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Docker Image claranet/spryker-base

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This project is deprecated! Please use the claranet/spryker-demoshop as a bootstrap reference or our claranet/php parent image for a more generic PHP use-case! We don't maintain this project anymore.


This image serves the purpose of providing the base infrastructure for Yves and Zed. Infrastructure in terms of build/init scripts and further tooling around the shop itself. This image does not provide a ready to use shop! In order to use the features implemented here, write your own Dockerfile - which uses this base image to inherit from - along your actual implementation of a Spryker shop.

This project is still in BETA and will undergo possible breaking changes!

Thats why we are keen to get feedback from you! This is a work in progress effort which strives for making dockerizing a Spryker Shop as easy as possible. In order to successfully achieve this goal, we need to identify common steps worth to be generalized and put into this base image. So tell us about your needs and your experiences.

If you want to see this image in action and how its gonna be used check out the containerized Spryker Demoshop. This demoshop serves as reference implementation for the base image. The same way as Spryker is progressing their bundles and making the demoshop reflecting those changes we use the demoshop in exactly the same way.

Core traits are:

  • Provide PHP runtime environment with most common PHP modules
  • Uses dockers ONBUILD trigger feature to hook into and control the child image build process
  • Provide reasonable default FPM/nginx configuration
  • Its open for customization by providing hookable build, init and configuration steps
  • Expects the base structure like the spryker-demoshop
  • No further constraints, you are absolutely free to design you shop the way you want it to


Benefits of containerization:

  • Consistency
  • Reproducibility
  • Portablity
  • Seamless deployment form local development into prod environment


Docker Image

First premise is, that we decided to serve the Yves and Zed container from one image. The benefit is to always consistently upgrade the shared code base across a whole cluster. Tradeoff is slightly larger images, since requirements of both components need to be included.

Build Time Environment

Another premise is - and this one is crucial for your understanding of this stack - to build one unified image across development and production environments. This affects the usage of APPLICATION_ENV which gets evaluated by the Spryker App itself.

This variable has the following impact:

  1. During Build Time:
    1. Which packages are going to be installed via dependency resolution (composer, npm)?
    2. Differnt modes in assets building
  2. During Run Time:
    1. Where does the application is about to find configuration files (propel config)?
    2. Where are external resources to be found?
    3. Shall the app enable symfony debug/devel behaviour?

The location of local configuration files and external resources is nothing which needs extra consideration in containerized environment, since all those stacks are isolated anyways. So please ensure that no configuration statement under ./config/Shared/ will utilize APPLICATION_ENV for identifying their pathes!!!

We consider only point 1.1 worth a distinction. And since this could be achieved with injecting proper vars into the effective containers, we do not distinguish between environments while building the images. Since point 1.1 requires typically more dependencies to be resolved, we always build the image with APPLICATION_ENV set to development. But in which mode the application will actually be run is independant from the build.

This means that even the production containers will have dev dependencies included. Primary reason for this is the requirement for dev/test/prod parity to ensure the containers behave exactly the same in all stages and in all environments. Tradeoff for this premise is again larger effective images. During runtime the behaviour of the Spryker Application can be controlled by setting APPLICATION_ENV which accepts either development or production. If you use the ./docker/run script this variables will be set automatically.

Runtime Environments

The idea behind the scripts provided in this ./shop/docker subfolder follow the basic distinction between devel and prod environments. The main difference between those environments in terms of docker-compose is the employment of bind mounts in the devel mode, which enables the developer to edit the code base from the outside while running the code in the background within the containers.

Since this setup strives for reducing manual efforts we prepared shell scripts which render the necessary logic and support you with shortcuts for the most common tasks like building the image or creating or tearing down the container setup. Check out ./docker/run help

The prod environment is meant for testing the result of your work in a near-to-prod environment, which means that no shared data between your local repository and the container will be established. Furthermore will the application be run with APPLICTION_ENV=production set which disables development specific extensions.

Build Layer

The concept introduced by this base image is to split up the resulting shop image into 3 distinct layers (effectively there are more than only 3 layers, since each statement in the Dockerfile results in a new layer; but the idea of 3 distinct layers abstracts the onbuild trigger logic more easily and understandable). There are a couple of reason for this:

  • First, it should leverage the docker cache and speed up iterative rebuilds of the shop image. Since these layers are ordered from generic to specific, the need for rebuilds of the whole stack while working iteratively on the code base of the actual shop implementation should be reduced.

