To use the library you need a php-version >= 8.2 and the Redis extension installed or the library Predis.
To use it with phpredis or with Predis
You need a Redis server with a version >= 4.0. If you want to use the JSON data type you need a Redis server with the JSON module installed. By default, the library uses the HASH format type to store objects in Redis, which does not need any module. But for indexing our objects and create the schema, you will need the Redisearch module installed.
We recommend using the Redis stack to get all modules you need.
Install the library by running the following command:
composer require talleu/php-redis-om
Or add the library to your composer.json
"require": {
"talleu/php-redis-om": "*"
Then run composer update
to install the library.
In a Symfony application, you may need to add this line to config/bundles.php
Talleu\RedisOm\Bundle\TalleuRedisOmBundle::class => [‘all’ => true],
if you want to inject a particular configuration for Redis, you can add the following environment variables to your .env file (all optional)
REDIS_HOST: localhost