuning parameter for TKE diss. at surface in SHOC
- none
- cesfac
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- shoc_implicit_TKE_integration_uncentering_term
- uncentering term for TKE integration in SHOC
- none
- tkef1
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- shoc_flag_for_optional_surface_TKE_dissipation
- flag for alt. TKE diss. near surface in SHOC (>0 = ON)
- none
- dis_opt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
- K m s-1
- hflx
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
- kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
- kg kg-1 m s-1
- evap
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- prandtl_number
- turbulent Prandtl number
- none
- prnum
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- flag_skip_macro
- flag to skip cloud macrophysics in Morrison scheme
- flag
- skip_macro
- logical
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw_ice
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw_liquid
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud condensed water updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_cloud_liquid
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- cloud_droplet_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of cloud droplets updated by physics
- kg-1
- ncpl
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ice_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
- number concentration of ice updated by physics
- kg-1
- ncpi
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- temperature updated by physics
- K
- gt0
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
- kg kg-1
- gq0_water_vapor
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- subgrid_scale_cloud_fraction_from_shoc
- subgrid-scale cloud fraction from the SHOC scheme
- frac
- cld_sgs
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- turbulent_kinetic_energy_convective_transport_tracer
- turbulent kinetic energy in the convectively transported tracer array
- m2 s-2
- tke
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_from_shoc
- diffusivity for heat from the SHOC scheme
- m2 s-1
- tkh
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- kinematic_buoyancy_flux_from_shoc
- upward kinematic buoyancy flux from the SHOC scheme
- K m s-1
- wthv_sec
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_shoc SCHEME_shoc SUBROUTINE_shoc_run
diff --git a/physics/zhaocarr_gscond.xml b/physics/zhaocarr_gscond.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b925fc7..000000000
--- a/physics/zhaocarr_gscond.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- time_step_for_dynamics
- dynamics time step
- s
- dtf
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- air_pressure
- layer mean air pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- surface_air_pressure
- surface pressure
- Pa
- ps
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of ice water in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw1
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
- moist (dry+vapor, no condensates) mixing ratio of cloud water (condensate) in the convectively transported tracer array
- kg kg-1
- clw2
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist cloud condensed water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cwm
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- air_temperature_two_time_steps_back
- air temperature two time steps back
- K
- tp
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_two_time_steps_back
- water vapor specific humidity two time steps back
- kg kg-1
- qp
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- surface_air_pressure_two_time_steps_back
- surface air pressure two time steps back
- Pa
- psp
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- air_temperature_at_previous_time_step
- air temperature at previous time step
- K
- tp1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_previous_time_step
- water vapor specific humidity at previous time step
- kg kg-1
- qp1
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- surface_air_pressure_at_previous_time_step
- surface air surface pressure at previous time step
- Pa
- psp1
- real
- (:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- critical_relative_humidity
- critical relative humidity
- frac
- u
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- flag_print
- flag for printing diagnostics to output
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- ipr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_gscond SCHEME_zhaocarr_gscond SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_gscond_run
diff --git a/physics/zhaocarr_precpd.xml b/physics/zhaocarr_precpd.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 925b7da4f..000000000
--- a/physics/zhaocarr_precpd.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- horizontal_loop_extent
- horizontal loop extent
- count
- im
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- horizontal_dimension
- horizontal dimension
- count
- ix
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- vertical_dimension
- vertical layer dimension
- count
- km
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- time_step_for_physics
- physics time step
- s
- dt
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
- pressure level thickness
- Pa
- del
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- air_pressure
- layer mean pressure
- Pa
- prsl
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
- water vapor specific humidity
- kg kg-1
- q
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
- moist cloud condensed water mixing ratio
- kg kg-1
- cwm
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- air_temperature_updated_by_physics
- layer mean air temperature
- K
- t
- real
- (:,:)
- inout
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
- explicit precipitation amount on physics timestep
- m
- rn
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall
- ratio of snowfall to large-scale rainfall
- frac
- sr
- real
- (:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- tendency_of_rain_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_microphysics
- tendency of rain water mixing ratio due to microphysics
- kg kg-1 s-1
- rainp
- real
- (:,:)
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- critical_relative_humidity
- critical relative humidity
- frac
- u00k
- real
- (:,:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- coefficient_from_cloud_ice_to_snow
- conversion coefficient from cloud ice to snow
- none
- psautco
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- coefficient_from_cloud_water_to_rain
- conversion coefficient from cloud water to rain
- none
- prautco
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- coefficient_for_evaporation_of_rainfall
- coefficient for evaporation of rainfall
- none
- evpco
- real
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- cloud_condensed_water_conversion_threshold
- conversion coefficient from cloud liquid and ice to precipitation
- none
- wminco
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes
- grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
- none
- wk1
- real
- (:)
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- flag_print
- flag for printing diagnostics to output
- flag
- lprnt
- logical
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- horizontal_index_of_printed_column
- horizontal index of printed column
- index
- jpr
- integer
- in
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- ccpp_error_message
- error message for error handling in CCPP
- none
- errmsg
- character
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run
- ccpp_error_flag
- error flag for error handling in CCPP
- flag
- errflg
- integer
- out
- F
- MODULE_zhaocarr_precpd SCHEME_zhaocarr_precpd SUBROUTINE_zhaocarr_precpd_run