  • Second, different layers could be retrieved in parallel while pulling the image, which speeds up the container creation time which is relevant not only for local development, but rather for deployments of the production setup. Furthermore, since generic layers do not change that often, the need not only for rebuilds but for refetching the whole image should be reduced as well.

Unfortunately this comes not without cost, the effective image size will be slightly higher than the one which gets build up by just one layer. Right now this seems to be an acceptable tradeoff.

What are the responsibilities of those layers and where are they located and when are they going to be built?

  • claranet/spryker-base (this image):
    • Base Layer - Install all the os level base infrastructure, PHP and the most common modules.
  • claranet/spryker-demoshop (the downstream shop image, e.g. the demoshop):
    • Base Layer - Install additional PHP modules and/or override the base layer from the spryker-base image (mind the $REBUILD_BASE_LAYER build variable)
    • Dependency Layer - Resolve all the shop specific PHP/Node dependencies
    • Code Layer - Build shop specific code like ORM, tranfer objects

Private Repositories

In case your PHP or Node dependencies need to be pulled from a private repository, you just need to provide a ~/.netrc. This file will be automatically detected and temporarily as docker build arg injected into the transient build container, used by git for cloning the appropriate repositories, and afterwards wiped off the resuilting layer right before the layer will be closed.

The format for the $HOME/.netrc is as follows:

login my_user_name
password my_private_token

In order to take effect all the given dependencies must be either given as HTTP url or they getting transformed via git config --global "url.https://".insteadof "git://git@ which has been already prepared by the base image.

If you want to add more specific rules, create a build script in the dependency layer which gets executed prior to the dependency resolution process:

vi docker/build.d/deps/
sectionText "Diverting git transport from SSH to HTTPS:"
git config --global "url.".insteadof ""
git config --global "url.".insteadof "ssh://"

Since git urls can be given in a arbitrary combination, this is in some circumstances necessary.

This all is necessary because Docker refuses to implement build time volumes which would make this process way more easier. But they got striking reasons indeed, since suche a feature would risk reproducibility, because Dockerfile is not the sole source of build intructions. The is - like in any tech argument - no absolute truth, only tradeoffs.

Spryker Configuration

Since in a dockerized environment external services are reachable on different address depending on the environment the code is running in we need some configuration to be adjusted. We therefore use the Spryker native mechanism of configuration file precedence in order to inject our configuration via the site local configuration file config/Shared/config_local.php. Since this file is the one which overrides all the others.

Configuration order is as the following:

  • config_default.php - Base configuration
  • config_default-development.php - Configuration relevant for development mode (see APPLICATION_ENV)
  • config_local.php - site local configuration; in this case its the configuration for containerized environment.

This order enables you to use your config file completely independently of the effective environment the shop will run in. You can even control different behaviour between environments. We just override the so to say site local settings, which this idea is originating from.

For this we needed to remove config/Shared/config_local.php off the .gitignore list.

Docker Volumes

Currently both environments devel and prod using unnamed volumes which is due to the assumption of a transient environment. This means, the whole stack gets create for the sole purpose of checking your code base aginst it. Its is under no circumstance meant as some production grade setup, where data needs to persisted over recreations of containers!!!

The assumed workflow could be described as:

  1. Create environment
  2. Initialize with dummy data
  3. Evolve code base
  4. Iterate: rebuild -> run -> init -> evolve
  5. Destroy environment


In order to reuse the functionalities implemented here, the following aspects need to be aligned with the base image:

  • Follow Spryker reference directory hierarchy
    • ./src/Pyz - Your shop implementation
    • ./config - Configuration
    • ./public/{Yves,Zed} - Entrypoints to you application (document root)
  • Dependencies
    • PHP: composer.json and composer.lock
    • Node: packages.json, packages.lock and yarn.lock
  • Make Spryker configuration consider env vars. Checkout the shop_skel/config/Shared/config_local.php which exemplifies what is meant by this point
  • Control the dependencies you want to be installed (PHP extensions, Node deps, etc. pp.) via ./docker/build.conf
  • Control the build process of the image by placing your custom build scripts under ./docker/build.d/
  • Control the initialization process of the setup by placing your scripts under ./docker/init.d/

Check out the demoshop we have prepared for using this image here. This should answer all of the questions you might have.

Create Your Custom Image

Since the the reference implementation is the demoshop which is maintained by us, this is a pretty good starter. Either by just forking this repo or by starting from scratch.

