This annotation is used to define methods to be used to generate requests with API(S) built with Spring.
This is the name of the request, default is name of the method.
This is an array with values depending on the auth type.
This is used to define the class if there is a class used for the request.
@SpringRequest(requestBean = Info.class, auth = Auth.Type.bearer, authValue = "ABCTOKEN")
@PostMapping(value = "/{resortID}/seasons/{seasonID}/days/{dayID}/skiers/{skierID}")
public String generate(
@PathVariable( "resortID" ) int resortID,
@RequestParam("id") @NotNull @ChocoRandom(dynamic = DynamicVariables.randomCatchPhrase) String id,
@RequestBody Info resource,
@RequestHeader("Authorization") String authorization){