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145 lines (120 loc) · 4.52 KB

File metadata and controls

145 lines (120 loc) · 4.52 KB

My Dotfiles

This repository contains my personal configurations.


Run the following in your shell:

git clone ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles && rake install


Run rake in the .dotfiles directory.


Run rake uninstall in the .dotfiles directory.

Vim Bindings

,n - open up filetree
,p - fuzzy find a file
,b - fuzzy find an open buffer
,fm - fuzzy find rails models
,fc - fuzzy find rails controllers
,fv - fuzzy find rails views
,fh - fuzzy find rails helpers
,fl - fuzzy find lib files
,fs - fuzzy find spec files
,fC - fuzzy find config files
gf - open file related to cursor location

\-[h/j/k/l] - split window in direction specified
|-[h/j/k/l] - split tab in direction specified
Ctrl-[h/j/k/l] - Move around splits in direction
,z - toggle fullscreen for current window
;w; - save file
Q - intelligently close window

,rr - rails related file
,ra - rails alternate file
,rp - extract selected lines into partial
,rct - generate tags for rails app

\\ - toggle commenting
\\u - uncomment current line and all adjacent comments

crl - toggle word between singular/plural form
crt - toggle word between Class and tables form
crs - coerce word to snake_case
crm - coerce word to MixedCase
cru - coerce word to UPPER_CASE
crc - coerce word to camelCase

,a/ - align on pattern
,as - align on symbols
,ah - align a hash
,ac - align into chunks
,ao - align options hashes
,a<space> - quick tabularize

g/ - Ack for pattern
g* - Ack for word under cursor
ga - Ack and append to list

,<space> - clear search highlighting
,? - open last search in quickfix

gn - view next quickfix match
gp - view previous quickfix match
gq - close quickfix list
gl - show quickfix list

,tp - toggle paste mode
,tn - toggle line numbers
,ig - toggle indent guides

,u - open undo tree
,tt - open tagbar list

,cf - find git merge conflict markers
,. - find last edit location

,gb - open godoc in browser
,gd - open godoc in vim
,ge - rename symbol
,gs - check interface implementations

,vc - execute current line as a vim command
,ve - execute entire file as vim command
,vr - reload vimrc file

,mt - Toggles ShowMarks on and off.
,mh - Hides an individual mark.
,ma - Hides all marks in the current buffer.
,mm - Places the next available mark.

,ss - toggle spellcheck
,sn - find next spelling errror
,sp - find previous spelling error
,sa - add word to dictionary
,s? - suggest a correction

,ct - generate ctags for current dir
,cd - change directory to the current file
,d - diff your changes with original file

sj - expand single-line expression
sk - collapse multi-line expression

ds - delete surrounding
cs - change surrounding
ys - wrap with surrounding
yS - wrap with surrounding and place on seperate line
,# - Surround a word / selection with #{ruby interpolation}
," - Surround a word / selection with "quotes"
,' - Surround a word / selection with 'single quotes'
,( - Surround a word / selection with (parens)
,) - Surround a word / selection with ( parens )
,[ - Surround a word / selection with [brackets]
,] - Surround a word / selection with [ brackets ]
,{ - Surround a word / selection with {braces}
,} - Surround a word / selection with { braces }

c - comment
/ - match to last search forward
? - match to last search backward
da - any datetime object
df - full date and time
dd - date (YYYY or YYYY-MM, etc) 1992-05 10:42
dt - time (HH:MM, etc)
dz - timezone indicator
e - entire buffer
i - indented block of equal or deeper depth (around skips empty lines)
I - indented block of equal depth (around skips empty lines)
l - line (inside excludes leading and trailing whitespace)
k - key (of a key value pair)
v - value (of a key value pair)
r - ruby block
: - ruby symbol
q - quoted text, wrapped with '/"/(/{
u - url
t - html tag block <p>inner</p>
f{x} - between two characters x

{action}an{text-object} - perform action around next text object
{action}in{text-object} - perform action inside next text object
{action}al{text-object} - perform action around previous text object
{action}il{text-object} - perform action inside previous text object