If you want to start from scratch the only artifacts of interest which you need from the demoshop are:

  • ./docker/*
  • ./Dockerfile
  • ./.dockerignore
  • ./config/Shared/config_local.php

By this, you are ready to populate your repository with your code and customize it to your individual needs.

Mind the Dockerfile which looks as clean as this:

FROM claranet/spryker-base:latest

This smells like reusability. :)

Build & Run

The shop skeleton and the demoshop as well got a shell script under ./docker/run which provide you with shortcuts to the most common tasks. Checkout out the there for further details.

# Build the image
./docker/run build

# Run the demoshop in development mode
./docker/run devel up

# Stop all the containers of the demoshop including their artifacts
./docker/run devel down -v


Runtime Environment Variables - Reference

Those variables are to be provided during container creation as environment variables.

Most of the variables getting consumed by the config/Shared/config_local.php file:

  • APPLICATION_ENV="production"
  • ZED_HOST="zed"
  • YVES_HOST="yves"
  • ES_HOST="elasticsearch"
  • ES_PROTOCOL="http"
  • ES_PORT="9200"
  • ZED_DB_USERNAME="postgres"
  • ZED_DB_DATABASE="spryker"
  • ZED_DB_HOST="database"
  • ZED_DB_PORT="5432"
  • JENKINS_URL="http://jenkins:8080/"
  • RABBITMQ_HOST="rabbitmq"
  • RABBITMQ_PORT="5672"
  • RABBITMQ_USER="spryker"
  • YVES_SSL_ENABLED="false"
  • ZED_SSL_ENABLED="false"

Consumed by initialization hooks:

  • ZED_ADMIN_PASSWORD -- If set the default password of the user will be reset
  • ENABLE_XDEBUG -- The php module xdebug will be activated and configured.
  • ENABLE_OPCACHE -- The php module opcache will be activated and configured.

Build Time Variable - Reference

Those variables are to be provided via your project specific ./docker/build.conf

  • PROJECT (mandatory) -- Controls the name prefix of the docker-compose created services
  • IMAGE (mandatory) -- What is the name of the resulting docker image?
  • VERSION (mandatory) -- Which version of the docker image are we working on?
  • BUILD_DEPENDENCIES -- Distribution (debian) packages to be installed during build time
  • BASE_DEPENDENCIES -- Distribution (debian) packages to be installed additionally
  • PHP_EXTENSIONS -- Space seperated list of PHP extension to be installed
  • NPM_DEPENDENCIES-- Distribution packages which will be intalled prior to the NPM handling in the deps layer
  • KEEP_DEVEL_TOOLS (default: false) -- Shall development tools be installed and kept beyond the build?
  • SKIP_CLEANUP (default: false) -- Skip cleanup step in each layer build stage. This helps in debugging issues. Be aware, that this skips wiping off the credentials as well! So never ever release such an image into the wild!!!
  • CRONJOB_HANDLER -- defines where cronjobs should be registered. Currently jenkins and crond are supported.
  • REBUILD_BASE_LAYER -- If this build var is given, the base layer will be rebuilt during downstream shop image build

Injecting Custom Configurations

In order to control the behaviour of nginx, php-fpm or php you can either inject configuration from the outside of the container as bind mounts or via Dockerfile of child shop image.

External Volumes

Configuration of services are prepared to include several files which constituted the effective configuration.

All configurations are prepred to be expected under a specific directory where all relevant files will

The expected locations are:

  • Nginx
    • /etc/nginx/spryker/yves.conf.d/*.conf
    • /etc/nginx/spryker/zed.conf.d/*.conf
    • /etc/php/fpm/yves.conf.d/*.conf
    • /etc/php/fpm/zed.conf.d/*.conf
    • /etc/php/ini/*.ini.

The default configuration is to be found under:


In environments where you can only mount complete directories into the container, we have prepared a mechanism which expects a directory hierarchy under /mnt/configs and on container creation it symlinks all files under this location to their corresponding location under /etc/.

# For example: 
/mnt/configs/nginx/zed.conf.d/600-custom-headers.conf      -->  /etc/nginx/zed.conf.d/600-custom-headers.conf
/mnt/configs/php/fpm/yves.conf.d/500-raise-processes.conf  -->  /etc/php/fpm/yves.conf.d/500-raise-processes.conf

Child Image Overwrites

Due to the nature of layered file systems the child image inheriting from this base image can simpley overwrites configurations in order to achieve the desired behaviour of those services.

