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Mrinal Purohit edited this page May 27, 2017 · 5 revisions


All variables are immutable and trying to mutate a variable will result in an node error of Identifier 'variable' has already been declared

Basic variable declarations

num = 10
str = 'abcd'
bool = true

All variable declarations require a space before and after the = sign


All operators require a space before and after them except for unary operators - and !

b = 10 + 15 * 20

Precedence goes according to operator precedence and if a different precedence is required, wrap the expression in a parentheses ()

prec = (10 + 15) * 20


The if-then-else construct can be written in a single line or in multiple lines(requires indents) on the new lines. The types of both the then and else expression should match.

c = if 10 > 3 then true else false

d = if 10 > 3
      then true
      else false


The let-in construct can be used to declare variables in the local scope and use them in an expression

e = let val1 = 20 in (val1 + 43) * 2

You can have multiple variables declared in a let expression

f = let x = 40 y = 67 z = 78 in ((7 * x) / z) / y)


\arg1 arg2 -> arg1 + arg2

lambda call

(\arg1 arg2 -> arg1 + arg2) 1 2

Function declarations

Pattern matching for numbers and strings is supported.

fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)
odd 0 = 'even'
odd 1 = 'odd'
odd n = odd (n % 2)

sum a b = a + b

IO blocks

Any kind of evented IO is done inside a do block


The bind construct consists of 3 parts:

  • variable
  • reverse bind operator <-
  • An IO function

There can be any number of variables before the bind operator

  input <- getLine 'enter val: '

The value getLine returns is bound to input


  input <- getLine 'enter val: '
  let num = parseInt input

All pure transformations should be done using let statements. This construct is different from the let-in construct wherein this doesn't require the in keyword or an expression.


Currently, the following maybe methods are supported:

  • maybeTrue
  • maybeFalse
  • maybeUndefined
  • maybeNull
  • maybeErr

Format: maybe<val> expression handler

If the expression evaluates to val the handler is executed

  input <- getLine 'enter val: '
  let num = parseInt input
  maybeTrue (num == 3) (putLine 'Got 3')

In the above example, if num == 3 evaluates to true then putLine 'Got 3' gets executed.

computeFact = do
                input <- getLine 'enter value: '
                let num = parseInt input
                return (fact num)

fact in the above example is a factorial function


defineProp is used to assign properties to objects.

The defineProp method takes 3 arguments

  • object
  • key
  • value

defineProp object 'key' value

  name <- getLine 'enter age: '
  let person = {}
  defineProp person 'username' name

The above example defines a key username with value name(as entered by the user) in the object person


delete is used to delete a key from an object

The delete method takes 1 argument

  • object.key

delete person.username

The statement deletes the key username from the object person as defined in the above example


The return keyword is used in cases when a user wants to reuse an IO block and wants to return a set of values as they require.

computeFact = do
     num <- getLine 'enter value for factorial: '
     let val = parseInt num
     putLine val + 14
     return val

In the above example, computeFact is an IO which can be used again as it returns a value.

Using an IO block

  result <- computeFact
  putLine result

In the above code block, the value returned by computeFact is bound to result and can now be used.

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