This resource has evolving API, which may change in future versions of provider.
This resource allows you to manage the import, export, and delete notebooks. The maximum allowed size of a request to resource is 10MB.
-> Note Though the public workspace import api supports notebooks of type DBC
and HTML
this resource does not support
those types as determining changes is quite challenging as the format includes additional information such as timestamps
execution counts thus a base64 diff causes issues.
For deployment of an empty Python notebook, the following example might be useful:
resource "databricks_notebook" "notebook" {
content = base64encode("# Welcome to your Python notebook")
path = "/mynotebook"
overwrite = false
mkdirs = true
language = "PYTHON"
format = "SOURCE"
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The base64-encoded content. If the limit (10MB) is exceeded, exception with error code MAX_NOTEBOOK_SIZE_EXCEEDED will be thrown.path
- (Required) The absolute path of the notebook or directory, beginning with "/", e.g. "/mynotebook". This field is required.language
- (Required) The language. If format is set to SOURCE, this field is required; otherwise, it will be ignored. Possible choices are SCALA, PYTHON, SQL, R.overwrite
- (Required) The flag that specifies whether to overwrite existing object. It is false by default.mkdirs
- (Required) Create the given directory and necessary parent directories if they do not exists. If there exists an object (not a directory) at any prefix of the input path, this call returns an error RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS. If this operation fails it may have succeeded in creating some of the necessary parent directories.format
- (Required) This specifies the format of the file to be imported. This resource currently only supports SOURCE. The value is case sensitive. SOURCE is suitable for .scala, .py, .r, .sql extension based files, HTML for .html files, JUPYTER for .ipynb files. Though the API supports DBC, HTML, and JUPYTER currently we do not support them as effectively identifying DIFF is currently not feasible.
In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
- The id for the notebook object.object_id
- Unique identifier for a NOTEBOOK or DIRECTORY.object_type
- The type of the object. It could be NOTEBOOK, DIRECTORY or LIBRARY.
The resource notebook can be imported using notebook id
$ terraform import databricks_notebook.this <notebook-id>