Those can easily be customized by supplying configuration files by yourself via the Dockerfile:

FROM claranet/spryker-base:latest
COPY my_custom_zed.conf /etc/nginx/spryker/zed.conf.d/custom.conf

Since the ONBUILD trigger will be the first directives of the child Dockerfile to be executed, these overridden files will be first available during runtime of the container.


Most of the design decisions made in the base image are governed by the idea of customizability and extensibility. A base image which could be used only once for a individual shop image is pretty useless and far away from something called base.


The build process is pretty much as the name suggests the process which produces the image which get shared by all derived containers during runtime later on.

Some build scripts consider parameters you can set in ./docker/build.conf

See reference above..

Build Steps

Hook dir: ./docker/build.d/

If you either want to extend the build steps inherited from the base image or to disable them, you need to place your custom build script under ./docker/build.d/. There you will find 3 directories reflecting each stage/layer:

  • ./docker/build.d/base/ - Base os level installations
  • ./docker/build.d/deps/ - Deal with shop specific PHP/Node dependencies
  • ./docker/build.d/shop/ - Deal with code generation of the actual shop code base

Scripts of each subdir get lexically ordered executed (actuall sourced).

For example, if you want to change the way the navigation cache gets built by the base image, you must supply a script at the very same location it is provided by the base image under ./docker/build.d/shop/ Since the resulting image as well as the container will utilize union file systems, the files provided by the shop image get precedence over the ones provided by the bas image. By this mechanism you can either disable a functionality simply by supplying a script which does nothing or you can alter the behaviour by adding a script which does something differently or additionally.


The very same mechanism described above could be employed for altering the way the initialization of the spryker container and the whole setup shall be executed. The base image comes with meaningful defaults valid for common environments, but could be overridden by placing custom scripts at appropriate locations.

The base image provides hooks for both, initialization of each of the container, and for the initialization of the whole setup.

Container Level

Hook dir: ./docker/entry.d/

The runtime entrypoint arguments (run-yves, run-zed, run-yves-and-zed, run-cron) governing which role this actual container is having, all source the files listed in this hook directory. Via variables the scripts decide which services to enable and to start during runtime.

A common task would be to enable xdebug as requested via env var ENABLE_XDEBUG on container creation.

Due to the nature all the hooks will be executed on each container start.

Setup Wide

Hook dir: ./docker/init.d/

Commonly each shop instance needs to carry out initial steps to initialize such a shop. During this setup wide initialization all of the shell scripts under the hook dir getting executed. For example to initialize the database with dummy data like the demoshop does place script under ./docker/init.d/

This is not done implicitely, a seperate container must be spawned with the entrypoint arg init.


Hook dir: ./docker/deploy.d/

Same as the init procedure is the deployment procedure. This procedure will be carried out during deployments. The lifecycle concept consists of those 2 hooks: init will be called on the first time, and deployment each time a new version of the image will be carried out.

This is not done implicitely, a seperate container must be spawned with the entrypoint arg deploy.

Custom Build Steps

As already mentioned you are free to add your very custom build and init steps. The ./docker/ script will help you with some useful functions. Check it out by yourself.


Make your build step telling by using prepared output functions:

  • errorText - Raise an error
  • successText - Send back success
  • sectionHead - Print headline for a group of tasks
  • sectionText - Print intermediate build step information

Installing additional packages

We provide a install_packages function for all included build steps. Please make sure, that you are using it! It comes with the possibility to flag packages as "build" dependencies. Packages flagged as build-dependencies will be removed after the layer build finishes. To flag packages as build dependencies just set --build as the first argument:

# remove "gcc" at the end of our image build
install_packages --build gcc
# keep "top" in the resulting image
install_packages top

Not documented here?

We are still in the early stages of this project, so documentation might be incomplete. If you want to learn more about features we are providing, please take a look at the shell library.


Where to find logs?

In the yves/zed instance(s) you can find nginx, php-fpm and application logs within /data/logs/

Which base image are you using?

We are depending on the official PHP images:

Why not using Alpine any more?

Very good question indeed!

We've decided to go for alpine due to shorter image building times - both source build and package install. It has been more or less a proof-of-concept which should demonstrate, that even heavy lifting projects can be hosted on alpine. The expected benefits are reduced image sizes and faster build time as well as faster run times.

Unfortunately it turns out that musl lib c introduces limitation which are unbearable in customer context - where versatility is the key. Since 0.9.6 we've switched over to debian based images.

How to further speed up image build?

Two things comes to mind:

More to come soon. :)


Please take a look at /issues.