If you're familiar with Doctrine, you'll feel right at home with php-redis-om. The library provides a set of tools to help you manage your Redis objects in a more efficient way.
You can use the RedisObjectManager
class to persist, remove, and retrieve objects from Redis.
$objectManager = new RedisObjectManager(); // For Symfony users directly inject RedisObjectManagerInterface in your constructor
// Add the object to the object manager to be persisted on flush
// Will remove the object from the object manager, so it won't be persisted on flush
// Will remove all objects from the object manager
// Will remove the object from Redis on flush
// Will refresh the object from the redis state
// Check if the object is managed by the object manager
You can also retrieve and query your objects with the ObjectManager or a given repository
$objectManager = new RedisObjectManager(); // For Symfony users directly inject RedisObjectManagerInterface in your constructor
// Will retrieve the object from Redis by giving class and identifier
$objectManager->find(User::class, $id);
// Will retrieve a repository for the given class then you can use the repository to query your objects
$userRepository = $objectManager->getRepository(User::class);
// Will retrieve all your users stored in Redis
// Will retrieve 1 user with the name 'John Doe'
$userRepository->findOneBy(['name' => 'John Doe']);
// Will retrieve all users with the name 'John'
$userRepository->findBy(['name' => 'John']);
// Will retrieve all users with the name 'John' sorted by age in ascending order
$userRepository->findBy(['name' => 'John'], ['age' => 'ASC']);
// Will retrieve 5 users with the name 'John' sorted by age in ascending order
$userRepository->findBy(['name' => 'John'], ['age' => 'ASC'], 5);
// Will retrieve all users with a field containing 'John', whatever the field. Second parameter is the limit of results (optional)
$userRepository->findLike('John', 5);
// Will retrieve 1 user with the name contains "jo" : 'John Doe', 'Johnny', 'Dalton joe'
$userRepository->findOneByLike(['name' => 'jo']);
// Will retrieve all users with the name contains "do" : 'John Doe', 'just do it', 'dodo la saumure'...
$userRepository->findByLike(['name' => 'do']);
// Will retrieve an integer representing the number of users with the name 'John'
$userRepository->count(['name' => 'John']);
// Will retrieve only the property "name" of the object for the id 3.
$userRepository->getPropertyValue(identifier: 3, property: 'name');
// ⚠️ Warning: this method cannot retrieve array or nested objects when HASH format
// Will retrieve 1 user from the category called 'CUSTOMER'
$userRepository->findOneBy(['category_name' => 'CUSTOMER']);
// Will retrieve all users from the category 3
$userRepository->findBy(['category_id' => 3]);
// Will retrieve users from datetime
$userRepository->findOneBy(['createdAt' => new DateTime('2021-01-01 00:00:00')]);
$userRepository->findBy(['createdAt' => new DateTime('2021-01-01 00:00:00')]);
// Will retrieve users by datetime as string
$userRepository->findOneBy(['createdAt' => '2021-01-01 00:00:00']);
$userRepository->findBy(['createdAt' => '2021-01-01 00:00:00']);
You can create your own repository to query your objects in Redis. Then inject it in the
#[RedisOm\Entity(repository: YourCustomRepository::class)]
attribute to use it.
Then in each custom repository you can add custom methods to query your objects in Redis.
You can instantiate a QueryBuilder to create, write and run your own complex queries. All this while respecting redis command line syntax.
For example :
$repository = $objectManager->getRepository(Foo::class);
// Will retrieve all objects with the age 20 or 34
$queryBuilder = $repository->createQueryBuilder();
$queryBuilder->query('@age:{20 | 34}');
$results = $queryBuilder->execute();
// Will retrieve all objects starts with 'foo'
$queryBuilder = $repository->createQueryBuilder();
$results = $queryBuilder->execute();