This dashboard block provides links for the Health Centre staff to access the Healthpass subsystem, eSignout, and User Management reports.
- block/mxschool_dash_healthcenter:addinstance : add this block to any moodle page, not used.
- block/mxschool_dash_healthcenter:myaddinstance : add this block to the dashboard. Granted to healthcentre role and given to Cruz Health Centre staff.
- block/mxschool_dash_healthcenter:access : access this block. Granted to healthcentre role and given to Cruz Health Centre staff.
This plugin has the following dependencies:
- Moodle 3.11 (2021051700)
- local_mxschool v3.4 (2022080500)
- local_signout v3.1 (2019081400)
This plugin was written and is currently maintained by the Moodle Development Team as part of our mxMoodle Suite.
See our documentation to learn more about this project