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Sc Files

clanner edited this page Feb 13, 2015 · 6 revisions

.sc files contain bitmap resources.

The format is as follows:

All values are stored in little-endian format ( so not like the network protocol, where most values are big-endian )

offset type description
+00 hword nr type 0x12 entries
+02 hword nr type 0x0c entries
+04 hword nr type 0x01 entries
+06 hword nr type 0x07+0x0F entries
+08 hword nr type 0x08 entries
+0a hword nr type 0x09 entries
+0c 5 bytes zero
+11 hword nr names
+13 hword(s) one hword for each name
? string(s) one string for each name

after this header, a sequence of records, each with a 5 byte header:

type desc
byte record type
dword record size

record types:

id desc
01 bitmap
07 font related
0f font related
09 7 byte records
0B 6 dword records
0c contains several strings
12 contains sub records
11 ?


Start with 5 byte here: pixeltype, width, height. For bitmaps, pixeltype 0 is 32 bits type 2 is 16 bits. I still have to find the correct bit to color mapping.


header of ( byte,byte,hword,hword ), followed by type-11 records.

some examples:

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