This a project for solving segmentation of arterial wall boundaries from the IVUS images.The main reference paper is "EREL: EXTREMAL REGIONS OF EXTREMUM LEVELS"[1] in ICIP-2015, "Extremal Regions Detection Guided by Maxima of Gradient Magnitude"[2] in TIP-2015 and "Segmentation of Arterial Walls in Intravascular Ultrasound Cross-Sectional Images Using Extremal Region Selection"[3] in Ultrasonics-2018.
The experiment datasets about IVUS images can be found in, where you need to write an email to the relating orgnization for source datasets.
About the proget, I first try to code the EREL algorithm in and then to do the segmentation of arterial wall boundaries of IVUS images in and
[1] M. Faraji, J. Shanbehzadeh, K. Nasrollahi, T. B. Moeslund, Erel: Extremal regions of extremum levels, in: Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, 2015, pp. 681-685.
[2] M. Faraji, J. Shanbehzadeh, K. Nasrollahi, T. Moeslund, Extremal regions detection guided by maxima of gradient magnitude, Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on.
[3] Faraji, Mehdi, et al. "Segmentation of arterial walls in intravascular ultrasound cross-sectional images using extremal region selection." Ultrasonics 84 (2018): 356-365.